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Everything posted by Mekkah

  1. Nah, the "small" team strategy actually works really well. Sigurd, Lex, Cuan, Ethlin, Fin, and later Lachesis for your mounted needs, Aideen as a mostly in-castle staffbot, and Holyn, Ayra, Jamka, Levin, and later Brigid as your foot soldiers. All of them are very easy to use and train.
  2. I can't be bothered to check any kind of timeline, but it might also be possible that Jerme was just a rotten apple in an otherwise decent organization. Attracted by the opportunity to kill because he's completely insane, hired for his skill with a blade. Gets a better position when Nergal starts pulling strings but is shoved aside for Jaffar at some point.
  3. And because you randomly dump the bad Pokémon you end up getting to get more EXP on your starter.
  4. Julia doesn't do much damage at all to Ishtor and Blume. She has like 20 Mag at most (that's giving her 9 levels, she has an 11 base and a 100% growth), so 32 atk. Ishtor has 50 HP/14 Res, Blume 65 HP/16 Res. 3HKO on the former, 5HKO on the latter, not taking into account her atrocious hit, Blume's Big Shield, or throne healing. And she doesn't double.
  5. what's tuesday all i know is that tomorrow is saturday, and sunday comes afterwards
  6. Base level Shannan with double Charisma, 20% leadership and Lover bonus faces 40% hit from Alvis (and gets OHKO'd because lol 67 atk) so if nothing else he could RNG abuse his way through.
  7. I think not using one or more of your Pokémon, or only using them for HMs, completely defeats the point of drafting. =/ I also think Ike-Mike is avoiding answering.
  8. That's a strategy from the Inui-times, where we'd go at slow pace because we thought the game was hard... Still, Douglas had some use in dondon's 0% run in forming distractions and blockades. The question is whether that's better or worse than Dayan's 2 chapters of Wyvern sniping.
  9. yeah PB why don't you fix those promotions
  10. So because Ross is the only playable Pirate, this Bandit must have been intended to be playable...
  11. And Beowulf happens to have 0% Mag growth.
  12. Somehow this reminds me of how if you promoted Lucia to Trueblade in FE10 2-2, she has short hair. Sincerely doubt they took it into account. SF doesn't have a battle convo listed for them either, and I'm pretty sure Vincent checked not only the game but also the code for those.
  13. bwahahahaha edit: count me in on the quote failing
  14. In everyone-not-Trueblade74's defense, we're not the one that made another thread.
  15. They're on my list, but I'm having doubts whether Ike-Mike assigned them the way they should have been in a draft considering what he said.
  16. Brigid may come later, but that's canceled out by her higher base/growth love with everyone. Her slowest pairing is Dew with 50+2, which still only requires 64 adjacents for them to fall in love. Even if you seized Silvail later than turn 50 in Ch3, you should be able to do that in the 100 love turns you have left in Ch4 and Ch5. I know mine paired up in Ch4 for some inexplicable reason in my 0% growths playthrough, and that was reaaaally slow. Must've been jealousy though I don't know how that could have happened. No matter how much Midir gets stat-screwed, Midir!Lester will be better than Jamka!Lester. The parents' stats don't make that great of a difference, but attacking twice as much does.
  17. And 10% more accuracy, and higher chance of a side effect that pretty much does the same (skip a counterattack on something I 2HKO, either by them flinching or getting OHKO'd by the crit). And the TM was more accessible, since Stone Edge is deep in Challenger's Cave.
  18. As long as Ike-Mike isn't addressing my concerns and apologizing for being a terrible draft host I'm not playing jack squat =/
  19. The guide seemed to imply it :( The modules I have allow me to change promotion paths but not promo item pointers, I think.
  20. This really is getting better and better. You could shrink Ch1 a little further though. I'm not going to repeat what others said on "spammy tiles". If this is what you want to go with, then you should do just that. I hope you manage to finish this!
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