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Everything posted by Mekkah

  1. Flying helps in Ch17 as well, bypassing the river and all, unless we're 1-2 turning this with Myrrh crit/Warp/Tethys or something. It also allows you to bypass the gap in the middle in the final chapter.
  2. Playthrough with the following rules: - Normal Mode. Hard Mode bored me but Normal Mode is fun. - When given the battle preparations screen, always deploy the units with the lowest level. - Forced units (lords, recruiting units, fresh recruits, etc) may be used freely. - Promotion counts as +20 levels. Units may not be promoted until level 20. - Nobody cares about efficiency. Recorded levels for every chapter, starting Ch4.
  3. I hate most of them but FE9's early one is really good.
  4. I think it'd be more purposeful of Othin and Banzai finished that FE8 or whatever other FE game post so they can be the ones defending a plot that's supposed to be much better than FE7's while everyone else gets to call plot holes everywhere. :p
  5. FE4 really takes it one step further with the holy weapons and enormous differences between being mounted and not being mounted.
  6. By the way, you let 31x get away with "just a shopping spree". But what the hell is going on in this bit of dialogue? Marcus: Ostia's castle town is as impressive as ever. Shops and items of all types imaginable. Hector: For generations, our ancestors dedicated themselves to a sort of frugal militarism. Nobles and commoners alike shunned extravagance. "Corrupt neither the body nor the mind," they cried! Since the time of Roland, this has been the dominant ideology of Ostia. Marcus: I heard that when Lord Uther first participated in the Lycian Council as Marquess Ostia, he gave a scathing indictment of the peer system. Now I understand, his philosophy had its roots in the history of Ostia itself. Hector: That's right. Yet this thinking... it threatens the lifestyles of many of our aristocrats. So some groups view my brother with enmity. I must grow wiser so that I can sit at my brother's side and aid him. Of course, my fighting skills are not yet what they should be… I don't get it. What does this have to do with anything? By the way: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=21426&st=20 Useful thread.
  7. agreement with above user, best fe6 support there is
  8. FE4's music doesn't stand out as particularly bad to me. Not sure if it's my favourite in the series, and there are a couple of tracks that bore me like Ch4's player phase music...but the Epilogue player phase music as well as the "imperial" enemy phase music more than makes up for it. My favourite track is Julius's battle theme though.
  9. Haha, Raven's facial expression really makes this one.
  10. Thanks for that. Now seriously, why do you marry someone you don't trust completely?
  11. On the subject of Sonia fooling Brendan, I think Jan tells Nino after Night of Farewells that Brendan did suspect Sonia and had her investigated, and had someone go back to Nino's old home to find a medallion or something. I'm not 100% sure on this and the Game Script is like impossible to find, but that's just more weirdness in FE7's plot: how can Brendan be so surprised at Sonia when he was already suspicious?
  12. I think I said this before but putting in random cuss words does not make you look cool. In fact, it makes the whole thing annoying to read. really fucking unusual I basically have to hope Marcus lands a shitton of crits because he locks down a shitton of space with how insanely deadly he is 3. Eric is really gay. Even Rutger has like...50s hit on him. That's fucking stupid Even if I restart, with my luck I'll just miss a shitton anyways 4. The army you have to bust down is also incredibly retarded. Laus grew some balls since FE7 and then you have to have your blind-as-a-fucking-bat army deal with them and even then most of your army can barely scratch these assholes (though he's probably gonna get one anyways, thank you Rutger, you asshole) This leaves Thany able to contribute...Which isn't much, because her damage is ass against just about everything not Archers "Shit that finishes things off that no one else can at the time, and they only do so if I cross my fingers and pray to Anubis to reap the souls of my enemies". Not having the Halberd is balls. It doesn't save turns, but I imagine it potentially could make life easier at times. Half the time, something fucking dies. It's one thing to do it occasionally, it's another to throw one in every other sentence. I love free speech as much as the next guy but lol... And yes, I plan to make fun of you for Armor/Archer hype as long as you keep putting them in the spotlight for doing things that only barely matter and only happen because you have a lack of other options at this point.
  13. Dart doesn't really care though.
  14. This topic is just a thinly veiled way to give GJ more bs arguments to try to up them on the tier list...
  15. The list as-is seems to underrate mounts and overrate stats. The prime example of this is Brigid, who has a holy weapon but everything else about her sucks (no mount, bows, worst availability possible). For most comparisons not involving her, we're talking about some huge trade-offs. For example, Alec has a mount and the best availability, but his combat is less than optimal when you go beyond Ch1. Compared to, say, Holyn, his combat is very good but his availability and movement are so much worse. Lex is really the only non-Sigurd mount that overcomes this because he's good and mounted forever, although if he doesn't get to pick up the Hero Axe in interest of low turning then he should be dropping quite a bit (although he will still 2RKO with Steel/Silver, so at worst he will be Alec level). A rough revamp should be something like this: sigurd lex (assumed hero axe is available) ethlin cuan fin midir fury lachesis alec beowulf noish levin holyn ayra jamka I think the Lenster trio are better than the others in here despite their leaving at the end of Ch3. Ethlin provides your other mounts with healing they would otherwise be deprived of when they need it the most, which is so important when they need to face entire armies in one turn to allow Sigurdto make optimum progress. The Prologue mounts (including non-Hero Axe Lex) are nice and all, but I don't think what is essentially 2RKOing all game long makes up for something this clutch. Meanwhile, Cuan is just a step above the others especially once axes disappear, and Fin turns enemies into red mist once he climbs out of his small rut (which is quite quick with the right amount of favouritism). Lachesis needs more research done on her when she can promote. If it's Ch4 base, then she provides the perfect replacement for Ethlin by healing your mounts. Her godlike combat is really just a bonus compared to that, especially considering how weak Ch4 and Ch5 enemies are compared your promoted army. Levin/Holyn/Ayra/Jamka all have good combat, but they get to use it so much less than the others for various reasons (not reaching due to 6 mov, not having enough durability, not having an enemy phase like Jamka, not being available until Ch2, etc) that I would just put them all below them. Brigid is bad enough to be even a tier below all of this, I think. It might even be questionable if it's possible to obtain Ichieval while low turning, considering how important Return/Warp are to station at various castles in Ch3, which means there might be no way to get Brigid and Aideen together. This game really needs some kind of efficiency run done. I think Gergeshwan did one?
  16. The same strategies work as long as you are willing to abuse in previous chapters. Unless you wanted to do a continuous run, in which case you probably won't be able to overcome dondon other than on rare occasions where he needs level ups.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/my_playlists?p=C89BCA3E52A5EACA Enjoy.
  18. I can confirm that zorbees is a bent man.
  19. I just finished this as far as progress went. Really, really well done hack, so many custom events, great characters, lots of work on their background. So glad you put in better mugs.
  20. The OP was fun to read, and confirmed that it wasn't just me who was confused by the plot at some points. It's things like Elbert being alive for so long that always subconsciously bothered me, but I always wrote it off as "I must be missing something".
  21. Very nice, definitely one of my favourites. All I can add: you mentioned that you deployed Marcus and Hawkeye on the right group because there are more enemies to cover there, but Hawkeye's starting position is locked so even if you wanted him elsewhere he couldn't. :p
  22. who else read that as "he's gonna get head"?
  23. Put someone with 1-2 range on the space to the right of the broken wall space, then a unit with 1-range behind him.
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