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(Mafia Sucks) SF Mafia: The Revival - GAME OVER, Town Wins! - Post Game is up!


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Good flips, its like 5:30 am my time so I'm kinda groggy but people saying that townread cam, no way was he going to be anything above null when he kept dodging making a vote lol. 


Weapons is town is most worlds from this, cam isn't going to vote from scum! Refa on to scum! Weapons when the easy vote is rapier at that point in the game(unless all 4 of these are mafia which would be very lol)


Rapier and makaze are town; refa pushing them as miselims is the likely world here. 


if there's a busser its j00 but I doubt it; scum! Refa being a wagon for 36-48 hours with no resistance and getting lynched instead of dying down implies that either scum are not coordinated or they failed to make a viable counter wagon; implies heavily that bussing didn't happen. 


I agree with Shinori that bbm/duskfall/snike should be looked into today; Shinori was also in my poe fwiw mostly based off of the refa flip and prims!post eod but he's just a solid entry into the thread today

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what I'm trying to say is I dont think being on the refa wagon yesterday clears you automatically which is what it seems like bbm is implying?⁸

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1 minute ago, Shinori said:

Maybe I claim because I have night phase info that could effectively help remove people from casing me and just save us all time as a whole if people are still going to case me.

No reason to do this; you can get an idea of intent on the cases on you instead of not even letting that happen


I do think massclaim could probably crush scum atp but we should probably save that for d3

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Just now, Percivalé said:

well I mean this is true, but I'm operating under the assumption weapons is town--BBM would have looked SUPER BAD swinging the vote towards weapons last minute. I guess this doesnt apply if weapons is also scum but I dont think he is

In a vacuum BBM looks bad swinging the vote towards weapons last minute BECAUSE we know refa flip.

Try to look at it from an angle where refa never flips, we end day 1 with a potential town!Weapons flip and come into this day phase probably going through the whole wagon with no real "Clears" like we have today.  BBM isn't the biggest priority there in that situation imo because the whole weapons wagon gets looked at and potentially people just go back to wanting to push/vote refa.

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I guess since I know my role and what I could have potentially gotten out of it might be influencing my opinion here but I would like BBM himself to elaborate 

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Just now, Bluedoom said:

No reason to do this; you can get an idea of intent on the cases on you instead of not even letting that happen


I do think massclaim could probably crush scum atp but we should probably save that for d3

Getting an idea of intent is true,  but when I believe my day 1 play was poor and I'm a very pushable target for both town and scum angle I think it opens up the reasoning that it saves town time considering we only have 48 hours this time and rapier is already talking about making it into a big content post against me.

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the fact that i rolled scum and my flavor was a game that i don't remember existing instead of the literal only game i actually won as scum was a sign

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Like if there is 24 hours spent potentially casing me and talking about me, claiming now saves us like 22 hours of good discussion time instead.

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I was going to vote snike but I was actually surprised by his opening posts into d2


I'm going with this ##Vote: @Duskfall98


Refa and SB both have had vague feelings about the other being sus but never push each other, which means there's no interest in solving each other's alignment. Refa also omits SB from his reads list in page 18, sus much? Both of them case some combination of makaze/rapier/weapons throughout the day, all of whom I'm reading town atp, and they would be typical miselim pushes for d1. Idt sb looks good upon a scum refa flip and thing this is it. Sorry dusk, your predecessor didn't have good interactions with flipped scum.

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Just now, Shinori said:

Like if there is 24 hours spent potentially casing me and talking about me, claiming now saves us like 22 hours of good discussion time instead.

Believe in me who believes in you 

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personally I'm not interested in elimming shinori or weapons today. I'll update on the rest of my player opinions lol

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@WeaponsofMassConstructionthe person who refa made the giant post about was snike. My feeling overnight honestly was also that that could be a last minute refa bus but then i forgot about that

I don't necessarily think everyone on the weapons wagon is town, but I wouldn't have had to switch last minute, I could have just switched to refa instead of weapons. Anyways it's fine though I'm sure we'll get the remaining scum first

Can someone explain the SB wagon. Why are we focused on someone who didn't vote the main counter wagon? Honestly I didn't bother isoing him overnight

Sorry I'm phone posting so might get cut

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@BBM where are you wrt rapier right now? Do you think that his lack of self pres play towards the eod1 makes sense as scum? If so, why?

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2 minutes ago, BBM said:

Can someone explain the SB wagon. Why are we focused on someone who didn't vote the main counter wagon? Honestly I didn't bother isoing him overnight

Can't speak for others but I'm voting for SB's slot because general bad feeling about SB throughout D1, their interactions with Refa felt kinda dodgy, and they could still be Cam's scum buddy.

Also, SB not being on the Refa wagon is still kind of telling? I think SB was online around/close to deadline yesterday, and they had to have known that Makaze was not going to be a realistic lynch on D1. Not voting one of the two wagons kinda feels ... well, it feels like they were hoping that they didn't have to commit to either to avoid tying themselves to Weapons lynch (especially if Weapons is town) while hoping that Refa could avoid getting lynched if they avoided voting there.

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1 hour ago, Shinori said:

Also @RapierAs of the moment I not longer scum read you, sorry about all of yesterday.  I'm like 80/20 on you being town.

why? I defended Refa until the end and it could very likely be the case that I was deflecting a lynch on him towards me. My reads on Refa had been vague and I refused to read him far too many times (no one will believe me when I say Refa's content felt too neutral/just floating around, and then I really didn't want to risk lynching an alignment cop on D1)

a case on me still seems likely and this shift seems strange, especially with your hard push to lynch me on late D1 way before we knew of Refa's role


Prims' slot looks town to me, especially after pushing for Refa. He could've pulled a Paperblade there, but judging from how useful Refa's role was and how Prims already felt like town to me, this reinforces my opinion that they're town.

1 hour ago, Shinori said:

Boron is probably not aligned with Refa if you see some of their earlier interactions.  Very early on they kind of went head on into each other without much need to.  I don't see scum instantly going so hard into their buddy(unless they actually planned it) but considering we don't have many situations where our mafia gamers plan to fake a fight with each other I think we can put boron as probably not with Refa.

I agree with this read on Boron, at least. Makes me doubt my suspicions of Shinori a bit since I read Boron as town and I don't think both can be scum at the same time judging from those premises alone.

1 hour ago, Snike said:

I think the specific backup details is more specific than universal and I agreed  with prims  on the not w/w. I think the Townreading Refa wagon is Weird but I'm not interested in just lynching the other right now when 1 was flipped. I also think that Bulletproof Killing Jack flipping is probably worst case scenario for scum d1; it doesn't make sense for Weapons to bus there IMO if they're  buddies.

Weapons was one of the last people to vote, so it was either that or no lynch, which would've been weirder since Weapons was definitely on the thread and town wants a lynch on D1. It'd cast more suspicions on him if he didn't take a stance, I think.

Elie had a good justification and could've sat outside of it, but instead he voted for Refa. Hard to judge his reasons since he skimmed through the thread and had superficial thoughts on only a few people. I'm not sure whether it'd be more beneficial for scum!Elie to be the last vote on Refa or whether it was worth staying out of it. I'd say the former makes more sense, especially as a legacy for his sub.

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ISOing charlie right now, but this stuck out to me:

On 5/26/2024 at 11:22 AM, charlie_ said:

You've been corrupted by offsite games, haven't you Shinori? sob

I would like to see updated thoughts on BBM from Makaze when they catch up.


Like I've been getting a bunch of weird pings but they're leading me to tinfoils.

Also, I will say yeah associatives look bad for me right now. Would it be reasonable to propose like if there's a dayvig in game they shoot me or dusk, lynch the other to close the proposed PoE by Shinori? I don't think BBM acting like I slipped was a scum thing off of first impression, but my reads have felt bad so far.

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I will be keeping my promise and not posting for a ways; my Discrete Mathematics course started on Tuesday

@Rapier I expect more than PR speculation today

Bring home a pelt for me

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Just now, Makaze said:

I will be keeping my promise and not posting for a ways; my Discrete Mathematics course started on Tuesday

@Rapier I expect more than PR speculation today

Bring home a pelt for me

I'm curious and this is off topic, but are you doing a PhD or something?

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22 minutes ago, BBM said:

@WeaponsofMassConstructionthe person who refa made the giant post about was snike. My feeling overnight honestly was also that that could be a last minute refa bus but then i forgot about that

I don't necessarily think everyone on the weapons wagon is town, but I wouldn't have had to switch last minute, I could have just switched to refa instead of weapons. Anyways it's fine though I'm sure we'll get the remaining scum first

Can someone explain the SB wagon. Why are we focused on someone who didn't vote the main counter wagon? Honestly I didn't bother isoing him overnight

Sorry I'm phone posting so might get cut

From the game from many years ago? It’s not really important in any case, I just thought it was funny.

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On 5/26/2024 at 2:56 PM, CT075 said:

oh yeah people wanted reads, uhh I'm like hard null reading a lot of people but gun to my head I think I am most suspicious of Boron and Snike (admittedly the Snike thoughts are mostly just because I think I agree with Prims' early statements, this is not nearly as well-thought out)? Not confident enough to vote when I haven't actually had time to digest what's been going on

Maybe not cam and snike aligned.

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I don't think either rapier or weapons or fully cleared just because refa's actions at the end of the phase showed weird lack of self-preservation but I don't think either should be the focus today. I think there'

My gut is Shinori but clearly he's crumbling a strong power role. I don't want him to claim for no reason as town if I'm on an island here and nobody else is feeling it

My other gut is snike because of the giant refa post but in respect to the effort he put in overnight I'll wait til I have time to iso

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