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(Mafia Sucks) SF Mafia: The Revival - GAME OVER, Town Wins! - Post Game is up!


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6 minutes ago, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

Down to sit on this game state while the rest of the players join in, but really quickly, leaning town on Refa, BBM has escaped my attention, null on Marth, and feel like Shinori's dicking around cause he knows he can get away with it

I'm feeling like Weapons is obvious town now, or he has gotten so much better it is giving me whiplash

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I meant to not post that yet because I had thoughts so let me state this:

Alignment reads are bad at this point in time, at least in my opinion.  Scum is LESS likely to go against each other at this point in time in the game but that's not guaranteed.

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Just now, Shinori said:

I meant to not post that yet because I had thoughts so let me state this:

Alignment reads are bad at this point in time, at least in my opinion.  Scum is LESS likely to go against each other at this point in time in the game but that's not guaranteed.

Stating them out loud may be a bad idea, but I prefer to push content and box them in as often as possible, and I am getting to the point where I can reconsider even my strongest opinions if I am alive at the endgame, because the mafia have kept me alive for a reason, so I'm not afraid to make these opinions.

I'm also just likely to forget that I had them with the next post that I read so I'd like to have progression and be able to figure out what I was thinking the next time my gut hits me, since I need to box them in myself in case the contradictions get the better of me

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i went to watch like two episodes of tv and you guys put up 5 pages of posts... sf mafia is BACK

##Unvote, ##Vote: @Prims

this is what I feel most strongly about atm. we're all rusty blah blah blah but I just don't feel like Prims was trying to make anything happen. If Prims found makaze randomly bringing up SK a bit weird, I would expect Prims to try and push him a bit more about it just to try get more of a reaction, even if he didn't actually find makaze's actions that scummy. instead, Prims chose to just restate an RVS reason for voting Shinori multiple times. feels lazy to me and like he was posting for the sake of it

I'm not gonna lie a lot of the other posts in the interim just blended together other than makaze voting me so I'll reread them to try and pick some more opinions out. my first thought is that a slightly smaller game might have been better to ease back into things lmao

@Makaze your list of people who aren't aligned, does that include that those people aren't town/town, or are you specifically looking for whether or not they're scum/scum?

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Just now, BBM said:

i went to watch like two episodes of tv and you guys put up 5 pages of posts... sf mafia is BACK

##Unvote, ##Vote: @Prims

this is what I feel most strongly about atm. we're all rusty blah blah blah but I just don't feel like Prims was trying to make anything happen. If Prims found makaze randomly bringing up SK a bit weird, I would expect Prims to try and push him a bit more about it just to try get more of a reaction, even if he didn't actually find makaze's actions that scummy. instead, Prims chose to just restate an RVS reason for voting Shinori multiple times. feels lazy to me and like he was posting for the sake of it

I'm not gonna lie a lot of the other posts in the interim just blended together other than makaze voting me so I'll reread them to try and pick some more opinions out. my first thought is that a slightly smaller game might have been better to ease back into things lmao

@Makaze your list of people who aren't aligned, does that include that those people aren't town/town, or are you specifically looking for whether or not they're scum/scum?

unaligned means not knowingly aligned, so scum/scum

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5 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

I'm still feeling kinda crappy, but I did say I'd be back in about "an hour or so"

I think someone asked me why I thought Marth's post was safe, and it came off as safe to me partly because I wasn't convinced that his two vote options (BBM and Refa) were because he actually thought they were scummy. Also, the "coin flip" section used a lot of words to say Prims and Shinori were basically null.

As for Weapons' argument that I haven't been "keeping up the pressure" since RVS, I start running out of new things to say when the thread is basically the same couple of people arguing with one another and nobody's arguments at the time were changing my mind on stuff. Also, I didn't even notice that Weapons had responded to my question because the thread was moving too fast and SF's post loading system is kinda clunky.


##Vote: @Refa

My previous stance on him before I left stands, even after a quick reread of the thread. His previous reads and statements didn't really seem very committal on anyone. Also, his piggybacking off Weapons' vote on me with a simple "I'd sheep this" is pretty lame considering that he didn't have any real strong opinions on me before.

You guys are pinging me too much while I'm trying to type, so I'm gonna post this first and then answer other stuff.

(That was me, I asked that) Okay, this thought process isn't tooo far different from mine. What do you think about his Prims reasoning ATM?

I'm less bothered by you running out of things to say and moreso it felt like you progressed into other reads but didn't really push those reads or elaborate on them. It read to me as you having something to say but then...not doing that, as opposed to being stuck.


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Thanks, SF, I totally want you to lose my post when you kick me into the next page and to give me the previous post I'd already posted ... Good thing I didn't write that much yet.

@Makaze: "Town-lean" means town read. So still Prims and Rapier. Prims was active and trying to get things in the game moving while he was posting, and not being shy about posting his thoughts. Granted, he's been gone for a while, but I'm willing to give him more time to return to the game before his absence starts seeming scummy.

@Bluedoom: I don't particularly agree that what Prims did is "off" (or scummy). For one, if we're thinking of the same post, it's far less wordier than you make it sound. And secondly, it feels more like Prims wants to note this as behavior that something that could be scummy, but is too early to make a serious case over. It doesn't strike me as odd, personally.

Uh, if there's anything I've forgotten to mention or you guys have any specific questions, do let me know. I keep getting distracted because you guys keep posting a lot and I have to click on the "show new posts" indicator every time you do.

Also, just an observation here but I don't like how Refa and Marth were so quick to jump on me after Weapons' post. While I may disagree with his reasoning and reads, Weapons did give a justification for it. Refa jumped on it with barely an explanation and no real indicator as to how he felt about me before, while Marth's vote is sus because his last reads posts had me as a town-lean. I struggle to understand how a single post suddenly makes me the scummiest person in the thread, unless it's because the post in question had him as a suspicion and a wagon is conveniently starting to pop up on me.

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Oh I completely agree that I've flipped from a town-lean to a scumread on you

But you had Refa and I as scumreads, while one of them was voting another, and you didn't want to drop a vote on either of us or comment on our interaction. You have to admit that it is really, really weird.

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Just now, Bluedoom said:

But you had Refa and I as scumreads, while one of them was voting another, and you didn't want to drop a vote on either of us or comment on our interaction. You have to admit that it is really, really weird.

Not really.

For one, scum buddies can vote each other and we're still very early into the game. So early in fact that it's wholly possible that everything that went on in the past four-ish hours since the game started becomes completely irrelevant once more people start posting.

Second, the interaction between you and Refa regarding Prims' Makaze-speculating-about-SK thing didn't strike me as anything that I needed to comment on. I can see this happening whether you guys are both scum, both town, or of different alignments. If you felt I needed to actually say this, sorry I didn't see the point of posting "this discussion could happen as any alignment"?

Also, the post I made before leaving was never meant to be super comprehensive, I just didn't want to be all "I'm leaving for some time and I won't be posting my current thoughts" because that would be lame. It was just meant to post what my reads were at the time and some basic reasons, and if you guys wanted an explanation you were free to ask me to elaborate when I got back.

(As for not voting either of you at the time, I was starting to tune out and forgot about voting. I know, not a great reason but I'm not gonna defend myself on that.)

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why is my vote not being registered by the bot, and why are iris and fie emblem fan listed as voters

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2 hours ago, Prims said:

tbh my gut feeling is still that Shinori is scum buddying up to me before he kills me N1 and I have no better vote than this rn sorry bro

how do other people feel about shinori for that matter

gonna return to tactical lurking until more people post

i have to say this also just really doesn't make sense to me. what's the advantage for scum to buddy up to someone they're planning on killing n1 anyways? wouldn't you want to buddy up to someone who you're planning on leaving alive?

@WeaponsofMassConstruction I feel like your reason for voting prims at the beginning was very similar to mine. what about prims's response satisfied you and made you feel like boron was a better vote? all he kind of said was something along the lines of "yeah i'm just bouncing things off people" but it wasn't actually any different from his previous posts

i don't really have too much of an opinion on shinori/boron/marth/refa's alignments atm. all our mafia skills have degraded so much in the last few years that rapier is now the strongest player.

makaze is word spewing all over the place which makes him tiresome to read. @Makaze from what I've seen your read on rapier has flipped from scum to town to maybe back to scum at some point in the middle to back to town? can you explain the reasons behind your read progression here?

btw i'm fairly sure the votal script still isnt working properly because Rapier unvoted me to vote for marth at some point. also, Iris and Fire Emblem Fan are included in the votals and they're not even playing.

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16 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Thanks, SF, I totally want you to lose my post when you kick me into the next page and to give me the previous post I'd already posted ... Good thing I didn't write that much yet.

@Makaze: "Town-lean" means town read. So still Prims and Rapier. Prims was active and trying to get things in the game moving while he was posting, and not being shy about posting his thoughts. Granted, he's been gone for a while, but I'm willing to give him more time to return to the game before his absence starts seeming scummy.

@Bluedoom: I don't particularly agree that what Prims did is "off" (or scummy). For one, if we're thinking of the same post, it's far less wordier than you make it sound. And secondly, it feels more like Prims wants to note this as behavior that something that could be scummy, but is too early to make a serious case over. It doesn't strike me as odd, personally.

Uh, if there's anything I've forgotten to mention or you guys have any specific questions, do let me know. I keep getting distracted because you guys keep posting a lot and I have to click on the "show new posts" indicator every time you do.

Also, just an observation here but I don't like how Refa and Marth were so quick to jump on me after Weapons' post. While I may disagree with his reasoning and reads, Weapons did give a justification for it. Refa jumped on it with barely an explanation and no real indicator as to how he felt about me before, while Marth's vote is sus because his last reads posts had me as a town-lean. I struggle to understand how a single post suddenly makes me the scummiest person in the thread, unless it's because the post in question had him as a suspicion and a wagon is conveniently starting to pop up on me.

I'd like to know your thoughts on BBM, and more about your thoughts on Refa outside of his vote on you.

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2 minutes ago, BBM said:

i have to say this also just really doesn't make sense to me. what's the advantage for scum to buddy up to someone they're planning on killing n1 anyways? wouldn't you want to buddy up to someone who you're planning on leaving alive?

@WeaponsofMassConstruction I feel like your reason for voting prims at the beginning was very similar to mine. what about prims's response satisfied you and made you feel like boron was a better vote? all he kind of said was something along the lines of "yeah i'm just bouncing things off people" but it wasn't actually any different from his previous posts

i don't really have too much of an opinion on shinori/boron/marth/refa's alignments atm. all our mafia skills have degraded so much in the last few years that rapier is now the strongest player.

makaze is word spewing all over the place which makes him tiresome to read. @Makaze from what I've seen your read on rapier has flipped from scum to town to maybe back to scum at some point in the middle to back to town? can you explain the reasons behind your read progression here?

btw i'm fairly sure the votal script still isnt working properly because Rapier unvoted me to vote for marth at some point. also, Iris and Fire Emblem Fan are included in the votals and they're not even playing.

My opinion on Rapier is that they have very weird posting style, but their actual content shows progression and some of it reads from a town POV, so I am ignoring my tonal instincts and basing it on their reasoning. Rapier is v.

I am now convinced that Rapier/BBM are unaligned.


Rapier failed to revote properly. @Rapier @Bluedoom You should vote again. The format is:
##Vote @BBM

The ##vote and the mention must be on the same line and have the same parent element. You cannot bold just the vote text, for example.
The votal script is very hands-off and it will count any poster who appears in the voting window as a potential voter. This allows the host to do nothing and still get useful information. That includes Iris and FEFan. Just ignore them, they won't impact anything.

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7 minutes ago, BBM said:

i have to say this also just really doesn't make sense to me. what's the advantage for scum to buddy up to someone they're planning on killing n1 anyways? wouldn't you want to buddy up to someone who you're planning on leaving alive?

MAybe cause I did it in champs where I buddied up to someone and then voted to kill them n1.  Prims also somewhat kept up with champs I think.

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2 minutes ago, Makaze said:

I'd like to know your thoughts on BBM, and more about your thoughts on Refa outside of his vote on you.

My thoughts on Refa outside his vote on me have not changed from the last time I posted them.

It's hard to make a definite call on BBM because he's only made two posts that address the current state of the game, but I don't find anything objectionable? I might have Prims as a current town read, but I can understand BBM's case and I'll probably end up rereading Prims to see if I still feel the way I do about him. I hope he's able to get more defined reads on the rest of us posting in this thread soon(ish).

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3 minutes ago, Makaze said:

I am now convinced that Rapier/BBM are unaligned.

Makaze what

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ehhh I dunno. @Sunwoo I think that response makes sense except it seems very contrived to think that me voting refa for reasons you agree with stems from me bussing refa...especially when bussing ed1 to throw the spotlight on your buddy is just suboptimal in general.

Yes people use WIFOM but, the odds are unlikely.




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Not posting content yet, but I should point out my vote isn't appearing on Makaze's votecounts for some reason?

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