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Everything posted by Mekkah

  1. is wrong with the end of Zealot's tale.Also, Tybalt keeps saying opperation instead of operation.
  2. Dagda might just be the best Warrior in the series before Boyd and Nolan showed up.
  3. Use Torches and this to figure out where enemies are, so you can lure and kill them more easily. Let your strongest unit (if you don't want to use Seth or Duessel, then make it Gilliam or Franz or something) march on to the second ship ASAP so he can clear out most of the idiots there. If there's eyeballs floating nearby, make sure everyone in their range has 1-2 range equipped so they only bother you for one enemy phase. I tend to let Cormag deal with the southern fliers, and Tana with the north. Make sure they have Javelin, Iron Lance, Pure Water and Vulnerary with them. Stock up on things if you're low before entering this chapter if you haven't already, because you don't get to use the map screen between Ch11 and Ch12.
  4. If you pick the last units he'd just Eliwood solo, that's way too easy. I think Wallace, Nino, Wil, Rebecca, Bartre, Dorcas, Karel is the way to go.
  5. glitches the game into being unplayable and forces you to restart.
  6. Ivaldi will still kill pretty much every Monster in one hit, while providing your Bishop with +5 Def that could very well save their lives. Just saying.
  7. http://www.justin.tv/mekkkah Streaming this atm for whoever cares. edit: fyi, I'm not using Seth, going fairly slowly. plan to train Vanessa, Franz, my Lord (I think I'll take Eirika route), maybe throw in some prepromos. edit 2: done streaming
  8. I'm kind of doing this right now but it doesn't feel pure because you see remaining HP whenever a unit enters battle, and all of their stats when they level up. FE3 is better for this, since they actually "silently" level up.
  9. No need to "so what?" me, I just thought it was a cool thing to point out.
  10. Even in Creature Campaign, their caps don't matter as the enemies would still fall just fine vs a capped Paladin. If something survives, a Great Knight probably wouldn't be able to ORKO it either, and you might just be facing a Draco Zombie that you want to use Vidofnir against anyway.
  11. You can also use the Mine Trick to grab some infinite use Monster weapons like Demon Surge and let Myrrh use those. She won't get her Stone bonuses though so it's only good for fighting weak enemies. But at this point you might as well cheat the full mile and hack her stone to have full or infinite uses using Codebreaker.
  12. 99% of the axes (especially the heavy ones) don't matter. It's all about being able to use Hand Axes for better ranged WT control. They never need the Brave Axe because they can use the Brave Lance, they never need the Devil Axe cause you can gain WEXP with the Steel Axe, etc. You're listing pro's and cons as if they all weigh equally, when in fact the only 2 things that matter are the 2 mov difference and axes. I think 2 more mov is better, personally.
  13. I like how all of the OP's pairings have the classes of father and son match, except for the Aideen family.
  14. Fin/Tiltyu is fun to theorize about, I remember writing walls of text about how it's better than Lex/Tiltyu. It takes a bit of smart playing to get it to work out though. First, you need to pair them, which is honestly not that hard with a 180/+10 love base/growth. With the adjacent bonus, that's 21 turns, meaning you have 29 turns to seize two castles and get the two next to each other. How do you do this? Well, it helps to have a ridiculously strong Sigurd, and to have either Lachesis or Ethlin follow him around with the Return Ring and Return/Warp Staff. Sigurd can seize Madino on turn 3 if he's powerful enough to ignore the enemies and ORKO the Forrest boss. Then you can use the staff to bring him back home, and follow immediately with the staff horse. Walk to Silvail through the Cross Knights and Elthsan. For those interested in finishing the chapter really quickly, you can either Return Sigurd with Ethlin or unpromoted Lachesis and then use Aideen to Warp him to Madino, or Warp him up there right away with promoted Lachesis depending on your set-up. But you will probably want to get Fin up there ASAP instead. You can even have Fin maul the Pirates if you so desire, just activate Prayer and give him the Hero Lance and he should be able to do it at a real low level. Stronger Fins can use Silver or even Steel. Here's the whole chapter in 11 turns: As for using their offsprings, use some basic maths to get them low on HP from an enemy attack. Prayer only works on the phase you activate it, so what you want to do is have the first enemy of a horde bring one of them into Prayer range, and then the rest will suicide on them while eating two critical hits in return. An advantage to this is that enemies with Hero weapons and ballistae don't bother you as much.
  15. What the fuck happened here where is Uhai
  16. http://shaym.in/fe1/chapter3.html Who the hell are you?
  17. stophavingfunguy I want to know why Uhai takes someone hostage then lets them go because it is cowardly to take someone hostage.
  18. I just came in here to say I don't care about this playthrough.
  19. Are you just triggering these because you like farming EXP or are you worried that you can't finish the game without superhuman children? Because you really don't have to worry about the latter. Their growths hold up on their own, and even if not, you get a few static characters that can sweep the Epilogue even at base level (Shannan, Aless). Anyway, lots of armies simply need a large portion of their generic squad defeated in order for their captain to retreat to where he came from in order to get more. Not all of them work, but here's a few that I do know that work, or am at least pretty sure of. FE4 has the most inconsistent AI I have ever seen though, so some testing may be required. Ch1: - Kinbois - Gandolf's army (I don't think the captain actually retreats, the brigands just kept pouring out for me once) I have never seen Jamka retreat for more guys, and it's so far away that I kind of doubt he'd do that. But it may work. Ch2: - Elliot - The Ridersbane dude with the Harold face. Zaine? Pretty sure Voltz doesn't work. Fury doesn't work. In fact, she just sits there and refuses to attack Levin if you kill all her friends. Ch3: - The Pirate boss with Leg Ring. - Elthsan (not 100% on this one) Ch4: - Both pegasus squads (not 100% on the first one, but I have seen the second one work) - Lamia Ch5: Haven't ever seen one work, but Schmidt and Andre might work. Leptor has no castle to retreat to so I'm pretty sure he can't generate new friends. Ch6: - Slaydar or whatever his name is. The guy with the Hero Axe. Ch7: - The Armors, Mage and General out of Blume's castle. They like, never stop coming until some kind of seize event I think. - Jabarro (not 100% sure) - One time I think I saw Dark Mages coming out of Yied. Either need to leave the boss alive or kill him without seizing for this, I think, though I may be confusing it with the fact that the guarding Dark Mages start moving if you kill the boss but don't seize. - Linda, and maybe that other Mage group as well. Ch8: - Ovo (untested, but again, all the right symptons) - Koruta or something. The guy that goes with Altenna. I also know for sure that this works on the group with just a generic captain. Ch9: - Hannibal - Pretty much every Dragon Knight squad, with the possible exception of the three headed dragon assault. Ch10: - Robert (I think? The Paladin that says he's bored) That's like the only army I can think of that has all the right patterns. Final: - Ishtar's army (you don't get new Falcoknights to deal with, thank God) Don't think there's any other, but maybe the mounted squad you fight first. Have fun!
  20. I always found the Leila/Ephidel/Jaffar scene so weird. Why is Leila talking aloud? Did she talk so loud that Ephidel heard her? Then why does he say "you overheard, did you not?" as if that's the wrong thing to do. There's a guy talking in there about dragons...I'd be curious too even if I was a generic Black Fang member.
  21. Nah, he's doing it because he wants a unit with a 30 Str cap and axes. I never really agreed with this line of thinking but might as well stick with it now.
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