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Everything posted by Mekkah

  1. When Paperblade does an FE6 LP we'll pick on that game for it as well.
  2. Another one for my collection.
  3. That and he still kills the enemies with it. The only way an enemy will be weakened is if Patty does it herself, which doesn't work. And why would Integ have no personality for using the Balmung? Or are you getting a personality drive out of using an obnoxious looking font?
  4. Mekkah

    19xx Gaiden

    Theoretically you could place him on a fort and have him get attacked by multiple enemies at once, dodging all of them, while playing for someone every turn to make it like 13 per turn instead!
  5. You just asked how to promote Celice quickly. You're given your answer: The easiest way to do this is to stack rings on him, most importantly the Leg Ring. And this is your response? Ok...
  6. Yeah, just Return/Warp one back home, let the other buy the Return Ring and let Lex take care of business himself. Or abuse Sigurd, Leg Ring, and Sylvia to make Sigurd seize Silesia really quickly.
  7. How is Hector even in the race for this? I'm pretty sure even dondon rated him a 7 out of 10.
  8. Ayra might just be the most overrated unit in Fire Emblem history.
  9. I like how you keep ignoring the points made and instead only respond to the mud slung at you to try and save face.
  10. Probably someone who stares at growths instead of bases. And yeah, go back to arguing about a game you actually played.
  11. Base level Midir has 6 AS with the Killer Bow, which strangely enough doubles pretty much everything in Gen 1, barring some bosses and sword users. He also has 114 Hit with it...which is roughly the same as base level Ayra with a Silver Sword (112), enough for 100% hit on anything that isn't standing on terrain, again with the exception of some bosses and sword users. Killer Bow plus Charge also gives him a shot at ORKOing, but even if he doesn't ORKO he is very good at weakening things for others, which is better than 6 mov Ayra is doing. Cuan does have the option of using Hero Lance or Continue though. But even if Cuan was killing things twice as slowly as Ayra, it doesn't matter because he gets to the battle scene three times as early. Also Cuan OHKOs Mages.
  12. Who is Ayra? Sigurd pretty much solo'd everything to get kills on his swords to make up for the fact that he couldn't ORKO naturally. Loading those broken +5 stat rings goes a long way to compensate for having just his bases to work with. The best sword to give a lot of kills was actually the Light Sword, to give him 1-2 range and WTA vs Ch4 Wind Mages. Ayra simply wasn't very useful, I liked Holyn better. I think I also got Lex to promote. I did however use most other mounted units to make it easier to clear paths for Sigurd, mostly in Ch2. Many hands make light work, even (or especially) in 0% growths. There's something very satisfying about taking down generics with untrained Alec, Midir, etc. And yes, the children got horribly boned on their auto-levels. I consider it part of the 0% growth thing really because there's no way to avoid it other than making them static characters and adjusting their bases to expectations...I really didn't mind it because generation 2 had Shannan, Aless, and Oifaye, plus it was just really funny to see units that weak. I think I paired pretty much everyone, except Sylvia because I expected to need a third Charisma bot in gen 2 sometimes (it wasn't a very efficient run so I could get Laylea near boss fights if I needed to). The subs would be slightly better than the children, but not by much. Holsety goes a long way towards compensating for "having stats) in Sety vs Hawk, and all the others just grow obsolete as the game goes on, whether they have slightly better bases or slightly better skillsets. Altenna was horrible at fighting. Having amazing strength doesn't count for much if you can't OHKO everything, and at that point enemies have like 50-60 HP. She was useful to save some villages and civilians, and that's about it.
  13. Tiltyu at least keeps Claude alive and can raise herself through the arena simply by having Wrath and a retry button. If she promotes, she has a staff. That has to be better than Ardan going for 10-turn long hikes.
  14. What kind of Superknight can double Bartre? Or was this PP, then EP or something?
  15. Thanks for ignoring my post, CrashGordon94, it means a lot to me.
  16. If Dew is not a bad unit, who is? Even Ardan can promoted at the beginning of Ch4 if you throw enough things at him.
  17. Lakche is really bad for anything beyond the first Ch6 stretch. Sety wasn't actually _that_ awesome because he only had 24 HP, and while his avoid was really high it was not reliable enough to mow down entire armies without getting terrain, Charisma, etc, and if he gets hit once he generally dies. Aless was kind of slow (but still usable, don't get me wrong), my main killers were really Shannan and Oifaye if I recall things correctly.
  18. Why do you care what other people do in their games? I don't care if you or whoever goes ahead and use Ayra. Just don't pretend she's something she's not ("godly", "amazing", etc).
  19. Does anyone have a link to this? The one in the sticky is down. edit: Thanks, dude.
  20. - She doesn't even max Str on average. 23.7 with a 27 average, 10% of capping. Hell, she even doesn't consistently cap Spd ("only" 54% of the time). Also, she doesn't join with these stats capped, and even if she did, she still wouldn't have a horse. - The Hero Sword is not hers alone, and the only things that will survive 5+ hits from her are likely taking very little damage to begin with. Hero Sword "wastes" Continue. - Her kids suffer from the same problem, but this topic is not really about them. Ayra has great offense. Now if only she could invest like, half of her overkill hits into her movement or durability, we would be getting somewhere.
  21. She's worse than everyone with a mount, except maybe Alec, Noish, and Midir. The Hero Sword isn't really a point for her since anyone with B Swords can use it, she just doesn't have to pay Gold for it (but it's not like anyone can't afford it). Just because the story says it's hers doesn't make it her personal weapon.
  22. The only thread I remember was Paperblade's explanation of how much base level Shannan dominates Epilogue. I'll gladly answer any questions you might have though. Playthrough summary: Gen 1 - Sigurd, sometimes Holsety Levin I think Gen 2 - Oifaye, Shannan, Aless, Levin!Sety, and then Narga!Julia at the end for Julius
  23. Correct. The answer is: not very difficult at all.
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