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Legendary Hero - Corrin: Child of Dawn

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Fuck yes for m!Corrin

;/ for being another dragon

Well, whatever. I'm pretty stoked. Now watch me not get him for like a year

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Funny how his weapon honestly feels simple at this point. Oh, it's just Slaying, and Distant Counter, and Time's Pulse, and a standard stat boost, and flat damage reduction, and Scowl, and Special Spiral, and the basic breath effect. Nothing new, just a whole lot of common things.

His special, on the other hand, has some more unusual stuff going on, including that new Divine Vein type. And it looks like dragons can now inherit a partial Warp Bubble as part of Dragon Wall, along with Phantom Res.

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Finally is right and he looks good, I am probably skipping this banner since he shares with F!Alear and I don't want or need more copies of her but I will if possible go for him next time he is on a banner.

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Any of the Yato's powered up forms still never, I guess. Though, I was honestly expecting to see Legendary M!Shez before Legendary M!Corrin.

Oh, and don't forget that the dragon Corrins (except base F!Corrin) get the trainee BST boost for no explicable reason. I doubt this one will join base F!Corrin as an exception to that.

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9 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Any of the Yato's powered up forms still never, I guess. Though, I was honestly expecting to see Legendary M!Shez before Legendary M!Corrin.

Oh, and don't forget that the dragon Corrins (except base F!Corrin) get the trainee BST boost for no explicable reason. I doubt this one will join base F!Corrin as an exception to that.

It's not like we ever got Sol Katti either, so clearly Heroes is gaslighting us all into believing certain characters never used/specialized in certain weapons.

Still, I can see a future Fates banner where at least one of the Corrins (probably female) gets an Ascended/Attuned form with an upgraded Yato.

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8 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

It's not like we ever got Sol Katti either, so clearly Heroes is gaslighting us all into believing certain characters never used/specialized in certain weapons.

Did you mean the Mani Katti? Base Lyn (yeah I know, nobody has used her for years outside of Lyn's biggest fans) does have the Sol Katti like how base M!Corrin has the (non-powered up) Yato. FEH at least acknowledged the Sol Katti while Engage chose to acknowledge just the Mani Katti.

8 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Still, I can see a future Fates banner where at least one of the Corrins (probably female) gets an Ascended/Attuned form with an upgraded Yato.

Emblem Corrin is also a possibility for that, though I certainly won't count on her to get a Yato.

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Posted (edited)
24 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Did you mean the Mani Katti? Base Lyn (yeah I know, nobody has used her for years outside of Lyn's biggest fans) does have the Sol Katti like how base M!Corrin has the (non-powered up) Yato. FEH at least acknowledged the Sol Katti while Engage chose to acknowledge just the Mani Katti.

Derp, that is what I meant yeah

24 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Emblem Corrin is also a possibility for that, though I certainly won't count on her to get a Yato.

Emblem Corrin getting Yato would make a lot of sense, they've done so many variations of dragon for f!Corrin (both of them, tbh) and she doesn't have a red alt at all. But yeah, I could also see them making her Yet Another Dragon.

Edited by Sunwoo
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We finally get a tier-4 Dragon Wall. That's neat, even if it's a little bit disappointing that it doesn't get all of the bonuses that Dodge 4 skills get since it only gets 5 Phantom Res instead of 7 and maxes out at 40% damage reduction instead of 50%.

I already mentioned it before, but it annoys me a lot that Emblem Marth, Emblem Ike, and Lumera are all having their first reruns on banners where they don't share a color with the new unit, and Kvasir is now having her second rerun and still has never shared a color with the new unit. I'm pretty sure they're doing this to see if players will spend more orbs to get both Corrin and the reruns or at least get players who aren't interested in Corrin to try for the insanely stacked red focus pool, but I'm not going to fall for it.


Anyways, the usual translation notes:


Corrin's epithet, "Child of Dawn", is "眩き光竜の神子" (mabayuki kōryū no shinshi), "Dazzling Light Dragon Oracle". I am guessing that "神子" is not read in the standard way as an alternate (gender non-specific) spelling of "巫女" (miko), "shrine maiden". Assuming that it either refers to the gender non-specific "覡" (kannagi), "diviner" or "medium", or should be interpreted literally as "divine child", it's probably read "shinshi".

Hoshido's Breath is "白の血族のブレス" (shiro no ketsuzoku no buresu), "Breath of the White Bloodline". As is usual for Fates, the color white refers to Hoshido, which is "白夜" (byakuya), literally "white night".

Dragon Fang Shot is "竜穿射" (ryūsensha), "Dragon Pierce Shot". Compare with Dragon Fang, which is "竜穿" (ryūsen), "dragon pierce".

High Dragon Wall is "竜鱗障壁・対転移" (ryūrin shōheki: tai ten'i), "Dragon-Scale Barrier: Anti-Teleportation". "竜鱗障壁" (ryūrin shōheki), "dragon-scale barrier", is the name of the Dragon Wall skill.

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It’s about time Legendary Male Corrin was added! Honestly, I didn’t expect him for quite a while, since Legendary Camilla debuted roughly six months ago. Almost two years went by between Legendary Female Corrin and Legendary Xander’s debuts.

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First reaction: Oh. Another Corrin.

Have to say, though, I like the glow on his dragon sprite. Also, I am an enjoyer of defensive dragons, and he is a defensive dragon. HOWEVER. Bride Embla has priority. I'll free pull green and see what happens I guess. (Also, what a sweet sort-of family ruinion in that trailer. ... I mean reunion. Yes.)

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I was only going to be rolling for the Emblems, so LM!Corrin is completely bland and inconsequential to me. If I end up somehow rolling/sparking him, his only destination will be into F!Ninian's gullet.

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Alright I only managed to watch the trailer now, he is an ok unit but nothing calls my attention enough to try to get him. Colorless is looking pretty good and I have very few people from the banner but I'm trying to not fall into the temptation of using orbs here since I just used a ton on the Fallen banner and am planning to get 2 or 3 units of the bridal banner (I was just waiting for this trailer to see if the new Legendary was gonna be so good that I'd have to get as few as possible units from the bridal banner, it ended up not being, which is nice cause I'll get green light to summon there).


 Corrin not getting Yato is surely becoming more and more alarming but tbh I found it nice that L!M!Corrin ended up being a dragon too instead of continuing the "dude gets sword, chick is a dragon" thing (actually, I think they may have stopped doing that some time ago, now that I'm thinking about it).

 Will take the opportunity to mention that I find the lack of Manni Katti on this game stupid and hope they'll do it someday. At least Hector got something that obviously alude to the Wolf Beil on his kid alt after not getting it for several years (and this axe isn't nearly as important anyway since it's just a random axe that is his, while Manni Katti was somehow important to Lyn's plot) but Manni Katti is getting overdue... I wonder if they hold back this sort of thing on purpouse.


13 hours ago, Mercakete said:

First reaction: Oh. Another Corrin.

Have to say, though, I like the glow on his dragon sprite. Also, I am an enjoyer of defensive dragons, and he is a defensive dragon. HOWEVER. Bride Embla has priority. I'll free pull green and see what happens I guess. (Also, what a sweet sort-of family ruinion in that trailer. ... I mean reunion. Yes.)

 Hell yeah! That little glow was pretty cool!

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7 hours ago, ARMADS!!! said:

 Corrin not getting Yato is surely becoming more and more alarming but tbh I found it nice that L!M!Corrin ended up being a dragon too instead of continuing the "dude gets sword, chick is a dragon" thing (actually, I think they may have stopped doing that some time ago, now that I'm thinking about it).

They stopped doing that immediately after launch. The only Corrin with a sword is the original Male Corrin. Both Male Corrin's and Female Corrin's first alts were non-dragons, and neither had a sword.

Currently, Male Corrin and Female Corrin each have exactly 2 alts (not including the original versions) with a non-dragon weapon: their first alt (Summer Female Corrin and New Year Male Corrin) and their ninja alt.


6 hours ago, ARMADS!!! said:

 Will take the opportunity to mention that I find the lack of Manni Katti on this game stupid and hope they'll do it someday. At least Hector got something that obviously alude to the Wolf Beil on his kid alt after not getting it for several years (and this axe isn't nearly as important anyway since it's just a random axe that is his, while Manni Katti was somehow important to Lyn's plot) but Manni Katti is getting overdue... I wonder if they hold back this sort of thing on purpouse.

If Young Hector's weapon counts as a reference to Wolf Beil, then the weapon Lyn has with Duo Mark counts as a reference to Mani Katti.

It's also worth noting that the weapon Lyn has in her artwork (both her normal version and her Resplendent artwork) appears to be Mani Katti despite having Sol Katti as her actual weapon skill.


4 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Why is High Dragon Wall a 400 SP skill?!

Ugh... I don't like it at all...

On the one hand, that's pretty dumb. On the other hand, it's hard for me to actually care knowing that it's only a boost of 0.5 points per round in the Arena, which hardly matters nowadays.

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Funny. On the banner with the 2 Alears, I free pulled M!Alear. And, using a ticket, I managed to free pull Brave F!Corrin. Combined, these two kind of make two-toned M!Kana M!Corrin, being dragons/lords. It feels like the game is either telling me to go for this new Corrin, or giving me a "you have the new Corrin at home (so don't bother summoning.)"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Who are we due left for legendaries now? Isn't that basically all the protagonists? I guess we have some of the Nohr/Hoshido siblings left and they'll probably give legendary status to the Engage royals, but from here on out will probably be seeing a lot more second tier protagonists get Legendaries. I expect Nyna in the near future.

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