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iPods and MP3 Players


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I'm annoyed. Why? Because today, I pulled out my Zen Vision : M to listen to music. Someone comes up to me and says something along the lines of, "I haven't seen that kind of iPod before; which one is it?"

This really pissed me off. This shows that Apple really has marketing dominance and anything and everything someone buys is an "iPod". Apple's sub-standard products spawn like crazy and "everyone" has them. This brings me to my next whine and questioning: should you really get things because "everyone" has it? Similarly, when I showed off my Zen, someone asked "Why didn't you get an iPod? Everyone has one." I responded with "Exactly." I'm really quite the anti-conformist, but seriously, what the hell? Why should I get an iPod? It's a piece of shit for reasons I won't go through now (compared to other things on the market) and it's become so common that having one is normal.

Another question is this: are people buying now anything Apple releases because it's Apple? Apple is marketing their new iPod Shuffle which, quite frankly, is a piece of shit compressed so that Apple doesn't lose too much water. What it feels like is Apple has so much providence that anything they create is instantly cool. No one thinks about things like practicality and utility anymore. The new iPod Shuffle, for instance, doesn't have buttons on the player. Instead, you control it through a remote connected to the headphones (from Apple). While this seems "cool", this means I can't use anything besides iPod headphones, and therefore can't use better-quality headphones. Judging by the price of this new iPod, the headphones aren't going to have spectacular quality either.

And now, the discussion topic, for those who use tl;dr. Did you buy an iPod, and why? When you refer to "MP3 players", do you instantly replace the two words with "iPod"? Finally, why do you think some people get things "because everyone else has one"?

Edited by Destiny Damsel-In-Distress
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I have an iPod, but I didn't buy it. It was given to me as a christmas present.

IMO if something works, it works. There's no need to go out and spend $350 (or whatever they are these days) on a brand new iPod when you could have gone and bought something that can do exactly the same things for $50. If I had a choice I would have gone out and bought whatever was more efficient money-wise.


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iPod is a type of MP3 player, is it not? It's a brand. You cannot go around calling all MP3 players iPods, but you can call iPods MP3 players.

All those who do otherwise are retards.

Also, I don't own either. I just listen to the radio occasionally.

Edited by Bohemund
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And now, the discussion topic, for those who use tl;dr. Did you buy an iPod, and why? When you refer to "MP3 players", do you instantly replace the two words with "iPod"? Finally, why do you think some people get things "because everyone else has one"?

No, I don't have an iPod, but I never paid attention to that, that "everybody"(or nearly everybody) has one, it's just another MP4 player, but I don't care which I buy as a long as it has good quality, I also have an MP4 player that isn't iPod, I doubt anybody knows the name of the industry that made it, it's called "NBX".

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I'll ponder this matter while I clean the floor with my Hoover... I mean "Vacuum Cleaner".

I think you are getting a bit too irritated to be honest. iPod is just another famous brand, like Hoover, Microsoft et cetra. If Apple's Marketing was so good that people find Mp3 player and iPod synonymous, then as far as I care, they deserve it. Yes, the people who nag at you for not getting an iPod are idiots, but do not hate a company for being successful just because you do not think they should be.

Capitalism is a harsh mistress.

Edited by Shuuda
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I don't have an iPod because I can't afford one. Even if I can buy one, I'll stick with something less. I only need to listen to music. I don't need all the extra functions the iPod has.

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To be fair, the newest thing Apple has made in their iPod division was the Phone. The shuffle is old as sin and still isn't worth a dime.

It's mostly about size these days. I was thinking about getting one that was 160 gigs, but I wasn't a fan of having more space on my iPod than my computer. So I decided to go with that first.

As for the issue, iPod takes less time to say. And you'd be surprised at how appealing that can be. I mean, if Apple called it an Apple Handheld Music Storage Player(AHMSP) the AHMSP would probably be called an MP3 player more often.

At the same time, any iPod bought in the last 12 months probably isn't strictly an MP3 player, so. . .

It really shouldn't matter, though. It's kind of retarded for someone to come up to you and focus on the Music player. Oh my god, that thing that should only be out if you're changing songs or turning it on/off looks cool.

And honestly, shuffle generally makes most of that obsolete

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I have a flashcart. 2GB microSD cards can be picked up for $5. I can use larger and cheaper SD cards through the GBA flashcart.

This equals an MP3 player at $25~35 dollars, if you've an NDS. That's what I use. Before that, years ago, I knew that a CD player and CDs were more than enough for music--no one truly needs more than 10GB of music, considering that by the time you've listened through all that, you will likely of been back at home and had the chance to reload your music.

iPods seem to have been nothing more than a waste of money for my tastes.

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I've had an iPod for about two years, nearly. (On my 2nd one now though, because I lost the first. I bought the exact same model again, despite there being newer generations out).

I've replaced the crap white earphones with better earphones that are alot more personal, because those ones you get with the iPod are quite crap, and everyone within 20 yards can hear what song you're playing on full volume. They take the "personal" out of "personal earphones".

As for the iPod I own, it's a 2nd Generation Nano, 8GB. It's more than likely going to be used by me for a good few more years yet, until it stops working for whatever reason.

As for the topic matter, today I mistook that touchpad phone by Samsung for an iPhone. Until I saw the word "Samsung" written on it, that is.

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I have a flashcart. 2GB microSD cards can be picked up for $5. I can use larger and cheaper SD cards through the GBA flashcart.

This equals an MP3 player at $25~35 dollars, if you've an NDS. That's what I use. Before that, years ago, I knew that a CD player and CDs were more than enough for music--no one truly needs more than 10GB of music, considering that by the time you've listened through all that, you will likely of been back at home and had the chance to reload your music.

iPods seem to have been nothing more than a waste of money for my tastes.

Pretty much this for me. I have a 2 gig SD card (Though about 200 megs of music) with an R4 for listening to music, though I also have a cheaper MP3 player for the gym and listening to .wma music. Though the DS is especially wonderful, for playing music and games. ^_^

The only reason I'd buy an Ipod is the Touch, and only for jailbreaking it. XD

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inb4 an insult about how poor some people here are because they can't afford expensive mp3 players

I would never go near an iPod due to having hardware issues more often than most other mp3 players. Creative Zen is the only way to go in my honest opinion. I have a 30GB Zen Vision M that I bought for about $200 and I'm still loving it.

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To be fair, the newest thing Apple has made in their iPod division was the Phone. The shuffle is old as sin and still isn't worth a dime.
The Shuffle is the only worthwhile member of the iPod line.

The two terms are not synonymous, because Sandisk in particular still makes (Rockbox-friendly) players that are vastly superior to Apple's shit.

Though anyone who buys any product from Creative Labs should be shot in the fucking head. There are few more cretinous companies in existence.

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Yeah it's true that iPod takes over the phrase "MP3 Players" probably because almost everyone that has an MP3 player type thing probably has an iPod. I'm not one to spend a shitload of money for an 8 GB iPod touch, but a lot of people just like to have the newest technology no matter how much debt they rack up

My first iPod I won in a contest and my second one that I have now (30 GB) I got for $75, so I think it's stupid how people pay uber amounts for an MP3 player they can't afford

IMO, iPods are pretty nifty so that's why I have one, but I wont pay a ridculous price (16GB for like $300+???) for an iPod

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Honestly, I find it stupid and outraging. The Ipod touch is 230$ for 8 gig. That's way too much. What I find stupid Is that, at my school, in my year, everyone, except a few decent people (6-7, including me). And about 50% of them have the 32 gigs edition. as for me, I'm just going to buy the DsI for my musical need since my Ds (1rst generation) broke 3 day after I brought Shadow dragon (I brought it when it came out) and that I have no Mp3-4 player. Hope Anyone understand my point of vew.

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I have an iPod Nano, previous generation. I did not buy it, but apparently my parents found it for a good price refurbished, though my dad is not supposed to be telling me what my birthday present cost.

It works well for me, has a screen and a sensible click wheel, and can use any kind of headphones. I can see the track name, browse properly (WHICH IS ONE OF THE MAIN REASONS WHY SHUFFLES ARE STUPID) and play Solitaire if I'm really bored. I can keep files on it. It hasn't broken yet, and I don't plan on changing that anytime soon- though survival of my pocket is a feat that not all electronics can perform.

I think there are two kinds of iPods being sold: the practical kind for people who want a music player, and a flashy but impractical kind that will make a ton of money off the people who are just trying to keep up with the Joneses. I'm not going to spew iPod love all over; mine works for me, not everyone likes them, that's okay.

I agree that calling an mp3 player an iPod is just stupid. Calling a generic bandage a Band-Aid is one thing. Calling an mp3 player with completely different functionality and design an iPod is entirely different.

I also think buying something just because it's the latest technology or because everyone has it now (or both) is stupid. It's a waste of money, it's a waste of equipment, it's a waste of personality. You upgrade your computer/mp3/tv/phone/whatever if it's massively outdated or broken. If I can still get the same functionality that I need out of whatever, I see no need to replace it. (Aside: In other news, I'm buying a school PC in a few weeks for about $10 when they replace them with better machines. Finally, my own computer.) If you're pushing the cutting edge of technology along, by all means, update the machines as often as need be, because if you're pushing the cutting edge of technology along, you've probably got a decent enough research grant for that. But everyday people- particularly kids with no knowledge or need of the true power of what they're buying- shouldn't upgrade so often. They just think they should because the rich kid in their class has it.

Summary: Some Apple products can be tolerable, brand name abuse is very stupid, people are sheep, some more than others.

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I had an MP3 player in 6th grade then in 7th I got an ipod nano.

I loved it, I've had one for 3 years almost 4 and I think the software in the ipod is superior to all other software. Searching for music is easy and swift, the screens on ipods are colors unlike most MP3 players and the screens are great quality. I think the guy asked an honest question. Apple dominated the business and there is nothing wrong with that, it's just like Best Buy they are better for a reason.

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Capitalism is a harsh mistress.


I have an old RCA Lyra from 2005...the thing never holds a charge anymore but all it does is play music...personally i dont think ill buy an iPod because of the fact they are really expensive and i can get something else that fits my needs for a better price..

This brings me to my next whine and questioning: should you really get things because "everyone" has it?

LOL!!!! no! Ive always got things i found appealing, not because everyone else has one! i wanted an mp3 player for its convenience, not because its the "hot thing" right now...People do get things that are trendy because they want to look cool..i never really understood how getting something that everyone else has is "cool" D:

Another question is this: are people buying now anything Apple releases because it's Apple?

Apple has a reputation of making decent products..i assume thats why people buy their stuff...I wanted a Mac for the longest time due to the fact that the OS is usually much safer and easier to use than PC...I never got one due to the price however...Apple is also known for "innovation" so to speak..usually when some nifty device comes out, its their product first...thats just my opinion however...

and no i dont refer to all mp3 players as 'iPods'

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MP3 players have become iPods the same way tissues have become Kleenex. It does not bother me, but I do realize the difference and almost never use the word iPod to describe anything that isn't an iPod. I guess I don't really care.

I have an iPod Shuffle (the old memory stick style one), which I got for Christmas. I don't get why people have to buy every new form of MP3 Player that comes out. I mean, they all play music, which is basically what it is for. The only reason I'd want to get a new iPod is because mine doesn't have a screen. It's just another way of keeping up with the Jones, I guess.

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Who here says they're going to put an adhesive bandage on their cut?* Or throws around a flying disc? Same principal, really, although I don't think that iPod is synonymous with MP3 player in the vernacular yet. It may be one day, that's just a quirk of language that isn't worth worrying over. Especially the same language that does everything with -ough that could possibly be done.

* Americans only - I know in other countries different terms are used for this one.

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Also, I have a regular iPod, 120GB. Generally, I have 4 movies or so on there, and about 1000 songs, and a handful of pictures. I find it completely satisfactory for any and all music and movie needs, but I don't refer to a Zune or anything like that as an iPod.

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I loved it, I've had one for 3 years almost 4 and I think the software in the ipod is superior to all other software. Searching for music is easy and swift, the screens on ipods are colors unlike most MP3 players and the screens are great quality. I think the guy asked an honest question. Apple dominated the business and there is nothing wrong with that, it's just like Best Buy they are better for a reason.

Not trying to make an attack on the iPod, but trying to show you why iPod isn't THAT great.

This brings me to another complaint I have with iTunes - you can't simply add or delete songs to an iPod. You have to go the settings and change the syncing settings so that you have to sync playlists instead. Something else than annoyed me was that awhile back I had an iPod (the mini, to be exact) and I had synced songs onto it via iTunes. I changed computers, and didn't take alot of my songs because they were scattered all over the place. So I synced my iPod again, and I lost most of the songs I had. Then the Mini's battery starting playing up, and I got a Zen Vision : M because it was 25% off.

I'd also like to add that the iPod's screen isn't really great. They're only 65k colour, unlike the Zen's 256k, or the Samsung P2's 16.7 million TFT.

I think the guy asked an honest question.


As for Hi-Liter, Band-Aid, Frisbee - I realise that you've all brought up a good point. I suppose I'll either have to get used to it or stay old-fashioned.

Edited by Destiny Damsel-In-Distress
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