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Everything posted by Mekkah

  1. I got my patch on the 1st and the OP hasn't been updated since January, so I guess this is the latest?
  2. He just says he doesn't know what I'm talking about, regardless of whether I find the note then battle or vice versa.
  3. almighty pope dondon the 151th, what is thine skype?

  4. well Ike's options are vastly better too i mean where is Lyn going to find an Earth support?
  5. I missed that message the first time (spacebarspam) so I thought I missed and tried again. Bad idea. Only found the Card Key through trial and error, really.
  6. it's ok i made silph co my bitch now i just can't find old man or my damn key
  7. Hector is the best unit ever, without question. You tried to argue utility and effectiveness vs things, but in the end, Hector's superior stats and supports make him win. Hector's better in many ways. Proabably all of the reason's have been said already so I shall shut my mouth up now. And Hector is also 10000000000% vital to finishing the game since only he can take out the Fire Dragon. You're going to stand alone on this, dondon. Nobody in hell would agree with you. Hector's clearly superior in battle in terms of hit and avoid. Lyn has only 0.3 more DEF, less RES by a lot, and less avoid and LUK, and even less HP. Hector's substantially more durable. Hector's faster. Hector's far more durable. Hector's more accurate. Hector can use the Wolf Beil and the amazing Armads. Hector's support options are vastly superior to Lyn's. Hector's 100% needed to complete the game, Lyn isn't. I'm not going to start debating about this. However, I would say one thing to you Narga. You can call dondon arrogant all you want, and it's true, he's an arrogant jerk in debates half the time, but to be quite honest, you can't really claim the moral high ground, going by the tone you're taking in this. I'd watch your tongue if I were you. Just some friendly advice . More evidence can be found here: http://w11.zetaboards.com/Fusion/topic/389292/1/
  8. Yeah, forgot to mention this is where I got the idea, haha.
  9. Instructions: 1. Choose a Fire Emblem chapter in any game 2. Copypaste the script into Google Translate 3. Translate from English into another language 4. Translate from another language into a third language 5. Repeat step 4 a few times. 6. Translate it back to English 7. Look for funny parts 8. Post them here. Highlight super funny parts if you're gonna spam tl;dr From the FE8 Prologue: Magvel continent. Nearly 800-year history, will eventually quiet and peaceful without a terrible darkness. Mani stone has been passed down from generation to generation. United Nations - is - to establish his power and his legacy. Royal Renaissance, fado, unrivaled warrior king. Frelia by the British Hayden, the venerable Sage King. Jehanne British-led queen Ismair white dunes. Rausten theocracy by the Mansell, divine emperor. Empire Level silence emperor Vigarde difficult. These five countries wdomu sacred stone power. They sandpaper and carcinogenic product. Usually, stories and legends past conflict was triggered memories of old black magic - all industries evaporate. Now jestrok 803 ... In Magvelchwilicała faced with unexpected offense. Grado Empire, the most sacred stone, by the emperor Vigarde English Renaissance attack people. Grado's old ally, Renais overcrowded and did not resist. Upscale strong move fast, other reviews really catch the territory. Mixtures such as anxiety Fado, his son, Prince Ephraim yes. Information and communication technology forces captured automatically caries Renaissance castle gates. Renaissance is ... this is inevitable. (...) Fado: Now go, Seth! Driving! Took her to a safe place! (...) Walter: You, girl. Tell me, what is the princess renaissance żekapryśna? Well, this must be my lucky day. Jesteśmartwy. Maid to accompany me. Seth: Never! (Seth and Walter execute battle screen) Walter: 'M. Walter, Moonstone, better quality, in general, you prostutrup did not know he was dead. Seth: Ahhh ... no! (From Seth caught Eirik and wrinkles) (...) Seth: King of Fado and Prince Ephraim are courageous and bold. Power Wątpiędziwne Grado Empire continuity. Car is important to me, Your Majesty, are you for your own safety. smutnedwa how would it be if something happened to them. We need to take care of you every day Frelia have a happy reunion. (...) Seth: Your Highness, I will not lie. This year will be a bed of roses. Take rapier. If you happen to be on duty, but Frelia needs. (Rapier Eirik) Tutorial: Seth got a rapier. All weapons have a durability evaluation. Estoque 40. Porapier - by 40-fold, it will break. Please note that this statement is correct, because the other weapons. (...) (JeśliRapier used on the battlefield) Tutorial: In the battle jestokno data. HP warrior iwysokość control with his injury. The Eirik duties Thursday 7:00, aprzeciwnik no obligation 9. Please refer to the following mountain X2, is not it? This means that it will rain. Eirik twice faster than your opponents, so you can play twice in a round. Yes, 7:00, every 14 points of damage Eirik the two attacks. Now click on the button to attack enemies. (...) O'Neill: What is that? I think you can beat a helpless taxes? Come on! It's time - and powerful knights learned to respect a true warrior! (In the battle O'Neill) O'Neill: Będzieszpierwszy dead! (...) Tutorial: Information window reopens in combat. See the following HP hit and Mt? The expected results, the coup in his country. The Eirik hit is 94, so it has a 94% hit opponents. The key AUSSI abbreviation crit, as seen in this window. Toszczęście deadly attacks. The Eirik crit is 14, so it has a 14% landing blow. The key three times normal attacks do damage. Press the attack. The main enemy Tutorial: The Eirik won more than 100 articles and stable experience. Strengthening the capacity of solidarity and growth, making them more powerful.
  10. fergus and brighton > every one of those chumps dondon likes, especially othin
  11. Yeah, I do not mind these differences. It's a personal hack, after all! I think the reason Kyle was the main lord was because I made a weird switcheroo to make sure that RR!Myrrh took FE8!Orson's spot. And also because I enjoyed an all greenhairPrologue, and because I like mounted lord.
  12. Believe it or not, this post is not meant to be a humbebrag! But it's pretty cool that this is what has become of my original idea from years ago. I remember making the first FE8RR and people suddenly taking a huge liking to it. Seeing this made me wanna play again...but the patch in the OP is down. Could anyone reupload it?
  13. I remember really liking this hack when I played it, and I was sad to see it abandoned. I may or may not have talked about the portraits (genuinely not sure cause I used to criticize a lot of different hacks), but I made sure to mention that I liked everything else about the game. The characters are great and it feels like a very reasonable addition to FE7's story.
  14. Pre-promotion, Lex!Arthur has like 8-11 Mag, and he can only use C-level spells until you get Tinny. He can have the Magic Ring. So for Ch6 and Ch7, he has like 22 Atk (10+5+7), or 44 with Wrath. It seems to me that he's borderline or just a little short of OHKOing here. For example: Armour lv 10 (steel lance): 50 hp, 28 atk, 96 hit, -12 avo, 13 def, 1 res - Can't OHKO. Thunder mage lv 10 (thunder): 36 hp, 18 atk, 114 hit, 4 avo, 2 def, 8 res - Exactly enough to OHKO, but for example if he hasn't proc'd Mag twice, or his base Mag is lower (for example because Tiltyu didn't make it to L30), then he doesn't OHKO. He can get the Darna Castle dudes, but since he's going to recruit Tinny he's prolly not gonna be there. Then in Ch8 he gets Elthunder, so like 29 Atk (10+5+14), 58 with Wrath. Armor lv 18 (steel lance or steel bow): 58 hp, 30 atk, 100 hit, -8 avo, 15 def, 1 res - 1 short of OHKO Thunder mage lv 18 (elthunder): 44 hp, 26 atk, 108 hit, 8 avo, 2 def, 10 res - OHKO At Ch9 he promotes and gets Tron, so like 39 Atk, which after Wrath makes 78, so that OHKOs pretty much anything that's not a superboss. So on the whole, I'm not too convinced on this pairing to get OHKOs reliably enough to negate the disadvantages. Especially when you throw things like Brave weapons, long-range things (ballista/bolting/etc) and bosses with too much HP/Res to OHKO in the mix. Not being able to OHKO is fine for most dudes, but for Arthur it can mean instant death. Not too fond of that.
  15. Levin!Sety vs Levin!Arthur? Time machine mode strikes again!
  16. more javelins more more more more more more
  17. The first few maps are rough, requires a bit of teamwork, ganging up on people, lots of Barst and Ogma use. Give all EXP you can to Shiida and her forged Win Spear, especially bosskills, so she can promote ASAP. The better you plan, the earlier you can start finishing maps by warping Shiida and Marth to the boss. Yeah, most of your team ends up sucking, but as long as you keep warpskipping your team doesn't matter. Check dondon's 0% runs if you really need a video of how it's done.
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