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What change(s) would you make to your favorite Fire Emblem game?

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On 8/12/2024 at 5:33 PM, Dark Holy Elf said:

I really like all of these. I'm an especially big fan of "weakness is 2x attack" — it's easy to understand and calculate, and doesn't require extra trips to the status screen and/or weapon tooltips — but no game would benefit from it more than RD and its too-swingy crossbows.

Thanks for the second!

I've been replaying PoR lately, and it's astonishing how mediocre the effective weaponry is. I swear, there have been cases where I'm doubling a generic Paladin with the "Knight Killer", and still not one-rounding them. Like, a forged Steel Sword can do more against enemy Armor Knights than an Armorslayer. And doubling tome might against laguz means basically nothing, when most tomes have low-single-digit might. Remaking both Tellius games, with "effective damage = Attack x 2", could go a long way toward balancing them.

On 8/12/2024 at 5:33 PM, Dark Holy Elf said:

(As well as Tanith and Nealuchi who iirc default to that route, and Marcia/Janaff/Ulki as well)

Interestingly, if you don't bring Nealuchi to this route, the game skips over the "Skrimir threatens Naesala" scene. Nealuchi is programmed to save his king in that scene, so if he's not there, it just... doesn't happen. Strange that Nealuchi wasn't forced to this route, when the game was hardly shy about forcing certain routings (Tauroneo goes with the Hawk Army because ???).

On 8/12/2024 at 5:33 PM, Dark Holy Elf said:

-My big one is change the interface so that any time you learn a sixth ability or fourth combat art, you immediately get a prompt to choose which five/three to currently set, similar to how Awakening/Fates handled your sixth learned skill.

It'd be nice if this were an ON/OFF switch, so that I don't have to "menu" every time a new skill is learned. For folks who want to, though, the option should certainly be there.

On 8/12/2024 at 5:33 PM, Dark Holy Elf said:

"you can explore whenever you want, but you only get a fresh set of monastery activity points once per month; motivation lasts for the entire month; you get weekends which can be used for either instruct or battle or rest, instruct would involve a single prompt per character instead of 4-5" would be a start.

These are pretty solid. I would consider simultaneously expanding the pool of activity points, while also making certain activities (Greenhouse, Fishing) newly cost a point. As for Resting, perhaps it could restore some activity points, while also boosting everyone's motivation slightly more?

...Actually, if we're only instructing once, then motivation could be a strict binary, rather than something metered. (Non-disliked) meals and gifts would restore motivation - as could the Sauna, or winning in the Arena. Conversely, disliked activities, or Faculty Training, could actually drain motivation.

On 8/12/2024 at 5:33 PM, Dark Holy Elf said:

If the slitherers are gonna remain in the story I'd like them to be both more clever and more sympathetic, even if they're ultimately always an antagonistic force – goodness knows the potential is there! See @SnowFire basically.

I remember seeing the DLC character list, and wishcasting that one of them might be a sort of "positive Agarthan rep". Say, a reformed Slitherer, or someone from a different faction. Instead, they doubled down on the "these people kidnap and torture kids". No shade on Hapi, but it's kinda funny that the DLC gave us "people who live underground"... and none of them are positively associated with the setting's resident mole-people.

2 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Oh yeah. Another thing on Three Houses. Have Byleth disappear due to being exiled to the shadow Realm by Solon. That makes MUCH more sense then Byleth falling into a random hole and pulling herself out after five years. It would also give the Slitherers one time where they don't completely fail. 

No way, Byleth escaping Solon's trap - that demanded a human(?) sacrifice, no less - with no exertion whatsoever is peak comedy.

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6 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Oh yeah. Another thing on Three Houses. Have Byleth disappear due to being exiled to the shadow Realm by Solon. That makes MUCH more sense then Byleth falling into a random hole and pulling herself out after five years. It would also give the Slitherers one time where they don't completely fail. 

How would that happen in Crimson Flower where Byleth is aligned with the Agarthans? I guess they could do it behind Edelgard's back just because they hate Byleth that much, but or would propel to new heights Edelgard's unwillingness to betray the people who literally tortured her and killed her family.

Edited by Jotari
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17 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

I've been replaying PoR lately, and it's astonishing how mediocre the effective weaponry is. I swear, there have been cases where I'm doubling a generic Paladin with the "Knight Killer", and still not one-rounding them. Like, a forged Steel Sword can do more against enemy Armor Knights than an Armorslayer. And doubling tome might against laguz means basically nothing, when most tomes have low-single-digit might. Remaking both Tellius games, with "effective damage = Attack x 2", could go a long way toward balancing them.

On 8/12/2024 at 2:33 PM, Dark Holy Elf said:

Regarding PoR, I have a sneaking suspicion that at some point in development, the effective weapons were gonna be 3x, but that changed to 2x leaving them too weak. I think both 2x might and 3x might can work (though I prefer 2x attack for reasons already given), but in both cases you would want to balance things around them, and the PoR anti-cavalry and anti-armour weapons feel too weak for 2x. The anti-laguz weaponry, by comparison, generally feels fine - IIRC even the weakest of them, the sword (which you get early) is on par with forged silver.

17 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

It'd be nice if this were an ON/OFF switch, so that I don't have to "menu" every time a new skill is learned. For folks who want to, though, the option should certainly be there.

I kinda feel new skills are gained infrequently enough that the trouble of just cancelling the menu if you learn a useless skill ("[unit] would like to learn Defiant Res! But [unit] already knows five abilities!" *hits cancel*) isn't much of a timesink. Obviously in general I am never opposed to more menu options, though.

14 hours ago, Jotari said:

How would that happen in Crimson Flower where Byleth is aligned with the Agarthans? I guess they could do it behind Edelgard's back just because they hate Byleth that much

The Agarthans honestly have just as much reason to want Byleth gone on CF. Their whole thing is that Edelgard hates them and they know it, so anything which makes her more reliant on them is useful to make it less likely she turns against them. If Edelgard has the help of the Fell Star and their time-manipulating powers, she's much more likely to be in a position to actively turn against them. (See: CF.) So I would 100% buy the slitherers going after Byleth regardless of route.

If you're worried this makes Edelgard look too unsympathetic you could have her (and indeed, Dimitri and Claude for the other routes) have a significant role in Byleth's return. Maybe the lord's fervent wish that Byleth could return for the promised five-year reunion is what gives them (or Sothis) the extra push to break free of Zaharas. Kinda hokey but a well-done scene could sell me on it.

I don't really have a strong opinion on this change overall, but I do agree that the current explanation for Byleth's five-year absence (they fall in a hole) isn't exactly the most narratively satisfying one.

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12 minutes ago, Dark Holy Elf said:

Regarding PoR, I have a sneaking suspicion that at some point in development, the effective weapons were gonna be 3x, but that changed to 2x leaving them too weak. I think both 2x might and 3x might can work (though I prefer 2x attack for reasons already given), but in both cases you would want to balance things around them, and the PoR anti-cavalry and anti-armour weapons feel too weak for 2x. The anti-laguz weaponry, by comparison, generally feels fine - IIRC even the weakest of them, the sword (which you get early) is on par with forged silver.

I kinda feel new skills are gained infrequently enough that the trouble of just cancelling the menu if you learn a useless skill ("[unit] would like to learn Defiant Res! But [unit] already knows five abilities!" *hits cancel*) isn't much of a timesink. Obviously in general I am never opposed to more menu options, though.

The Agarthans honestly have just as much reason to want Byleth gone on CF. Their whole thing is that Edelgard hates them and they know it, so anything which makes her more reliant on them is useful to make it less likely she turns against them. If Edelgard has the help of the Fell Star and their time-manipulating powers, she's much more likely to be in a position to actively turn against them. (See: CF.) So I would 100% buy the slitherers going after Byleth regardless of route.

If you're worried this makes Edelgard look too unsympathetic you could have her (and indeed, Dimitri and Claude for the other routes) have a significant role in Byleth's return. Maybe the lord's fervent wish that Byleth could return for the promised five-year reunion is what gives them (or Sothis) the extra push to break free of Zaharas. Kinda hokey but a well-done scene could sell me on it.

I don't really have a strong opinion on this change overall, but I do agree that the current explanation for Byleth's five-year absence (they fall in a hole) isn't exactly the most narratively satisfying one.

My concern isn't making Edelgard unsympathetic, my concern is how ridiculous it would be to push the plot point of her aligning with them after they've stabbed her beloved sensei in the back. Of course, on the other hand, Edelgard breaking from the Agarthans is basically what everyone wanted to happen at least some point in Crimson Flower so if it could facilitate that plot point then that would actually be a positive.

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11 hours ago, Dark Holy Elf said:

The anti-laguz weaponry, by comparison, generally feels fine - IIRC even the weakest of them, the sword (which you get early) is on par with forged silver.

I'm gonna have to disagree with this. The trouble is, most of the Laguz you fight are quite fast, so almost no one is gonna be doubling them. Maybe Stefan, or a trained Mia or Zihark, but that's about it. And the beasts are quite physically bulky, so even "forged silver" damage isn't doing quite half. Ideally, an "effective" weapon would be one-rounding generics, or at least finishing them off after some chip. That hasn't really been my experience with the Laguzslayer or its counterparts. I don't think there's a clear fix within PoR's system - increasing Might would make them too strong against Beorc, while reducing enemy Speed... I'm not even gonna entertaining "lower enemy quality in PoR".

11 hours ago, Dark Holy Elf said:

Regarding PoR, I have a sneaking suspicion that at some point in development, the effective weapons were gonna be 3x, but that changed to 2x leaving them too weak.

Probably. It feels very "international FE7-like" in this regard. Ike's Regal Sword is Eliwood's Rapier, by another name.

11 hours ago, Dark Holy Elf said:

kinda feel new skills are gained infrequently enough that the trouble of just cancelling the menu if you learn a useless skill ("[unit] would like to learn Defiant Res! But [unit] already knows five abilities!" *hits cancel*) isn't much of a timesink. Obviously in general I am never opposed to more menu options, though.

I sure do love reaching D+ Axes ("Equip Axe Prowess Lv. 2? YES/NO"), C+ Authority ("Equip Authority Lv. 2? YES/NO"), and Fighter Mastery ("Equip Strength +2? YES/NO") ("Equip Shove? YES/NO"), all on the same map. For five different units. Possibly all out of the very same combat, if I time it right! The option should be there, I get why people want it, but I'd personally rather keep my skill and combat art management outside of the actual battle portion.

But hey, it could be worse. At least I don't need to spend a Heart Scale for Annette to remember Rally Resistance!

11 hours ago, Jotari said:

My concern isn't making Edelgard unsympathetic, my concern is how ridiculous it would be to push the plot point of her aligning with them after they've stabbed her beloved sensei in the back.

Idea: the Slithers send a fake "Byleth" back, in Teach's place. For five long years, they keep Edelgard fooled. Until the real Teach comes back, and the interloper voices an "awk-ward!" A perfect disguise, failed by an inability to commit to the vital vow-of-silence.

Also, phony Byleth is voiced by Matt Mercer or Laura Bailey. The single "Awk-ward!", on a single route, is their only voiced dialogue in the entire game.

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15 minutes ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

I sure do love reaching D+ Axes ("Equip Axe Prowess Lv. 2? YES/NO"), C+ Authority ("Equip Authority Lv. 2? YES/NO"), and Fighter Mastery ("Equip Strength +2? YES/NO") ("Equip Shove? YES/NO"), all on the same map. For five different units. Possibly all out of the very same combat, if I time it right! The option should be there, I get why people want it, but I'd personally rather keep my skill and combat art management outside of the actual battle portion.

But hey, it could be worse. At least I don't need to spend a Heart Scale for Annette to remember Rally Resistance!

My suggestion, give units an option to swap skills mid map by expending an action. Then you can manually  equip the skill you just learned and can have more dynamic gameplay where you can change skills for big brain strategies.

15 minutes ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

Idea: the Slithers send a fake "Byleth" back, in Teach's place. For five long years, they keep Edelgard fooled. Until the real Teach comes back, and the interloper voices an "awk-ward!" A perfect disguise, failed by an inability to commit to the vital vow-of-silence.

Also, phony Byleth is voiced by Matt Mercer or Laura Bailey. The single "Awk-ward!", on a single route, is their only voiced dialogue in the entire game.

Until they give fake Byleth 16 different beach alts in Heroes.

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5 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

I sure do love reaching D+ Axes ("Equip Axe Prowess Lv. 2? YES/NO"), C+ Authority ("Equip Authority Lv. 2? YES/NO"), and Fighter Mastery ("Equip Strength +2? YES/NO") ("Equip Shove? YES/NO"), all on the same map. For five different units. Possibly all out of the very same combat, if I time it right! The option should be there, I get why people want it, but I'd personally rather keep my skill and combat art management outside of the actual battle portion.

But hey, it could be worse. At least I don't need to spend a Heart Scale for Annette to remember Rally Resistance!

There's no reason why this would have to be a Pokémon-style nightmare of repeated confirmations. "Annette learned Defiant Res! [press A] Do you want to equip Defiant Res now? [select "no" from a menu that defaults to "yes"] Are you sure you don't want to equip Defiant Res? [select "yes" from a menu that defaults to "no"] Annette did not equip Defiant Res! [press A] (To equip Defiant Res later, select it from the abilities menu.) [press A]" That would be a nightmare and is definitely better avoided. But we can definitely do better than that.

We already get the pop-up telling us our unit learned a new skill and have to hit a button to dismiss that. It could just be as simple as "Annette has learned Defiant Res! A: dismiss. Y: equip skill." If we don't care then we just press A and carry on and it's no different to how it is now, but if we do care then we press Y and get taken to a menu to let us choose which skill we want to unequip.

Anyway, I never actually answered the original question in this thread. Rather than repeating what's already been said, I'm just going to vaguely nod in the direction of other Three Houses changes, and add a few of my own.

  • Make the dialogue from cooking skippable. This one always drives me to distraction.
  • Change the greenhouse mechanics to something that is less guide-bait. Either make it something that's understandable that we can reasonably plan for without having to look things up every time, or else make it actually random and uncontrollable. Either way is better than what we currently have.
  • Get rid of the "use it or lose it" style of aux battle grinding. Either get rid of it entirely or give us actual infinite grinding. "I don't feel that I need to grind now, but I'd best do it anyway just in case I end up needing it for later" is no fun.
  • Change the Maddening difficulty curve to be easier at the start of the game but harder later on. As things are, the first five chapters are typically the hardest part of Maddening, with only chapter 13 and endgame offering much challenge afterwards. This is all back to front.
  • Change the way that paired endings work to let people who want to match-make more able to do so.
  • And while we're at it, make the game gayer. I mean, sure, "make it gayer" is my answer to most things, but in this case, there are a whole lot of same-sex pairings that make sense and are popular.
  • Rebalance class masteries from Intermediate classes to give more variety than the current "oops, all brigands" meta.
  • A whole bunch of different rebalancing options, honestly. Make Dark Mages not suck, make Emperor not suck, make Wyverns not as OP, etc.
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Fates: future-proof the online elements. Make it so that instead of getting a pittance of resources offline and a bounty online, you get more of your own, but also you get traders showing up at your castle every day that will offer to take some of your resources (usually but not always your castle staples) in exchange for different ones. The only thing online play does is let you make these trades with other actual people.

I trust the reasons for this change are fairly obvious now.

Edited by Alastor15243
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On 8/16/2024 at 3:33 AM, Jotari said:

How would that happen in Crimson Flower where Byleth is aligned with the Agarthans? I guess they could do it behind Edelgard's back just because they hate Byleth that much, but or would propel to new heights Edelgard's unwillingness to betray the people who literally tortured her and killed her family.

I think perhaps that could be solved by Crimson Flower being the only route where Solon fails due to Edelgard tipping sempai off. 

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11 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

I'm gonna have to disagree with this. The trouble is, most of the Laguz you fight are quite fast, so almost no one is gonna be doubling them. Maybe Stefan, or a trained Mia or Zihark, but that's about it.

Hmm that doesn't sound like my memories at all. Maybe I use too much knight ward on my cavalry but I remember the paladins, as well as Marcia/Tanith, definitely being able to double them, and often one-round with the lance/axe/bow. Jill and Boyd might have a little more trouble doubling but do huge damage if they hit, and obviously kill any they do double. And many of these characters might have trouble reaching these ORKO thresholds with just forged steel or unforged silver, since laguz are reasonably bulky. I'm too lazy to look up numbers to check but that's what my memories are telling me. Talking about Hard here, to be clear.

11 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

I sure do love reaching D+ Axes ("Equip Axe Prowess Lv. 2? YES/NO"), C+ Authority ("Equip Authority Lv. 2? YES/NO"), and Fighter Mastery ("Equip Strength +2? YES/NO") ("Equip Shove? YES/NO"), all on the same map.

Oh, to clarify: I don't see any need for prompts for Prowess Levels 2-5; I think how the game already handles those is fine. If you had the lower version set, they upgrade, and if you don't have them already, you probably don't want the upgraded version either.

The prompts about equipping Str+2 and Shove, though? Heck yes, I want those! I hate that I have to leave an empty slot for them if I want to get them mid-battle. And if I forget to do that, I need to remember to set them, possibly half an hour later, possibly days later in real time if I turn the game off after finishing a map! Yes you can make it a habit of looking through every character's ability list after every fight I think there's even a chance somebody learned something (this is what I do, since otherwise I likely will forget) but this is obviously a big time sink.

As lenticular mentions this really doesn't take more time than we already have; you already need to hit A/B/whatever to dismiss the skill learning message as-is. Even if you would never take advantage of this, it still isn't really costing you anything.

5 hours ago, lenticular said:

Anyway, I never actually answered the original question in this thread. Rather than repeating what's already been said, I'm just going to vaguely nod in the direction of other Three Houses changes, and add a few of my own.

I definitely like all of these too! I'll particularly second the greenhouse, aux battles, and "make it gayer" changes.

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34 minutes ago, Dark Holy Elf said:

Maybe I use too much knight ward on my cavalry but I remember the paladins, as well as Marcia/Tanith, definitely being able to double them, and often one-round with the lance/axe/bow. Jill and Boyd might have a little more trouble doubling but do huge damage if they hit, and obviously kill any they do double.


Cats seem to hover around 18-21 AS on hard mode towards the end of the game, and Ravens might be a little faster, so this would make sense. Jill should probably be able to double assuming she's the main carry over Marcia and/or has been given a Speedwings. Easy mode and MM will be different of course.


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I actually have a huge notepad of all the things I wanted to do if I ever (read: never) got around to learning how to mod RD. I won't list all of them, but I'll list some bigger ones as well as some that couldn't be done in a mod:

  1. Don't let Ike usurp the story. He can and should still have a big role in the plot, but the overall story should be identifiable as primarily Micaiah's. Definitely don't leave him as the only one who can finish off the final boss. This might also require some restructuring of when the player is in control of which army, namely more Dawn Brigade maps and fewer Greil Mercs maps, to which, yes, good.
  2. Remove the hard mode changes of not being able to view enemy ranges and having no weapon triangle.
  3. Give buffs to all the units who are shockingly weak, like Fiona and Lyre. Anyone who's good can stay as they are; the roster need not be perfectly balanced.
  4. Have Tormod, Muarim, and Vika rejoin in part 3. With more DB maps it may even make sense to have them rejoin there.
  5. Give every laguz what is currently the dragon gauge, and have all laguz start maps transformed with their gauge full. This means all laguz would lose 1 gauge per battle and 2 per turn, meaning you still have some micro-managing to do to ensure they're kept up, but it's far less annoying to deal with. The consistency also means you don't have to keep track of several different gauge types and can always know how far someone is from running out. Also let Laguz equip Discipline.
  6. Add a dark magic user that can be recruited on a first play. I actually think it'd be interesting if Micaiah could get it at some point, but a new character also works.
  7. Make Wind Edge and daggers forgeable.
Edited by Florete
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Binding Blade: Add limited mid-chapter saves. Be it DSFE-style save points, or just the ability to save __ times per map, I think this game would benefit a lot from a little bit of BS protection. The same is true for... honestly, almost all FE games that don't have some variation of this feature, but I think it's especially the case for BinBla with its long maps and higher variance in outcome thanks to generally lower hitrates.

Path of Radiance: Add a x8 speed button for enemy phases. Failing that, at least give an option to actually disable animations instead of replacing them with map animations that are basically just as slow.

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3 hours ago, ping said:

Add limited mid-chapter saves.

Speaking of mid-chapter saves I am of the opinion that iterating on this idea would have been better than the rewind feature that we have now. If my one change wasn't QoL related in Engage for example then I would choose to fix the whole rewind system in that game. My idea would be something to the effect of removing a lot of engage meter tiles and using them as a save point while removing rewinds entirely.

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19 minutes ago, samthedigital said:

Speaking of mid-chapter saves I am of the opinion that iterating on this idea would have been better than the rewind feature that we have now. If my one change wasn't QoL related in Engage for example then I would choose to fix the whole rewind system in that game. My idea would be something to the effect of removing a lot of engage meter tiles and using them as a save point while removing rewinds entirely.

This is something that I'm fairly certain I agree with, but since I never played any new FE game (Awakening is new, right?), I can't be entirely certain how I would feel about them. From what I've seen, the rewind systems tend to be very generous with their charges, to the point where brute-forcing a very unreliable strategy becomes too viable compared to having to identify and correct a mistake. I wonder how the system would've been seen if the player was restricted to just a handful of rewinds per battle.

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39 minutes ago, ping said:

This is something that I'm fairly certain I agree with, but since I never played any new FE game (Awakening is new, right?), I can't be entirely certain how I would feel about them. From what I've seen, the rewind systems tend to be very generous with their charges, to the point where brute-forcing a very unreliable strategy becomes too viable compared to having to identify and correct a mistake. I wonder how the system would've been seen if the player was restricted to just a handful of rewinds per battle.

My perfect rewind system would be to make it a difficulty setting. Divorced entirely from the story, when starting a new game you get to choose your difficulty (easy, medium, hard etc), choose between casual/classic/iron man and then choose your number of per chapter rewinds, going from 0 to infinite (with, let's say five being the option the game prompts by default). Let players choose how much they want to break the game's difficulty.

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On 8/8/2024 at 1:09 PM, Codename Shrimp said:
  • Remove forging or nerf it to max +2
  • Debuffs clear after one turn
  • Make Capture a learnable skill
  • Add a save spot between Penultimate and Endgame
  • Maybe a couple more non-kid recruits later in the game
  • And most importantly: Nuke Ninja and fox hells out of existence

Instead of limiting or removing forging, I would remove the debuffs that silver/steel inflict. Forging weapons consumes so many weapons that anything beyond +2 is already very expensive to make. I don’t think I’ve ever forged a weapon beyond +2 or maybe +3 for that reason.

The ninja map has a fun concept, so I would rebalance that map. Fewer reinforcements and less enemies with 2-range attacks would be a definite improvement. As for the kitsune map, I’d remove the annoying “illusion” mechanic and add more woods and mountains, like the wolfskin map in Birthright (one of the only Birthright maps I like.) That would make it harder to use cavalry with hunting bows.


As for me, I’d completely rework the map with Iago and Hans (Chapter 26?). That is such a miserable map to play through and one of my least favorite maps in the series.

I enjoyed the vast majority of Revelation’s maps, but I would rework the map with the bosses (Chapter 24?) and the moving platform. It takes forever to get to them all. Maybe after Turn 10 or so, the bosses start heading towards Corrin. Also I’d rework the frozen sea map. The perspective and where units can move is so confusing; it would work better set up like the ship maps in Shadows of Valentia.

I would address some writing issues, like why Azura didn’t explain the situation with Valla to Corrin in Conquest, tweak how the Valla curse works (or make it clear that it refers to talking/writing/drawing/interpretive dance, etc. ABOUT Valla, not literally saying “Valla”) and include more information about Nohr and Hoshido and in general. Overall I enjoyed Conquest and Revelation’s storylines, and I wouldn’t make any substantial writing changes, but these tweaks would go a long way in improving the writing.

I’d add a few pairings to give the one-support characters child options and keep potential fathers from being stuck single. Ryoma and Scarlet, Jakob and Flora, and Azura and Shura make sense from a character perspective and also wouldn’t require creating more 2nd-gen characters. Maybe Yukimura and Izana could also S-support with Azura for that reason. Fuga and Gunter paired with Azura feel strange, but both men can ship with Corrin, so I suppose there’s no reason not to. I’m unsure who Reina’s non-Corrin option would be; maybe Kaze?

On 8/17/2024 at 8:33 AM, Alastor15243 said:

Fates: future-proof the online elements. Make it so that instead of getting a pittance of resources offline and a bounty online, you get more of your own, but also you get traders showing up at your castle every day that will offer to take some of your resources (usually but not always your castle staples) in exchange for different ones. The only thing online play does is let you make these trades with other actual people.

I trust the reasons for this change are fairly obvious now.

That seems like a good counterbalance to not having the online features anymore. I hate it when things disappear due to games losing their online connectivity.

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For Blazing Sword a switch option between Nils and Ninian would be cool, as well as giving Nils supports to go along with it. In terms of stats and function they are already exactly the same so why not give the option to field who you'd like best.

As for supports. Nils has some good potential on that front.
-There's his growing bond with Hector of course, but perhaps also a support about Lyn doting on him, and Nils being touched but also increasingly annoyed about it. 
-A support with either Pent and Cannas who see him as a research subject until it angers Nils
- Vaida who greatly unnerves Nils since she captured him as an enemy while Vaida doesn't even remember him since all she wanted at the time was a fight with the lords. 
-One with Nino/Rebecca/erk on account of them being the youngest in the army. 

Edited by Etrurian emperor
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8 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

For Blazing Sword a switch option between Nils and Ninian would be cool, as well as giving Nils supports to go along with it. In terms of stats and function they are already exactly the same so why not give the option to field who you'd like best.

As for supports. Nils has some good potential on that front.
-There's his growing bond with Hector of course, but perhaps also a support about Lyn doting on him, and Nils being touched but also increasingly annoyed about it. 
-A support with either Pent and Cannas who see him as a research subject until it angers Nils
- Vaida who greatly unnerves Nils since she captured him as an enemy while Vaida doesn't even remember him since all she wanted at the time was a fight with the lords. 
-One with Nino/Rebecca/erk on account of them being the youngest in the army. 

Nils could genuinely have a support with Vaida under the current set up, since Vaida arrives after Ninian is gone. Though like many end game supports it's going to be really tight in the number of chapters available department.

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On 8/24/2024 at 12:12 PM, Etrurian emperor said:

-One with Nino/Rebecca/erk on account of them being the youngest in the army. 

Nils is actually one of the oldest in your army, though.

...Wait, Erk is younger than Serra? And Priscilla? That's surprising to me.

On 8/24/2024 at 8:58 PM, Jotari said:

Nils could genuinely have a support with Vaida under the current set up, since Vaida arrives after Ninian is gone. Though like many end game supports it's going to be really tight in the number of chapters available department.

Unfortunately, Vaida already (improbably) has seven possible support chains, which is the max for any character in the game. Wallace, Canas, Harken, Merlinus, Dorcas, Karla, and Heath. You could probably cut one of them to allow for a Nils support, though.

Dart makes sense, since Fargus was the one who pushed Nils to return to help his friends on the Dread Isle.

Also Hawkeye, who only has three supports (one with Ninian, and two he can't A-rank), and who lives in Nabata.

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9 minutes ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

Nils is actually one of the oldest in your army, though.

...Wait, Erk is younger than Serra? And Priscilla? That's surprising to me.

In the technically an adult sort of way. 

Yes actually. Supports place Erk at 15 and Serra and Priscilla are apparently 16. 

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4 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

Unfortunately, Vaida already (improbably) has seven possible support chains, which is the max for any character in the game. Wallace, Canas, Harken, Merlinus, Dorcas, Karla, and Heath. You could probably cut one of them to allow for a Nils support, though.

Dart makes sense, since Fargus was the one who pushed Nils to return to help his friends on the Dread Isle.

That is absolutely ridiculous. She's only around for four full chapters, and you are almost certainly not deploying her with her support partners in the legendary weapon cave chapters. Nor are you going to be sitting around building support points in the Limstella chapter of you want the last Gaiden. If they really liked her enough to give her that many support partners then they should have had her join earlier. Well, at least she's not Renault levels of ridiculous. At this point I'm almost surprised they didn't give give Athos a full list of supports.

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5 minutes ago, Jotari said:

That is absolutely ridiculous. She's only around for four full chapters, and you are almost certainly not deploying her with her support partners in the legendary weapon cave chapters. Nor are you going to be sitting around building support points in the Limstella chapter of you want the last Gaiden. If they really liked her enough to give her that many support partners then they should have had her join earlier. Well, at least she's not Renault levels of ridiculous. At this point I'm almost surprised they didn't give give Athos a full list of supports.

Me 20 years ago spamming end turn on Cog of Destiny for 200 turns.

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