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Most hated chapter

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You can one-round any of the laguz that Izuka summons with Tibarn, and Elincia can one-round Izuka with Amiti. Basically just have Elincia out of range of Izuka, create an opening with Tibarn, and move Elincia to Izuka with Reyson. Not very tricky at all.

Alternately you could occupy each island, but that takes too long.

I actually kind of dislike all of the part 4 chapters because I never end up finishing them before reinforcements arrive and extend the chapter even longer.

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I'm adding 1-E and 2-1 to my most hated chapters list. 1-E is so hard without the BK and Nailah. That chapter is rigged to make you lose. Damn Jarod and his 3 authority stars. Why does he get more than the senators? Height disadvantage, -15 hit and avoid for all your units because of Jarod's stupid stars, hate that level. I might hate it more than the swamp only cause no one ever died on me in that chapter (except the prisoners).

2-1 only Brom, Nephenee and Heather. My game does not like Nephenee. Currently playing hard mode, she's died 3 times. On my last try, Yeardly brought Neph down to 1 hp and she activated wrath + critical to bring him down to 1 hp. I attacked with Neph, not only did she not get the critical from wrath but she also missed. Yeardly killed her and he had like 10 less hit than she did (her's was in the 70s, his was in the 60s). The AI is so damn lucky. I'm hating hard mode so much.

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2-1 only Brom, Nephenee and Heather. My game does not like Nephenee. Currently playing hard mode, she's died 3 times. On my last try, Yeardly brought Neph down to 1 hp and she activated wrath + critical to bring him down to 1 hp. I attacked with Neph, not only did she not get the critical from wrath but she also missed. Yeardly killed her and he had like 10 less hit than she did (her's was in the 70s, his was in the 60s). The AI is so damn lucky. I'm hating hard mode so much.

All you really have to do is use a Vulnerary on Neph on your phase so Yeardley lowers her enough in one-shot so she can activate Wrath. This is, of course, after the rest of the enemies are dead. If you need a strategy for that, I'd be more than willing to help.

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All you really have to do is use a Vulnerary on Neph on your phase so Yeardley lowers her enough in one-shot so she can activate Wrath. This is, of course, after the rest of the enemies are dead. If you need a strategy for that, I'd be more than willing to help.

Well, she was down to one hp so I took the chance and unfortunately it didn't work out. Her hit was 77 and she was in a bush. I know, 77's not a guarantee but the chances of her killing him were high imo. The RNG screwed my Neph again. Yeardly was also at 1 hp so she didn't even need to get the critical, she just needed to hit. I guess it's for the best cause the bandit destroyed the house with the javalin so I didn't get it.

Edited by KSFF2150
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I'm adding 3-10 to my most hated chapters. It's chapters like that one that make me detest the ally AI. The healers seem to like strutting up into enemies' attack range just to heal, which is especially aggravating since they have Physic staves. Then you have the fighters getting out there and either sucking up exp, dying or even both. I hate that one because you're trying to protect Elincia, and she finds it smart to be heading to the east section of the map. You know, the same section of the map where they got all these bow users, including a crossbow and the boss himself (who's packing a shiny Silver Bow). Ugh. Oh, and who in the world thought forcing Ranulf to be deployed in this map--or, better yet, almost all of Ike's maps after he joins--was a good idea?

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My least favorite were 2P, 2-1, and 2-2.

All three were lacking in twists (besides that annoying fog of war) and there was a huge lack of characters that I like to use. I had Haar solo the first and Nephenee the last two. Boring!!!

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For me, 4-1 was probably the hardest chapter I completed on my last playthrough. It may have had something to do with the game thinking you would allocate most of your 3rd tier units to the GM just because they're more powerful, because that's surely what it felt like. I had Nephenee, Titania, Soren and Shinon on tier 3. It was hell. Pegasus knights were constantly flying in to kill my healers on the front lines( I didn't want to solo the chapter with Ike and I also wanted to complete it in the least turns possible. Whenever I felt that I was gaining ground in the level, a warrior would spawn right out of range of my more powerful units( yes, I fielded all of my units, just to make it even harder.)

So, yeah. I should just delete the second sentence from this post. :lol:

EDIT: 4-1, not 4-2. Wow, that really proves I made that chapter harder than it should have been. It was fun nonetheless.

Edited by Donatello
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For me, 4-2 was probably the hardest chapter I completed on my last playthrough. It may have had something to do with the game thinking you would allocate most of your 3rd tier units to the GM just because they're more powerful, because that's surely what it felt like. I had Nephenee, Titania, Soren and Shinon on tier 3. It was hell. Pegasus knights were constantly flying in to kill my healers on the front lines( I didn't want to solo the chapter with Ike and I also wanted to complete it in the least turns possible. Whenever I felt that I was gaining ground in the level, a warrior would spawn right out of range of my more powerful units( yes, I fielded all of my units, just to make it even harder.)

So, yeah. I should just delete the second sentence from this post. :lol:

I think you're talking about 4-1. 4-2 is Tibarn's group. Yeah, I hate that one too, just cause it's FoW and there are so many reinforcements that you can't even see.

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I think you're talking about 4-1. 4-2 is Tibarn's group. Yeah, I hate that one too, just cause it's FoW and there are so many reinforcements that you can't even see.

Yeah, you're definitely right. All of Tibarn's chapters were really easy to me even though I only had two tier 3 units on that team( I mean come on, Tibarn of the hawk tribe. REALLY?) But seriously, my Jill seemed somewhat RNG-blessed, as she was only a lv. 5 dragonlord with 31 strength. Odd, isn't it?. She really handled the chapter by herself, which is even more enigmatic considering that's usually Edward's job.

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Tibarn's chapters are easy because he has 4 authority stars and you have Reyson, Elincia, and, well, Tibarn.

Yeah, but when I used Elincia on my normal playthrough, she was strength-screwed badly. It was as if all of the workers in the strength department were laid off.

Seven level ups and not a single one of them went into strength

But, for the most part, I really didn't rely on Reyson much. ( except for endgame.)

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Yeah, you're definitely right. All of Tibarn's chapters were really easy to me even though I only had two tier 3 units on that team( I mean come on, Tibarn of the hawk tribe. REALLY?) But seriously, my Jill seemed somewhat RNG-blessed, as she was only a lv. 5 dragonlord with 31 strength. Odd, isn't it?. She really handled the chapter by herself, which is even more enigmatic considering that's usually Edward's job.

Wow, you're Jill must've been a monster. Yeah, Tibarn's chapters are definitely the easiest out of the 3 teams.

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I forgot about 4-P. HATE that chapter, mainly cause of all the paladins. That level makes me hate Canto. If you're not prepared, they'll easily gang up on your characters. And most of the reinforcements are paladins. This level wouldn't be as hard if the desert wasn't the next stop on the way to Sienne. Not a lot of characters are good on the desert and there are a lot of bow users on this level which makes it hard on fliers.

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I forgot about 4-P. HATE that chapter, mainly cause of all the paladins. That level makes me hate Canto. If you're not prepared, they'll easily gang up on your characters. And most of the reinforcements are paladins. This level wouldn't be as hard if the desert wasn't the next stop on the way to Sienne. Not a lot of characters are good on the desert and there are a lot of bow users on this level which makes it hard on fliers.

That's why I normally give my Nullify scroll to Naesala for just that chapter. Then, depending on the number of laguz I want to take into the tower,( which is usually one or none at all) I just rip it right off of him.

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4-Endgame(4). Those spirits are really annoying. And, the desert and the swamp chapters were really tedious. Not to mention a pain.

Have to Disagree there I like deset chapters and then part4 swamp is way to annoying and 4-4 is easy.

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I'm adding 3-7 hard mode to my most hated chapters list. I hate that chapter now cause I can't see the enemies' movements and cause it's a swamp chapter. Why does that chapter have so many dragonmasters? Where were those guys when we were playing with Micaiah's team? It's not that bad on normal mode but I HATE it on hard.

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I'm adding 3-7 hard mode to my most hated chapters list. I hate that chapter now cause I can't see the enemies' movements and cause it's a swamp chapter. Why does that chapter have so many dragonmasters? Where were those guys when we were playing with Micaiah's team? It's not that bad on normal mode but I HATE it on hard.

Hard mode is simply a combination of not being able to train your units as specifically as you want and noticeably more potent enemy forces. If anything, raising units that I know won't be entering Sienne Tower pisses me the hell off.(If you know what I mean.)

Oh yeah, almost forgot. 1-E. Almost impossible to complete in ten turns unless you use Nailah or the Burger King.(on Hard mode)

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I dislike the chapter in Part 2 in the cave (2-1, I believe). I really dislike Fog of War. I'm also not a huge fan of 4-5 (the one with Izuka). I usually don't mind swamps, but the rewarp staff made things annoying.

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Hard mode is simply a combination of not being able to train your units as specifically as you want and noticeably more potent enemy forces. If anything, raising units that I know won't be entering Sienne Tower pisses me the hell off.(If you know what I mean.)

Oh yeah, almost forgot. 1-E. Almost impossible to complete in ten turns unless you use Nailah or the Burger King.(on Hard mode)

I'm actually having a harder time with not seeing the enemy units' movements than the enemies being stronger. And really, it's only when movement changes because of water, grass, ledges, sand, things like that. That kind of stuff makes it a little hard for me to predict how far an enemy can move. I'm fine with the rest of the chapters as long as the enemy movement isn't affected by terrain.

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