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Vigilante Mafia Game Thread - Game Over, LoVE wins!


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Bluedoom and Elieson have been prodded.

Mod Votals 1.2

DefyingFates (2): j00, Eurykins
Bartozio (2): Percivale, Sunwoo
Eurykins (1): Bartozio
Sunwoo (1): CT075
Percivale (1): DefyingFates
WeaponsofMassConstruction (1): JamieIsBored
Bluedoom (1): WeaponsofMassConstruction
Shinori (1): Grace
Not Voting: Shinori, Bluedoom, Elieson, Aster

Phase ends in approximately 34 hours and 45 minutes, at 6PM EST on July 17th. As a reminder, it takes 5 to lynch at deadline and 8 to hammer.

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Sorry guys, I kinda forgot about this, but I'm reading the thread now.


How tf are there only 4 pages in 24 hours?

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Bruh I keep reading these 4 pages and the only thing I feel strongly about is that Eury is town.

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I've been staring at this for the last half hour and honestly I just don't feel strongly about anything, I hate RVS

I *guess* I take issue with the Bartozio votes because it feels like nitpicking something that isn't there. Idk about Percival's vote but @Sunwoo isn't prodding/pushing people by voting them generally a townie thing? RVS is essentially coming up with excuses to vote someone until it leads somewhere where you can actually read people so I don't really give him much flak for it.




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8 hours ago, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

Actually RVS galaxy brain moment, but I think that question is more likely to come from town!Shinori. scum!Shinori would obviously have multiball in mind but I can see town!Shinori overlooking/not caring that scum!me would not be informed about Shinori's alignment anyway, so my town read would be real in any case (and also I think in multiball scum has less incentive to town read anyone in general, but I'd need to dissect that line of thought more).

This seems like extremely contrived reasoning to townread someone; do you really think its that hard for mafia to post "Why am I town?" , that's 4 words man, they just need to post fluff to keep up appearances. I get you that posts like that show doses of paranoia that are of a townie bent of mind, but they are extremely fakeable. ALSO, conversely, scum!Shinori knowing that this is multiball can still pull this question on you to trip you up as mafia from his perspective if he thinks that you're on the other team showing TMI.


Why would scum have less of an incentive to town read people specifically in multiball?


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it's early game & I'm going off vibes is all I can say about that lol 

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Eh after 1 hour of reading I don't find anything that troubling  but oh well ##Vote: Weapons

I guess the only other thing I have to comment on is that I don't think DefyingFates' posts scream newb!town or anything. And I'm realizing that with multiball its going to be very hard to actually hunt the mafia based off of associatives, especially if its something like 9/2/2 lol.


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I'm still trying to get a read, myself. I'm on the side of not voting until I get a better sense of what's going on, Fates, Sunwoo, and Jaime seem pretty town so far, everyone else especially Shinori I'm still kinda figuring out but apparently this is how Shinori usually acts as town member from what past comments have said so probably safe, I can kinda see why people are a little bit suspicious of Bartorizo though but also at the start a lot of people were joke-voting each other it looked like in general so I'm not 100%. This is my first real mafia game so also in general trying to figure out how this works. XD

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I also dislike RVS, I never really know what to say or do to get things going so when the gamestate is like this current one where it's awkwardly inbetween, with some joke posts and attempts at serious reads without there being much to go off on I just ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ IDK maaaaan

Anyways, I'm willing to let newbies get a pass for pretty much anything D1. Even if they did happen to roll scum there will be more time to scrutinize their play later.

This has probably been discussed before, but for scum optimal RVS play is often to just skip it. You rarely lynch inactives D1 so it's safer to stay away from anything that can potentially turn into conflict. Still, it feels like most people has been very cautious this game so far?

Marth/Bluedoom's posts feels a bit like they're just to keep up appearances though. I totally get not having proper reads based on these 4 pages of uh basically nothing, but the best you can do is voting Weapons for disagreeing with a town read he has? Do you get any scum intent from his post?

I don't mind joining on voting Bartozio for the time being, his RVS didn't bother me that much but the fact that he went silent after the first bit of serious pressure does. Would like Marth to elaborate more too even if yeah I agree it's hard to talk about anything substantial right now.

##Vote: @Bartozio


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Pls someone save 65 hours of RVS...... classic D1 being too long making half the phase dead just for it to become a rush and with competing turbo wagons 5 hours before deadline or something 😔 am I the one who needs to clown around more to get conversation going?

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I dont think bartozio going silent is alignment indicative because he said he was going to be busy

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Less Important Stuff and/or general Sarcasm:


On 7/15/2024 at 2:14 AM, Grace said:

wow weird how no one has voted yet (remember your syntax team)

##Vote: @Elieson

we still policy rvs elie yeah? :^)


On 7/15/2024 at 3:34 AM, DefyingFates said:

I'm going to abstain from voting today. It may not be logical but killing someone on Day 1 still feels excessive 😛

I know you've already been lectured by Shinori, and what he said is absolutely correct. 

On 7/15/2024 at 7:25 AM, Shinori said:

That's fine for now probably.

A big thing to remember is that you can move your vote as much as you want, so don't be afraid to use your vote as means of stating where your biggest suspicion is at.  Alternatively kind of use it in a threatening manner along side questions you might be asking someone.  If you feel someone is acting suspicious or acting in a manner that is kind of unknown to you, asking them questions about their thoughts PAIRED along side a vote is more likely to get a response from them than without a vote.

If you are town, your ONLY weapon in most cases is your vote, so you have to be able to use it to accomplish mostly everything you need to do in this game.

However, for Shinori to be teaching, is kinda suspicious. Expected you to let Fates flounder and figure things out the fun way.

21 hours ago, JamieIsBored said:

Towny thought process.


##Vote: @WeaponsofMassConstruction
Brilliant name. 

Welcome to SF.


21 hours ago, Shinori said:

Defying fates i think is kind of giving off the "new player town" vibe honestly speaking.

@BartozioYehp, Don't worry you bus me, I'll vote no one and just try to be a helpful person to our newbies and @EliesonWill come in last to vote you so we can just disjoint all of ourselves.

I'm not getting NewbScum vibes from Fates, because they'd have just not posted regarding their vote, with the intent to avoid calling attention to themselves, instead of posting what they did. Also, it's how I work. I show up and do exactly what is necessary. Nothing more!

11 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

For the record, I agree that we shouldn't give Defying Fates a complete pass for the NL argument but I just don't feel like it's coming from a new scum player.

The way you phrase this, makes me think that Fates could be coached newbscum. I really don't like the hesitation here of the "they're fine but they're not fine, pass but not complete pass" paranoia. Much like Fire Emblem Fates, choose your path.

8 hours ago, Eurykins said:

Shinori/Percivale/Weapons/Sunwoo > Everyone else in terms of keeping things moving so far in the RVS/out of said RVS phase. 

Shinori has generally always been the type to comment/notion if any new players are involved, scum or not, so doesn't tell a whole lot. Also helping a newbie could also be easy points in terms of offering himself as helpful Town!nori, which would read to me as something Scumnori would want to do. 

Ok. This one's a roller coaster, because reading your post required me to physically get up, get coffee, sit down, and reread it.

I get more Will they won't they waffling out of goofy "I swear it's not a harem!" romance anime. Are you trying to explain to the game, scumnori met... WAIT A MINUTE I just reread this little block again, and you're not waffling. LOOK I WANTED TO SHARE MY THOUGHT PROCESS IN READING YOUR POST AND BY THAT I MEAN MY ENTIRE THOUGHT PROCESS, so you get this. WAIT A MOMENT You weren't townreading these people, you were simply listing that they're keeping the game active?? I TAKE BACK MY TAKE BACK; this waffle is bad and you should feel bad.

8 hours ago, Eurykins said:

Percivale, for having second most posts, were about.... numbers in the game, I think? I don't recall seeing/reading much else, so nothing much to work with here. (Non-memorable posts, which isn't surprising in RVS. But something to consider if little else is noted later on.)

Consider what, exactly? Engaging without engaging?

8 hours ago, Eurykins said:

Weapons poked and voted, and then commented on town/scumnori things. Nothing over the top, and banter during RVS was par for the course. Null.

Sunwoo seems to be probing more questions and prods to encourage more conversation/reactions, so not a bad vibe here. Probably the towniest read so far, even if the read itself isn't for much more reason than just general participation. 

Can't really say much about the vibes of DF- none of what was happening screamed super townie newbie vibes, null at best. Shinori was probably the one who got more "townie helping newbie" points from their interactions, not DF, and doesn't really do much to assist in gauging their scum/town vibes. The very first post to *not vote*/kill someone Day 1 was very likely a joke, but seems odd coming from a townsided opinion, as the lynch/day kill is the only means to remove town threats, outside of specific roles or such that can be done at night. Even for someone new to "Mafia" or any game like it (Town of Salem, AmongUs, and many other games that encompass the same overarching gameplay), the goal has always been extremely simple and straight forward- remove threats from town by voting/killing them before they kill you or you lose. Opting to initially not contribute seems kinda sketch- being careful is one thing, but distancing/removing yourself from contribution is another. 

#Vote @DefyingFates

Tell me your thoughts- what are you considering when it comes to approaching this game? 

Anything crossing your mind or catching your attention with any of the posts? Are you looking for someone/something in particular to dig into?

This entire Eury post just feels off / forced.

Why post things in the order that you did, where you describe content creators before townreads? Why vote for the newb when you're already fully admitting that you believe them to be a newb? What do you expect out of this vote that couldn't be more useful elsewhere? A ping would have sufficed just fine. Mixed/Paranoia reads on Shinori, Percivale, & Fates, and very little regarding Sunwoo and Weapons such that it feels like this is a post meant to fill space and show effort rather than contribute or advance things. Top it all off with what I've already said that at the top of this post, are four names specifically pointed out as being active... it doesn't seem right. Why say these things? Why is this post here, and why is it so organized and large, yet devoid of any committed thoughts or actual content?

##Vote @Eurykins

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Oh there's a Page 4!

2 hours ago, Percivalé said:

it's early game & I'm going off vibes is all I can say about that lol 

This feels like the most honest thing anybody's said about the game thus far.

41 minutes ago, j00 said:

Marth/Bluedoom's posts feels a bit like they're just to keep up appearances though. I totally get not having proper reads based on these 4 pages of uh basically nothing, but the best you can do is voting Weapons for disagreeing with a town read he has? Do you get any scum intent from his post?

I sort of disagree with this. Marth (and I) were prodded. His post feels like massive unprepared catchup with urgency to avoid getting modprodded again... speaking from a person who was also prodded in this game and the last >.>

aaaand that's all for Page 4. To summarize my reads

  • I have an actual intentional, bonafide scumread on:
    • Eury for that big ol' nothing post unintentionally disguised as micro wallpost
  • As far as active nulls;
    • Sunwoo is probably my biggest active null read, mostly because their wariness of DefyingFates feels weird specifically in how it's phrased, rather than what it is. It's throwing me off, and despite it giving me "this feels like fearmongering", I can't comfortably commit to a read because I'm not liking how I can't pin a more absolute read on her.
    • Bluedoom coming back is kind of like me; I don't really have a read on them because I don't have timing in context for what he's said, nor do I really have a response chain to base thoughts off of for him
  • If there's a name I didn't mention, I don't have a comfortable read that I can really define, so it's more of a passive null / "I'm not really sure what I think of you" read.
    • Specifically, this includes active posters like Weapons and Shinori. IDK what else to say. I ain't got nothin'
  • I am explicitly not scumreading (as in, I would protest votes made against)
    • Percivale
    • Bluedoom
    • DefyingFates
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18 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

Bartozio, what were you hoping to accomplish by voting Shinori? (Why was it "less fun than [you] thought"?)

Short answer: Anything other than being ignored, which was what was happening.

Slightly longer answer: I was hoping people would interact with it more, be it with Nori voting me back or some new town voting me for it because I "slipped scum". Heck maybe someone would continue the joke by claiming to be the other scumteam and proposing an alliance.

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3 hours ago, Bluedoom said:

I've been staring at this for the last half hour and honestly I just don't feel strongly about anything, I hate RVS

I *guess* I take issue with the Bartozio votes because it feels like nitpicking something that isn't there. Idk about Percival's vote but @Sunwoo isn't prodding/pushing people by voting them generally a townie thing? RVS is essentially coming up with excuses to vote someone until it leads somewhere where you can actually read people so I don't really give him much flak for it.




You take issue with bart votes during RVS?  Are they really that bad?  He did do something kind of weird and people just want to know the thoughts he had when he did it.  You even state yourself that RVS is making up reasons to vote someone yet one of the ONLY things that happened in the first few pages of the game is something you 'take issues with'?  I think you need to expand upon this a bit better.

3 hours ago, Bluedoom said:

This seems like extremely contrived reasoning to townread someone; do you really think its that hard for mafia to post "Why am I town?" , that's 4 words man, they just need to post fluff to keep up appearances. I get you that posts like that show doses of paranoia that are of a townie bent of mind, but they are extremely fakeable. ALSO, conversely, scum!Shinori knowing that this is multiball can still pull this question on you to trip you up as mafia from his perspective if he thinks that you're on the other team showing TMI.


Why would scum have less of an incentive to town read people specifically in multiball?


Why is this so against someone's reason to town read?  This seems VERY against it in a way that seems not great.

You then follow this up with a vote onto Weapons instead of either of the Bartozio voters who you really seem to have an issue with.  Why vote Weapons for 'town reading' someone instead of the people who have votes that you take issue with.

Elie's push against Eury seems kind of performative/reaching, I'm not really gonna scum read it out the gate but the whole paragraph that I had to read which was silly seemed very like on the nose.  I think eury's post was a little weird but not that bad and I'm currently kind of just giving people some passes because it's so early and it's kind of RVS stuff for so long.

J00 post kind of pings me as well.  Also with j00's vote that brings Bart to 3 votes, and I've been corrupted by off-site shenanigans to the point that I'm starting to believe this theory that there is scum amongst the person first voted to 3 or one of the people voting them.


Bartozio (2): Percivale, Sunwoo, J00

I will keep a distinct eye on these 4 people.

v o t e: @Bluedoom

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9 hours ago, Shinori said:

If I was placing a vote down at this point in time, it would be on @Bartozio

So just do it coward.

4 hours ago, Bluedoom said:

Bruh I keep reading these 4 pages and the only thing I feel strongly about is that Eury is town.

Can you explain why Eury feels town to you? Because all I get from her is that she has no idea about reads and I'm not really seeing too much attempts to get them by interacting with people.

I don't think that's super scummy at this point, but why do you consider it towny?

1 hour ago, j00 said:

I don't mind joining on voting Bartozio for the time being, his RVS didn't bother me that much but the fact that he went silent after the first bit of serious pressure does. Would like Marth to elaborate more too even if yeah I agree it's hard to talk about anything substantial right now.

##Vote: @Bartozio


I went to sleep after I switched my vote and I'm only now back from work, lol.

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Also some small notes:
I've seen a lot of people do guesses about the numbers in this game. Keep in mind there's 14 players and not 13?

Before people start talking about me avoiding making posts again, I'm going to be around for a few hours now, and then I'll be back for a bit 6 hours before deadline and like an hour/half an hour before deadline (I have DnD tomorrow evening). Cheers.

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@Percivalé Sunwoo so far reminds me a lot of the previous game, just generally proactive. You seem like usual town Percy.

I think I am ok with leaving my vote on Marth for the time being. On top of what other people are saying, I find the "I was reading the thread for an hour" thing weird cause I think you can figure out pretty quickly that there's just nothing there (at least up to that point) and so it's like why are you trying to force a scumread? I don't think it's hard outside the range of town!Marth but I'm also just not seeing worse elsewhere in the thread.

Other things:

- I do agree Eury's post is pretty empty, but in the context of the thread I think it's fine. Could wagon here, but more out of lack of anything better than anything else. Elie I guess plus points for now.

- I get new town pings from Aster and in retrospect I didn't really get them from DefyingFates. Not that I think they're scummy and I'm willing to give the new players a pass D1 anyway, but it's something that pinged me. @DefyingFates why the Percy vote?

- Bart's fine imo

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57 minutes ago, Shinori said:

You take issue with bart votes during RVS?  Are they really that bad?  He did do something kind of weird and people just want to know the thoughts he had when he did it.  You even state yourself that RVS is making up reasons to vote someone yet one of the ONLY things that happened in the first few pages of the game is something you 'take issues with'?  I think you need to expand upon this a bit better.

Why is this so against someone's reason to town read?  This seems VERY against it in a way that seems not great.

You then follow this up with a vote onto Weapons instead of either of the Bartozio voters who you really seem to have an issue with.  Why vote Weapons for 'town reading' someone instead of the people who have votes that you take issue with.

The bolded is the reason I'm not voting them, actually, since it p much follows what I said about finding excuses to vote someone, I'm just usually spooked by early bart votes in general since he has a meta of getting wagoned early and then getting mislynched.


36 minutes ago, Bartozio said:



Can you explain why Eury feels town to you? Because all I get from her is that she has no idea about reads and I'm not really seeing too much attempts to get them by interacting with people.

  This is going off of meta but she's been very wordy/talkative and explains her read a lot more. Whenever I've seen her as scum she posts a lot less words, sentences are shorter etc.

2 hours ago, j00 said:


Marth/Bluedoom's posts feels a bit like they're just to keep up appearances though. I totally get not having proper reads based on these 4 pages of uh basically nothing, but the best you can do is voting Weapons for disagreeing with a town read he has? Do you get any scum intent from his post?


I don't mind joining on voting Bartozio for the time being, his RVS didn't bother me that much but the fact that he went silent after the first bit of serious pressure does. Would like Marth to elaborate more too even if yeah I agree it's hard to talk about anything substantial right now.

##Vote: @Bartozio


Well townreads are the easiest to fake as mafia, and if a townread looks contrived to me its not far-fetched to think that it could come from TMI. You yourself agree w/ me that this has been 4 pages of nothing so...its really hard to make any substantial comment, best to put pressure and see where it goes.



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To me it feels weird to post an additional post as scum that you're lost in a game, as scum (re: marth sorta flailing at the start of Page 4 here).

6 minutes ago, Bluedoom said:

  This is going off of meta but she's been very wordy/talkative and explains her read a lot more. Whenever I've seen her as scum she posts a lot less words, sentences are shorter etc.

Elaborate on what she's explained also her meta to you is how many years old now?

3 hours ago, Bluedoom said:

Eh after 1 hour of reading I don't find anything that troubling  but oh well ##Vote: Weapons

3 hours ago, Bluedoom said:

 I didn't get a sense of who you found suspicious or who find the most townie, so let's start from there. Who do you think fits into this?

Sorry but I also just noticed this back to back post of "I got nothin. Hey newbs, what do you got?" and it made me lol at my office desk


It just hit me that townreading in known multiball, is easier to fake, since townreading effectively translates to "actively advancing the game while putting effort out in finding the threats to your faction", and presumably, RAT/BAT are anti BAT/RAT, ergo, everyone is effectively scumhunting to some degree. We really do need some information and @Shinori I'd really like to know why your thoughts on RVS are preventing you from just picking a target and applying some sort of genuine pressure regardless of RVS.

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11 minutes ago, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

@Bluedoom why do you say my Shinori point is contrived? I get that it may or may not be correct; I'm not putting much stock in it anyway, but what about it is fake?

 I thought I explained this before but if scum!Shinori can be paranoid of your alignment(and we're in a setup where he can) why is the likelier assumption that he's town using that line of questioning? Every faction is scum hunting to some degree. Usually from what I see your explanation early on for your reads is gut so this seemed out of place from what I'm used to seeing of you.



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47 minutes ago, Elieson said:

@Shinori I'd really like to know why your thoughts on RVS are preventing you from just picking a target and applying some sort of genuine pressure regardless of RVS.

During rvs I stated "If I did vote it would be on Bartozio."  I did toss that thought process into my posts, outside of that I am actively trying to be less spammy so I'm not making multiple machine gun posts like I did last game because I don't wanna start flooding everything and then lose people once again because we suddenly have like 10+ 15+ pages and then I have to listen to every person complain about it.

And as of now I am also doing the above because I am pressuring Bluedoom even if I'm not throwing a vote down.

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