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Final Chapter Is Ridiculous



84 members have voted

  1. 1. The Boss or Bosses That Makes You Say F**k

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A Dialogue between Game and Player.

Game: Hey, you know what? The last few chapters up to this point weren't hard enough. Some of them were downright easy to clear for anyone with half a wit. So....we're going to have the last chapter contain....a boss rush.

Player: You're kidding me! I have to fight those Black Fang fuckers all over again?

Game: Yep, old boy Nergal revived them from the dead with the "quintessence" he and his bitches stole from them. Not only that, he also made them STRONGER.


Game: And he said "let's give them the best weapons in the game, and make it so that they come out one by one to attack you."

Player: Whew, they only come out one by one...

Game: NOT SO FAST! They come out one after the other. Each turn. With some with some weak mooks at their side.

Player: I have to not only kill them uber-bosses, but also the random mooks picking at me from a distance?!

Game: YESZ! And if you're too slow in clearing this challenge, then game over, bub.


Game: And we haven't even gotten to Lloyd and Linus yet...Those two can kill your team all by themselves...

Player: But they were hard enoguh for me to beat as regular bosses! WTF Game, WTF?!?!?!

Game: To make the odds even worse, your Lord characters' ultimate weapons are too heavy for them to use effectively (meaning they will get doubled by most of the bosses), you have to bring all three, plus Nils (who will probably get killed in one hit), old man Athos (without him, this would be plain unfair), and some of your other units (who are clearly not strong enough to make this any easier for you). Good luck and have fun.

Player: ...

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It's really not that hard... Just knowing the order the doors open is helpful enough in itself.

I used the 3 Lords, Priscilla for healing and a bunch of pre-promotes on this chapter on HHM, and still had very little difficulty.

Uhai and Lloyd prove most difficult of them all though, since they are capable of doubling your average unit.

Edited by Raven
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I voted for Uhai, Lloyd and Linus.

Some of them can be annoying (like Kenneth, for example), but they're not really hard, especially if you know in which order they appear and act according to that. However, Uhai, Lloyd and Linus are pretty dangerous since they can double many of your units and a ridiculously high Atk to boot. The A-support of Lloyd and Linus makes things even worse.

All in all, they can all be easily taken down if you know how, but the three I listed can mess up things badly.

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I would say everyone except Uhai and the Reed bros. are all pretty much pushovers. Though they might become difficult if it was like in the japanese version where always 2 doors will open at once. Come to think of it, I really don't know how I would get past them if it was like that. Guess half of my team would die. ^^

Edited by BrightBow-User
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Yeah, the Reed Brothers and Uhai, mostly because they can double.

But it's fairly easy, as few of them have 1~2 range, and those who have are pretty easy.

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Uhai, the Reed Brothers, and Ursula in rare cases. If Athos is somewhere else on the map, she's a real pain. >_<

EDIT: Oh, and Jerme is a joke. I think he was created to be a joke.

Edited by Old Snake
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smash's stories are sad enough, trying to imitate them and failing at even that makes you a wannabe-smash. That's about as low as it gets, imo.

To make this an actual on-topic reply: most of the morphs aren't threats, and the generics are the jokes you've been facing all game long.

The most threatening one off the bat is probably Uhai, because he has insane move + 2-range, meaning you can't counter him with very strong things (all your horse slaying, legendary and other thingies all have 1-range, and magic sucks against all these guys). And he's super fast, so he ORKOs frail people without overkill Spd. But anyone with half a brain can surround him with people capable of taking on his Snipers (read: anyone you'd bring into final), and then he can't attack since he left his Killing Edge at home.

Ursula is like Uhai qua move and attacking range, but Excalibur weighs her down by a million, so it takes two people max to kill her. She does attack resistance and counter 1-range, but still...and Jerme is an absolute joke.

Now basically the only threatening things left are the Reed brothers, and those just require smart use of Luna, Swordslayer, luring them out of each other's support range, etc. Lloyd is threatening alright, but he can't counter range at all, and Linus doesn't have omgbroken weapons.

The rest are basically like generic enemies but with a lot more atk, but their AS still sucks, so they're easy to take care of. They provide you with easy chokepoints to take them on, and they give you a guy who can do 30 damage to anything at 1-2 range with like 25% chance at every attack to obliterate it in one hit.

Light's enemies are stronger than what you've been facing for the rest of the game, but they're by no means ridiculous or unfair.

Edited by Mekkah
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Only Uhai and Lloyd are real problems because they have ridiculously high atk and can double some of my units. Also Ursula on the occasion that I don't have any horse-slaying weapons lying around.

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Kenneth. Because he has a tome that has a high chance at critting your character, and that you cannot inflict him with status alignments.

Edited by Ayanami
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Lloyd, easily. HHM Lloyd has 29 speed O_o. Combine with Regal Blade + Crit bonus + Linus support and you get one scary bastard. If you somehow fail to kill him on the player phase, through a surprise miss or something (quite possible with his high Avo), then someone on your team is almost certainly going to die during the enemy phase.

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Reed brothers are pretty terrifying. Linus has the Brave Sword and Lloyd has wtfRegal Blade and sky high AS. Support makes them a dangerous combo. Uhai is only threatening if you let his move intimidate you. It's not overly difficult to take him down since all you need to draw him in with is someone that has a lot of Def and HP figures. Thank God the description isn't telling the truth (just imagine consecutive hits with this guy). Kenneth and Ursula are pretty easy with Athos though and we already know lolJerme. Brendan and Darin aren't overly difficult (the former has really low AS IIRC).

I'm gooing to say Reed brothers with Uhai coming in a close second.

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Uhai was never a problem for me. If I can't kill him, I just surround him so he can't move.

I ususally have Athos kill Kenneth's little cell of magic users, he's not hard for me.

Hector hammers Darin to death.

I usually just gang up on Brendan.

Ursua might be tough if she had a better person supporting her. She and Jerme are easily killed.

I would have to say that the Reed brothers are the hardest. Lloyd doubles fairly easily and Linus has the Brave Sword. And they support each other.

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The only ones though for me are Lloyd and Ursula, the rest are pathetic, any of my assassins or any full supported character with a strong weapon takes care of Uhai.

Linus is just patthectic, he can't even hit :P

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