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Special Heroes: Holiday Lessons

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7 hours ago, ARMADS!!! said:

Yunaka can straight up get a 90% DR and reduce the foe's DR's by 90% just like that, simply by walking 3 spaces! (think we never had such a high DR given by one single skill)

Percentage damage reduction nullification is always multiplicative, not additive, so an opponent's 50% damage reduction becomes 5% after 90% nullification.

Also, Yune can get 100% damage reduction.


7 hours ago, ARMADS!!! said:

Dimitri will impossibly NOT kill something if he had already entered in combat on his turn, because we have no counter for Vantage on the game yet,

Hardy Bearing is still a thing.


8 hours ago, ARMADS!!! said:

Also, a question:  How come the atk/spd bonus of Yunaka's weapon is "9 - number of adjacent akkies to unit x 2 (min 0)" if the max of adjacent allies she can have at once is 4, and 4 x 2 = 8, the minimum bonus should be 1, right (since 9 - 8 is 1, not 0)?? Another weapon here (either Edelgard's or Byleth's) also has an effect that goes like "(X = 15 - number of adjacent allies x 2, min 6)" souldn't the minimum be 7 (since the max of allies adjancent to an unit is 4, and 4 x 2 is 8, and 15 - 8 is 7)? Am I missing something on the maths here?

The maximum number of units that can be adjacent to a unit is 5 because of Savior and Assign Decoy.

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According to the datamine, No Quarter is usable by


non-armored swords, lances, and axes only.


Everything else's inheritance restrictions are exactly what you'd expect. Assassin's Strike and Weaving Fighter, being "Phys." skills, are restricted to physical units in addition to their base skills' (Poison Strike and Wary Fighter, respectively) restrictions, and Armored Blaze has the same restrictions as the other armor Specials.

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4 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

According to the datamine, No Quarter is usable by

The banner's out now so we can talk about this: what a nice surprise that infantry can use it too! This gives slower units a fancy special as well, but it also powercreeps Ruptured Sky I think? I'm even more tempted to get a Dimitri now.

Also I don't know if this is off-topic, but did P1 of the Paralogue have the longest pre-battle conversation (i.e. while the map was displayed) yet?

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3 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

The banner's out now so we can talk about this: what a nice surprise that infantry can use it too! This gives slower units a fancy special as well, but it also powercreeps Ruptured Sky I think? I'm even more tempted to get a Dimitri now.

No Quarter and Ruptured Sky have different cooldowns and therefore don't actually step on each other's toes. The only units that previously ran Ruptured Sky and now want to switch to No Quarter are ones that already would have preferred to run a 3-cooldown Special, but were forced to run Ruptured Sky either for scoring or to deal with excessively bulky dragons and beasts.

It's worth noting that the only thing that makes No Quarter functionally worth using over other 3-cooldown Specials is the fact that it nullifies percentage damage reduction. Without that effect, No Quarter is literally just a Draconic Aura that does an extra 7 or 8 damage to armors, and Draconic Aura is still outclassed by the other 3-cooldown Specials. Unless you need the SP cost for Arena scoring, I would deprioritize giving No Quarter to units that already have percentage damage reduction nullification (Diamant, etc.) since you'll get more mileage out of Luna, Bonfire, or Iceberg on them.

Similarly, because No Quarter's gimmick is the fact that it nullifies percentage damage reduction, I'd recommend prioritizing giving the skill to player-phase wall breakers over units built for any other role.

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3 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

No Quarter and Ruptured Sky have different cooldowns and therefore don't actually step on each other's toes. The only units that previously ran Ruptured Sky and now want to switch to No Quarter are ones that already would have preferred to run a 3-cooldown Special, but were forced to run Ruptured Sky either for scoring or to deal with excessively bulky dragons and beasts.

It's worth noting that the only thing that makes No Quarter functionally worth using over other 3-cooldown Specials is the fact that it nullifies percentage damage reduction. Without that effect, No Quarter is literally just a Draconic Aura that does an extra 7 or 8 damage to armors, and Draconic Aura is still outclassed by the other 3-cooldown Specials. Unless you need the SP cost for Arena scoring, I would deprioritize giving No Quarter to units that already have percentage damage reduction nullification (Diamant, etc.) since you'll get more mileage out of Luna, Bonfire, or Iceberg on them.

Similarly, because No Quarter's gimmick is the fact that it nullifies percentage damage reduction, I'd recommend prioritizing giving the skill to player-phase wall breakers over units built for any other role.

Or just cavs and fliers, huh?

This is my third banner in a row where I hit the spark without getting a single focus unit. I got two 4* focuses and two pity breakers instead, but at least they weren't A!Hilda, I guess. I got Byleth because he seemed more useful to use but I may keep going for a Dimitri... once I've recovered.

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Edelgard: Snowfall Future's Black Yule Lance got Slaying, Divine Vein (Flame), Special count reduction, damage reduction mitigation/nullification, non-Special-Miracle negation. Raging Tempest got Mobility Increased, Charge, true damage, and Galeforce.

Armored Blaze is nice I guess, but the only correct Special that is actually fit for the Goddess of Galeforce would obviously be Galeforce.

I am not super satisfied with Prime since Distant Counter is kind of irrelevant, as she will probably just straight up die on Enemy Phase if she gets hit by a proper nuke, but melee Player Phase armors do not have a lot of options on the A slot, and the only other decent option I can think of would be Bonus Doubler if she got enough support. Although I guess if you stick with Armored Blaze, Surge Sparrow would be a better option, as you are only losing out on 2 Atk in exchange for quite a bit of healing.

Not a fan of Ploy since running Still Water on both slots is such a horrible idea, so I guess that boils down to just Def/Res Smoke, and maybe Panic Smoke could be a consideration if extra mobility is not really needed.

Sacred Seal would obviously be Bold Fighter. Special Fighter could be also be an option if she can reliably get Guaranteed Follow-Ups from her allies.

The artwork for Edelgard: Snowfall Future is nice. I think she is very pretty.

On 12/12/2023 at 7:19 PM, vikingsfan92 said:

I love Edelgard but damn they did Gullveig dirty in comparison purely from a divine vein flame perspective. Her banner isn't even over and we have a unit that applies the same divine vein better.

Gullveig is basically a ranged Edelgard, literally the Goddess of Galeforce. Being ranged is kind of a big deal, and she is on a horse. Could Gullveig be even better? Certainly. However, I do not think the devs want powercreep to creep that fast where Gullveig can Galeforce twice without any downsides. Given current power levels, I think Gullveig is treated fairly well. Maybe in a few years, she can truly Galeforce twice without any penalties once she gets her Refine.

Divine Vein (Flame) is nice, but as a mechanic, it pales in comparison to effects that can make or break a unit and even define entire metas, like Blazing Specials, Dodge, and Savior, or even more simple effects like Slaying and Galeforce.

23 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

So what exactly is the point of defensive Divine Vein effects again when everyone and their dog gets Divine Vein (Flame) and it overrides all other terrain?

Grief in Aether Raids?

21 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Special Fighter is interesting, but I'm not sure there's actually a good use for it. Fast armors don't want to run it because it costs them 7 points of Spd from giving up a Spd Form skill, and slow armors typically already have half of the effect from Vengeful Fighter or Crafty Fighter or have a weapon with a guaranteed follow-up and are already running Special Fighter in their B slot. Arcane Eljudnir, Devourer, Qiang, and Downfall also already have half of the effect on the weapon.

Edelgard: Sun Empresses! And this lovely Edelgard: Snowfall Future over here if she gets Guaranteed Follow-Ups from her allies.

2 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Similarly, because No Quarter's gimmick is the fact that it nullifies percentage damage reduction, I'd recommend prioritizing giving the skill to player-phase wall breakers over units built for any other role.

I think Vantage units would be good candidates too, since they basically act like Player Phase units during Enemy Phase, and a lot of Player Phase units these days are starting to stack multiple copies of damage reduction from their Weapons, Remote Sparrow, and/or other skills.

14 hours ago, ARMADS!!! said:

 Dimitri will impossibly NOT kill something if he had already entered in combat on his turn, because we have no counter for Vantage on the game yet, AND he can get a -3 special cooldown before the combat starts just by walking/by having your foe walk! (Also, does this works for Galeforce?? It'd be pretty insane! Usually these skills that give -2 special cooldown work only for specials that are activated before or during combat, never after, exactly so we won't do it with Galeforce, but Dimitri's prf doesn't specify this part anywhere...).

As usual, Vantage units can be Swept. And Dimitri: Blessed Protector is cavalry, so they do not have access to Null C-Disrupt, and Null C-Disrupt is not a status effect yet.

And as Ice Dragon mentioned, Hardy Bearing is a thing, and it is pretty common for Blazing nukes to have them, and some of the most popular ones happen to be mages too.

14 hours ago, ARMADS!!! said:

 Weaving fighter is stupid too, it's so ridiculous that it says that neither the unit or the foe can make a follow up attack but then it throws a 40% DR for foe's second strike, it's already counting on what to do if you have a NFU skill!

Nukes with tier 4 Null Follow-Up and Tempo can significantly mitigate much of that damage reduction. And Nanna: Beloved Princess eats damage reduction and defensive Specials for breakfast.

14 hours ago, ARMADS!!! said:

 Byleth and Dimitri are seriously so gross that I even forgot what Edelgard does (but being Edelgard and having that Prf of hers, I'm sure she's gross enough too).

I might not have played the game in over a year now, but we still have all the tools to deal with problematic Enemy Phase units, if not more tools.

Byleth: Frosty Professors may have Null C-Disrupt, but he does not have easy access to damage reduction against Blazing Specials, so he can be killed pretty easily by Blazing nukes (AI cannot activate Duo Skills, and the only time his Duo Skill is even relevant would be in Summoner's Duel, which is not spammable). If you are using him, he cannot spam his Duo Skill, but you really only need it for one turn anyways, so it is a mechanic everyone can abuse to their heart's content without it being annoying to others.

Edelgard: Snowfall Future is not that much different from your stereotypical double Galeforce Edelgards, so she should not be that difficult to nuke. And she does not seem that difficult to tank either.

14 hours ago, ARMADS!!! said:

What is it with everything giving hexblade now? I'm not complaining, it's among my favorite effects on the game but I remember when like a year ago (maybe a bit more) I had to look up online which units even HAD it and it were surely less than 10, maybe less than 5 (and we had only one skill that could GIVE it to allies and it was pretty limited), and now we have Plumeria's new dance, Iago's refine and now Duo Byleth's duo skill to straight up give it out to anyone.

More tools to deal with problematic Enemy Phase units!

8 hours ago, Hilda said:

Sooo i came back to check out Book7 (left at the end of Book 5 and the powercreep was there allready too much).

This Text walls on weapons, abilitys and passives are instavturning me off.

Do Gen 1-3 units even have a chance to go up against those types of units lulz??? What happened to this game

I think most of generation three units with their Refines definitely stand a chance, although they will need some skill upgrades. Gen one and most of gen two will probably want Arcane Weapons in addition to skill upgrades. I wish they would do re-Refines, but re-Refines are not going to sell themselves, so they came up with Arcane Weapons and sold us that. The game may be pay-to-win, but game makers got bills to pay and mouths to feed just like everyone else, and if it helps insulate Fire Emblem from getting axed due to a poorly handled main series game, I am glad Heroes exists and acts as an additional lifeline for the series.

I left the game for a little over a year now to focus on life. While the game did take a lot of my time, a lot of that time is time that I enjoyed, so I guess I left the game on a high note and still have very fond memories of it. I do not think I will come back to actively play Heroes, but I still watch all the Focus videos and follow the meta somewhat. Honestly, I do not think the game has changed very much in the past year that I have not played. Seer's Snare is the most exciting thing that happened in my opinion, as it is a mode where you quadruple the amount of skill slots. In terms of units/mechanics, Gullveig being the new Edelgard is the second most exciting thing for me: colorless tome cavalry that can double Galeforce is pretty neat, and probably a pain in the ass for those who do not like Aether Raids very much.

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37 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

Or just cavs and fliers, huh?

You can lean the regular Alears towards player phase due to the fact that they have Charge on their weapon, though they're in the odd situation where they have neither Null Follow-Up nor Tempo on their weapon, which is somewhat of an issue for wall breakers.

Regular Edelgard also seems to be a decent pick if you aren't going to run Galeforce as her Special since she has Galeforce on her weapon.


27 minutes ago, XRay said:

Edelgard: Sun Empresses!

There's no reason to run Special Fighter in her Sacred Seal slot over Bold Fighter.


27 minutes ago, XRay said:

And this lovely Edelgard: Snowfall Future over here if she gets Guaranteed Follow-Ups from her allies.

It's completely pointless to run any kind of Special acceleration on Winter Edelgard. She already charges 3 points of Special cooldown before combat, which means, if you're running Galeforce on her, she'll have it fully charged by the end of her second round of combat regardless of any Special acceleration.

Like Harmonized Edelgard, Winter Edelgard has no reason to run Special Fighter over Bold Fighter, and even then, Bold Fighter is only there for the guaranteed follow-up.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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27 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:
54 minutes ago, XRay said:

Edelgard: Sun Empresses!

There's no reason to run Special Fighter in her Sacred Seal slot over Bold Fighter.


Some protection from counter attacks is better than no protection. If she does not kill in the first two hits, she could potentially be eating Specials like Bonfires or Glacies on the counter attack. Bold Fighter would be the default, but if you can get Guaranteed Follow-Ups from somewhere else, you might as well get Guard too for the extra protection.

32 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

It's completely pointless to run any kind of Special acceleration on Winter Edelgard. She already charges 3 points of Special cooldown before combat, which means, if you're running Galeforce on her, she'll have it fully charged by the end of her second round of combat regardless of any Special acceleration.

Like Harmonized Edelgard, Winter Edelgard has no reason to run Special Fighter over Bold Fighter, and even then, Bold Fighter is only there for the guaranteed follow-up.

Scowl and Guard exist, so better to have something to ensure she gets her Galeforce off.

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42 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

You can lean the regular Alears towards player phase due to the fact that they have Charge on their weapon, though they're in the odd situation where they have neither Null Follow-Up nor Tempo on their weapon, which is somewhat of an issue for wall breakers.

Oh? This is a surprise suggestion! But I guess you could give them Tempo/ Velocity and the NFU Seal to make up for those two blind spots.

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Three of my least favorite lords from my least favorite game dominate my least favorite seasonal banner. About the only way this banner could be worse would be if Yuri had replaced Claude or Yunaka. Easiest skip of all time. Still, I’m pleased IS keeps populating the winter festival banner with characters I’m not interested in, and I mean that in a non-sarcastic way. I’d rather have them use characters I like with other themes. This is also great timing because I want to save orbs for the upcoming Fates banner in the next few months.

On a positive note, I’m very happy that Claude is the Tempest Trial unit. I dislike the rest of the characters on this banner (I’m not familiar with Yunaka) but I genuinely like Claude. Also, Edelgard and Dimitri’s outfits are lovely.

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8 hours ago, XRay said:

Some protection from counter attacks is better than no protection. If she does not kill in the first two hits, she could potentially be eating Specials like Bonfires or Glacies on the counter attack. Bold Fighter would be the default, but if you can get Guaranteed Follow-Ups from somewhere else, you might as well get Guard too for the extra protection.

I can count the number of times Harmonized Edelgard would have died to a Special (as opposed to the normal damage the opponent would have done without the Special) on the number of fucks I currently give for Aether Raids.


8 hours ago, XRay said:

Scowl and Guard exist, so better to have something to ensure she gets her Galeforce off.

If the opponent has both Guard and Tempo, Winter Edelgard is still charging 6 points of Special cooldown by the end of the second round of combat from her pre-combat Pulse alone.

Even if the opponent has Guard, Tempo, and Scowl, Winter Edelgard is still charging 4 points of Special cooldown by the end of the second round of combat from her pre-combat Pulse alone.

Literally the only unit that can stop Winter Edelgard from charging Galeforce in two rounds of combat is Duo Male Byleth, and most people are likely to be running him as a Far Save tank instead of as a Close Save tank due to it being his base kit.


And Bold Fighter does the exact same thing as Special Fighter in this case anyways.

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18 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

Just like Summer Ivy, I can't help but think they were thrown in to stop people complaining about getting a full 3H banner again 😕

Maybe I'm remembering it wrong, but I thought that Summer Ivy made sense in the story, though. It was like she was trying to get away from it all and just have some downtime, while Yunaka's just kind of...there. While this really wholesome story involving everyone else is going on.

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Hi y'all! I remembered nows about the time the Christmas banner comes out and I wanted to see who would be on-
...yep, this is why I quit this panderous game in the first place.

Seriously, this shit is still going on? Is nobody else complaining? I see some people on here who aren't happy, but are they the minority? I'd hate to say it, but the Fire Emblem Heroes I played since launch is dead, all I see here is a walking shell being puppeted by a puppeteer whose face is just the Crest of Flames...

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On 12/14/2023 at 2:55 PM, Ice Dragon said:

I can count the number of times Harmonized Edelgard would have died to a Special (as opposed to the normal damage the opponent would have done without the Special) on the number of fucks I currently give for Aether Raids.

I mean, some protection is better than nothing.

On 12/14/2023 at 2:55 PM, Ice Dragon said:

If the opponent has both Guard and Tempo, Winter Edelgard is still charging 6 points of Special cooldown by the end of the second round of combat from her pre-combat Pulse alone.

Even if the opponent has Guard, Tempo, and Scowl, Winter Edelgard is still charging 4 points of Special cooldown by the end of the second round of combat from her pre-combat Pulse alone.

Literally the only unit that can stop Winter Edelgard from charging Galeforce in two rounds of combat is Duo Male Byleth, and most people are likely to be running him as a Far Save tank instead of as a Close Save tank due to it being his base kit.


And Bold Fighter does the exact same thing as Special Fighter in this case anyways.

Hm... I guess she just runs Death Blow, Atk/Spd Solo, Atk/Def Ideal, or Bonus Doubler on her in this case if she got Guaranteed Follow-Up from somewhere else then.

4 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Hi y'all! I remembered nows about the time the Christmas banner comes out and I wanted to see who would be on-
...yep, this is why I quit this panderous game in the first place.

Seriously, this shit is still going on? Is nobody else complaining? I see some people on here who aren't happy, but are they the minority? I'd hate to say it, but the Fire Emblem Heroes I played since launch is dead, all I see here is a walking shell being puppeted by a puppeteer whose face is just the Crest of Flames...

Hey there! If I was still playing the game, I would definitely spend money on Edelgard: Snowfall Future. We got the full rainbow of armored Edelgard Galeforcers now!

They went really hard with Fates, Awakening, Lyn, and Ike in the beginning, and now they are doing it with Three Houses, so I guess there really is a demand for them.

Edited by XRay
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8 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Seriously, this shit is still going on? Is nobody else complaining? I see some people on here who aren't happy, but are they the minority? I'd hate to say it, but the Fire Emblem Heroes I played since launch is dead, all I see here is a walking shell being puppeted by a puppeteer whose face is just the Crest of Flames...

Hi, I'm one of the ones still going who despises this banner.

In addition to refusing to spend anything on this abomination, this banner also goaded me into making some.......adjustments to my barracks:



So far, I have culled:

  • all the M!Byleths I had
  • all the F!Byleths I had
  • all the Rheas I had
  • all of the Edelgards (including Flame Emperor) I had except Summer Edelgard & Altina (and she only gets to stay because of Altina)
  • all of the Claudes I had
  • Aelfric
  • Ninja Shamir
  • Summer M!Shez
  • F!Shez and Legendary F!Shez
  • Arval
  • Holst

Unless if they're a particular favorite of mine (like Ingrid, Dimitri, Lysithea, Bernadetta, Marianne, Felix, Annette or Constance), any Three Houses / Hopes unit is expendable in my barracks going forward. And unlike when I did this to my FEH OCs years ago, I don't envision myself regretting this.

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9 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Hi y'all! I remembered nows about the time the Christmas banner comes out and I wanted to see who would be on-
...yep, this is why I quit this panderous game in the first place.

Seriously, this shit is still going on? Is nobody else complaining? I see some people on here who aren't happy, but are they the minority? I'd hate to say it, but the Fire Emblem Heroes I played since launch is dead, all I see here is a walking shell being puppeted by a puppeteer whose face is just the Crest of Flames...

There's a reason I decided not to spark on this banner even though I usually spark on the Christmas banners.

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On 12/17/2023 at 8:02 AM, Mercakete said:

Maybe I'm remembering it wrong, but I thought that Summer Ivy made sense in the story, though. It was like she was trying to get away from it all and just have some downtime, while Yunaka's just kind of...there. While this really wholesome story involving everyone else is going on.

Kinda. Though I recall Summer Ivy's role in the story involving getting the nerves to go see Summer Alear....who's not there. That made less sense. 

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13 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Hi y'all! I remembered nows about the time the Christmas banner comes out and I wanted to see who would be on-
...yep, this is why I quit this panderous game in the first place.

Seriously, this shit is still going on? Is nobody else complaining? I see some people on here who aren't happy, but are they the minority? I'd hate to say it, but the Fire Emblem Heroes I played since launch is dead, all I see here is a walking shell being puppeted by a puppeteer whose face is just the Crest of Flames...

As I recall, this banner is set to be possibly the biggest earner of the year...so yeah, complainers are in the minority.

As for me, I don't get mad at these things anymore. Not worth it. I don't play high level PvP so I just focus on my favorites, and banners like this are easy opportunities to save orbs.

A positive spin, though, is that these kinds of banners are what keep the game running. It's totally fair to be sick of seeing the same house leaders again, but without a banner like this every now and then we might have been less likely to see units like Wil or Fee or Dorothy or whatever other random nobody enter the game at all.

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22 hours ago, Florete said:

As I recall, this banner is set to be possibly the biggest earner of the year...so yeah, complainers are in the minority.

True. I was going to say some of the pullers may just be here for the fodder (because this banner is full of brand new premium skills), but all IS is going to see is "3H sells", not "we treat 3H units really well and that's why they sell" 😕

On 12/18/2023 at 6:27 PM, Tybrosion said:

And unlike when I did this to my FEH OCs years ago, I don't envision myself regretting this.

I hope you foddered the ones you gave skills too. You could have kept the limited ones at least, but I get the frustration. I confess I pulled on this banner, but I just wanted No Quarter and to a lesser extent Atk/Spd Prime (because I've deluded myself into thinking we'll get an SI increase in Feb).

23 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Kinda. Though I recall Summer Ivy's role in the story involving getting the nerves to go see Summer Alear....who's not there. That made less sense. 

Yeah, it just feels like IS is aware part of their audience hates the 3H bloat but they're also catering to the more important 3H fans (even if they've locked themselves into a self-fulfilling prophecy as I suggested earlier) and their solution was to throw a random Engage unit onto their banners and hope it'd shut people up. It's telling they picked the two most popular female characters from Engage to be their smokescreens too.

Unless this is their ploy to get those two out of the CYL running so Bernadetta and Nidhoggr can win next year, which I wouldn't put past them either at this point.

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2 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

I hope you foddered the ones you gave skills too. You could have kept the limited ones at least, but I get the frustration.

I had previously bumped Female Shez to +10 on a whim and gave her some moderately useful stuff (like Life and Death 4 and Atk/Spd Oath 4).

That did not stop me from foddering her. I believe I gave her to Severa (I might need to double check) mainly for the purpose of giving Severa Atk/Spd Oath 4.

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7 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

I think the loyalty IS seems to hold towards Three Houses is actually kinda peculiar since its the one game they didn't make, or at least were less involved with. And the continual favorable comparison it gets compared to the more recent Engage which they did make must sting a bit. 

I don't think "loyalty" or "involvement" have anything to do with it.

Three Houses was a very successful game with very popular characters. And it makes sense that that's the case. It's the farthest the series has leaned into the dating sim genre, and one of the most important design requirements of a dating sim is that the datable characters need to be likeable in some way.

It is absolutely not a surprise to me that Heroes, where a character's popularity is at least as important as how good they are in gameplay, continues to show Three Houses, which has characters that were specifically designed to be likeable and popular (and succeeded in doing so), this much favoritism.

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