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What can I do to lower my warn level?

I mean, Its been since October and I have 40%. I wish to lower it.

Is there anything this fine mercenary can do to lower it, or is this a matter solved by the powers above? XD

--Edit-- Whoops, I meant to say December. XD

Edited by Löki
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To be honest I think the warns should remain permanently but should only be given in slightly more severe occasions. Mostly because it'll cause people to take them more seriously.

Just an idea, any thoughts?

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I'm not sure about the other staff, but I had considered doing that.

However I figured it would be too restricting and I wasn't fond of members having permanent "criminal records" so to speak. Then again, the latter is kind of negated since the warn records remain even after warns are reduced. Maybe it's more like, I'd like to give people the chance to redeem themselves.

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I'm not sure about the other staff, but I had considered doing that.

However I figured it would be too restricting and I wasn't fond of members having permanent "criminal records" so to speak. Then again, the latter is kind of negated since the warn records remain even after warns are reduced. Maybe it's more like, I'd like to give people the chance to redeem themselves.

Simple then, cut the amount a warn is worth in half. Instead of 20% increments, go for 10. Having a warn doesn't mean people can't redeem themselves.

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Hmm, I understand what you mean, but I think your example is a bit flawed since AFAIK we currently use 10% increments and that's the lowest increment the forum software allows. Well, there might be a mod out there that can change it, but 10% increments seem the most fair to me. Anything less just seems a bit meaningless (i.e instead of 10 warns to reach 100%, you need 20, which is at least two times too many IMHO).

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Well the problem en lies in that people think after they redeem their previous warns, they don't worry about future ones so much because they know they can redeem themselves after and go back to doing whatever it was they were doing. In other words, not taking them serious enough. I've seen it on several forums, and I understand where you're coming from in wanting to be nice, but sometimes people can take advantage of that.

Honestly I think 10 warns before perm-ban in MORE than enough. Most online games perm-ban people after 3, so 10 is actually rather generous. If people are taking advantage of how generous the staff is, it's their own fault. The most important point is that they shouldn't get warns in the first place, and they wouldn't have to worry about the problem.

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Well the problem en lies in that people think after they redeem their previous warns, they don't worry about future ones so much because they know they can redeem themselves after and go back to doing whatever it was they were doing. In other words, not taking them serious enough. I've seen it on several forums, and I understand where you're coming from in wanting to be nice, but sometimes people can take advantage of that.

Honestly I think 10 warns before perm-ban in MORE than enough. Most online games perm-ban people after 3, so 10 is actually rather generous. If people are taking advantage of how generous the staff is, it's their own fault. The most important point is that they shouldn't get warns in the first place, and they wouldn't have to worry about the problem.

I have a feeling that Vincent wants to keep things lax in his boards.

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I'd say that's pretty lax actually considering warns would be given out less often.

And yet would be ten times more seriousbusiness than before.

Doesn't sound lax to me. More like default.

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And yet would be ten times more seriousbusiness than before.

Doesn't sound lax to me. More like default.

Considering a lot of other forums ban you for good after 3 physical warnings, I'd say 10 is MORE than enough. It's basically like saying we need to give people more chances to screw up before they are required to learn.

It's only as serious as you make it, and if people followed the rules like they are supposed to, there would be no problems.

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I think any implementation similar to what is in place at the moment is most suitable for this forum. Fire Emblem is enjoyed by fans of a wide array of ages and backgrounds. The current system in which warnings decay gives leeway to younger and less experienced fans, many of which aren't disruptive and may be better equipped to contribute to the community in the future. Even in regard to individuals with which this is not the case, most infringements on the board I come across are, in my opinion, of minor consequence. The warning system provides a justifiable grounds for suspension without criminalizing those who aren't disruptive or err only infrequently.

Ultimately, most of the rules exist as guidelines instead of strict mandates. It is with fair efficiency that members who lack any semblance of respect for the forum or its members can be prohibited from posting, the fact that warns decay after a given period of time has little bearing on such a case. There are occasions in which bypassing the warn system is been warranted. The warn system certainly isn't indicative of a policy permitting individuals to intentionally breaking ten rules, and I don't recall anyone having reached 100% anyways.

At the moment I believe the administration is averse to establishing a more restrictive environment. I think this is favorable because it enables the board to service the widest possible spectrum of English speaking Fire Emblem fans. The purpose of the warn system is to eliminate intolerably aggressive behavior more than it is to remonstrate the behavior of those who make multiple minor offenses over an extended period of time.

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I personally see the Warn system as a criminal record of sorts. It should keep a record of any and all offenses made by members, and should rise in accordance to the severity of the act carried out to make the percentage rise. It will serve as a good reminder to warned members that they should behave and follow rules and guidelines, or take another step towards a ban. I believe the Forest can be easygoing and lax even with this sort of system. It's what I think, anyway.

Edited by Raven
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The Fire Emblem community seems to consist of younger people these days, so making the warn level more severe might actually knock out a group of preteens/teens who are still learning their way around life. The feeling I get when I come here is a relaxed one, and I can say that I enjoy it. I don't like the high tension that comes from permanent warns. It doesn't benefit anybody at all really.

And if a certain person keeps abusing the rules, administrators could ban them at any time. There is no tradition that you can only ban once a member reaches 100%.

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The Fire Emblem community seems to consist of younger people these days, so making the warn level more severe might actually knock out a group of preteens/teens who are still learning their way around life.

I find your argument for more draconian punishments compelling, but I am confused at how the rest of that post contradicts it.

Though I can't understand why a higher warn level would be a bad thing. Do people not want to unleash their limit break?

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