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Everything posted by Mekkah

  1. I'm listening to the first vid and it's getting better and better. One thing I wanna say before I forget though: the music that starts somewhere between 9 and 10 mins in is really loud compared to the track before and your commentary, to the point where I would consider reuploading. Maybe it's just me? idk edit: Why did Ethlin not attack the boss from beside Sigurd?
  2. Okay, let me put it this way. You get a lot of gold in FE11, but it drains real quick if you forge things like the Wing Spear. Of course forged effective weapons are a broken class in their own...
  3. Still a better love story than Twilight. FE11 just can't convey anything beyond the basic storyline. It's the most bland game ever.
  4. Why do you have to equip a ring/band/ward etc. even if it's the only one in your inventory? It makes BEXPing with Knight Ward much more of a pain than it should be. This game is dumb.
  5. Nolan is really durable with Beastfoe + Vantage + Tarvos. You can use Physic to keep your units alive, but Concoctions/Vulneraries work well too. Better safe than sorry. I like to have the allied units roam at first since it gives you additional healing from the bishop, but at some point they will bite the dust.
  6. For what it's worth I don't think Pass is a great loss. The GMs get another one courtesy of Heather and they will usually not need two. The DB can't do much with it in part 3 since they are forced on defense in 3-6 and 3-13, while you simply don't need it in 3-12. After that Nailah rejoins and you can reassign it.
  7. You need to be more than a little fast to catch thieves. Pass Nailah and proper use of Rafiel might be what you're lacking. I usually just steal the standard speedrun strat for the first turn or two for 1-E. You can see it here from 25:00 or so onwards.
  8. Elincia said that when she was under a lot of pressure from the nobles and she didn't have the support of Lucia (kidnapped), Geoffrey (lured to what turned out to be a distraction) or Bastian (abroad). Afterwards she does show to be more than comfortable taking her responsibility as a queen. It's not in Ike's character to engage in a romantic relationship. He makes a conscious effort to avoid Aimee's offers and never shows affection towards Elincia. Rather, he's very strict about treating her as his employer all the time. The only girl he supports with besides Titania (clearly more of a mother figure) is Lethe and they are mostly all about training. He does accept an awkwardly delivered invitation to live in Gallia but all he praises about Lethe is her fighting abilities. tl;dr Ike ignores bitches and acquires currency
  9. FE5 and FE10 aren't overly generous but there's tricks to both to make sure you have enough. I forgot exactly how much FE11 gives but it felt a lot less ridiculous. In general FE does give you way too much gold, especially when you can also forge. When max mt is a given regardless of cost you know it's broken.
  10. Doing a challenge run doesn't solve the slow battle animations and the unlimited gold supply. All you can do is make this game take longer to complete but you can't actually make it challenging. Although I do think getting all treasure and max BEXP on the desert map would be very difficult. I was already rather frustrated with just getting the worthwhile treasure and near-max BEXP (couldn't get it within 7 turns), and I was using promoted Jill + promoted Marcia.
  11. Tauroneo is fine on lower difficulties but on HM he stops doubling in part 3 and that doesn't change in part 4. Combined with his low movement and heavy terrain penalties, this hurts his long term potential. So all he's really good for is his godliness in 1-6.
  12. It's their Prf or Preferred weapon. They don't let anyone touch it.
  13. If I can be bothered I forge a weapon to match a unit's color. Green lance for Oscar, red axe for Jill, etc. But yeah, once you've done it for every chapter, it gets tedious, plus sometimes I had to double check whether something was forged Iron or Steel so a lot of the times I just keep their default names.
  14. You can't capture mounted units. Gotta Sleep 'em so they are forced to dismount. So Lifis is the only way to get this particular Dime Thunder.
  15. If he skips Lyn Mode, he gets a L9 Rath with B bows rather than a L7 Rath with C and a bit. The other rejoining characters also get slightly improved stats, which outweighs the benefit of an extra Paladin, especially since it'd essentially be a 1/1 Paladin instead of a 4/0 or 5/0 Cavalier.
  16. I found Stefan on the square where Lethe is in this picture: http://i.imgur.com/MqjjIp6.png But the site suggests to look for him in a different square if I'm interpreting the map right: http://serenesforest.net/path-of-radiance/miscellaneous/hidden-treasure/ Also, not sure if this is the place for it, but the suspend/resume trick to find desert items in GBA FE seems to work in this game as well.
  17. Oh, I forgot to mention the unskippable map animations. Combined with the Dolphin lag some enemy phases are just unbearable. edit: Astrid can be 100% recruited on turn 1 by Shoving Ike one square right, and then Smiting him up with Mordecai. You can see how much BEXP you get here: http://serenesforest.net/path-of-radiance/miscellaneous/bonus-exp/
  18. I like the storyline of the Tellius games, but after going through Radiant Dawn and pretty much every other FE out there Path of Radiance seems so poorly made. I'm not completely done with PoR yet (Ch19 is the furthest I've been) but man... You get too many resources. I feel like it hardly matters what characters I pick because I get to distribute a gazillion levels of BEXP every chapter, so I just pick the ones with the highest move. Atk issues are solved by getting a new max Mt forge every chapter, which is possible because you get 20,000G in addition to various Gems (2 Red, 1 Blue and 1 White, all before Ch16). AS issues are solved by every enemy being super slow. The enemies suck. They are kind of bulky at times but after earlygame they do so little damage. The promoted ones are sometimes weaker than the unpromoted ones. Why... Ike is such a drag. He starts in such a deep hole damage-output wise and even when he's grown out of it he doesn't have 1-2 range. Combined with his lord status he's an enemy magnet so I'm actually better off not putting him in range of, well, anything. Also, too many good mounted units. I really don't know why this game was ever worth debating about to anyone. You can do pretty much whatever you want with most of the cast. On the plus side, the support system is so much better than anything that requires idling next to each other, and again I think the story is interesting.
  19. if i were someone i would make ATK, 9999 SP.ATK, 9999 DEF, 9999 SP.DEF, 9999 SPEED, 9999 HP-9999/9999 The Name would be Firebot Steel/Fire Fissure Unlimited PP Mind Reader Unlimited PP never Miss KOBOT Unlimited PP Shadow Ball Unlimited PP
  20. I'm going to guess he wanted to take a breather after (finally) getting a good preparations segment. Or he fucked up the proceeding chapter segment and replaced that with a proper segment in editing, which can look like a reset.
  21. Numbers are best left to the description or annotations, yeah. Or you can just slow down the video/show the combat menu/turn animations on when executing a boss kill so people can just see the numbers from the game. Might wanna mention at some point that in FE4, disp hit = true hit.
  22. Can you show a video/gif of capture not working? I've never seen someone use the capture command, reduce a unit to 0 HP and fail to capture.
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