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Everything posted by Mekkah

  1. I feel like the line is between RNG abuse and mine glitch. The reason I experience it that way is that if this game had a proper RNG, you would be able to reset for favorable outcomes as long as you had infinite time on your hands. Alternatively you could just start every chapter by burning one more RN than you did last chapter and get "random" (different) results. However, the Mine Glitch crosses the boundaries of what is possible. No matter how often you retry a chapter, enemies will never trade weapons and rescue each other. This definition also satisfies the use of the desert item trick, which is just another form of RNG manipulation that saves time.
  2. Agree with this. Radiant Dawn clearly did not want to leave room for more. Everything was pretty much explained.
  3. Voted no because the glitch feels abusive, but will watch and contribute to any run.
  4. No, not every unit can be fielded. There's only so many deployment slots.
  5. Is there perhaps a way to recruit her earlier in Ch2? Usually one would wait for a long time for her squad to fly over the mountains but maybe you can lure her towards Levin in some other way.
  6. You could also use cheat codes to the same effect.
  7. I'm expecting smash fanatic to wander in any second to tell his hilarious stories about how good Volug is compared to the worst units in the DB, followed by a Shakespearean rebuttal from Interceptor and a tl;dr from Narga.
  8. Okay, now tell me how interesting those debates are and how many you've had compared to non-LTC.
  9. You are making a similar mistake to other people trying to get things to "hurry along" (like smash fanatic), as is evident by your claim that debaters before 2013 "wasted their time and getting nothing done". Tier list debating has never been about trying to get a finished product. It's always been about the journey, not the destination. You can make a list of units and rank them by how many turns they save. I'm sure you would get it done within about half an hour and it'd be mostly accurate. But would it be interesting? Not for long. In order for people to have something to discuss, there has to be room for debate. This is why Interceptor vs smash fanatic was always so fun to read (aside from Int's way with words): it was almost as if they were speaking different languages and playing different games. You have made your point and you can take your trophy home: Volug has been soundly defeated in a war for LTC. If you care to discuss something else, some people might be game. But if you only want to talk LTC, then you're probably on your own. edit: Also I looked at the GameFAQs RD board for shits and giggles. smash fanatic made a tier list topic with Oscar higher than Jill and talks to complete unknowns about basic tiering philosophy from 3-4 years ago. It's very entertaining.
  10. "We" (as far as one person can speak for an entire community) define LTC in the context of tier lists as something that might be worth considering but is not the only metric. For why not, refer to the post you quoted. Yes, Volug is bad in LTC. No, that's not all there is to it.
  11. If you only want to measure by LTC and only by number of turns saved, then yes, Volug is probably bad. Unfortunately, most people want to measure using more than that, since: 1. There's just not much to discuss if we are to rank units through one specific playthrough 2. Most people do not play LTC to begin with 3. LTC playthroughs are often RNG dependent. Think FE8 where your Warper needs to gain Mag every level-up. There's probably some equivalent in this game (I'm not familiar with FE10 LTC) such as Nephenee in 2-1 or Haar/Jill needing good level-ups. The more you allow for "efficiency" rather than "LTC", the better Volug becomes, as he adds reliability. He's generally 100% accurate and he'll always be decent for 3-6 and 3-13. I think dondon's rating of roughly as good as one of the better GMs is fine.
  12. We're moving Volug to Low because Jill is being underrated? I hope I don't have to explain what's wrong with that one.
  13. Which is of course a very important niche to fill, right next to "the only non-Oscar green-haired lance user whose name doesn't start with a 'D'".
  14. "Volug used to be considered pretty good in the past, but now his flaws are really apparent" You make it sound as if Volug's flaws were never considered before in his ranking. All you did was list those without considering what made him super good.
  15. I chair the POKEMON Fan Club! I have collected over 100 POKEMON! I'm very fussy when it comes to POKEMON! So... Did you come visit to hear about my POKEMON? ----------------------------------------------- -(YES) Good! Then listen up! My favorite RAPIDASH... It...cute...lovely... smart...plus...amazing...you think so?...oh yes...it...stunning... kindly...love it! Hug it...when...sleeping...warm and cuddly... spectacular...ravishing... ...Oops! Look at the time! I kept you too long! Thanks for hearing me out! I want you to have this!
  16. You could always rig people to have 100% growths in the most important stats and see how low you can get.
  17. Hm, really? I could swear I had some opposite experiences, but if the Klok says so...
  18. It turns out I am an idiot and left some stat changes in that were meant to make testing more convenient. These changes make the game a lot easier than it should be but can only be noticed later in the game. To be specific: I don't think this can be fixed without cheat codes if you've already encountered the problem. If you have not, however, I uploaded a new patch that should fix this. http://speedy.sh/xPUn8/FE7-Random-Recruitment-v2.ups
  19. If I'm an area-based reinforcement unit and someone moves through my area without stopping I would probably still appear!
  20. When I tried editing the dialogue with FEAdv, the game would not stop crashing. Thank God for backups. At that point I said fuck it and released the ROM. So the dialogue should be unaltered. There's some cutscenes that might no longer work and cause the game to crash. An example I noticed during testing is the talking before Pirate Ship. Like I said in the bugs section, if that happens, reset and skip the dialogue using Start. Everyone should have the palette of the character they are. So Erk replacing Hector has Erk's palette. I know of at least one exception to this and I did that to be funny. If you broke your game just get a new ROM plus save file and start a new game.
  21. I appreciate the enthusiasm, but if I make an FE8 version, it'll be on my own terms. Changing stats and testing if they work is kind of a boring process, so if I'm going through it again I want it to be with my own list.
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