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Mistakes or errors on the site


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I think you should mention on the FE9 site that Ike comes with 4 iron swords if you do not watch the Visit tutorial.

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In fe10 on the item locations pages:

In addition to the olivi grass in 3-6 that you must steal, there is also an olivi grass that is dropped by an enemy cat.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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I just noticed this little error.

On the FE5 Average Stats page, for 20/2 Miranda you have 19.5 listed when it should be 20. (You have 19.5 listed twice in a row)

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Not sure if this is necessarily wrong. Maybe the fan translation made this mistake. But:

A Support

Ellen: Father Saul... Why did you not come that night? Everyone was looking forward very much to your preaching...

Saul: Oh, um... My throat wasn't doing too tell that day. We can do that some other time.

Ellen: Yes. Father Saul, you are really a noble person.

Saul: ...Excuse me? Noble?

Probably "wasn't doing too well" rather than "wasn't doing too tell"

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On the FE4 Calculations page, the way to calculate Evd is missing the Terrain bonus. I thought something was off when I was fighting Ishtor but I figured out why.

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Most of the backgrounds from FE4 onwards are missing.

What do you mean by that? : o


FE 12 Alternate growths : Malice is missing. She should be between Dice and Horace.

That should be right, none of the female characters or BS/DL characters are included on the page.

Edited by VincentASM
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What do you mean by that? : o

I went into FE4 to copy faces for splicing earlier, the regular green foresty background was pure white. It was like that from FE4-FE9. The oldest three and newest four remained unchanged.

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Ah, I see. There seems to be an issue with the server where the stylesheets are hosted, I'm not sure if it's permanent or if it'll fix itself.

I've been too lazy to update the FE4-9 pages to use the proper stylesheet link >___<

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The Arena listings on FE4; there are two first-round ranged duelists listed as 'Rip'. Now, the bowfighter is actually Rip(p) but the archknight...almost definitely isn't. I don't have a save file on its chapter and my translation is different, so I don't know what it actually is. Mind you, given the random thief known as Thief, Ripp pulling a Blake on you (Unreal Tournament reference, yay) is hardly out of the question.

EDIT: And Greias, Warrior of Chapter 5/Round 2, is listed as fighting ranged with Iron. He uses a Handaxe.

Edited by Furetchen
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Agile Horseman- Oscar

Oscar returned to the Roayl Knights at Queen Elincia's request, but still took mercenary work on the side.

Yay browsing.

Edited by Camtech075
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Im not sure this is an error or on purpose, but FE4 has no Second Generation introduction character page.

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The Arena listings on FE4; there are two first-round ranged duelists listed as 'Rip'. Now, the bowfighter is actually Rip(p) but the archknight...almost definitely isn't. I don't have a save file on its chapter and my translation is different, so I don't know what it actually is. Mind you, given the random thief known as Thief, Ripp pulling a Blake on you (Unreal Tournament reference, yay) is hardly out of the question.

Ignore this. I fought Indra as both round seven Queen and round one Social Knight.

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