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Everything posted by Mekkah

  1. Whichever one is luckier, of course.
  2. Yeah, untransformed Mordecai just tanks them no problem, and Zihark actually recruits himself that way. You can really unequip just about anyone to keep the vigilantes busy.
  3. Lol, not quite what I expected. I really think you can argue the order in a lot of ways. For any strategy that requires multiple components, one isn't really more essential than the other imo. But hey, it's all in good fun.
  4. I want to address the TTPK Kai's points but they are so poorly structured it hurts my brain so much. =( Please use punctuation, it was given to us for a reason. The return button on your keyboard is not a replacement. Thankfully, this is not an LTC list, it's efficiency. Jill starts tripping up Sothe as early as 1-6 (both parts), as her movement range allows her to contribute in ways that Sothe cannot. By part 3, it's not even a contest anymore. So Sothe clearly wins 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, 1-8, it's closer for 1-6, 1-7 and 1-E. Then Jill wins 3-6, 3-12, 3-13, 4-P, 4-3, and endgame. Personally, I'd give the edge to Jill. Titania and Ike are obviously harder to compare to Sothe, but you're overrating Sothe amongst the DB or underrating those two. Sothe's reign of terror does not last forever. From 1-6 on, he is surrounded by units at least equal (Zihark, Jill, Muarim, Tormod) or better (Volug, Nailah, Tauroneo, Black Knight). Yes, he is better than the low level tier 1 scrubs, but who cares? Meanwhile, Ike is a no strings attached killing machine, and as you go down the list of GMs they start to have more and more strings attached. Most GMs either lack the AS to double or the Atk to 2HKO, but Ike does not. Haar, Titania, Gatrie and Boyd all need some if not a lot of help to double. Shinon has comparable parameters but a terrifail class. Mia and Nephenee don't 2HKO. If you want, we even have some equivalents of Edward/Leonardo to compare Ike's combat to in Rhys, Mist and Rolf. tl;dr don't treat Sothe like a god
  5. I'll choose Geitz over Wallace, but I'll take almost any unit over Lyn and Eliwood, so the game chooses Wallace for me. :(
  6. lol @ people saying jill is > haar ? I can understand arguments either way and there's a good reason Haar will be rated higher by most people. It's not until 3-12 that Jill is a self-sustaining combat unit the way Haar is.
  7. I think Julia is irrelevant to this conversation, as nobody seems to acknowledge her existence or lineage until later in the story, when Levin magically finds out (as he does throughout gen 2). The key to Areone's rationale is in here, I think: Trabant: “I’ve had enough, Areone. It’s me they’re after anyway. Do as you see fit after I’m gone, okay?” Areone: “Are you suggesting I call for a truce!? You know I could never do that!” Trabant: “Like I said, do as you see fit. I only ask that you see an end to the people’s suffering. Farewell, Areone!” Apparently Areone does not think he can stop the people's suffering if he sides with Celice. Somewhat understandable if you think about the terror caused by the Lopt sect. I wish they had been clearer about this, though.
  8. Save the animals. How do you manage to stop the video on Levin's awesome lines time and time again? "What a disgrace."
  9. Why is nonfather the only Fin listed and why would there have to be a distinction? The only time his inheritance matters is Ch7. After that, he can buy anything he needs, and he doesn't even need much.
  10. Played them all, except for FE2 and the BS. I haven't finished FE1 or FE3 B1 because the interface was a bit too tedious. I did finish FE3 B2, really liked it. I've only played a bit of Awakening at a friend's but I have yet to purchase it.
  11. What's your usual process like for planning out a strat? For a map like Ch1 I understand you could just find the shortest distance for Sigurd to the final castle and count squares, but after that it gets a lot more complicated. I can only imagine what you go through for money and item allocation.
  12. An 1-range foot unit that can maybe ORKO with an Adept proc if using the most expensive of forge? Sign me up! Come on, that makes him maybe the 21st person in a Top20. Sothe is very good in the first half of part 1 but his decline is real. There is no reason for him to be in his own tier.
  13. EM and NM Edward is still bad compared to Zihark. Zihark can use the same BEXP to his advantage to stay ahead of Eddie. Eddie's slight statistical edges don't compete with double Earth and a stronger start.
  14. Honestly I think the order can be argued in a lot of different ways. Multiple tools are essential for LTC. Combined, they save a lot more turns than separately.
  15. Do skills given by items/weapons count towards top skills of the urn? Like Hero Sword's critical, Elite Ring's Elite, etc.
  16. I keep forgetting to mention this but you might want to mute your mic during arngena abuse if you're not commentating anyway.
  17. Finn also has a convo with Nanna in FE5 which doesn't strike me as particularly cold. Nanna: “Father!?” Finn: “Nanna… Thank goodness you’ve alive. Are you all right? Are you hurt?” Nanna: “No, I’m fine. Eyvel protected me…” Finn: “I see… I wouldn’t know what to say to that person if something had happened to you…” Nanna: “Father…” Finn: “Hm? Is something wrong?” Nanna: “No… Sorry. Never mind…” Finn: “Well, if you say so. Anyway, return to the back lines. Your staves are useful, but you shouldn’t be up front like this.” Nanna: “Yes, father…”
  18. As long as deployment slots allow their deployment it shouldn't be too hard to keep Boyd next to Mist. Even if you want Mist to heal, you want her to be out of enemy range, so what's it matter if Boyd chills next to her?
  19. I feel like arguing one skill over another always results into arguing one unit over the other. If you're going to drag the context of that skill into it rather than judge them in a vacuum, it might as well be a strangely formatted character tier list.
  20. About the same chance of anyone in dondon's FE6 runs leveling up in any stat.
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