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(Mafia Sucks) SF Mafia: The Revival - GAME OVER, Town Wins! - Post Game is up!


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I guess if Dusk flips scum I don't have to claim because I'm pretty sure in that situation I'm just lock town but ya never know, Hellbus.

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3 minutes ago, BBM said:

honestly once it became very clear duskfall was getting lynched today i've had a lot of trouble parsing anything from the phase because it becomes so wifom-y? like other than the first few people who voted duskfall, i don't know if anything is even alignment indicative because i can easily see it both ways in my head.

for example, i tried to read rad's posts but it's basically impossible to get a read on him because so much of his content is geared around the duskfall slot that it's impossible to judge until duskfall flips. even his main scumread, shinori, is purely through the lens of shinori's case on duskfall. if duskfall is scum, would scum be that obvious given it's like 95% likely duskfall will be lynched? on the other hand, if duskfall is scum does rad really have a choice cuz what is he gonna do if it becomes 11/1? if duskfall is town, would scum purposely try to white knight in this situation? i could do a version of this paragraph for nearly everyone today

so anyways I think part of why this phase has felt so stagnant is that I feel like I can't really progress my read on anybody at this point until duskfall flips, at least just to eliminate the possibilities.

It has felt like waiting for scum to make a mistake more than anything

Not hammering did lead me to change my PoE and stop tunneling, so there's that at least

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A mass claim on D3 will probably help us out a lot based on where we are at this point in the game.

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I agree with D3 mass claim

also here's unnecessary voting for the sake of wasting 20 seconds of Iris' time

##Vote @Duskfall98

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At this point, go ahead.

I'll just have to hope Percy will capitalize on the massclaim to explain what's going on with the end of day one.


Good night.

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At this point probably, I don't see much else changing.  I was debating on like maybe looking elsewhere but I just don't think that happens.  As the day progressed I started to doubt myself but guess we stick with it.

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Day 2 - End of Day Votals

Duskfall98 (8): Shinori (103), WeaponsofMassConstruction (55), Sunwoo (26), Snike (42), Bluedoom (64), BBM (32), Rapier (34), j00 (30) (HAMMER!)
Shinori (1): RADicate (53)
Bluedoom (1): Makaze (89)
Not voting (3): Percivalé (39), Ichigo (10), Duskfall98 (42)


shoutouts to my d1 townbloc

and @Duskfall98 and @hal for joining me on this off site escapade... SMOGOn... now we have to rock our invitational

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After charlie had tagged out for another European, Duskfall98 was super excited to play his 2nd ever game on Serenes Forest Mafia. He was going to show off how good Smogoners were... until... the NOCcers surrounded him, tied him down, and sent him off to the Elimination chamber without too much resistance...

Duskfall98 received the most votes on Day2 and has been Eliminated. His Role PM is below:

Dear charlie,

You are Antihero Anonydraft Mafia (2018).  

On 1/16/2018 at 10:48 PM, Prims said:

I dunno if town was that bad this game besides cutting Beast way too much slack. I feel like scum just outplayed us completely. SB and Iris had really good scum games.

On 1/16/2018 at 10:48 PM, Prims said:


You are quite possibly the most tragic scum game I’ve seen on SF Mafia. After the (anti)-heroes known as Kokichi Ouma and Rick Sanchez pocketed the town, the latter died to the Serial Killer (Reborn’s least trusted citizen Titania Andersen), and the SK was also murdered by the mafia due to them fearing they would be killed for being “Town.” A series of unfortunate events unfolded, and it was Kokichi Ouma versus the world (dragging along dead slot The Beast)... Don't let Town victory distract you from the fact they mislynched 4 times in a row and only lynched 1 scum! I’m certain you haven’t forgotten.

Hm. You no longer seem to be here.

Dear Duskfall98,

You are Danganronpa V3 Mafia (2019).

On 1/28/2019 at 7:31 PM, ULTRA PRODIGY NUXL said:

shoutouts to my d1 townbloc

and @Duskfall98 and @hal for joining me on this off site escapade... SMOGOn... now we have to rock our invitational

You had a brief stint on SF Mafia where you joined your buddies Ultra Prodigy Nuxl and Smogon Leader Hal Jin in STOMPING the SF Mafia NOCcers (never mind that most of the mafia were also off-siters) as town. It was a clean game; a clean sweep, and we should do it again some time!

A dark spirit possesses you.

You are Smogon.

Wait, shit, now you're actually from Smogon. This wasn't supposed to be the case!

You are the Pokémon community to SF’s Fire Emblem community, and you have a niche but loyal Mafia following. Many moons ago, you were a shadow of SF Mafia, where you were its OC mafia cousin, but everyone flocked to SF for NOC games. Nowadays, the most addicted of NOCcers (you know who you are) have fled to Smogon to play or even host their madness…

You are also the reason for the infamous Martyr vs Decoy vs Reverse Martyr vs Reverse Decoy scrum debate between Serenes Forest and Smogon. This is your fault, without questions.

What really summarizes the Smogon community is one of its most recent games: Multifaction Recruitment Mafia – An OC multi-faction game with over 60 players, the host first accused all the EiMM players of cheating (note: there was no cheating) – and also publicly revealed some Role PMs in retribution. To add onto this, this host got banned less than half way through the game for something extremely dodgy and then a dead player had to take over to finish the game to completion. Boy, and I thought SF Mafia was a mess! Guess we really are sister Mafia communities.


In short, you are the Roleblocker. 

You are a member of the Off-site Traitors. You win when all other factions are eliminated from the game or nothing can prevent the same.

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  • Iris changed the title to SF Mafia: The Revival [Night 2 - N2 ends 2:00 PM EDT 1-June-2024]

It is now Night 2. Night 2 ends in... probably? ~20 hours, around 2:00 PM EDT on June 1, 2024.


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Day 3

An early sunrise for the NOCcers -- something they might not be used to... Oh dear, what's all that blood on the floor...?


(Flips coming shortly)

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you carefully make your way towards the village center and shriek when you see a lifeless percy on the way there...

percivale has died! his role pm is below:

dear percy,

you are choral mafia series (2010-2012).

in honor of you, i will be writing this role pm entirely in small caps. you are the best original flavor mafia game, and also the first. while sf mafia has experienced some banger flavors since the inception (oh dear god, this was not supposed to be a reference to inception mafia) of sf mafia, nothing beats the OG of original flavors, choral mafia. the characters were relatable, and made me actually want to be part of the silver singers!!! the first choral mafia was definitely a bit more roleplaying than forum mafia, but perhaps that’s what was its biggest charm… who needs kelsey green?

<redacted ability text>

in short, you are the 1-shot safeguard.

you are a member of the sf mafia elitists. you win when all other factions are eliminated from the game or nothing can prevent the same.

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Backing away from Percy's body, you stub your toe stepping on the remains of the WeaponsofMassConstruction...

WeaponsofMassConstruction has died! Their Role PM is below:

Dear WeaponsOfMassConstruction,

You are Mafia (2010).

No, that’s not your alignment. Or is it? You are the first Mafia game hosted on Serenes Forest in February 2010. You were actually Mafia though in the first game and you got hung on Day 1. Never lucky, to be honest. You are the last active member of the OLD GUARD – where the heck did Balcerzak and Ether go? That’s fine, you didn’t need them anyways. Never mind that SF Mafia is over 14 years old this year…


In short, you are the Universal Backup.

You are a member of the SF Mafia Elitists. You win when all other factions are eliminated from the game or nothing can prevent the same.

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Hm. Well that's not good, is it?

Day 3 has begun! Going to end it around 7:00 PM EDT in about 53 hours. June 3 7:00 PM EDT deadline.

With 10 alive, Hammer is at 6 and Minimum to Eliminate is 4. You  may now speak!

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Also I'm like virtually 100% cleared unless you think I just chose to specifically hellbuss the SB slot and hard defend the Refa slot.

I don't care order for people claiming, I think we only have one scum remaining alive probably.  Claiming means we probably bust the game open.

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On 5/31/2024 at 1:00 PM, Snike said:

Very quickly clarifying this as I already said these were tinfoil and odds are it's probably a coincidence. Of course, many people know the acronym, the issue is bringing the subject up, to paraphrase. You can't tell me it isn't weird that eimm is brought up with the player with the eimm role.

Echoing sunwoo, it's the exchanges with refa that are pushing most people to think marth is town. Usually, that'd be enough for me, but day 1 really had me convinced of scumtitude though day 2 has been much better. Regardless, weapons wagon needs to be sorted first.

On that note, don't know why rapier dropped their sus of me onto weapons. No other wagon has the potential for better associations and is in poe than my flip, and he said he needed to look into my ISO. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't but not acknowledging the change was strange, though looks like bbm also did it.

Every other vig shot proposed is silly. I should be shot tonight, to close poe and to force any third to stick to the town's script. Almost everyone has me in poe or as scumlean. Makaze, my top townread, has me as a possible wolf. Vigging me or dusk if a real counterwagon on me builds speeds up the game instead of waiting for a day 3  elim.

That's about where I'm sitting right now.

Claim and coded message to Percy, who I quoted and thought was Voyeur.

21 hours ago, Snike said:

Weapons had me as a 4th so I'm in PoE

Rapier had me in prio too, but I hit load quote before I remembered, so RIP.

And you had me as a possible SK candidate Makaze which, of course that's for resolving later.

On that note, regarding crumbing and the like, we should mass claim tomorrow.



@Percivalé I cannot spell it out any clearer. Understood?

Intentional callout

20 hours ago, Snike said:

At this point, go ahead.

I'll just have to hope Percy will capitalize on the massclaim to explain what's going on with the end of day one.


Good night.

Reiterating callout

I was aiming to be shot to confirm vig because at worst case this would lower PoE and keep shots away from power roles because I legit thought Percy was voyeur.

I have an family event so dipping out but uh legit at this point I think going for me makes no sense when I caught Charlie's slip.

Again, I am a VT.

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Pretty sure if there's one scum rad is town btw, that's what I'm claiming here


And Shinori is outright town 

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