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Dr. Tarrasque

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Texting is great because it's so private (unless you allow someone to browse your mobile). But it's damned fucking irritating when you text someone and you get no reply, at all - for whatever reason. In instances like this, a phonecall is best, 100% of the time. Texting is a situational thing.

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I despise talking on the phone with a passion. I text instead of talking as much as possible. Texting has its advantages because you can take a lot more time to think of your reply, you don't have to be consistent; hell, you can break a conversation if you're sick of it by claiming your battery died or you were coerced into a face-to-face conversation, etc. That's another benefit; if you're doing something else, texting is a lot easier than having to put all your attention into a phone call. I, at least, can't do anything else while I'm on the phone, texting I can read and type at the same time. Speaking of timing, it's easy to pick up, all I'm slowed down by is that fact that I hate T9/iTAP/insert brand-dictionary-here, since it always predicts wrong, and have to give a second to use letters on the same number (I'm no cool kid with a full keypad, regular flip phone). So, a paragraph probably takes me about 5-7 minutes, correct grammar except for lacking apostrophes.

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I don't use text speak either. I like to spell everything out and use correct punctuation. I couldn't text speak if I wanted.

This, certainly. I abbreviate sometimes, but generally speaking, I'm so used to writing everything out (since I write so much as a hobby) that in order to use text-speak I'd actually have to stop and think about how to spell things wrong.

I, at least, can't do anything else while I'm on the phone.

Thank you for that. I thought I was the only one who couldn't multitask while on the phone. Sometimes I like talking to people on the phone-- okay, so one person, maybe two-- but if you'll be on there an hour or longer and you have things to do, it's no fun. Not only can you exchange quick texts back and forth with people while you're making dinner, you can also clean the house, go to the bathroom, talk on instant messenger, and best of all, no one knows what you're saying to anybody. =P

Of course, a few years ago I thought texting was the worst invention on the face of the planet.

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Texting on cellphones is painful.

As for MSN, it is easier to me, but sometimes people write so incorrectly, with so many abreviations and laughs, that I get lost.

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I use to text a bit, but now that I traded my phone for something else, I don't do it anymore. It was not that fun texting anyways, I enjoyed talking better.

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I text my two best friends, but the third (MOOOSE) doesnt have a cell. My friend ran out of texts, so she cant text me anymore. We sent like 100 to each other within two days. I am a texting whore.

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I don't like texting, or constant phone conversations. I'd rather keep my phone silent or off most of the time, and not have to worry about being accountable for anything when I'm doing something else.

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I text to organise dates as it's less intrusive than calling someone (they can reply when they want to), but if I can, then I call.

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The only person I text regularly is my boyfriend. I'll usually only text someone else if I need to tell them something, ask them something important and stuff like that. When my credit is about to expire I'll try and call as many people to waste it before its gone since texting wastes it way too slowly >.>

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I only text when I can't actually make a call. Otherwise I avoid it.

I do this, but I will always text for one or two word messages.

I text to organise dates as it's less intrusive than calling someone (they can reply when they want to), but if I can, then I call.

Yeah, for times to be places I text.

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I don't even have a mobile phone and doubt I'll ever want one TBQH.

However, from what I've seen, texting is really awkward and they could do a lot more to improve the interface and make writing messages easier.

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Texting is fucking retarded. Get a phone with a data plan and send an email. Texting uses the cell tower maintenance band, is FREE for them, and you're paying 25 cents apiece, or some insane amount per month for them.

(Hint: for Verizon, email 123-456-7890@vtext.com to send one to 123-456-7890.)

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I can't afford a cell phone =(

I can't afford anything pretty much... 'cept food and other things that are needed. Almost couldn't get contacts though D=

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I never text...ever ever ever...

it costs on my plan to text (and alot i might add) and its pointless! Ill just freakin call someone up if i wanna talk to them that badly...


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I text infrequently, but I talk on the phone even less. It's easier to do other shit while texting, and people pick up/call back less than they respond in text in my experience.

I generally prefer communicating in person, because shit's more interesting that way.

The Boondocks is good shit, though.

Edited by YokaiKnight
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tbh, I think texting is solely a situational thing. It's only better than calling when certain circumstances are met. Mostly it's when you can't talk at the moment

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I have no texting privileges, so I just have to make do with a call, I will try late on in the future to give myself the privilege to text but for now no

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*in comes the black sheep*

I send 2000+ texts a month, split between 10+ people( only two are males). I USED to be one of you guys (LOL TEXTING IS RETARDED OLOLOL), but then I realized the numerous advantages. This is why I prefer texting to talking.

1) No awkward silences. Often times when talking, you'll finish talking about a certain subject, and you'll get this "Ummmm.... Soooo... What's up?" kinda thing. Since you can respond whenever you want, if one convo dies, you can think of a new one without the silence.

2) Privacy. I dare you to walk into a room with other people and say something intimate to your gf on your phone for them all to hear( And if anyone wants to use the argument "If you loved her you wouldn't care what people think!" or something, I already know none of you would be walking into a room and not caring about what somebody thought about it. Minus Death/Revan/BlackKnight.)

3) You're never disrupting other people. Don't you just HATE that guy that walks into a quiet room and just keeps talking and talking on the phone? Don't you just wanna punch him in the face? Don't be that guy :(

4) You don't have to rush yourself. Often times people get bored/annoyed when someone has stop and think before answering a question. "Hey man, what do you think of ____?" "Ummm.... I dunno... It's kinda _____... but kinda ___..."

5) It's a LOT easier to say something via text. Lots of things I text I normally wouldn't speak. For example, I would normally get an awkward silence from saying "I claim you as my secret lover!" However via text that can be avoided. "I claim you as my secret lover :D! <3" The addition of 'smilies' helps to indicate it's a joke. They can also help lighten the mood of something that you can't really say as a joke normally.

6) You are much less likely to repeat yourself. This is inevitable. "How was your day?" "Good, you?" "Great! *blahblahblahblah*" "*blahblahblahblah*" *SILENCE* "Sooo... How was your day?"

I've also read a study on Text Vs Talk, done in England. Studies have shown that people who text each other tend to become attached to each other a lot easier than those who talk. People are also more likely to reveal secrets via text that they normally wouldn't say.

This I believe, because a lot of the girls I am close with I text on a daily basis. Also, two of my past relationships had a lot of texting incorporated before and during the relationship. I've also seen those around me become a lot closer via text, and many of my friends relationships start from texting.

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I use it often, good for when your bored since it makes conversation last longer.

Good for when you don't feel like speaking and you just wanna talk

Great for boredom in class XD

and my main reason for texting is for quick questions, I need a quick question I get a fast and simple answer

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