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Everything posted by Mekkah

  1. You can use Nightmare or Codebreaker for the former. For the latter, it's more complicated. Look up stuff on ROM Hacking forum or on GameFAQs, it's not exactly hard to find or learn.
  2. At least his terrible caps will no longer be a problem!
  3. Elite Ring should be passed around like candy, allowing you to maximize your EXP gain in the arena. As long as you manage money properly, you can get almost everyone promoted within some reasonable timeframe.
  4. Then you could have asked instead of outright ignoring me?
  5. Rolf and Shinon's relationship had already been shed light on if I recall correctly. Rolf mentions Shinon taught him how to use a bow when he officially joins your fighting squad in FE9.
  6. Should've tried to kill Sothe. What mode is this?
  7. It's obvious Sothe never got a new shirt, actually...
  8. At the risk of sounding like a Youtuber, I think this is the case for you and 24 others.
  9. Okay, so she doesn't have a Silver Bow, my bad. Though she can use one, and she's blonde and noble.
  10. Even if you restrict Marcus to just using swords, he's still better than all the units in this list. (be it just at fighting with a sword, or at everything a unit can do) If Marcus didn't count as a sword user at all according to the OP, then why is he in the poll to begin with? So there really is no reason to vote for anything but Marcus.
  11. The noble Silver Bow Sniper is in like every game, some of them are even blonde. Louise, Brigid, Innes...
  12. I was joking around, lol. Using 4 Hero Crest guys will annoy the hell out of you.
  13. You know, considering there's a translation patch in the works, I'm not all too bothered. I enjoyed the fantranslated FE3-FE6 about as much as I enjoyed the official English FE7-FE11.
  14. Leaf is the guy who killed the Tornado dude to begin with, so he probably couldn't be bothered to pass sell and buy. That and Leaf actually fought in Epilogue, while Tinny didn't.
  15. use bartre dorcas raven and guy, and go kenneth route
  16. Looks like Marcus is going to win about 500 polls.
  17. Congratulations on finishing. Really enjoyed watching this.
  18. There is so much wrong in just four lines...if I were to judge this, Camtech loses points here for not doing his job, but Psych even more for not calling him out on it. 1. How does Sigurd have 19.5 Atk with Silver Sword while Cuan has 33 Atk with Steel Lance? Sigurd has 14 base Str. He needs to weild like an Iron Sword to ever have that little attack. Did you mean 29.5? 2. How did you end up giving Cuan 26.8 avo with negative AS? Avo uses AS, not Spd. 3. Ayra has the worst offense on the team because she isn't as good as Sigurd and Cuan...because suddenly we don't have 10 other units? Ayra doubles, so she has two chances at proccing Astra. Cuan doesn't double. How can Sigurd blick her if he GETS doubled and has no crit or anything? If anything, he's in danger of getting killed by Ayra (he doesn't have Nihil). But it doesn't matter because recruitment cost shouldn't be a factor in debates. Elliot has 12 Def. You posted Ayra having like 18 Atk with Iron Blade. How is that even possible? Moreover, Ayra has 11 base Str, and Iron Blade has 12 Mt. That's 23 Atk. But Psych was pretty bad too... Hero Sword does not stack with Continue. I forgot what exactly you can proc Astra on and cba researching that, but I'm not the one making statements about it. Which ones? The initial ones near Genoa that will most likely be killed by your mounted units? Or the ones with Jamka that don't attack her since they have 0% hit on her in the forests? Either way, 5 levels is outrageous. That's 500 EXP - assuming you get 40 EXP for each kill, that's 12.5 kills, or 50 weakenings or some kind of combination from it. my eyes bleed :(
  19. Amelia can use a Master Seal I think? I couldn't even get past Athos's promotion after CoD, I'll need SDS's patch. sds if you read this please post it! also
  20. Wouldn't that stop you from using those skills in 3-5, effectively killing the 1-turn clear with Haar and Reyson?
  21. Don't worry about it, it was more of a joke suggestion for a way to end the run. Good luck with the whole thesis thing!
  22. looks like balcerak is having some trouble beating the final chapter...
  23. Treat it as a coin flip? 50% of the time one attacks first, 50% of the time it's the other.
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