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Nintendo LIES!!!!!

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CGV thinks Janaff and Ulki got married.

I think Ike found a lover. A female one.

I asked if they hooked up and it wasn't referring to endgame


Volke continued to work as a contractor

Mia goes for Rhys.

Mia goes for Rhys? She went in search for me

Astrid found out what a loser Makalov is and dumped his ass

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Jill and Haar realized what they were doing was wrong and just remained friends.

Lucia eventually married Bastian cause she couldn't resist him any longer.

Ike never left Tellius. He just got lost.

Boyd and Mist still marry even if they don't A support.

Lyre asks Ranulf out, he accepts. They later decide that it's not gonna work cause they each have feelings for someone else...

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Yeah, Lyre for Gatrie and Ranulf for Ike.

Ranulf has to fight Soren and Aimee for Ike. Ike will break all their hearts when he reveals that he fell in love with a girl that helped him when he was lost. They'll kill the girl and then kill each other fighting over Ike. Ike moves to Goldoa so he can stay neutral.

Edited by KSFF2150
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Ranulf has to fight Soren and Aimee for Ike. Ike will break all their hearts when he reveals that he fell in love with a girl that helped him when he was lost. They'll kill the girl and then kill each other fighting over Ike. Ike moves to Goldoa so he can stay neutral.


Then later Ike hooked up with Kurthnaga.

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Damn you, Ike! First you take Soren from me, and now Kurth?!

You'll have to beat Oliver first, though!

edit: Goddamn, no! He's not! Who says I even have a prostitute? "o_o

edit edit: Faulty word choice is left unchanged just because.

Edited by Thingy Person
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Damn you, Ike! First you take Soren from me, and now Kurth?!

You'll have to beat Oliver first, though!

Aha! So HE is the substitute!

Oliver is happy enough with Renning.

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A nice idea for a thread, even if not presented in the most eloquent manner.

- Mist joins Ike on his travels if they share an A-Support.

- Shinon, if he shares an A-Support with Rolf, sticks with Rolf until Rolf becomes a master. Afterwards, he opens an academy to pass his skills onto another generation.

- Mia finds her arch-rival and duels him/her. Both are silent about the outcome and never see each other again.

- Edward chooses to remain a commoner despite Micaiah's wishes, but also visits the keep to proclaim good news. As well as that, he keeps in contact with whomever he had a support with.

Edited by Penitent
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Ike moves to Goldoa so he can stay neutral.

And from there on, became unable to move.

Largo reopened the Inn after being resurrected, then served Calill on every table.

Tormod hit the gym.

Edited by Mekkah
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Let's a see!

Shinon moves to Elibe, becomes college roommates with Heath. They make their own TV series called "Heath and Shinon". All based on a weird dream I had!

Oliver becomes a pimp, and all the ladies flock to him!

Gatrie renames himself Gay Tree, and develops a tree fetish.

Gareth becomes a comedian. His smile scared small children, more than his angry face ever did.

Danved/Devdan lives a long time, and invents Jazz music.

Ike fought for his friends, AKA Soren and Ranulf.

Mia decides not to become a master swordwoman, but an Olympic chocolate pudding swimmer instead.

Mist develops the Anti-Pedophilia Clinic, to help prevent guys from growing up to be pedophiles. In the end, her teaching it only made matters worse. (her voice didn't turn them off)

Leanne became a professor of Cuteology. Her expertise in being cute made her big bucks!

Vika decided to try being social. Guys started to chase after her, but Gay Tree told the chasers the harm of being a womanizer. "You'll end up just like me, in love with trees", he said.

Lyre realized fighting isn't for her, so she became a professional Women's Mud Soccer Player, which is soccer played barefoot in a field of mud. She had major fun with it, and was actually good at it.

Lethe, on the other hand, joined the I Like Turtles club. She studied the physical and mental properties of turtles for the rest of her life.

Rolf hit puberty at the age of 37. It was proven that he doesn't have Kleinfellters. (or however you spell the disorder)

Tibarn tried to eat Naesala alive, but Reyson told Tibarn to go eat Rafiel instead. Tibarn listened.

Meanwhile, Naesala lived the rest of his life playing Pokemon. He managed to catch 'em all!

Meg joined a gym and got skinny. Her dad couldn't recognize her.

Micaiah got tired of having silver hair, so she died it yellow. Her defense rose up by 20 points for no reason whatsoever.

Sothe decided to get a super promotion. He could steal from all chests in one turn.

Jill met a man named Jack and went up a hill together. They fetch a pail of water and decided to slide down the hill together. Haar was mildly heartbroken.

Haar decided to go destroy the aliens from Halo. Masterchief could not compare to what Haar did to those fellers.

Lucia had her hair grow back. Bastian, and many others rejoiced at this. She later won a gold medal in the Olympics, barely beating Mia in pudding swimming by 000.1 seconds. Looks like Lucia can be better than Mia in at least something!

Zihark lived a life fleeing from fangirls. He went in hiding with Waldo and Carmen Sandiego.

Rhys suffered the same fate as Zihark.

Volke became the world's noisiest frat boy that wore a colorful outfit. His sneaking days were officially over.

Fiona plans on being in another game, except she gets a much better join situation. That would be impossible, her armor is neither green or red, so she can't appear in the beginning.

That's all for now.

Edited by Kintenbo
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Ike never left Tellius. He just got lost.

This is so true, I have the proof! http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=kqAy8lIQJpk

After he escaped from being lost, he left a son to command the GM's however it's later found out that he's not Ike's true son, yet he was discovered by Ike to be born from from a virgin, who lay dying after conception. Ike could not ignore him; the young man and his descendants led the GM's into an order that maintained peace throughout Tellius for thousands of years.

(Cookie for anyone who can guess which fictional masterpiece I somewhat copied this from.)

Let's a see!

Shinon moves to Elibe, becomes college roommates with Heath. They make their own TV series called "Heath and Shinon". All based on a weird dream I had!

Oliver becomes a pimp, and all the ladies flock to him!

Gatrie renames himself Gay Tree, and develops a tree fetish.

Gareth becomes a comedian. His smile scared small children, more than his angry face ever did.

Danved/Devdan lives a long time, and invents Jazz music.

Ike fought for his friends, AKA Soren and Ranulf.

Mia decides not to become a master swordwoman, but an Olympic chocolate pudding swimmer instead.

Mist develops the Anti-Pedophilia Clinic, to help prevent guys from growing up to be pedophiles. In the end, her teaching it only made matters worse. (her voice didn't turn them off)

Leanne became a professor of Cuteology. Her expertise in being cute made her big bucks!

Vika decided to try being social. Guys started to chase after her, but Gay Tree told the chasers the harm of being a womanizer. "You'll end up just like me, in love with trees", he said.

Lyre realized fighting isn't for her, so she became a professional Women's Mud Soccer Player, which is soccer played barefoot in a field of mud. She had major fun with it, and was actually good at it.

Lethe, on the other hand, joined the I Like Turtles club. She studied the physical and mental properties of turtles for the rest of her life.

Rolf hit puberty at the age of 37. It was proven that he doesn't have Kleinfellters. (or however you spell the disorder)

Tibarn tried to eat Naesala alive, but Reyson told Tibarn to go eat Rafiel instead. Tibarn listened.

Meanwhile, Naesala lived the rest of his life playing Pokemon. He managed to catch 'em all!

Meg joined a gym and got skinny. Her dad couldn't recognize her.

Micaiah got tired of having silver hair, so she died it yellow. Her defense rose up by 20 points for no reason whatsoever.

Sothe decided to get a super promotion. He could steal from all chests in one turn.

Jill met a man named Jack and went up a hill together. They fetch a pail of water and decided to slide down the hill together Haar was mildly heartbroken.

Haar decided to go destroy the aliens from Halo. Masterchief could not compare to what Haar did to those fellers.

Lucia had her hair grow back. Bastian, and many others rejoiced at this. She later won a gold medal in the Olympics, barely beating Mia in pudding swimming by 000.1 seconds. Looks like Lucia can be better than Mia in at least something!

Zihark lived a life fleeing from fangirls. He went in hiding with Waldo and Carmen Sandiego.

Rhys suffered the same fate as Zihark.

Volke became the world's noisiest frat boy that wore a colorful outfit. His sneaking days were officially over.

Fiona plans on being in another game, except she gets a much better join situation. That would be impossible, her armor is neither green or red, so she can't appear in the beginning.

That's all for now.






EEEE………………………....P………………. ………………IIIIIII……………......C

EEEE………………………....P………………. ………………IIIIIII……………......C


























WTF happened here? It was supposed to say EPIC WIN <_<

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Fiona became one of Daein's Four Riders under Queen Micaiah.

Ena had Kurthnaga's baby.

Soren, after learning the truth about his parents, went to Daein and swore allegiance, eventually becoming the most feared of the Four Riders. Some whispered that Soren was the Mad King Ashnard reborn.

Ike went with Soren to Daein and also eventually became one of the Four Riders.

After he escaped from being lost, he left a son to command the GM's however it's later found out that he's not Ike's true son, yet he was discovered by Ike to be born from from a virgin, who lay dying after conception. Ike could not ignore him; the young man and his descendants led the GM's into an order that maintained peace throughout Tellius for thousands of years.

(Cookie for anyone who can guess which fictional masterpiece I somewhat copied this from.)

The Wheel of Time.

Mmmm... cookie...

Edited by Paper Jam
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Ena's child seeks out Soren for revenge for what Ashnard did to Rajaion.

Volug, Nailah and Rafiel return to Hatari and confirm with the others that there are countries on the other side of the desert. Hatari's part of a massive empire and they plan on invading Tellius.

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