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Everything posted by Mekkah

  1. Sure, you should use Celice/Delmud/Nanna/Oifaye when convenient. As long as you know when to get them out of the way to let Arthur clean up on his own, there's nothing wrong with that. These units can all keep up to some degree from leftover scrubs on the field and arena. In fact, the latter three were of utmost importance in my FE4 0% growths run. Sure, Arthur is worse than every unit that can reach his level of awesomeness without favoritism. The problem is that there's nobody like that. Percival has roughly the same availability as Sophia. Palla has the same bow weakness as Est. Haar has less resistance than Brom. Every character has a weakness even if they're beyond godly. But these low points mean nothing out of context. Ardan is stuck in an army that consists mostly of mounted units off the bat, and the maps give him very few opportunities to contribute since they're so linear. Arthur has opportunities in 6, 7, and 8 to contribute or do some self-improvement despite his 5 movement.
  2. It works fine for me. Just press Start to skip that scene before the fighting begins.
  3. I don't know if you're trying to imply that *I* forget there's other playing goals than just ranking...that seems kinda weird considering I mentioned all of four different styles! @Horakthi, first off let me make it clear that these resources only have Arthur's name on them if you are playing quickly - either for efficiency, or a full blown speed run. Abstractly, you could say putting the Magic Ring, or the Bargain Ring, or the Pursuit Ring, or anything else I mentioned saves you the most turns when you put them on Arthur. Other units can put them to use as well, but not as effectively. Since you are trying to play as effectively as possible, they should go on Arthur. Now if we're talking about other playstyles/goals, such as ranked or casual, then we have other things in mind than just low turns. For instance, you want to raise other units for EXP rank or just the fun of it. In those cases, you don't need to have Arthur and Celice massacre the entire Jugdral continent. There's several reasons why Arthur is better at Bargain Ringing than these. Some apply to all of them, some to only a few. First off, Arthur joins roughly halfway through Ch6. The others all join a little later, or significantly later. That means they will give you less bang for your buck. For every swipe of a Holy Weapon you repair with Bargain Ring, you save 500G. Wouldn't you want to save the most gold possible? Then you'll want to make use of the Bargain Ring as much as possible. Second, Shannan and Faval don't have mounts. That means they will be unable to keep up with Celice. Even with a Leg Ring (which would cost them 10k to buy with Bargain Ring), they would not be able to move after attacking unless you also give them Knight Ring (20k). And Leg Ring saves more turns when it's on your dancer or on Celice, since that allows you to seize earlier. Arthur and Celice can already kill every enemy in their way on their own, so having a third string 1-range fighter, even if they're badasses like Shannan, doesn't do as much. As you mentioned, Faval also only fights on player phase. I think it could be argued that if you're smart about it, you don't even ever need to repair Ichieval. He practically has three and a half map left to do stuff on, and in the arena he gets by with generic bows, and in Thracia he can ORKO every Dragon Rider without Nihil just fine with just the Silver Bow he joins with. On a slightly similar note, Altenna will often want to use lighter lances/swords over the Gae Bolg. Aless is mounted, and is about the only person out of all of these that could want the Bargain Ring. Slightly less good at it than Arthur, but still good. Thankfully, there's another money-making ring in the game: the Thief Ring in Ch8. It comes later, sure, but it's there. If you really want, you could have Arthur get the Thief Ring, and sell the Bargain Ring to Aless, but that thing costs 40k to buy. Arthur bypasses this problem by inheriting it, but Aless can't do that. So we might as well get the Thief Ring with him. Aless can also use the Thief Sword to get money on player phase, then switch to Mistolteen for enemy phase. You posted as I was writing this and I can't help responding to it: This is false, there's a path going there. Fee is the quickest way to it, but that also puts her at risk of the Wing Clipper Thief Fighter. It cuts Aless from the main chapter's action to get there, sure, but it's not like he's by any means neccessary to go through the last few enemy waves. He isn't particularly good at fighting Javelin Dracoknights, anyway. That should answer the question why they are not just as entitled to the Bargain Ring. It's not optimal, and therefore, it's not as good for optimal play. Some other snippets you said that I want to directly answer. I normally hate going quote-by-quote, but sometimes that's needed. Yes, Tinny is completely irrelevant for efficiency runs. She does matter for ranked, sure, but that is a completely different beast. I don't advocate throwing every resource (barring the ones Celice needs) possible at Arthur in ranked, just in an efficiency/speedrun. You can get Arthur in Wrath range using the arena to get a 100% OHKO on Ishtar. Or you can put him in Ishtar's attacking range. 20 Levin!Arthur w/ Holsety (Magic Ring, Bargain Ring, Pursuit Ring) 55 Atk, 37 AS -- 54 HP, 10.5 Def, 10.7 Res, 92 Avo 57% Continue, 32% Critical Ishtar has 224 Hit and 60 Atk, so she does have 100% hit on Arthur despite WTD. But she puts him straight into Wrath range with her 60 atk, allowing him to counterkill with 100% success. If you're not afraid of 45% Continue, this is a solid option. Alternatively, you can just bring the fight to her and attack first. Roughly a 70% chance to kill her before she gets to attack, so only 30% of the time she will be able to counter. Of that 30%, there's a 45% chance she would kill Arthur with continue. The other 55%, she won't proc Continue and Arthur will launch his Pursuited second attack and kill her. Well, L30 Arthur does have "only" 53 Atk without Mag Ring, 58 with, and Ishtar has 70 HP/32 Res, which means you would only do 42 total damage if you don't proc anything, 52 with Mag ring. But those chances are so absurdly low: 2 chances to proc either Continue or Critical, we're looking at around 8% chance here. And Celice/Aless would be able to finish her off regardless. Why am I typing all this up, anyway? There are two Magic Rings, you can put one on Arthur and one on Sety. Or Arthur can sell his, since he doesn't exactly need it that much anymore. Why are you implying Sety needs to visit that village for the 2nd Magic Ring? He can just buy it off someone else. He's a rich dude. Those 5 points are never going to make a difference, anyway. If you do need that little bit of extra HP recovered, you have so many options to do it. Not only do you have several other healers who can use Libro to top people off, you also have access to a Recover staff that restores full HP regardless of magic (I doubt the 5 pts would be crucial on multiple units). And compounding that, your dancer can revitalize up to 4 people including healers. I've explained in detail why it's a good idea to have him solo either Johalva's troops or Schmidt's troops. He's positioned just fine to do so, and the Mag ring is extremely useful for him in those scenarios. Look, either you can complain about Arthur's 70% killing rate being unreliable, or you can say Pursuit Ring doesn't do much for him because he already kills 70% of the time. But you're not allowed to complain about both. Have your cake or eat it. Ballerzak has shown how to train Leaf in a ranked run. Whether Leaf pays off in any kind of efficiency run is questionable, but I think Aquilae did it. And you don't need Pursuit Ring on him to get it done by Chapter 9, while promoting Leaf at Ch8 is pretty much impossible barring some kind of abuse. Why would I want Pursuit Ring on Patty? Her offense is horrid for like 18 levels, even with Pursuit Ring and Moonlight Sword and Holyn as her dad. If you want to train Patty in a ranked or casual run, you have to make the best of the arena with Prayer Sword or Ambush (Lex!Patty) abuse, and have her steal low kills. Again, Balcerak shows exactly how to do that. Patty doesn't really have a place for anything in an efficiency run, though, and I never said it's a good idea to load up on Arthur right away in a ranked run (since it will kill your EXP rank), so I'm not sure what your point is. 100000G sounds like a lot, but it's just a funny number that doesn't represent anything Arthur has to pay for. He inherits all these rings, and gold on a character in gen 1 gets like divided by 20 before it's passed on to the children (inheritence tax rates are insane, apparently). And Levin doesn't have to pay for the Bargain Ring, just the Pursuit Ring (20k) and the Mag ring (5k). As I said, Levin is amazing in arenas, each of them giving him 17500G with ease. The meager cost of his Elwind tome after Bargain Ring, and the occasional Holsety repair don't cut much into that. Even if he's a little short on a last minute purchase in Ch5 for some reason (like, you want him to repair Holsety to 50 uses before passing it on), you can sell everything Tiltyu has and give it to him. Her Tron tome alone is a full 12k (halved on selling, but Bargain Ring), let's say 11k because you might've used some in Ch3. Okay, we'll delve deeper into Arthur's financial expenses. Let's say he joins generation 2 with 50 Holsety uses, 50 Elwind uses, Bargain, Pursuit, and Magic Ring. His parents went completely broke for him, leaving him with nothing but a meager 1000 starting gold. This is disregarding any additional things Levin could have bought in generation 1 for sale in generation 2, such as a Fire tome you won't care about. Arthur goes ahead and kills either Johalva or Schmidt's army. Let's say the latter, since that uses up more Holsety uses. A total of 13 uses max down the drain (Schmidt is 2HKO'd and he has 11 friends), maybe 15 if you also kill Dannan with him. So Holsety has 35 uses left. There's a village north of Rivough that he's in perfect positioning to take that will be in perfect condition (no bandit ever goes there), so that's +5000G he now has. We also get 1000G on every chapter for every castle left intact during this chapter. Assuming we seize neither Sophara nor Isaac, that's still 3000G. Arthur goes into Ch7 with 35 uses of Holsety left, and 9000G on the bank. Repairing Holsety to full costs 7500G, so 1500G left. The arena should cost him about 1000G to run through at most, earning him 16500G every time. After all, Elwind is only 50G per use and Arthur has Wrath, so this does take into account occasionally having to bust out Holsety for 500G. Ch7 starts, and Arthur has 18000G. Admittedly, this isn't enough for the Elite Ring unless you plan ahead and don't fully repair Holsety or something. Now he's going to go through a lot of Holsety in this chapter according to plan. There's 8 Dark Mages, let's say he kills like 6 of them, using up 11 Holsety uses in the process. 39 uses left. Then we get Melgen. 22 enemies, let's say he crits around 1/5th of what he fights. He'll nearly break Holsety here, in fact he will if he fights everything with Holsety, though you don't have to kill the ballistae with Holsety when you can use Elwind (after killing all the other threats), or if something hits him he crits every time thanks to Wrath. Let's say he has 5 uses left after this. Repairing those 45 uses isn't possible with what he has currently so he would indeed need a little Patty donation. Patty does join with 10000G though, and as I said efficiency is mostly about Celice and Arthur taking on the world, so there's not much of a reason not to do it. But if you're reluctant to do so, let's just say he repairs it with what he has to around 30 uses and no cash left. He uses up like 10-12 more uses on the magic fiends and Blume on the right before you seize. 18 uses left. Now he gets 4000G from castles and 16500G from the arena, for a total of 20500G. Enough to repair 41 uses of Holsety! In addition, we've come to a point where he can potentially sell the Magic Ring for another 10000G, which is another 20 uses. He could do that last chapter too, of course. It goes on like this. You get around 20k per chapter just from the arena and intact castles. I'm sure that with a little better planning on what you buy with Levin, and how you spread your Patty donations, and what villages you visit with Arthur, you could allow him to buy the Elite Ring. Balcerak got Arthur to promote in the middle of Ch8 in his ranked run by having him kill Muhammed's squad, but admittedly that's ranked and it's different...but I know for a fact that I managed to get a promoted Arthur at the start of Ch8 in my speedrun. You also mentioned he can fight well with Elwind. Doesn't that help his case, rather than hurt it? You seem to not understand how efficiency playthoughs work. The goal of those is not to have a large army of powerful units. The goal is to clear the game extremely quickly. For that, you don't want a large army of okay units or strong units - you want a small amount of units that devastate anything in their path. Why would I want enemies to attack someone like Delmud or Skasaha and waste EXP on them, when I can just ORKO them with Aless, Arthur, or Celice? I'm not getting any lower turns by spreading my resources and EXP as thinly as possible. Arthur's lategame is great - you even mentioned it's his best part. His caps being low hardly affects him - almost nothing survives a double Holsety attack, the few things that do have a 90%+ chance to get killed by Continue/Critical. His 90+ avo can be further supplemented with Celice's double leadership, or clever use of terrain, making him practically unhittable. Those Hero Lance troops you mentioned, for example, only have 100 hit. Why would you ever let that happen? You're assuming the player doesn't know what he's doing. Sety can use Restore at base level, at 10-range, if the need arises. Or Leaf can do it if he's trained for Rescue staff abuse. Interestingly, during my speedrun, I noticed Barrier Ring Arthur was immune to the Chronos Dark Mage Sleep staff due to having more Res. Yes, it's another resource, but it doesn't help anyone as much as he does.
  4. You asked what makes Arthur so amazing. I make a very detailed post about not only why Arthur is amazing if you give him the right resources, but also why those resources are practically personal to him in an efficiency run. You proceed to tell me he's not that awesome because he needs favoritism, and because he has "huge issues" (I take it you're mostly referring to his 5 move...another problem that only lasts for 2-3 chapters, all of which have work to do for a 5 move nuke).
  5. Well, or an unmounted guy with Knight Ring. But dismounted Celice should work. Oh, and why can't Corple level cap? 21 levels of Elite staff EXP is not possible in 2 chapters?
  6. This is the last time I'm ever writing about Holsety in generation 2. From now on I'm going to save this and repost it every time it's brought up, so I won't have to look up the numbers again and again. I think there are about three to four different playstyles or arbitrary goals for playing FE4 to take into account when talking about "how good this unit or that pairing is", whether it's about tier debates or recommendations or just arguing for the heck of it. They are: 1. Efficiency runs 2. Ranked runs 3. Speedrunning 4. Casual play These are all vastly different in terms of unit standards, and the way you play the game really impacts what you can do with Holsety and Arthur. But I am convinced that he is really great for all of these. First, let's talk about efficiency runs. In these, you strive for the lowest turn count possible, or at the very least, the lower amount of turns the better. There's no time for training scrubs on this one. You will be making use of your best units off the bat, using your resources effectively to make them even more powerful, basically facilitating Celice to get danced, Rescued, and walked from castle to castle in the shortest amount of time. Celice isn't bad at fending for himself. His dad probably left him a 50+ kill Silver Sword to work with, and/or a Hero Sword, as well as the Elite Ring, the Leg Ring, perhaps the Knight Ring, and some stat rings like Power, Speed, Shield, etc. That's because it's in your best interest to get Celice that mount and extra movement ASAP, to accelerate his seizing. Preferably, he would be promoted at the start of Ch7. This pretty much requires him to solo Ch6 though, or close to it. Balcerak's ranked run shows this can be done. But Celice does have issues. His lack of powerful 2-range stops him from mowing through enemy archers and mages on enemy phase, and his best friends Aless, Altenna, or even something like Leg Ring Shannan (although Leg Ring is prolly best off kept on Celice, or sold to Leen) can't help him with that. This is where Arthur comes in. Arthur, like Celice, will give you enormous returns for the favouritism required in order to get him to promotion level. At bare bone basics, he has this to work with: 2 Levin!Arthur w/ Holsety 40 Atk, 26 AS -- 31 HP, 2 Def, 6 Res, 62 avo 46% Continue, 20% Critical (probably a slight bit less because FEA pretends Tiltyu makes it to L30, but that's like 1-2 pts difference and doesn't change the story much) With Celice swallowing so many stat rings, you might think there is nothing left to give to Arthur. You could not be more wrong. First, there's the Bargain Ring. Levin is one of the best candidates for it since it takes no sidetracking for him to pick it up. The only other candidates would be Sylvia and Aideen. There's no real reason to staff grind Aideen in an efficiency run since she'll never get to fight, and there simply isn't much demand for her or her daughter's staves when there's various alternatives. Claude, Levin, Fury, Ethlin, perhaps Lachesis if she manages to promote. In gen 2, you get Nanna, Sety, and again perhaps Leaf. I can't be bothered to check if Aquilae managed to promote his Leaf in his efficiency run, and whether he did it without impacting turn counts on raising Leaf (taking into account Rescue staff abuse can make up for that loss). But before I sidetrack too much, we were talking the Bargain Ring. The dancers are other candidates, but I don't think the Bargain Ring does a lot for them if you plan to keep Leg Ring on your Lord (since that also impacts the effectiveness of the Knight Ring). Plus, Sylvia can just grab almost every village in Ch2 instead. The Bargain Ring is more efficiently placed on Levin and Arthur because Arthur's worth grows exponentially with every ring he can buy, and every Holsety shot he can fire. With the Bargain Ring, the sky is the limit. With the Bargain Ring, it's not too hard to also purchase the Magic Ring (there's pretty much no demand for this one). Why does someone with 40 Atk want the Magic Ring? The reason is that the Axe Fighters of Sophara have 42 HP/0 Res and the Axe Knights with Schmidt have 42 HP/1 Res. With the Magic Ring, Arthur only needs one use of Holsety to dispose of them. With these bases, Arthur "only" has a 43% chance to whiff an ORKO on something he 2HKOs. Of course, we can't rely on the Magic Ring to bail us out forever, since enemies get over 45 HP more quickly than he can grow a lot of Mag (his 40% growth is respectable but can't match the enormous HP growth enemies have). But thankfully, there's the Pursuit Ring. Yes, it's very valuable at 40k, though Bargain Ring cuts it to 20k. It's easy enough for Levin to afford in gen 1, since he's been carrying the Bargain Ring all along and mostly making use of Elwind, while kicking butt in the arena. Is there others who want it in an efficiency run? It would make raising Leaf slightly easier, but if you insist on raising him, you will likely have to spoonfeed him things and rigging him through the arena anyway. Again, Balcerak's run shows you don't need Pursuit Ring on Leaf to make him promote eventually. Even though it is ranked, a lot of Leaf's training happens in the arena. The aforementioned Celice and friends all have Pursuit, so they don't need it. Sety always has it, Altenna always gets it on promotion, Faval always has it, the Sword kids always have it, etc. You're not going to use Patty to fight and you're not going to use Tinny at all, so there's really no competition for this ring. So we have a powerhouse in Arthur, with room for various rings and gadgets to turn him into an indestructible killing machine...but he still only has 5 movement. How do we use him efficiently? I believe there's two ways to go with him in Ch6. Either send him straight south from his starting position, towards the Axe Knights, where he can leverage his Avo by equipping either Elwind or Holsety and standing on a mountain, forest, plain or even road tile. It depends a little on what Schmidt's friends are willing to attack. FE4 AI is weird and unpredictable. These guys have 68 Hit, so standing on a plain with Holsety sounds safest. Schmidt has 96 hit though, so you will probably want to lure him into attacking you on a mountain before you eliminate the Axe Knights. I have done something like this before in an attempted speedrun but I forgot the details. Either way, it's possible to do it, with a fairly low chance of death, especially as he gains levels and his Avo rises. Then there's the possibility of going straight east and taking on Johalva's army. In an efficiency run, you don't neccessarily have to recruit everyone unless that's a self imposed goal...if you consider that a requirement, then you will need some tactical planning. Celice will run straight through Johan and it's hard to get Arthur to kill all these Axe Fighters while recruiting Johalva with Lakche. I'm sure it's possible somehow...Probably best to just go south with Arthur if you want to recruit one of the Axe brothers. That is admittedly all Arthur can get in Ch6. But now we're in Ch7, and Celice is probably promoted (or close to). Ch7 is one of Arthur's best maps. Arthur is reasonably around L10 right now if not higher, with the EXP from last chapter and the arena. I rounded the numbers a little: 10 Levin!Arthur w/ Holsety (Magic Ring, Bargain Ring, Pursuit Ring) 48 Atk, 35 AS -- 41.4 HP, 4 Def, 7 Res, 83.6 Avo 55% Continue, 26.8% Critical You can take a gamble for some EXP with these Dark Mages. They have 128 Hit factoring in WTA, so around 44% hit on him. It's not worth the risk to throw Arthur into a crowd of them, but thankfully they are fairly spread out. Celice is busy walking to Yied and that will take a while, so you will probably have plenty of time to have Arthur take only one, maximum two at a time to, healing with Julia or Lana when he gets hit. Since Celice is probably promoted and not gaining any EXP on his Yied quest, it's not out of the question for Arthur to use the Elite Ring here, for a couple more levels. When Celice has seized Yied, Arthur can continue down to Melgen. The enemies there have varying hit. Bow Armors have 86 hit, so they can't touch him. Lance Armors have 96, so they probably won't hit him. Thunder Mages have 84 after WTD. Liza has 140 hit though, so you will want to KO her on player phase. Ishtor has 96 with Bolting, you can probably take him out from above or beside the castle. Why am I saying all this? Because I think Arthur can, with some careful risk management, solo Melgen. It might take some try-outs to see what works and what doesn't, though. From there, Arthur needs to go east to recruit Tinny. Unless you don't really care about recruiting her...but he's still very good at killing her army so that just makes him look better. Once again, his low movement is rather immaterial because Celice needs to seize Melgen and Darna. He should be able to get where he needs to be. He makes a good candidate for killing Blume. Shannan actually isn't too great at it: Blume has 46 Atk, and Shannan has 38 HP/4 Res. He does have 120% HP growth, but only 5% Res, so he probably can't avoid the OHKO. It's safer to have Arthur and his 48+ total HP/Res take him on. Aless could do it as well, of course, but he also has to visit Darna. Blume has 9 AS, whereas base Mistolteen!Aless has 8 and only 30% Speed growth. So Arthur is definitely the best choice to take him on. With all this available experience that can be fed to Arthur without impacting turn count (since Celice keeps needing to go back and forth between places), as well as the potential Elite Ring and the Ch8 arena, he should be able to promote in Ch8. Yes, it's a lot of favouritism, but there is little to no opportunity cost involved, and it will definitely start paying off now. Ch8 features tons of threats that Arthur is much better at taking care of than Celice or Aless. The Mage Sisters can theoretically be killed by Aless because of their triangle attack suicide AI, but if my memory serves the combined hits of the three of them would kill him, so he needs Ambush + critical to bail him out, or a lucky dodge. Meanwhile, this is Arthur: 20 Levin!Arthur w/ Holsety (Magic Ring, Bargain Ring, Pursuit Ring) 55 Atk, 37 AS -- 54 HP, 10.5 Def, 10.7 Res, 92 Avo 57% Continue, 32% Critical He can run into one of them and kill them with his huge proc rate (roughly 70% chance of proccing either of these on his first attack). Aless could try the same, but I think killing one of them might disable the triangle attack AI. Anyway, Arthur is virtually guaranteed to dodge the Thunder one (92 hit after WTD) and will easily survive two hits (27 and 30 Atk on his 10-11 Res wouldn't kill him), so he's safe. Then there's Ishtar. He's probably the only person that doubles her other than Shannan, and like with Blume, Shannan won't survive Thor Hammer. You can also get Arthur into Wrath range for her to guarantee killing her before she can attack. There's also a large group of Javelin Lance Knights, and the Elthunder Mage Knight captain Ovo to take care of. Then there's Blume's castle full of Bolting threats he can just ignore and waltz through, countering anything in there at 2-range, etc. He's an expert at cleaning a path for Celice. From here Arthur just proceeds to be nearly invincible, and a failsafe mounted kill on pretty much everything. His current Atk is already sufficient to 2HKO Arion without triggering Prayer (70 HP, he does 46 damage per hit), which is ridiculous. You have two more encounters with Ishtar, there's the dreaded Earth Sword Falcoknights, etc etc. He's a beast. Why was I so elaborate here? Because many of the numbers and strategies here also apply to other runs. In ranked, Arthur's beastliness is less interesting, because ranked isn't really about low turning or being efficient, but rather about distributing EXP. Balcerak is doing a good job at trivializing this challenge by having 8 levels to go in roughly 150 turns when he's only got Ch10 and Final to go, so that just goes to show how much of a laugh it is to tier units in a ranked run. At best you can argue that some are easier to get to L30 than others, but in the end nearly everyone needs to get there or at least to promotion level, so it's silly to argue one unit is a lot more neccessary than others. The worth of having a mounted nuke is significantly less when often the problem isn't killing an enemy, but killing an enemy with your physically challenged thief or dancer or armor or female mage or what-have-you. Still, now that he has EXP locked him, I expect he will be using Arthur a lot for some fast clears. Then there's speedrunning...which is a lot like efficiency, except you also mash buttons and do stuff fast. As I said, one time I had a vague ambition to do an FE4 speedrun, and strangely enough it involved mostly Celice and Arthur storming through. Just like efficiency. So a lot of the strategies mentioned above apply. And finally we have casual runs, where you can basically only rank characters based on how easy they make the game for you. The only thing that can really be brought up against Arthur here is that people playing through the first time might not have all the neccessary knowledge needed to make Arthur so awesome really quickly...but they don't need to. I can't speak for how everyone plays the game when they're not caring for anything except beating the game by the end...some like to kill every enemy, some want to use everyone, even get everyone to L30. Some might have trouble pairing Levin with Tiltyu, but with just a little bit of knowledge you can do this, even if you only have Ch4 and Ch5 left. That's it for my Arthur thesis. Commence the copypasta.
  7. Celice solo in final chapter. Do it.
  8. Put the .ips file in the same folder as a clean FE8 ROM, give them the same name (so FE8 Troll.gba and FE8 Troll.ips), load the ROM in preferably VBA and it should work.
  9. Delaying Paras's evolution once at L24 will get you Spore at L25, just fyi. I have to say I'm pretty disappointed in Paras's movepool. :(
  10. Some are worse than others. Seth and FE9 Titania are completely overkill broken, FE7 Marcus is really really good but not quite their level. Oifaye is really amazing. He might look a little pale compared to "broken 2nd gen units"...but that's really just people with holy weapons, and most of those don't even have the mount that he does. As someone else said, he's basically a 2nd gen Sigurd. He has weapon versatility, Pursuit, Critical, and just good all-around stats. Some might view him as less because he's not "necessary" and all, but the fact is that he's a really solid unit all-around. Then there's the more traditional ones like Alan, FE6 Marcus and, well, Jeigan. They do really wear out quickly, though FE11 Jeigan is a useful forgedHorseslayerbot throughout the game.
  11. That can't be a Black Fang assignment though, since it was clearly before he joined the Black Fang. So if it wasn't, then why did he get accepted into the Black Fang and even promoted, and what caused him to get locked up?
  12. Straight from the game: Sonia: Pascal Grentzer, once and former count of Bern's Landskron. A man whose battlefield prowess was feared far and wide...Until you invited your citizens to your castle and slaughtered them. Stripped of your title, you fled the king and joined the Black Fang. Is that an accurate summary? Pascal: Hmmm...You know me well, it would seem. Sonia: You were even made one of the Four Fangs. Spending the rest of your days in this place seems so wasteful. I've heard that Brendan calls you "the Beast". A monster who would massacre an entire village to kill one person. Pascal: He doesn't know how to enjoy his work. "Never harm any innocents." Bah. "The Black Fang brings justice to those above the law." Ha ha ha...Quite droll jokes, don't you think? Sonia: I'm going to release you, Count. I've a job for you. Something you'll love. What do you say? Are you interested? The way I see it, there is no mention of poisoning anywhere. Pascal "slaughtered" his citizens in his castle, was stripped off his title and then joined the Black Fang. Then Sonia says he "would massacre a village", which either means he actually did something like that (which would explain why he was locked up), or he would have done it if he had the chance...which then leaves us wondering why he was locked up.
  13. Who does that? I know I never did, and I don't see any reason to.
  14. Where is it said he poisoned an entire village? All I see is the part where he invited civilians over to his castle to kill them (which was back when he was with Bern, not the Black Fang), and Sonia quoting Brendan saying he would massacre an entire village to kill one man. edit: Don't get me wrong, maybe what he said there was what you were referring to. I'm curious where the poison comes from, though.
  15. Best: Original TrollFE8 Ch1. Longbow Archers in 1-square vision fog! Worst: FE5 Ch24x. Honorable mention to BBD.
  16. Mekkah


    There is a short talk by Renault at the start of the last Kishuna chapter which sort of hints at it, but then again, a lot of people have this kind of quick pre-battle conversation quickly after the map they have been recruited, usually the map right after. Fiora, Raven, Lucius, Karel, Hawkeye... They wouldn't make any kind of conversation between Renault and Kishuna because it's impossible for them to fight (Kishuna can't attack and Renault is silenced by the Magic Seal). For a fun fact, the Magic Seal is actually not tied to Kishuna's presence in that chapter. If you use the Mine Glitch to make one of his morphs rescue him, the graphic display of the seal vanishes, but your magic users can still only do their thing outside of where the seal range was. As for why the morphs were there...in Genesis, one of your characters (Hawkeye I think) mentioned he "called friends" or something like that. Kishuna probably has some degree of control over the morphs. Perhaps he was one of the "higher ranked morphs" like Denning, with an army of them under his command. They must've gone along with him when Nergal made him an outcast. Either that or Kishuna can create morphs, but I don't think that's very likely.
  17. Mekkah


    Kishuna wasn't the first morph he made. It was the first one he made with emotions. He said it was not sufficient for him to refer to Kishuna as merely a number, implying that he had been numbering his previous morphs.
  18. To be exact, Pascal once ruled some part of Bern. He invited the civilians of his lands to his castle, where he slaughtered them for no reason. From there, he was stripped of his title and joined the Black Fang, even becoming one of the Four Fangs. If the slaughter on his civilians wasn't the cause of him being locked up, I have to wonder what was. I mean, how do you think his recruitment conversation with Brendan and the Fang went? Pascal: "Oh hey, I'm Pascal. I slaughtered a lot of innocents for fun and they fired me, can I join the Black Fang, a league of assasins who protect the innocent and kill corrupt nobles?" Brendan: "Hm, ok..." And then not much later, someone went "Wait, this guy is mad. Lock him up, no one is to see him ever!". I'm going to guess Pascal was told by Brendan not to hurt innocent people (he actually repeats this for Sonia) but they didn't mention that he did that (again), and as a consequence he was locked up. Makes you wonder about the whole "law of the Fang" thing where they generally kill the wounded and the useless. Why wouldn't Brendan kill Pascal if you couldn't use him? He sure as hell isn't innocent. And that's not even questioning why they hired him to begin with, let alone make him one of the Four Fangs. He is nothing like anyone of the Reed family, Uhai, or even Ursula.
  19. you two really need to get a room or something
  20. http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/5-second-movies/114-lion-king
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