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(Mafia Sucks) SF Mafia: The Revival - GAME OVER, Town Wins! - Post Game is up!


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@BBM what do you think about rapier refusing to vote me? i think that's the one thing throwing me off here, like...at least before the claim, there's no reason he doesn't jump on this as scum. i thought he was just fencesitting before and then was going to push a vote on me later, but he was still refusing to vote me which is throwing me for a loop.

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i'm going to interpret the question "how was Refa crumbing alignment" as "why do I, Cam, think that Refa is town" and give the answer that "I don't, but am at least willing to hear out the one night", because it gives us something to work with for our own power roles

initially when I thought that the Refa wagon was fake I was thinking it implied town!Refa, but I no longer hold the opinion that the Refa wagon necessarily has a lot of scum on it

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Just now, CT075 said:

i'm going to interpret the question "how was Refa crumbing alignment" as "why do I, Cam, think that Refa is town" and give the answer that "I don't, but am at least willing to hear out the one night", because it gives us something to work with for our own power roles

initially when I thought that the Refa wagon was fake I was thinking it implied town!Refa, but I no longer hold the opinion that the Refa wagon necessarily has a lot of scum on it

i meant what is the joke about alignment cop

i don't think there is anything to explain, i was just wondering

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Snike, I read your post and honestly I just see you posting reasons for why my play from pages 5-7 are incriminating evidence for me being mafia. from my perspective boron was sus for scumreading both refa and me and it felt like she had reasons to be voting one of us there, in fact I'd have expected her to vote refa alongside me there. My responses to you are loaded because your scumread on me is loaded, you assume that everything I've had to do this game can only come from mafia and not once have I seen you consider a world where I'm doing whatever I'm doing as town. I'm not even the only one who has pointed this out, whenever I defend myself or BBM pointed these things out you claimed to be getting misrepped even though you have not been "charitable" in your read of me at all. I am not interested in engaging with you on this because I am not interested in cluttering the thread with a thunderdome between you and me where we're busy trying to tell each other why they're wrong; I made the empty unvote somewhere in page 13 because I was not interested in tunneling boron further and wanted to give you the benefit of doubt that you're town death tunneling me for bad reasons; The pro-town reason for not going on tunnels is not cluttering this thread with a clusterfuck of a tdome that makes other people not have fun with the game or unable to catch up and have reads.

You and rapier keep going on about me voting boron when refa was my top scumread; refa was my top scumread and then it became boron; and yes I didn't push refa much for the rest of that day because I was busy defending myself from frankly terrible cases on me and honestly boron's treatment of refa and I didn't make me want to pursue him at that point in time.

You can't seriously believe that at page 34 of the game the biggest evidence for your scumread is something that he did on page 5????


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25 minutes ago, Makaze said:

Which read has changed the most for you and what has caused the change?

What be the biggest change that could happen to your view of the game?

1. arguably Marth. I started theorizing that he was buddying up to Refa, but his new case on him doesn't make much sense through those lens.

2. anything proving Weapons' innocence or heavily implying it would break my stance and I don't think I'd have enough time to consolidate on another lynch. I'm uncomfortable about lynching Refa.

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Just now, Rapier said:

1. arguably Marth. I started theorizing that he was buddying up to Refa, but his new case on him doesn't make much sense through those lens.

2. anything proving Weapons' innocence or heavily implying it would break my stance and I don't think I'd have enough time to consolidate on another lynch. I'm uncomfortable about lynching Refa.

i feel good about these answers

we should not eliminate Rapier today

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##Unvote I just saw the claim

I've been reading the thread and stuff and I am not interested in lynching rapier

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You can keep stating that all you want Makaze but I'm stuck here until I'm given a reason as to why I shouldn't be. I can't agree with the logic inconsistencies and the refusal to commit to a decision for so long on some reads.  Not to mention the fact that they at times seemed to instigate other people(Looking at their response to me/SB.)

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3 minutes ago, Bluedoom said:

##Unvote I just saw the claim

I've been reading the thread and stuff and I am not interested in lynching rapier

what about weapons?

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Posted (edited)

Iris™ Votals: Day 1.7 (~7.5 hours left)

Rapier (4): charlie, BBM, Refa, Shinori
WeaponsofMassConstruction (3): Rapier, Prims, Makaze
Makaze (2): Elieson, Sunwoo
Refa (2): BT., j00
Bluedoom (1): Snike
Prims (1): WeaponsofMassConstruction
Not Voting (3): Bluedoom, CT075, Percivale

The player with the most votes at the end of the Day phase will be Eliminated! With 16 alive, it takes 6 votes minimum to Eliminate a player and 10 votes to Hammer the phase early! Day 1 ends at 8:00 PM EDT on May 28th.



Page 2:
Rapier votes for Prims
Snike votes for Rapier
Sunwoo votes for Snike
Shinori votes for Elieson
Prims votes for Snike
Refa votes for Makaze
Prims votes for Shinori

Page 3:
BBM votes for Makaze
Makaze votes for BBM

Page 4:
WeaponsofMassConstruction votes for Prims
Shinori votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction
Rapier votes for Makaze
Sunwoo votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 5:
Shinori votes for Elieson
Bluedoom votes for Refa
Rapier votes for BBM

Page 6:
WeaponsofMassConstruction votes for Sunwoo
Rapier votes for Bluedoom

Page 7:
Refa votes for Sunwoo
Bluedoom votes for Sunwoo
Sunwoo votes for Refa

Page 8:
BBM votes for Prims

Page 9:
Makaze votes for Bluedoom
Shinori votes for Prims

Page 10:
Snike votes for Bluedoom
charlie votes for Shinori
Prims votes for Snike
BBM votes for Snike
Shinori votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 11:
Percivale votes for Bluedoom
j00 votes for Refa

Page 12:
Elieson votes for Makaze

Page 13:

Sunwoo votes for Makaze
Bluedoom unvotes

Page 14:
charlie votes for Rapier

Page 15:
BT. votes for Refa
j00 votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 16:
WeaponsofMassConstruction votes Rapier
Prims votes Makaze

Page 17:
BBM votes WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 18:
Bluedoom votes charlie
Refa votes Makaze

Page 19:
WeaponsofMassConstruction votes Elieson
Prims votes for Refa

Page 20:
j00 votes for Refa
Percivale unvotes

Page 21:
Bluedoom votes for Refa

Page 22:
Rapier votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction
Shinori votes for Percivale
CT075 votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 23:
Refa unvotes

Page 24:
Makaze votes for Refa
WeaponsofMassConstruction votes for Prims
Prims votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 25:
Refa votes for Rapier

Page 32:
Shinori votes for Rapier

Page 35:
CT075 votes for Refa

Page 36: 
CT075 unvotes
Makaze votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 37:
Bluedoom unvotes

Edited by Iris
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Just now, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

Ok, besides me and Rapier at this point, who are your all's top choices?


Who do you want to elim?

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10 minutes ago, BBM said:

Rapier can you please just claim even if it's vanilla or whatever so that the info is there to make a decision for everyone. "My role is weaker" is unhelpful and at this point your role info is necessary

I'd rather wait a bit longer but some people won't be here and I can't stay here any longer for the day, so

Vanilla townie

I think I'm inconsequential for town both role and utility wise and if this helps clear things, I'd rather I get lynched than Refa on D1. I still advocate for lynching Weapons.

Just now, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

Ok, besides me and Rapier at this point, who are your all's top choices?

My scum reads have pretty much crumbled, as they weren't really that good and my lack of participation and engagement led me to hang on too much over early D1 reasons. I wouldn't vote Marth today, nor Refa (I could see the point of him being just there, but I don't want to risk it against his role and the reasons I gave before aren't strong enough), and I don't trust my read on Shinori enough.

So yeah, I don't know.

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##Unvote @Refa

This kind of sucks because I'm still hesitant about Rapier, and think he responded to my prods fine. And I don't like the idea of a turbo either.

@Makaze Any slam dunks about town Rapier? Sorry if you said it before but probably faster to ask you than to go through your ISO.

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7 minutes ago, Makaze said:

what about weapons?

I'm of the opinion that lynching away from you/weapons/rapier is the correct play, but if you asked me who I'd be stumped because I was feeling pretty strong about Refa here.

Bias says snike atm.

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I hard read snike as town at the moment. It's hard for me to think they made that whole ass makaze ISO, of which I did read and it wasn't just a tl;dr description of makaze's ISO, there were actual responses in there to makaze and talking about their thoughts.

I know scum CAN do that, but I also just don't think it's snike.

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