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Everything posted by Mekkah

  1. By the way, according to the site, Armads and Durandal have double Mt vs dragon units, the same as Wyrmslayers. That means Vaida and Heath get massacred by Hector.
  2. Orson is free in CC after 6th floor of Valni! Hoozah!
  3. Possibly related to PWASE (Panels Which Affect Something Else) which triggers that glitch in FE8. iirc you can also re-move from spaces where a snag used to be.
  4. Soldier: Attack! We're under attack! Hector: What!? Soldier: L-Lord Hector! It's bad! An unknown group has breached the castle walls!! I don't think Denning came through the front door. Also, Hector is now known as Lyn.
  5. dw about it ballerzak, nothing of value there
  6. so this is why my youtube frontpage was spammed with ballerzak uploads
  7. I would say there are more broken units but he's up there!
  8. Female Archers can't promote and the only Short Bow you get has a limited # of uses. Buying more breaks the bank. 2/10. 9/10 if you're Paperblade and you cheat and promote her anyway.
  9. It's not as exciting as you'd think but I can upload it as a blooper of sorts.
  10. So me and Rolanmen1 sometimes talk on MSN. One day he approached me and said he had something funny to show me, but I had to download something and then put it in a folder somewhere and then also get a new VBA version and a lot of other stuff so I could hardly be bothered to do it. I did it anyway, and he gave me some instructions on what to do. Then I saw what it did and I was like "wow, this is funny". He actually invented a script that allows you to teleport any unit (player, enemy, NPC) anywhere, without using up their turn. It was hilarious. I did one lazy playthrough with it, then actually went for low turns on my second playthrough, and then cut even more turns off in my final playthrough, which I recorded. The playlist of these videos is here. The playthrough is mostly self explanatory. At times it looks a little sloppy because I'm not a pro recorder/planner/etc, plus the way you warp things around is weird. You have to put your cursor on a unit, press [keyboard] Q, then put your cursor on the place you want them to go through, press [keyboard] W, and then kind of refresh the screen by pressing [game] A. Sometimes this is a little unresponsive, I end up transporting the wrong units or put them on the wrong tiles, etc. Everything is recorded, I'm just uploading them rather slowly. Enjoy. For those of you who want to try this on their own: http://speedy.sh/TVvJC/rolans-weird-script.lua Download this and run it. You might need to get a special version of VBA and maybe something else I forgot.
  11. you have 14 hours to make up your mind and then i will add up the scores and divide them by 23 grass tile: 4/10 i like it, makes me want to walk through them with shorts on and get that 20% avoid
  12. 1/10 Turns out that even at 20/1, she's worse than base level Pent. Rofl.
  13. This really seems like something that requires another 50 threads or so.
  14. "Well, Eliwood, I'm going on an important quest. I can't tell you exactly what it is but it may be dangerous and I will be taking my finest knights." "Okay father. So I take it Harken is going with you?" "Yes, I will bring Harken with me. And a couple of others." "How about Marcus, the powerful veteran Paladin that can steamroll entire legions of enemy forces by himself?" "I did say my finest knights...I'm afraid Marcus does not fit this qualification :("
  15. Nothing in the rules says anything about RR not being allowed. Just LHM and HHM, and from the first moment available...RR Farina is available earlier than non-RR Farina, so if anything my vote should count for more!
  16. Has hax stats + HHM bonuses, flies, and joins in Ch13, with access to a Killer Lance. 10/10
  17. New players will often play impulsively rather than having a plan in mind. I remember when I started playing I did things like attacking a brigand with Lowen, only to charge Marcus at it to kill it.
  18. Crossposting from the other thread that laughs at "dumb" guides: The reason this kind of thread isn't really that amusing to me is because we were all new to this kind of game once, and every game (even FE5) is easy enough to the point where any remotely sensible decision will lead you to the ending screen. Recommending people train their lords, not use Marcus, carry multiple Iron weapons etc may not be strictly optimal, but it's far from the worst advice you can give someone. Especially if they have no idea what's coming to them for the next maps.
  19. The reason this kind of thread isn't really that amusing to me is because we were all new to this kind of game once, and every game (even FE5) is easy enough to the point where any remotely sensible decision will lead you to the ending screen. Recommending people train their lords, not use Marcus, carry multiple Iron weapons etc may not be strictly optimal, but it's far from the worst advice you can give someone. Especially if they have no idea what's coming to them for the next maps.
  20. brave axe bot that doesn't die 7/10
  21. +Vanessa, Cormag, Tethys, Tana, Moulder, Natasha
  22. Isadora is probably better than both Geitz and Hawkeye, but even if she wasn't, it doesn't really hurt her rating. I have no capped amount of "midgame fillers", "prepromotes", or "Paladins" in my team.
  23. 8/10 Very useful clutch 8 mov attacker with the Silver Sword, but definitely needs WTA to have acceptable durability.
  24. 9/10 she ohkos two fire dragons in the final chapter with one attack, allowing you to actually beat the game and she dances
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