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Everything posted by Mekkah

  1. Her joining situation does not deserve a penalty or anything, but she just isn't good. A perfect example of why stats don't mean everything. 3/10
  2. Deploy mounted units down below, and have them carry the NPCs to the exit. Everyone else just walks back to base at their own pace.
  3. well he's pretty good at killing enemies all day long 8.5/10
  4. I turn it off. Whenever I forget I get annoyed.
  5. Fury is pretty good but she can't use roads and FE4 has like no hindering terrain other than one small desert trail, so she actually ends up lagging behind your mounts if you send her with them. Still, amazing weapon ranks and speed, with two Hero weapon options. 8/10
  6. His growths are kind of bad but his promotion bonuses are hax enough to the point where you can call him RNG proof. The 10k to recruit him doesn't vanish, it just transfers to him, no big deal. His main problem is just that his Atk is a little on the low side and it takes a while for him to promote. 7/10
  7. A durable flier with great offense that costs turns to recruit? Damn, that's a tough one. Oh wait, Ephraim route. 8.5/10 There is no such thing as permanent 1-2 range other than unlimited use weapons... Well I guess Javelins are kind of unlimited use cause you get so much money!
  8. Considering nobody else voted Banzai I doubt it matters. As long as you count the Rutger vote I'm happy.
  9. 9/10, ridiculous but in order for her to do really anything past turn 2 she needs to be Rescue Staffed or get Leg + Knight Ring. She makes great use of those though.
  10. Best: Rutger Worst: General Banzai my definition of swordmaster is probably different from most others though
  11. Let's be honest, he only has Holsety for a really really short time. The tail end of Ch4, and then for Ch5, the shortest non-Prologue chapter. And he also isn't mounted. I like Levin but he honestly isn't that great. 6.5/10 and I think I'm being generous
  12. those are some high votes 2/10 absolutely useless. 4 mov, single digit damage and getting ORKO'd? why?
  13. More durable than Ayra, so I guess that's kinda cool. Less availability though. Not really any worse at killing things. 4/10
  14. well it was nice knowing you
  15. I usually treat her as non-available during Ch2 and Ch3, and just raise her like I'd raise Aideen and Deirdre: through staffspamming at a castle. Then in Ch4 she promotes (earlier really isn't reasonable) and she can save turns with mounted Rescue utility, or just smash faces in. 8/10
  16. if you let tormod kill laguz you are a cruel man
  17. No, you just recruit Ewan, kill the Cyclops, and then Marisa decides to join you in a post-battle conversation. It is as easy as it gets as long as you have the manpower to kill the Cyclops in one turn (not one round).
  18. Slightly better than Amelia, but probably worse than Neimi. 1.5/10 cause people will inevitably overrate her for boobs
  19. Available in the tail end of Ch1, all of Ch2, and most of Ch3. Brigid's leads with Ichieval are largely superfluous because Jamka ORKOs pretty much everything other than some bosses at that point, especially those fliers.
  20. Ayra with bows. If he ever gets near enemies he doesn't even have an enemy phase. 3/10 again.
  21. Gonna continue on this cause I think it's a more interesting discussion than anything else on here atm. I think part of what makes me feel about it that way is because it's always been this way for tier lists I've seen on FE4. The best way I've found to word my problems with giving units credit for good parenting is because we are ranking them in a Gen 1 tier list (or list of unit ratings, w/e). Not Gen II. In addition, parenting in the FE4 world is not something you actively do. All you do is effectively build an FE GBA support (including the support bonus, which I do believe counts as a benefit), but Arthur getting an ORKO on random enemies isn't something Levin is doing - it's Arthur. If you were to continue on this train of thought, to stay consistent with the logic, you need to consider a child's contribution to a gen II playthrough for their potential parent. This should make Ayra and Brigid drop further, since none of their kids really does anything for an efficient playthrough. It should rise up Deirdre, since Celice is the cornerstone of FE4 Gen II efficiency. It should simultaneously send Lex up and down, since he has so many different potential children. Hell, do you only consider the good or the bad pairings? The huge logical leap you'd have to make for this to be consistent is just not worth it to me.
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