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(Mafia Sucks) SF Mafia: The Revival - GAME OVER, Town Wins! - Post Game is up!


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2 minutes ago, CT075 said:

ughhhhhhhhh fml okay

How does that reflect on your reads?

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11 minutes ago, Percivalé said:

genuinely I dont know

I want to leave refa role claim alive for them to at least use the cop and I don't think weapons is scum 

Then both Makaze and I are choices. I still think we shouldn't lynch Makaze today: Doing so would have him reveal his role, and we'd have 4 players with their claims public, and if we vote a townie out, scum has the advantage of knowing the role of at least one town, since I highly doubt all four of us are scum.

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@WeaponsofMassConstruction I am not interested in turbolynching anyone today. But if you want to discuss people outside the wagons, I assume you're the most suspicious about Prims, Elie and Makaze? You also ask if we're still going to pursue any wagon that didn't get lynched today tomorrow, but who would you want us to look at if you're lynched and flip town, mainly push Prims and exert pressure on Elie?

2 minutes ago, Snike said:

Re: j00 If you think my post is a "collossal waste of energy and not a good post" then vote me or push me! This is the fourth time you've sniped at me and at least fifth I've noticed you dismissing someone from the sidelines. Why is Weapons claim more believable when Universal Backup is a common scumclaim? What's so wrong with going off-wagon when no one was at consolidation at the start of the hour? Yes three claims is bad, four would be worse but is that not technically the case already? Makaze crumbed lproof and ai haven't seen a complete dismissal of that claim;

I'm sorry for being snippy on that one, but your Makaze ISO post is extremely hard to read and parse. You write a brief sentence on every single post instead of summarizing their posts and what intent you perceive in larger, easier to read paragraphs, making it both hard to read and to understand what you think about them. I think it's far too much effort for scum to bother with, but it's also not helpful for anyone else when they feel like your personal notes rather than a read you're presenting. 

I never said Weapons was more believable? I think all three claims are NAI but I think Refa > Weapons > Rapier in scummyness from play. I think Rapier's VT is the most believable here wrt to their play.

What is wrong with going off-wagon is that we already have a reputation for turboing someone with lacking content who doesn't have time to claim and then turns out to be Doctor.
We've had almost 70 hours of discussion already, how will starting a new wagon outside those 3-4 that are the ones being discussed for the last hours after 3 has claimed help us consolidate? Current ongoing wagons will also have much more content for wagon analysis regardless of the flip alignent. Turbolynches gives a lot less context for associate reads because most people on a rushed turbowagon did not feel strongly about it.

Also Makaze's lynchproof "claim" was dismissed by themselves and they're in general so full of bullshit like "I don't see how voting someone makes a difference when pressuring them" that others are just glazing over their content at this point and if that's deliberate then bravo amazing scumplay by Maka but I just am done with dealing with their nonsense for this phase. 

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1 minute ago, Makaze said:

I don't think you have been able to read the game outside of scum reading me, and you and Rapier have the exact problem with "I don't get Makaze" = "I can't solve with them in the game"

1) Stop putting words in my mouth

2) A player who knows they're being distracting and refuses to tone it down even a little is scummy, imo. A lot of time and energy is wasted trying to figure you out instead of doing something more productive

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for some reason I had the impression that you crumbed having a power role but I can't find it so that was clearly an invention of skimming brain

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I think both Makaze and Rapier are town and I would rather vote Makaze over Rapier just so we don't have to deal with them lategame. 

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Just now, CT075 said:

for some reason I had the impression that you crumbed having a power role but I can't find it so that was clearly an invention of skimming brain

this was @ rapier's VT claim

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I don't really want to lynch Rapier from skimming his recent posts but this is not fully thought out yet

re: Weapons / Refa, don't like either but just feel like the bursts of motivation Weapons has had read as more likely to come from town than whatever Refa had. Both claims sound like potential fakeclaims to me if I'm honest lol. But Refa's does ping me as "this could be scum jack with redirector and empowerer" . also how would Weapons' role interact with Refa's if both are town, would Weapons regain Refa's shots? I do think there's at least one scum here and that these should be the 2 competing wagons.

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Just now, j00 said:

I think both Makaze and Rapier are town and I would rather vote Makaze over Rapier just so we don't have to deal with them lategame. 

what if I promised to stop posting

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1 minute ago, CT075 said:

this was @ rapier's VT claim

I thought he said something about his claim not being that powerful, but I might have the wrong person

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1 minute ago, Makaze said:

I thought he said something about his claim not being that powerful, but I might have the wrong person

yeah I think this is it, but it's not a big deal nor does it actually change my priorities (on play I still think Rapier is probably the least likely to be scum?), it just means that I misunderstood things

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3 minutes ago, Makaze said:

I thought he said something about his claim not being that powerful, but I might have the wrong person

Yeah Rapier did, he said his claim isn't that strong before claiming VT eventually. Fine by me.

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1 minute ago, j00 said:

Your promises are empty, only your removal is a guarantee.

my feelings

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Just now, BT. said:

Yeah Rapier did, he said his claim isn't that strong before claiming VT eventually. Fine by me.

I feel the same

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17 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

1) Stop putting words in my mouth

2) A player who knows they're being distracting and refuses to tone it down even a little is scummy, imo. A lot of time and energy is wasted trying to figure you out instead of doing something more productive

i don't understand why you're so hostile to me

the bolded is what i'm saying

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3 minutes ago, j00 said:

@WeaponsofMassConstruction I am not interested in turbolynching anyone today. But if you want to discuss people outside the wagons, I assume you're the most suspicious about Prims, Elie and Makaze? You also ask if we're still going to pursue any wagon that didn't get lynched today tomorrow, but who would you want us to look at if you're lynched and flip town, mainly push Prims and exert pressure on Elie?

I'm sorry for being snippy on that one, but your Makaze ISO post is extremely hard to read and parse. You write a brief sentence on every single post instead of summarizing their posts and what intent you perceive in larger, easier to read paragraphs, making it both hard to read and to understand what you think about them. I think it's far too much effort for scum to bother with, but it's also not helpful for anyone else when they feel like your personal notes rather than a read you're presenting. 

I never said Weapons was more believable? I think all three claims are NAI but I think Refa > Weapons > Rapier in scummyness from play. I think Rapier's VT is the most believable here wrt to their play.

What is wrong with going off-wagon is that we already have a reputation for turboing someone with lacking content who doesn't have time to claim and then turns out to be Doctor.
We've had almost 70 hours of discussion already, how will starting a new wagon outside those 3-4 that are the ones being discussed for the last hours after 3 has claimed help us consolidate? Current ongoing wagons will also have much more content for wagon analysis regardless of the flip alignent. Turbolynches gives a lot less context for associate reads because most people on a rushed turbowagon did not feel strongly about it.

Also Makaze's lynchproof "claim" was dismissed by themselves and they're in general so full of bullshit like "I don't see how voting someone makes a difference when pressuring them" that others are just glazing over their content at this point and if that's deliberate then bravo amazing scumplay by Maka but I just am done with dealing with their nonsense for this phase. 

I- those are summaries. I rewrote and paraphrased the posts, you can follow along if you grab the ISO point-by-point. Like I'm almost always starting lines with "I". I don't know how else to present it that wouldn't be harder to read.

OK, so it's all NAI so it comes down to play. It's almost like the claims themselves didn't matter to you.  And you believe Makaze is town but want to policy.

Re: off-wagon that would be true if it was like Elieson or Percivale. I was thinking Marth. The cases are there. You're being too rigid IMO.

@WeaponsofMassConstructionI'm sorry it's tone and I don't think the content is great when I look at it from my purview.

I think I'm just about done with today. I agree with Prims I don't think both claims are V/V; the difference is I believe Weapons is the wolf. I want no part in the Refa wagon.

To anyone I've offended, I'm sorry. I don't think I've kept my composure towards the end of the day; not going to make excuses, that's on me.

Good night.

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23 minutes ago, Rapier said:

Then both Makaze and I are choices. I still think we shouldn't lynch Makaze today: Doing so would have him reveal his role, and we'd have 4 players with their claims public, and if we vote a townie out, scum has the advantage of knowing the role of at least one town, since I highly doubt all four of us are scum.

I don't want to elim makaze today either, I'm town reading him, and I'm not 100% sure how I'm feeling about you. this sucks lol

like gun to my head if I have to pick one it would be you sorry

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I'm pretty sure leaving Refa alive just gets them roleblocked regardless (and if they are town there is most certainly some kind of roleblock, since they have an empower).

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@Snike In the rules it says that scum are given fakeclaims, so I think scum would rather go with that than make up fakeclaims themselves. I agree that Refa and Weapon’s look iffy both together, but separately I think they’re equally believable real/fakes given by the host so yes, it comes down to play of which one I find the worst.

And I’ve said for a long time that I want Refa lynched. I get that your read of me is colored by frustration but you’re misrepping if you want to imply that I would policy lynch Makaze over Refa.

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