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Which obscure characters or NPCs would you like to see in FEH? Bonus: What kit would they have?


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Inspired by this Reddit post and our shared realization that since both FE8 and FE15 are out of women to sell outside of Ismaire and Nuibaba respectively, we may not see banners from them anymore.

Anyway, are there any characters in the series you think would be a massive stretch yet you'd still like to see? I've said this before but I'd like to see Nada Kuya from FE8 one day, but she's even more obscure than Ullr in that she doesn't even have an illustration showing what she may have looked like. For NPCs, I mentioned the Frelian Messenger on Reddit too, but I doubt she has a chance either since she wasn't even eligible for CYL and isn't memorable or a meme like Gatekeeper or Brigand Boss.

For more realistic expectations, it would be nice to get the remaining Crusaders and Elibe Legends, even if IS only chooses to make the women.

How about all of you?

Edited by DefyingFates
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Unlikely, but still more possible than the Sacred Stones Pegasus Messenger (who is even more likely than the Binding Blade Pegasus Messenger, who, yes, exists too) is Chrom's Maiden on a wedding banner. Because 1)It would be a somewhat surprising character addition, 2)It would be a new character on a seasonal banner which is rare, but welcome 3)That the Maiden sort of exists is just sort of funny. She has to exist for gameplay reasons, but that we can depict Chrom as madly in love with this absolute randomer to the chagrin of his actual love interests is just plain funny. She is Chrom's canon wife, change my mind.

Justice for Mannu! Make him a mythic.


Nah, I don't actually want Mannu, but I do want one of the two Mage Dragon bosses from Shadow Dragon (Xemcel and Morzas). Because I just think they'd make for a fun unit in terms of gameplay. I know Idunn is a mage dragon too under original Japanese terms, so we do have a Mage Dragon, but I still want an Archanean one as they have the whole negating magic completely effect which is cool and a niche.

Also, give me an armoured mage already. Feels weird to call Alvis, Bloom or Reptor obscure characters when they're some of the biggest antagonists in the game, but, like, they aren't actually adding any of them to the game. If we need obscure then Lewyn's uncles, who should have been on that Silesian Banner instead of forgetable pegasus knight boss#2. Cowen as the series only legitimate staff armour would be nice too. But not even being in the orbit of Reinhardt managed to get him into Heroes.

Edited by Jotari
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Natalie, Dorcas' wife. She's actually been voteable since CYL5 and has ranked not well, but not too terribly.

Also from Blazing Blade, Teodor, the Druid boss of the extremely obscure Ch19xx. So obscure that despite being a Black Fang member with a title, they still used a generic druid in the final chapter to hold Gespenst instead of him.

Lastly, from Radiant Dawn, Nico, the village boy whom Micaiah saves in part 1 and then shows up again in part 3. Because we need more child soldiers.

Anyone will do, though. I honestly love seeing random, obscure characters get added.

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Ooh. I got another one who is pretty obscure, but actually stands a chance. Holland, Severa's friend. Severa still isn't in the game and Awakening's potential cast is down to finger counting levels of limited, so he actually could slip in there. Plus, Lance Infantry common summoning pool, baby, hell yeah. Also, who doesn't love that artwork?


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6 minutes ago, Jotari said:

Ooh. I got another one who is pretty obscure, but actually stands a chance. Holland, Severa's friend. Severa still isn't in the game and Awakening's potential cast is down to finger counting levels of limited, so he actually could slip in there. Plus, Lance Infantry common summoning pool, baby, hell yeah. Also, who doesn't love that artwork?


Isn't that just Donnel post-puberty?

Seriously though, I forgot about her Paralogue. These are all really fun ideas too!

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Oh man so many. Unfortunately, my absolute top pick for a new unit to FEH is also technically pretty gosh dang obscure despite her being an EXTREMELY story-important character: Elena. That is, Ike and Mist's mom. She only shows up in cutscenes and in the character portrait section of FE10, and is referenced throughout both PoR and RD. She's votable in CYL, so you'd think she'd have a chance. Unfortunately, there are some big obstacles keeping her out of the game.

1. Again, never actually appeared in the Tellius stories as an active character (on account of being dead before FE9 started.)

2. Already in a committed, married relationship. (Let's face it, IS would rather sell eligible waifus, or at least ladies who haven't married yet even if they're in committed relationships.)

3. There are a lot of female characters left in PoR and RD that aren't in the game yet, and a lot of the ARE un married, widowed, or otherwise more sellable (despite the sentimental value of reuniting the whole Griel's Mercenaries family.)

That said, Gatekeeper got in, and he was among my absolute favorite characters from 3 Houses. Just an honest and friendly guy. Anyway, I have some hope.

Now, onto others. I agree that the Frelian messenger from FE8 would be nice. The biggest hurdle I see here is... Well, did she have a name? I guess if she's a messenger, we could call her Karie.

Also, despite not liking Anna (mainly because I feel her popularity as annoyingly overblown) I would actually like to see PoR Anna in the game. She'd make a great contrast to the other Annas since her whole focus would be on teaching young heroes and not on making money. On a similar note, not sure if he'd be considered that obscure or not, but a Jake would be nice. Honestly, I'd love it of there was a native FEH Jake, too. Maybe a trainee for the Order of Heroes who the commander keeps feeling like she needs to give special attention to for reasons even she doesn't quite understand. Hehe.

But anyway, hmm... Rodrigue from 3 Houses would be nice. Ah, and the previous king of Faergus (I hope I spelled that right, but I think I didn't.)

Ah, I had an idea for that one ninja boss in Fates, too. He was directly involved in the ruination of the ninja, but their personal stories regarding him never actually got resolved (especially Shura's.) So, it'd be nice if they could do something about it in Heroes, at least.

I'm sure I have more, but I guess I'll leave it there for now.

Edit: Oh man and that giant turtle from Leonie's paralogue in 3 Houses!

Edited by Mercakete
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10 minutes ago, Mercakete said:

She only shows up in cutscenes and in the character portrait section of FE10,

Does she even appear in any cutscenes?

10 minutes ago, Mercakete said:

Ah, I had an idea for that one ninja boss in Fates, too. He was directly involved in the ruination of the ninja, but their personal stories regarding him never actually got resolved (especially Shura's.) So, it'd be nice if they could do something about it in Heroes, at least.

I know from context you mean Kotaro, but my mind actually went to Omozu first, the only Fates boss not on CYL.

Oh wait, Kotaro isn't on CYL either....but unlike Omozu he absolutely should be. Cause he actually is semi major.

Edited by Jotari
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Well according to IS Elffin counts because while being story important apparently only Larum actually exists. 

My salt shaker full of salt not counting, Anri from Shadow dragon lore would be my pick of course from what I remember of the cut scene with him in it we only see his back.



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Don't know he if counts as obscure since he was a big enough meme to get a Cipher card, but Gromell.

For the uninitiated, he's the Wyvern Lord boss from Path of Radiance (Ch. 25) who can get killed by one of his own boulder traps. If we can get Brigand Boss, then we deserve Gromell since he at least had the decency to be legitimately funny.

If Gromell isn't obscure enough, then I instead offer Schaeffer (Warrior boss of PoR's Ch. 22) and his gem of a death quote: 

“...Gwaar... Haaaarr... Haaaaaa... Shoulda brought... more priests... Or some...babies... Dang...”

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1 hour ago, Jotari said:

Does she even appear in any cutscenes?

Yep. The opening scene in FE9 includes a flashback Ike has about his mom humming the lullaby to him and shows her face.


I know from context you mean Kotaro, but my mind actually went to Omozu first, the only Fates boss not on CYL.

Oh wait, Kotaro isn't on CYL either....but unlike Omozu he absolutely should be. Cause he actually is semi major.

Yeah him.

27 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Yes. The one where she has a sword coming out her back.

That's actually a still image, not a full scene, but yeah, she appears there too.


Also, yes, Gromell and Schaeffer. And that one archer who doesn't even have a name but is still a meme.

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Aimee, Elena, the Crusaders, some of the FE4 Dragon Gods (or even just Forseti), the other champions of Tellius (essentially Soan, but IIRC they're still keeping Deghinsea in alt hell), and Makalov because he deserves it

also the best FE boss ever, SEEKER the raven laguz

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5 hours ago, Yexin said:

also the best FE boss ever, SEEKER the raven laguz

When Tibarn and Naesala got in as pirate alts I was genuinely dissapointed that Seeker was overlooked. He is the actual bird pirate of Fire Emblem!

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I would like to see some of the FE1 characters, like Anri or Cornelius (Marth's father). Iote would also be very cool.

From recent games, I hope Randolph becomes playable one day since I liked him from when I played Three Hopes (he is not playable there, but such a nice NPC in Scarlet Blaze). Lambert (Dimitri's Father) would also be cool, but for him his only chance would be the Valentine Banner as the "dead dad" representation.

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Anri would be an obvious Archenea pick. In fact its baffling he's not in the game yet. The Mythic Hero catagory seems to have been made specifically for the sort of legacy character he's the original for. In other words specifically made for him. Or at least was before IS decided mythic instead meant ''random oc we can't fit on a banner''. 

For Fodlan it be count Gloucester of course. He is after all the best minor character introduced in Hopes. I'd say the same for count Bergliez except I'm not sure he really counts as obscure since he's got a bigger role.

Would Erik and Darin count as obscure? In terms of minor villains they're both long overdue. Erik in particular should have been added in the baby banner. 

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3 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

I want Jake. The one with the ballista. Mostly because I want to see how they implement ballistae.

Ballistae could be comfortable armoured bow units. And we conveniently have four ballistae specialist in the series so there is one for each colour. Not that I reasonably expect them to use either of the ballista bosses. But now that they've used armoured bow units as seasonals (well I say now but it happened a long time ago) I fear that Jake and Beck will just get their New Mystery classes of axe infantry and now cavalry respectively.

35 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Anri would be an obvious Archenea pick. In fact its baffling he's not in the game yet. The Mythic Hero catagory seems to have been made specifically for the sort of legacy character he's the original for. In other words specifically made for him. Or at least was before IS decided mythic instead meant ''random oc we can't fit on a banner''. 

For Fodlan it be count Gloucester of course. He is after all the best minor character introduced in Hopes. I'd say the same for count Bergliez except I'm not sure he really counts as obscure since he's got a bigger role.

Would Erik and Darin count as obscure? In terms of minor villains they're both long overdue. Erik in particular should have been added in the baby banner. 

I reckon we will see Anti eventually as a Mythic because the pool of Mythics is so small now. But he does have the distinct disadvantage of lacking a vagina which would have put him in the game by now. Wouldn't be surprised if we saw Artemis first.

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7 minutes ago, Jotari said:

Ballistae could be comfortable armoured bow units. And we conveniently have four ballistae specialist in the series so there is one for each colour. Not that I reasonably expect them to use either of the ballista bosses. But now that they've used armoured bow units as seasonals (well I say now but it happened a long time ago) I fear that Jake and Beck will just get their New Mystery classes of axe infantry and now cavalry respectively.

I kind of want ballistae to be implemented as a passive effect where if you end the unit's action without attacking, it deals damage in a pattern around the unit, like all squares exactly 4 spaces away or something like that. This lets it actually behave more like a siege unit and no longer interact with Distant Counter and Null C-Disrupt.

Now that we have crazier stuff in the game like the Divine Vein effects, I think this would fit in pretty well.

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25 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I kind of want ballistae to be implemented as a passive effect where if you end the unit's action without attacking, it deals damage in a pattern around the unit, like all squares exactly 4 spaces away or something like that. This lets it actually behave more like a siege unit and no longer interact with Distant Counter and Null C-Disrupt.

Now that we have crazier stuff in the game like the Divine Vein effects, I think this would fit in pretty well.

Actually, I think you're completely right here. And I know I listed Jake as an obscure character myself, but he's part of the playable roster in Ballistae form, so would he even really be considered "obscure?" It's sad that this is in question...

Another character I'm realizing (sadly) may be considered "obscure" is Raijaion (I may have spelled that wrong.)


Technically he's in the game as Fallen Ashnard's wyvern

but I am not counting that form. Also, I keep saying it, but I want Almedha in the game. (Again, she shouldn't be considered an obscure character, but I feel the need to mention her since, at the very least, she isn't playable.)


Specifically, it would be cool if we got her as a dragon. If we can get Fallen Ike and Fallen Chrom (which never happened outside of Cipher) we can get Dragon Almedha.

Ah, and what about that boss from Midori's paralogue? She'd be fun.

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I think Almedha would be a very fun addition. Especially if its a past version of her before she became bitter and depressed. Her being a battle obsessed maniac who has the hots for Ashnard and he for her would be hilarious. Until you remember how it all ends at least. 


2 hours ago, Mercakete said:

Ah, and what about that boss from Midori's paralogue? She'd be fun.

Yes! To be honest I'm kinda surprised IS never added her as a meme pic. 

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  • DefyingFates changed the title to Which obscure characters or NPCs would you like to see in FEH? Bonus: What kit would they have?

More people are using this thread than expected so I decided to add a bonus question and see how you'd design their kits.

For my suggestions, obviously the Crusaders and Legends would get buffed versions of the weapons they're known for (Roland could pull an Altina and dual wield Echesachs and Binding Blade) and the Messenger would be an insta-demote with Atk/Spd Clash 3 Swift Sparrow 2 if IS was feeling generous. Nada Kuya on the other hand would have a Falchion. Considering how much Saleh praises her, maybe she could have a kit that turns her into a one-woman army, like an even more oppressive version of Lucia's Nihil sword?

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10 hours ago, Mercakete said:

Actually, I think you're completely right here. And I know I listed Jake as an obscure character myself, but he's part of the playable roster in Ballistae form, so would he even really be considered "obscure?" It's sad that this is in question...

Another character I'm realizing (sadly) may be considered "obscure" is Raijaion (I may have spelled that wrong.)

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Technically he's in the game as Fallen Ashnard's wyvern

but I am not counting that form. Also, I keep saying it, but I want Almedha in the game. (Again, she shouldn't be considered an obscure character, but I feel the need to mention her since, at the very least, she isn't playable.)

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Specifically, it would be cool if we got her as a dragon. If we can get Fallen Ike and Fallen Chrom (which never happened outside of Cipher) we can get Dragon Almedha.

Ah, and what about that boss from Midori's paralogue? She'd be fun.

Ameldha can just be a dragon using the summoning stone to have Kurthnaga fly in and attack. That would be kind of funny and accurate.

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23 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

More people are using this thread than expected so I decided to add a bonus question and see how you'd design their kits.

For my suggestions, obviously the Crusaders and Legends would get buffed versions of the weapons they're known for (Roland could pull an Altina and dual wield Echesachs and Binding Blade) and the Messenger would be an insta-demote with Atk/Spd Clash 3 Swift Sparrow 2 if IS was feeling generous. Nada Kuya on the other hand would have a Falchion. Considering how much Saleh praises her, maybe she could have a kit that turns her into a one-woman army, like an even more oppressive version of Lucia's Nihil sword?

Just a small correction, Roland is the Durandal guy, Hartmut is the dual wielder, and yeah, I can see it happening, in fact, I want to see it happen

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1 hour ago, Troykv said:

Just a small correction, Roland is the Durandal guy, Hartmut is the dual wielder, and yeah, I can see it happening, in fact, I want to see it happen

My bad, and thank you! It would be cool to see someone use two swords again, wouldn't it?

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