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Everything posted by Mekkah

  1. Stealing a crown from a DB unit with Heather maybe?
  2. Castle marathon? You mean you were playing FE4?
  3. A fun hack, very good sprites. Never felt much for the story though...people's reasons for joining were as generic as they could get from me. Don't take that the wrong way, I know it's extremely hard to do this all as it is, and writing a new FE game just isn't easy. I like how it loops back to Prologue after you beat the last map. X)
  4. v3.5 - Edited until Ch15. http://www.speedyshare.com/files/28728394/Fire_Emblem_8_Troll_v3.5.ips A lot of effort went into Ch15. That doesn't mean it's beautiful, of course...just means I tried not to break things.
  5. And then Seth is mentioned everywhere?
  6. Maybe it would be possible to get the Guiding Ring with a promoted Kent/Sain...not that you'd want to do Lyn Mode just for that, but I just thought of it.
  7. That's what I expect, since the other Hero Crests cost turns to get (steal from Oleg, dig up in the desert, and go to Jerme's), and he will probably sell the Member Card in the Ch21 Secret Shop.
  8. You have to wait for turn 25/30 without killing any dancers for the two bonus dancer reinforcements to appear. They come on the staircase directly to the right of your starting point, and try to run to the right, then up to that staircase. Use http://www.fireemblemwod.net/ for this stuff, it's good. One dancer has a Knight Crest, the other a Warp Staff. I'm not sure if the turn 30 one appears if you harm the turn 25 one, but I know you can get both with stealing for sure. Rescue Staff from Ch10.
  9. Didn't dondon already explain to you why Upper Mid is better for her?
  10. Lucius has a 2 higher base, but Erk has higher availability in both modes. And: Fire - 5 Mt Thunder - 8 Mt, -1 AS for unpromoted Erk Elfire - 10 Mt, -3 AS for unpromoted Erk, -2 AS for promoted Erk Lightning - 4 Mt Shine - 6 Mt, -2 AS for unpromoted Lucius, -1 AS for promoted Lucius Divine - 8 Mt, -6 AS for unpromoted Lucius, -5 AS for promoted Lucius "Needs Thunder" is just a fancy way of saying that Erk has a good higher level tome at hand while Lucius does not. Lucius only slowly edges Erk out by a fifth of a point for every level they both gain. That's not going to matter. As I said, here is what matters in the comparison of all three: Erk gets E staves, Lucius gets C.
  11. Fighting sucks versus everything in RBY. It sucks vs Team Rockets (who use Poison types almost exclusively), it sucks vs things in Pokémon Tower, it sucks vs Sabrina, it sucks vs Koga, it is hit or miss against Giovanni, not particularly good against Gary, and it's not good vs Elite Four overall.
  12. Lucius doesn't 2HKO any faster than Erk if I recall correctly. The only significant advantages here is Lucius's C staves.
  13. Yeah, this is very outdated, might even be from "back when we believed in supports". However, growth units obviously do have more potential to contribute now that we don't have a Seth until Franz promotes.
  14. Daisy has Prayer, which for any experienced player means an auto-win in the arena as long as you plan it right. However, this will make it harder to distribute money to your other characters. I, too, am more curious about generation 2 than 1.
  15. Yeah, dondon's voice has it all. There's enough cold and monotony in there to properly deliver the message of "I'm going to low turn this chapter and slaughter as many enemies as I need to in order to achieve this", but also plenty of personality to go with the Grandjackal references and other small jokes.
  16. Marcus, except this time he's going to use the weapon type for the majority of the game.
  17. Female + Main (be it Ike or Sothe This seems redundant. Sothe is the mother of Ike's children, after all.
  18. Maybe it's related to how high the kill counter is?
  19. Wolf and Sedgar are rather interchangeable, it doesn't really matter which one of the two you pick. You don't really need to use both of them, especially not on NM. On NM, I would recommend going Hero right away. The durability of General is rather superfluous on this mode, and the extra movement and AS is always useful.
  20. Looking good. I always love it when Jamka destroys those Hunters. You do know the last turn or two is missing though, right? It's fairly obvious what's gonna happen but I assume it's recorded somewhere.
  21. You don't want to feed more to Lex than strictly necessary though, seeing as he caps relatively easily. Then again, it looks like you won't have any problems in generation 1, looking at your strategies. Why didn't you have Alec attack anything before seizing with Sigurd, though?
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