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Everything posted by Mekkah

  1. I edited a download for a HHM save file in the OP. I may or may not do one for FE8 eventually.
  2. Yeah, I started with FE8RR. Others made FE6 and FE7, I think Paperblade and Seven Deadly Sins. I do not know who made FE11, sorry.
  3. What you're here for: Patch: http://speedy.sh/xPUn8/FE7-Random-Recruitment-v2.ups 1. Click "Slow download" 2. Apply to a clean FE7 (U) ROM using NUPS, which you can get here: http://www.romhacking.net/utilities/606/ 3. Play on Hector Hard Mode. Lyn and Eliwood modes have not been edited. You can get a save file here: http://speedy.sh/ZNxRX/0-HHM-start.SGM Please read the bugs section! Hey, SF! Today is the day I present to you a new “simple hack” that I’ve made. Some of you might remember Reverse Recruitment. I’ve decided to take that idea into a slightly different but similar direction and randomize the order of recruitment for FE7. This time, I’ve taken the liberty to change a few things to accommodate the changes. A lot of characters have small references to the character they are replacing. Like in RR, I’ve used stat averages and backward leveling to determine bases, but some have received buffs or nerfs depending on how amazing or bad that made them. I’ve not tried to make every character equally viable, but at least hopefully none of them breaks the game. What we ended up with is the adventures of Lord Erk, as he searches for the remains of Eliwood’s father. On the way, he teams up with his childhood buddy Jaffar and the lovely lady Lucius. Armed with the Wolf Beil tome, which bears a striking resemblance to Forblaze but shows none of that spell’s fireworks, he destroys enemy after enemy with the aid of his friends. This hack shows off what I can do with pretty much just Nightmare…and what I can’t. I’m sorry for the couple of bugs and limitations you may find, and anyone is free to improve upon this product with their own skillset. I recommend playing this hack without knowledge of what lies ahead, as the surprise should be half the fun. But if you like, I have a couple of screenshots for you. Known bugs (please read) Tips for first-time players who want to be sure they're not missing crucial stuff:
  4. Differs on a chapter-by-chapter basis, I reckon. Take FE8 for example, Ch3 has nothing really happening midchapter besides Colm joining, but Ch14 has all of the dialogue between Lyon, Caellach, Ismaire and Carlyle. But I think the happenings in pretty much all of FE4's mini chapters would be too short.
  5. I'm definitely not changing the way I call the games after all those years.
  6. I think castle by castle would make the chapters too short. You would have to change other things like enemy density, interaction, number of parties fighting, etc. Not enough things happen story-wise between castles.
  7. This is why talking about a character's worth in a ranked playthrough is so silly: there's not really a choice to make between characters. You use all of them at some point. Can't believe we used that as the gold standard for years. But some of them are a bigger pain in the butt than others.
  8. Probably not because when they use Hammer they should be OHKOing. (Hint: they never get to use the Hammer) edit: ok so im wrong
  9. Tactics is evaluated at the end of the game by your turn total though, not whether you met the individual requirements. This means you have to compensate for all of the zero-turn chapters in Hector (and there's 5 of those). You don't have 28 turns for one chapter and 0 for another, you have to look at the bigger picture. Sure, the turn requirement for A tactics is rather easy to meet overall with all the LTC knowledge of today, but then you gotta wonder why you would even use Nino to begin with.
  10. Sadly Shannan's lack of a mount makes him a lot less impressive in FE4 than he could be, to the point where he plays almost no role in LTC after his initial skirmish at Yied. Stats aren't everything. But at least he's better than Skasaha and Lakche.
  11. Zihark is better than Mia, guys! GameFAQs debaets have proven this. Also Shannan and Rutger.
  12. fwiw i always thought dondon's solo commentary on fe7 was good, but there's some very nice advantages to dual commentary: - it's a lot more fun to do! especially inbetween sessions. the blooper hype is real. - the other person has time to catch their breath - the other person can pick up things that the first guy missed - variation in vocabulary, voice, tone, etc. makes the commentary easier to listen to - you can have a bit of interaction between the commentators
  13. Every time I consider training Nino, I compare her 20/1 stats to Pent's base stats, and realize it's just not worth it.
  14. FE3 has the best skill system.
  15. Amazing run, Horace! I'm especially impressed you managed to find uses for Eliwood in HHM, a unit almost everyone has given up on in recent years. While the run is heavy on RNG manipulation I still find the strats used very clever.
  16. Wow, and here I thought people were talking about the concept, but good ol' Jeigan arguing is resurfacing. It never gets old, does it. By the way, I started this playthrough ages ago and finished it a couple days back so no advice needed. Thanks though, I'll make sure to keep in mind Marcus is good!! Also I like the idea of ranking their growths from top to bottom and then reversing that, but it seems like a lot of work. For now I'll be finishing up my PT of FE8 first, where the enemy class growths have been randomized whereas the PCs have been reversed. But yeah I figured out the problem, so here's some nice pics of my journey. I wish I made more. What happened to Dorcas?? I wanted to use him really badly but since enemy Def grew so quickly he…couldn’t do enough damage, and he somehow wasn’t fast enough to make up for it. I think Rebecca is bad in pretty much any hack that doesn’t involve insane bow favouritism but this takes the shitcake. I gave Hector his bearded sprite and Eliwood his angry face, but neither ended up mattering much. Hector was actually a lot like a slower (lol) Dorcas with Wolf Beil and even less HP. Even though I tried to raise him it just didn’t work. 70% Str 30% Speed Matthew. He whiffed the Spd to steal so many important things… <3<3<3 Lowin. This hack was a great excuse to use him with his 70% Str 70% Skl 70% Spd 60% Def with solid bases and lots of room to grow. So, let’s go through the random pictures I’ve taken on my grand journey. Hi, I’m looking for FE6 HM, is that supposed to be around here somewhere? This was when I decided Sain probably wasn’t worth it. He and Kent did pretty much swap “roles” during Lyn Mode, so that was really cool. To be fair this is a Steel Blade, but lol. The captain is a tad off kilter. I think this was during Ch17x. BAMF. What a guy. Like Matthew, he had 70% Str and 30% Spd, but since class growths improved, so did his HM bonuses. I think he had like 11-12 base Str, lol. Not much to see, just Oswin getting merked by mercenaries. Promoted him in Ch19. I remember actually doing it mid-chapter cause I didn’t want to miss the level up he was so close to getting. So freaking good. I don’t even know how he capped Spd before promotion. Fiora nearly suicides on a Pirate on the turn she flies in, and she starts with an Axereaver. What a dummy. At this point enemies are way too strong to beat for anyone who doesn’t join as a prepromote. Looks like we’re not going to put that 80% Skl growth to use then. You tried, Hector. You tried. Oh by the way, Marcus has 35% HP, 70% Str, 50% Skl, 75% Spd, 85% Def, 65% Res growths. Thief gets 95% Str and Def class growths, so Legault was lookin’ legit. Still too weak to use though. Why did I not take more screenshots of generic enemies? He’ll take your treasure and your wife. Hawkeye not looking too impressive with his Killer Axe. I do end up training him because all of his regular growths are 50% or below. He gets 60% Str and 75% Spd to work with. He grows slowly, but it was just so nice having someone with an actual HP stat, high Mt and high Crt. The student vs the master. Pent dies every turn he doesn’t use an Elixir. I checked out Genesis, but it didn’t seem too appealing. I think the General was female. I only changed classes that were represented and I didn’t remember any female Generals. I actually miss another important class later on L Nopenopenopenope. Off to FFO we go. These guys make sure Wallace never sees his way out of the fog. I think I already decided Guy wasn’t long term material a couple of chapters ago but this is still so atrocious. And you thought Wyvern Riders were tanky? This is why I gave up on Hector. I actually ended up using Fila’s Might to have him kill this Pegasus. Alternatively I could have used his last 2 Wolf Beil uses to do 2x1 dmg. The Luna Shaman™. Good God Louise what are you DOING This thief is rapin’ everybody out there. I don’t even know what to say. Harken, my savior. This is like +2/+3 to every stat at the very least. What a hero. Also Nino died on turn 1 and I had to cheat in a Rescue Staff to save Zephiel with Pent. He ended up in the northern corridor that connects the left to the right side, and actually fought some enemies! Jaffar survived and left. Cog of Destiny? What could possibly go wrong? I fight my way through in an embarrassing amount of turns and get my 12/1 Hector or something. He is truly a magic tank. I probably shouldn’t have done the class growths thing, but hindsight is 20/20/20/20/20/20. Actually turned into a real defense map. I actually needed one more man in the upper room than I could fit to have a big enough crew to make a dash for the 2 treasure chests closest to the throne (stupid Lyn and Eliwood). So I used the real Rescue Staff to grab Oswin from the other corridor , where he could not have survived, to play defense. I refused to kill weak things on purpose so they didn’t make room for promoted enemies. Sometimes the Longbow Snipers would run off and do something stupid like doubling Pent. Because every promoted enemy has capped like everything now. Yes, but if you keep standing there you won’t be able to say the same. I started my VoD approach from this side, careful not to trigger reinforcement zones if I could avoid it, but it turned out the other route was easier since the ballistae are further away. I actually rushed this chapter cause around turn 20 you get some really messed up reinforcements. Hector still isn’t worth it. I did it! Renault’s stats were actually mostly better than Serra’s… Am I gonna do The Value of Life? I’ll pass. Light was ez because the bosses were weaker than most of the enemies I faced, most importantly so slow I could double them, so all they had was some extra Mt. Finally a use for Hector. Go Armads! Kenneth tried to cheat Athos with a Luce crit, but a +7 Barrier saved him. U dare in Brendumb Hawkeye is just so fucking good. Lol are these supposed to be bosses??? Ok I take it back don’t hurt me I didn’t get Berserk so I did this instead. Hawkeye has big cohones. Eliwood: Lord Athos spoke the truth about Nergal… Average men cannot hope to stand against him. Ordinary weapons hold no power against him. Okay, Eliwood. Well, we knew that wasn’t going to work. So let’s just use Athos like al- Oh. Our Lord and Savior Harken to the rescue then! Right. Wait, what did I say about having an actual HP stat before? Fuck yeah, Hawkeye. I knew it was a good idea to keep Basillikos. The pope said I should take lashes for these.
  17. Hello, Serenes Forest! Today I will bring you the story of my FE7 Inverse Growths% playthrough. It’s not the longest or most elaborate story but I do have a couple of screenshots to share. Inverse Growths is my latest cure for boredom. Like 0% growths, 100% crit, Tedious Mode and 255% growths, it’s just a simple modification of the game using Nightmare to change the gameplay experience. Inverse Growths works as the name suggests: you take all the growths from player characters, and you substract them from 100 to get their new growths. For example, Dorcas normally has: 80% HP, 60% Str, 40% Skl, 20% Spd, 45% Luk, 25% Def and 15% Res With Inverse Growths, this becomes: 20% HP, 40% Str, 60% Skl, 80% Spd, 55% Luk, 75% Def and 85% Res In theory, this causes units to be the opposite of what they normally are once they’ve gained a significant amount of levels. In practice, it turns everyone into low HP/high def/res units and base stats are still very important. I did the same for enemy class growths, but this turned out to be a rather bad idea because they have such terrible growths. For example, your average Archer has: 70% HP, 35% Str, 40% Skl, 32% Spd, 15% Def and 20% Res (Enemy Luk is always 0) But now he has: 30% HP, 65% Str, 60% Skl, 68% Spd, 85% Def and 80% Res You can imagine what went wrong there. At least the enemy HP isn’t too outrageous so it’s still possible to kill them in a reasonable time frame. So I have a bunch of screenshots to share, uploaded to imgur and all, but I can't really figure out how to post a bunch of screenshots in one post. When I use [ IMG ] on all of them, it only shows some of them. Is there some hidden trick I'm not aware of?
  18. Interesting concept. For commentary, I would recommend turning down the game volume a few notches compared to your voice. Right now, they are both rather loud.
  19. I tend to use them. But sometimes I make a point of not using them.
  20. A bad optional feature is still bad. If a game has badly designed gaidens or terribly written dialogue, I can skip them. But I should still be able to take them into account when criticizing the game.
  21. Something I want to bring up that I don't think has been said yet is that reclassing was an okay idea that turned out horrendous for FE11. First off, it was pretty imbalanced. Some classes and class sets were just so much better than others, it's downright unfair. There is like no reason to reclass to Archer, Mage or Myrmidon when you can be a Cavalier Second, it further erases differences between units. FE11 already does a horrible job of distinguishing between characters. There's people who might as well be clones of one another: Vyland and Roshe, Dolph and Mccellan, the Fighter brothers, etc. There's some differences, especially in the case of the Fighters, but they still look way too alike. And then you give them the option to shift classes. Voila, you now have ~7 different units! (Class A, Class B, female, Marth, and then ballistae/Bantu/etc). This is slightly exeggerated, but I think the general point stands. Without the boundaries of a class, units are even less unique than before. When they already have little to no dialogue and you take away their class uniqueness, what's left of them? Think of some units like FE10 Ilyana: almost everyone agrees she's bad, but a big reason a lot of people still like to use her is because of the unique Thunder tomes she brings to the table. I also agree that the game just feels bland (other than the dialogue which is fine). The gaidens I'm not a big fan of, but I can see what they tried to do. If you look at them as help for players who got most of their army killed rather than the traditional "reward good play extra chapters", I don't mind them.
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