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The class base stats on FEDS says fighters have 20base health. Enemy fighters in prologue I have 14.

Class bases aren't necessarily the lowest stat that characters in that class can have. Those Fighters likely have a -6 HP base.

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  • 3 weeks later...

On the character average stats page for Pelleas in Radiant Dawn it says his luck cap is 25 as an Arch Sage. I battle save abused and found it was 30.http://serenesforest.net/fe10/average/pelleas.html

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On the FE3 Book 2 character introduction page, Yumina and Yubello are respectively described as the princess and prince of Gra. I suppose that was supposed to be Grunia.

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Thanks, I finally got around to fixing a bunch of mistakes.

There's a few things I can't look into right now, since my PC with all my FE-related files is kind of dead.

To do:

  • FE7 desert map
  • FE6 forum description
  • Fa's movement type
  • Astram's post-recruitment convo in FE11
  • Castor's support bonus in FE11

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Not sure if it's been mentioned prior and not fixed as of yet, but Geese's face sprite in the Introduction section for Sword of Seals is being scaled down. The image tag reveals that the width and height flags were added to make it 96x80, but this has caused the image to become blurry.

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Im not entirely sure, but I think Matthis and Hardin have eachothers growths in Shadow Dragon.

I dont recall Matthis being that good and Hardin sucking that much :/

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  • 2 weeks later...
Adding to that, actually, a number of FE6 supports have that problem. I think Karel's had a few IIRC.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I fixed all those along with Heath and Priscilla's supports. Some of the other support sections, I'm guessing FE9, might still have them though.

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Clicking the music links on the FE music brings you to a page of text. Checked with FE6 Gamerrips and FE5 OST.

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Have you tried right-clicking the links and clicking "save link/target as..."?

I think you should leave a notice like that there, Vincent. Not everyone is aware that browsers are sometimes dumb and try opening RAR/ZIP files as if they were html/txt when you left-click them.

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According to a Nintendo Power guide for FE8 that I own, the secret shop in chapter 19 may be in one of two positions depending on whose route you took. If Ephraim's route was taken, it'll be in this position:


If Eirika's route was taken, it'll be two squares to the right of that position. However, I never bothered to visit that secret shop... Which means that I might be wrong about its Eirika route positioning.

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All right. However, I pretty much had my doubts of that chapter's secret shop really being in a different position depending on route, but was too lazy to check myself.

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