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Your guilty pleasures

Defeatist Elitist

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Ok now this karma bitch just hit me today, I feel happy when bad stuff happens to people right? well today I sat on a table that had fresh paint, not only was I laughed at but my pants got ruined and I liked them.I then sat on a bench in front of the table and hoped for someone else to sit on it and not being alone.... it was so freaking frustrating to be the only idiot who sat on it, everyone else noticed the fresh paint and just go away, arghh. :angry:

OMFG Karma got me too this weekend. I was braggin about never gettin sick, then the next day i got the 24 hour flu

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OMFG Karma got me too this weekend. I was braggin about never gettin sick, then the next day i got the 24 hour flu

The exact same thing happened to me, except it was a random 103-degree fever that I got, I got it three days later after bragging about not being sick, and that incident happened a few weeks ago...

Does writing about Zihark dying/other character torture just to get inspiration out of it from writer's block count as a guilty pleasure?

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Let's see, I like to look at videos of girls being barefoot. I prefer them not fetish videos, though. I especially like videos of girls having innocent fun in mud!

I feel safe in saying I never intentionally watched porn before. The only time I did, it left a really guilty feeling in me, even if I didn't really want to see it. (my brother forced me to watch some once, when we were 13. he threatened to tell the whole school I was gay. knowing Middle School minds back then, they would have believed him. he got in trouble for it, and dragged me into it as well. stupid me and not being assertive until I was 14)

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Watching full-length Disney movies. I hadn't watched any for like 8 years until a friend got me interested in them again. I've watched a dozen or so of them in the past two months.

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That's not really a guilty pleasure when you're in some sort of strict environment where it's considered a sin. Everyone does it anyway. No exceptions :lol:

I don't have many guilty pleasures, because I'm a combination of epicuristic and shameless. Doesn't leave much room =S

I'd say "Watching Porn" except I don't take pleasure in it to begin with. I've watched some on my own accord, but meh. Imagination is way better >_>

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Guilty pleasures, hmmmm, lets see......

Watching anime/reading manga. I always feel kind of geekish when I'm reading/watching, especially when I do it around my friends. Playing R/B/Y and G/S/C. 'Once you go yellow, you never go back!' What else..... 'That's what she said's,' Rocky Horror Picture Show, old Disney Movies (the fox and the hound was and still is the only movie to make me cry), and last but not least, harboring grudges.

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Love ballads: Total Eclipse of the Heart, and Don't Speak registering quite highly on the list.

"Dating Sims"/Bishoujo games (and the anime based off of them)

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My guilty pleasures include eating and enjoying horrible McDonald's cheeseburgers and playing crummy dating sims. I can't think of any others at the moment.

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I still collect old Pokemon cards. By "old," I mean Neo Destiny and before. I stay away from Base 2 cards. I hate Base 2. It fucks things up.

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Dragonforce. Those motherfuckers can't even play their own songs. Listen to them, you'll know why I'd consider it a guilty pleasure.

Now I see, those lyrics...they are kind if dark, but at the same time they are also amazing lyrics and the songs are great, or at least from what I've heard for now.

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Now I see, those lyrics...they are kind if dark, but at the same time they are also amazing lyrics and the songs are great, or at least from what I've heard for now.

Their lyrics are stock and...VERY repetitive. I can't stress this enough. Once you heard one song, you've literally heard them all.

Their songs are all edited. Most of it is recordings of guitars sped up and slapped together. Thus the part where they can't play their own songs, because they never were able to.

They SOUND great, but the truth is that they're terrible musicians.

...But it's soooo funny...XD

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They don't even sound that great IMO. Their guitarists sound talented on their recordings, but their music is too melodic and their drummer and vocalist both dig on the buttsecks a bit too much.

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Glomp-attacking one of my friends from behind. I know I shouldn't... I've already caused him psychological problems... but it's just... so... funny...

Calling a different friend Kirby. Incessantly. He HATES it.

And for some dumb reason, timesinking by playing solitaire on my ipod. (This is my main method of self-sleep-deprivation. Dang thing is way too addictive.)

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They don't even sound that great IMO. Their guitarists sound talented on their recordings, but their music is too melodic and their drummer and vocalist both dig on the buttsecks a bit too much.

It is an aquired taste, but the point of listening to them is not so much to enjoy their music, but laugh at how hard they try XD their guitarist in reality sucks bad. The recordings are the guitarist playing slowly and they mash different recordings together and speed it up to sound like it's fast and harmonizing.

I don't even realize they have a drummer...but I'm more than aware of their horrid vocalist -_-;; the buttsecks might be why his voice is so...high pitched....the drummer must lay some mean pipe dude.

Probably the only reason he's there for, since you can never actually hear the drums....XD

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