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Everything posted by Mekkah

  1. 1. Don't move Lowen out of the tier with Kent/Sain. Sain and Kent have slightly better stats, but Lowen has important utility earlygame to offset it. 2. Stating Raven's disadvantages have already been taken into account for where he is. There is no point in stating them again to change his relative position. Everyone below Raven is worse than him at either combat or availability anyway (other than like, Oswin and Hector), even with swordlock taken into account. Move Priscilla and Florina above him, maybe, but that's starting to smell awfullly like horse humping and putting a lot of emphasis on as-low-tc-as-possible strategies. 3. Don't forget the opportunity cost of the robe and the ring. And even without that, Guy has some earlygame availability. Lyn above Legault Dorcas Dart is fine I guess as long as she doesn't go above Guy ever. 4. Don't really care about the axe guys. 20/1 Dorcas beats 5/0 Raven though.
  2. I was bored enough to beat this. It serves as a good example of why higher enemy stats isn't the same as bigger difficulty. Yahn is impossible without RNG abuse or extremely good supports because of the lack of effective weaponry combined with 80 HP/43 Def/100 Avo or something like that. Weapons not named SoS don't even hurt him.
  3. You can buy Short Bows at some point but they cost an arm and a leg.
  4. Grandjackal never gives unpromoted axe users Killer Axes. It goes against his philosophy.
  5. You should do that Battle Preparations (FE7 arena 5 turn chapter) TAS we talked about long ago.
  6. Aside from Titania and BEXP: - Insanely broken Paladins, with their weapons, movement, utility, and pretty much exclusive Knight Ward - Enemies are really weak. I remember back when vykan went to gather enemy stats we were like "wow, these are FE9 enemies? terrible." They remain unpromoted practically forever, the promoted enemies are only barely better (sometimes even worse, I'm nto kidding), they generally fail to even 6HKO your good units if they even manage to hit, etc. - Everything is spelled out for you, things like recruiting convos etc. This is fairly minor since for FE8 you're only a walkthrough or SF browse away of knowing, but still. - Skills. They're not in FE8, and in FE9 enemies with skills are insanely rare while a lot of your characters have some.
  7. I've had Gilliam doubled by a Ch2 bandit before, so it happens. Just not all that often.
  8. A22, I understand that you used to discuss and debate during a time where supports that took more than 3 turns to activate were feasible. But nowadays, the assumed turn counts in efficiency playthroughs (such as those assumed in tier lists) are simply too low to have supports, and mounts/fliers are valued more for their insane flexibility on the battlefield. Supports are too slow to activate ever other than something like Roy/Lilina C. Their negligible bonuses do not make up for the time lost.
  9. Anyway if you really want some feedback on this hack...it's just a lot of simple Nightmare changes. About half of them are breaking the game and the other half is not doing anything to fix it. Hard Mode is too hard because of the whole doubled enemy growths thing that makes the game impossible to beat without Marcus (since you made him suck). Making healers have no stats does nothing either other than forcing you to heal more often since they only heal 10 HP. It's especially useless when you make Ellen and Saul a lot worse stat-wise than Clarine. Alan and Dieck and anyone else who had their Def boosted to 38092380923 is broken. Actually it's more like they make the game possible early on. At around Western Isles the game isn't even challenging since Alan and Lance are so good. Rutger blows in Normal Mode but I suppose that's expected. I'm not even sure what mode you're supposed to play this on...I'd suggest picking one and testing based on that.
  10. Consider allowing units to promote at all.
  11. in honor of this oh so great LP
  12. Maybe forget about the Set's Litany or whatever ring there is village since it doesn't help you in the Link Arena? Are you maxing everyone's every stat or just raising everyone to 20/20?
  13. It would be funny if some of the areas on the bridges between ships were PWASE, considering snags are. (No, Grandjackal, that is not a confirmation that they are)
  14. So I hear Give, Take and Drop are not in this list, meaning whoever has Rescue is in trouble!
  15. Since when is changing maps and events etc a requirement for "trolling"? Who died and made you king etc?
  16. Good thing I stopped trying Hard Mode at Ch2, that would've been pointless. This hack puts the "troll hack genre" to shame due to lack of playtesting/well thought out changes. It's just a lot of additions/substractions from bases and growths of units all over the place.
  17. He has the Pirate Ship Elysian Whip anyway, so he can promote both. edit: Both of Heath and Fiora, of course.
  18. There not being much to discuss is a natural occurrence even without the whole low turn religion. The games have been out for so long, even if there wasn't any trivializing by mounts or base stats every debate would have been done to death by now. As I'm sure you know, the better solution would be to make a new tier list topic with a goal different from low turning...but there's no suitable one. We can make a Snowy_One tier list where the goal is to compare 20/20 units during the last 2 turns of the game, but then we wouldn't be talking about anything meaningful. We can go back to BEXP limits or 20 turns per chapter or whatever, but then you are turning the game into communism. Who cares if Gilliam takes 2 rounds of combat to kill this Paladin whereas Seth only takes one, we have enough time to do so! smash made some kind of attempt to make a tier list for FE dummies or people new to the game, trying to make reliability without knowledge of the game's events etc a huge factor. It didn't end well, of course, because everyone loves to smashbash and he doesn't respond well to that.
  19. Darros did you really have to quote the OP... That's pretty hilarious. With enough Fergus abuse he can actually have A swords and destroy everything with that Master Sword. Not that he couldn't already ORKO everything with like Iron but hey...
  20. don't worry it doesn't stay like that...
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