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Nope, didn't know it.

Did you know that when you feel tense, it is good to stretch out so that the tension goes away. Also, breathing with your mouth helps.

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Did you know that I'm pissed that this topic I made, that was supposed to be taken seriously, managed to get moved to FFtF?

Hell... for the most part, my facts are serious. Don't blame me!

On another note: It took me forever to re-find it. I am not happy it got moved either. :(

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Hell... for the most part, my facts are serious. Don't blame me!

On another note: It took me forever to re-find it. I am not happy it got moved either. :(

I'm not putting blame on anyone, don't worry.

Did you know that you should have expected as much on this forum?

It really isn't hard to keep it serious. Common sense should tell people when a post isn't necessary, resulting in people not posting useless crap. People just don't think before posting in a topic outside of FFtF, which can get annoying.

Edited by Raven
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Did you know the answer to "If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" is no? The technical definition of a sound involves someone being present to hear it. I learnt this back in Marine Biology.

Edited by Bohemund
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Yay! My Pwner has returned!

This calls for maidguitar.


It's a shame that you wont be able to pick on me again. On the other hand, I just saw you posted an update to your story. I might give feedback because just by reading the very first line you made a mistake by writing jail and cell, which is the same thing and you don't need both to describe such a place. *Laughs*

I wonder what the rest of the story looks like.

Did you know Jail and cell are the same thing and that you don't need both to describe such a place? ^^

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It's a shame that you wont be able to pick on me again. On the other hand, I just saw you posted an update to your story. I might give feedback because just by reading the very first line you made a mistake by writing jail and cell, which is the same thing and you don't need both to describe such a place. *Laughs*

That is not really a mistake, since they are both correct words to use by your definition. It's just a slight inconsistency if anything.

Please learn what a mistake is.

Edited by Shuuda
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That is not really a mistake, since they are both correct words to use by your definition. It's just a slight inconsistency if anything.

Please learn what a mistake is.

It's still a mistake. I laugh at your inconsistency to know what a mistake is. :lol:

Jail cell? XD Hahaha, give me a break.

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"Jail cell" is a perfectly fine term. It is basically the same as prison cell.

Don't be stupid, you can describe jail or cell by simply using one. Using two is a mistake.

:lol: I look forward to finding the rest of your mistakes.

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Actually, it would be completely optional. There is nothing wrong will "jail cell", so it does not really constitute as a mistake just because there was another option. Simply put, if you are going to insult my work on the bases of typos, you clearly need to dig deep. I could find more mistakes reading my own work than you do.

By the way, I look forward to reading about more of your cardboard Gary Stu's in the future, not to mention your poorly constructed sentences. Typos are nothing compared to crippling bad characterisation in your stories.

Put feel free to point out all my typos so that I can fix them. I insist on it.

Edited by Shuuda
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Don't be stupid, you can describe jail or cell by simply using one. Using two is a mistake.

:lol: I look forward to finding the rest of your mistakes.

There isn't a mistake by saying jail cell, as it discribes the type of cell (ex: a holding cell is located within courts). You cannot really just use "jail" alone when referring to the cell; however, you can just say "cell." Jail is the name of the facility, while a cell is a particular space people are confined to.

Edited by Bohemund
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Actually, it would be completely optional. There is nothing wrong will "jail cell", so it does not really constitute as a mistake just because there was another option. Simply put, if you are going to insult my work on the bases of typos. You clearly need to dig deep. I could find more mistakes reading my own work than you do. By the way, I look forward to reading about more of your cardboard Gary Stu's in the future, not to mention your poorly constructed sentences.

Typos are nothing compared to crippling bad characterisation in your stories.

Did you mean:

Simply put, if you are going to insult my work on the bases of typos, then you clearly need to dig deeper? Because the way you said it did not make sense at all.

Too bad, you wont read about them, so I hate to disappoint you. On the other hand, be glad, I will still write something, but you wont be able to criticize me anymore. ^^

--Edit--Put? Did you mean But? XD

Edited by Löki
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Simply put, if you are going to insult my work on the bases of typos, then you clearly need to dig deeper? Because the way you said it did not make sense at all.

My ninja editing beat you to it.

I will still write something, but you wont be able to criticize me anymore. ^^


I believe that everyone on this forum will always find good reason to criticise you; in and out of writing. Even if you ask for no feedback, I will do the just thing in helping you.

--Edit--Put? Did you mean But? XD

No, I meant "put"... as in: "Simply put: you're an idiot."

Edited by Shuuda
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My ninja editing beat you to it.


I believe that everyone on this forum will always find good reason to criticise you; in and out of writing. Even if you ask for no feedback, I will do the just thing in helping you.

No, I meant "put"... as in: "Simply put: you're an idiot."

Maybe they should focus more on helping you. We are not even discussing your story and you clearly need help with grammar and sentences.

--Oh, and your ninja editing failed, look at my quote, I quoted it when it was wrong, you're just a bad liar.

Did you know I start writing tonight?

Edit--*Laughs* I know who the real idiot is, Shuuda. You. ^^ I have a prize for ya...I'll send you an electro dictionary, maybe that can get you going.

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