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Everything posted by Mekkah

  1. Yeah, for some reason I only ever tried talking to people as a Wyvern Lord so I assumed the whole "you can recruit them" thing was a troll (with Lucius being icing on the trollcake), and just killed them all instead, mostly as an Assassin. I gained enough level ups to outspeed Serra, stole her Iron Rune, and then just went with crits from there. I don't think Assassinate worked. Serra also seems to randomly decide my attacks do negative damage and heal up, which made me laugh. I know for sure I used Resume once just to see if it worked, but I don't remember at what point and if I ever reverted back with savestates. If I can ever get to that point again I'll try for sure...right now I'm just having major trouble getting to Assassin form because Erk and his Nomad Trooper friends are so strong and guard that whole area. It was easier when I could just murder him... That is basically what I do for FE8Troll: I try out fiddling with stuff, and sometimes an accidental hilarious thing happens that makes the game harder or weirder, and I keep that in. Of course, FE8Troll is just semi-randomly choosing things in Nightmare (I wonder what this button does?) whereas this is an epic display of hacking talent and skills. Kudos to you.
  2. I thought it was intentional at first, so I might have RNG/fortheal abused more than was intended... Also, sometimes when I press B when Serra asks me if I want to be her vassal she interprets it as yes. Is that intentional? It does fit with her personality.... Don't watch this video if you have not played yet.
  3. This is very good. Still trying to figure out how to win the third part. Stupid house glitches the game :(
  4. The SDA FE7 run probably uses a Marcus drop too, but maybe not the turn 1 one you did. EDIT: HELP I HAVE SOTHE
  5. Maybe she just took the most interesting battles with Mist, making it look like Miracle activated a lot more than it should. And yeah, the magic-based Florete makes things look off as well. Mist might not even be able to damage anything without that. She could probably move down. Such a misleading name, averages unleashed...not sure if I can be assed to do them all the proper way when goldie's stats are more convenient. :p The laguz might have to move down due to their lack of range, which effectively gets them "doubled" a lot (people taking free shots with Alondite, Wishblade, etc).
  6. I like the conversation where Volke demands gold from Ike for eating meals with others. Unfortunately I can't find the FE9 base convo scripts anymore. :(
  7. Leonardo's stats: 57 HP 37 Str 15 Mag 59 Skl 31 Spd 44 Lck 26 Def 34 Res Shinon's stats: 70 HP 35 Str 14 Mag 50 Skl 48 Spd 23 Lck 36 Def 28 Res Shinon looks better to me. 2 less Str, 6 less Res and 9 less Skl, but 13 more HP, 17 more Spd (!), 10 more Def (!). Leonardo has Cancel though. Magic units look like they're about the worst. They don't have access to Brave weapons, and their low Def gets them 2HKO'd by everything. In addition, they often seem to be quite slow... edit: I put up a really bad tier list, and a speed tier list.
  8. Edward's stats: 70 HP 44 Str 10 Mag 48 Skl 54 Spd 38 Lck 27 Def 18 Res Mia's stats: 66 HP 39 Str 22 Mag 46 Skl 60 Spd 35 Lck 34 Def 22 Res Yeah, Eddie is definitely better, I just thought of him before looking at the thread. He even has Wrath instead of Mia's Vantage. Zihark and Stefan kind of pale in comparison. Zihark's stats: 57 HP 29 Str 15 Mag 54 Skl 53 Spd 24 Lck 25 Def 30 Res Stefan's stats: 64 HP 37 Str 10 Mag 51 Skl 46 Spd 23 Lck 28 Def 24 Res Magic characters never seem to be able to win anything, almost always slower, and getting OHKO'd. Rhys might just be the worst character in this.
  9. Based off the videos made by goldie. You might know her channel from the face-off videos where all-capped characters with Nihil hit each other until one of them dies. They get a buttload of attention from Youtube fanboys but I've never found them too interesting because they are really only about classes rather than characters. But the Averages Unleashed series is much more interesting since: - it uses averages instead of max stats - stat caps are removed - default Nihil is off - awesome music, FE music gets old after a while Now what does this allow for? Making a tier list discussion! Unfortunately I am making this in one of those bored "1am nothing to do but can't be assed doing big things", so while I want to get discussion rolling I don't want to make a list of what, 60 characters just yet. But I'm sure someone out there must be bored enough to make some kind of draft, or at least get some ideas going. You can find a video with all stats here. I know, a list would be more convenient, but it's better than nothing. Tier list criteria would duplicate those of the video. Basically, it should be a list ranking the person with the most favorable match-ups the highest, and the person with the least favorable match-ups the lowest. A favorable match-up is a match-up you win more often than not, e.g. 50% of the time. You get extra credit for being more favorable than usual. For example, winning a match-up 80% of the time is better than winning only 60% of the time. This kind of chance-based speculation is necessary because of all the possibilities of master skills occurring, as well as missing in some cases. Some of the battling rules (same ones applied to the video): - Every character has access to every weapon they could possibly need as long as their class can use that weapon type. - Every character only has the skills you get when you raise them to max level without ever removing or assigning them anything else, other than laguz masteries (which need a Satori sign). - Fastest character attacks first. - Weapon Triangle is on. - No siege tomes. - No terrain, no supports. - The battle is played out as if both characters are on some kind of battlefield, so they both have a "phase" where they choose what to attack with, and are forced to keep that weapon equipped on the "enemy phase". In addition, they can attack at 2-range or even 3-range if that is convenient. - Matches happen an infinite number of time. So just because Tanith cheated Vika out of a win with a Stun proc (iirc) doesn't mean Tanith beats Vika. The videos are just a sample, but samples aren't always accurate. From what I have seen, some very good characters are: Mia - video I don't think she lost to anything that didn't cheat her. Her ridiculous 60 Spd allows her to go first against almost anything, which instantly gives her a 23% chance of "winning" thanks to Astra, and then some more thanks to high critical. She can do range with Alondite, but she generally seems to get by just by proccing something with Vague Katti or just attacking a bunch of times with Brave Sword. She also doesn't really get doubled by anything, and gets a bunch of chances to proc. Vika - video Vika has 74 Speed. Yes, 74. She doubles everything, and she has a 74% chance to get Tear which triples her (admittedly modest) 30 Str. 185 avo makes most people drop below 50% hit, and allows her to dodge bullets (for example, Bastian has 17% hit with Excalibur). Ike - video No news here, it's Ike with beastly stats. 70 HP, 39/44 Def, and almost 50 Str, versatility with swords/axes, but most importantly a complete immunity to mastery thanks to natural Nihil. Black Knight - video This is the only vid I can find of him. He seems kind of like Ike - a strong statistical guy with Nihil. He's suspectible to Hammer and other such weapons though which is definitely a downside. Mist - video Mist's stats aren't really that amazing other than her 50 luk. It is this stat that allows her to "cheat" by surviving any attack, even a mastery hit aimed at her sitting at 1HP, thanks to her default Miracle skill. It allows her to win otherwise unfavorable match-ups such as Lethe, although I'd have to do the math on exactly how likely it is to turn tables. She also has an 18% chance for Sol, which will heal her a lot which in turn gives her more room for Miracle procing. Rolf - video I don't know why goldie had him attack at 2-range so often...probably because 3-range makes him completely broken if he uses Double Bow. He has an enormous 50 Str to work with, his mastery is an autowin due to the sleep effect, and he can counter while going uncountered pretty much 24/7. I imagine Shinon and Leo do about the same, except minus the enormous Str. Oh, and they OHKO anything that flies. Please discuss! EDIT: A very rough tier list...this was just me going through the stats video and putting people in almost random places. It's easier to move people around than to create an accurate list out of nothing, I'm sure. Top Ike Mist Vika Rolf Shinon Leonardo Mia Edward High Ashera Dheginsea Black Knight Zelgius Tibarn Naesala Janaff Ulki Stefan Zihark Nealuchi Giffca Caineghis Skrimir Nephenee Jill Meg Gatrie Lucia Mid Sephiran Lehran Elincia Marcia Nolan Volke Muarim Lyre Nailah Volug Kurthnaga Ranulf Lethe Kyza Kezhda Heather Low Oscar Fiona Boyd Sothe Titania Nasir Haar Mordecai Tauroneo Danved Bottom Tanith Sigrun Makalov Renning Astrid Kieran Geoffrey Gareth Levail Ena Aran Brom Tormod Bastian Laura Soren Calill Pelleas Ilyana Sanaki Oliver Izuka Rhys Micaiah Reyson Rafiel Leanne A useful reference: everyone's Spd. Note that Rexflame gives +3 AS, which I did not take into account for this.
  10. completely inferior to mine obviously..........
  11. He makes it look ridiculously easy, yeah, but let's not forget that's a consequence of some very deep planning and money management, and a little bit of RNG abuse to clear arenas.
  12. Full hacks tend to not finish because they're so ambitious, whereas short/one chapter hacks generally work out since they're so simple. But if you think you can finish a full hack by all means do that.
  13. Am I the only one who thinks an alt check might be in order here?
  14. more more [15:21:27] <@GeneralSpoon> Balcerzak's ch10 is on youtube now [15:25:02] <~Mekkah> yay
  15. Does anyone know where to find the nico low turn run?
  16. What tends to ruin a hack for me is a really obvious splice/recolor. That's not your new oh so creative character you nitwit, that's Raven/Ephraim/Innes with some hair dye!
  17. Ichival isn't worth it. Faval doesn't have enough movement to contribute anywhere but closeby places, and he can do that fine with Silver Bow. You should kill Julius with either Ring'd Celice, Narga, or Berserked Hel.
  18. I did worse on Prologue for sure but didn't write it down. Poorly planned Aideen's position in Ch1, I think.
  19. How funny, I was about to do the same...and I'm definitely doing Levin/Tiltyu.
  20. I was gonna say "dang, buy the man a bow" then realized this is not a promoted Ardan... Anyway I'm sort of following this but I'm only really interested in Gen 2.
  21. It's not really that anyone thinks Sety sucks, just some folks who seem to think Sety needs Levin is the only viable parent for him when in fact Noish and Claude do perfectly fine.
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