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(Mafia Sucks) SF Mafia: The Revival - GAME OVER, Town Wins! - Post Game is up!


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Okay, I've confirmed all Role PMs have been sent. Day 1 begins, and will end in 72 hours, or at Tuesday, May 28th at 8:00 PM EDT.



I'd also like to make a PSA to please READ THE RULES / MECHANICS on page 1 for some useful public setup information as well as how to vote so we can use the new Votals script.

Edited by Iris
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ok guys host just said i'm town (this is legit btw), there's no need to suspect me anymore

with that said, I have a feeling one of the remaining 15 players are scum

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Just now, Rapier said:

ok guys host just said i'm town (this is legit btw), there's no need to suspect me anymore

with that said, I have a feeling one of the remaining 15 players are scum

I mean, when I said one of the remaining 15 players are scum, I meant that at least one will be scum. Please, I'm not insinuating the exact number of players who are mafia (but since we're playing Mafia, aren't the 16 of us part of it?)

And now I'll proceed to tag someone for the sake of bringing up 5 pages long speculations of why I did it and what hidden meaning it could have in the overall scheme of things. Hopefully this doesn't detract the town from discussing about useful things, but hey, this kickstarts interactions at least, so gg atheists.

Also, lastly but no less important, I just wanted to say hi.

##vote: @Prims

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Sorry for the triplepost, my reading skills are as great as my attention span and I forgot to bolden my vote (classic rapier moment)

##Vote: @Prims

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Boldening is not required btw

who will I thunderdome with if YOLO is not in the game


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##vote: Ecl- wait, not in the game.

##vote: Bar- wait,  not in the game either. Uhh...

##Vote: @Rapier 

It's not the same, but it'll have to do. 

I'm playing TTYD right now, will be back later.

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Just now, Snike said:

##vote: Ecl- wait, not in the game.

##vote: Bar- wait,  not in the game either. Uhh...

##Vote: @Rapier 

It's not the same, but it'll have to do. 

I'm playing TTYD right now, will be back later.

clipsey often subs for me (I can't promise this won't end up being the case sooner or later, sorry Sunwoo), so I assume your original intention is still valid

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Just now, Makaze said:


paper mario

the third eyed(?) door, three(?) eyes door, thousand years door or something like that

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The important thing isn't can you read mafia, it's can you hear it. Can you hear the mafia, Rapier?

##Vote: @Snike

Because I also wish eclipse was in this game

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TFW you use : and I didn't program it to accept the colon

editing to include that


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14 minutes ago, Rapier said:

paper mario

the third eyed(?) door, three(?) eyes door, thousand years door or something like that






Side note, new game came out. I'm having fun playing that.  I'm gonna go play that and name kill Prims tonight.  It's a blast to be back.

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11 minutes ago, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

actually kind of an interesting question, given that most of us haven't played in a while, how do you think your meta has changed/will change

I will lurk tactically on purpose even though I am town.

##Vote: Snike

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14 minutes ago, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

actually kind of an interesting question, given that most of us haven't played in a while, how do you think your meta has changed/will change

I don't imagine my meta will be different

My ability to actually play the game might be utter crap though

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I have improved a lot since the last game, and a lot of it was because of the last game

I've decided to trust my instincts more and sheep good players when I'm lost

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##Unvote: @Snike

##Vote: @Shinori for refuge in audacity

having to use pings to vote people sucks, it takes half a second longer and is less aesthetically satisfying

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I have not been thinking about who I would nightkill N1 enough to make a joke about it, because I am town.

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