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Blossom actually has very specific uses.

Astrid can combine it with Paragon. Her growths kinda suck otherwise, and this is a big help. If you use her seriously, I'd suggest this. Geoffrey can too, but without adequate time to use it, so do it with him at your own risk.

Since Laguz take more CEXP to level than BEXP (CEXP is twice their level, BEXP is x1.5) it can be effective to get them close to a level, give them Blossom, and have them level up at the start for better gains.

Just wanted to point that out. In a purely efficient stance, it probably is terrible, but meh. So is Mercy.

I actually did the laguz strategy when the game first came out. Doesn't really work out. The exp loss hurts you to much.

The problem with blossom is it doesn't ensure any stats to grow and it negates paragon's major advantage. IIRC doesn't blossom only give you 5% stat boost to all growths. If it doubled your growths then it might be useful enough to override the negative but in it's current form it is actually pretty harmful since you are only gaining 40% total growth in exchange you are losing the ability to gain more than one level up without paragon in a battle. Basically 340% total stat growth<600% total stat growth. With paragon by itself and no blossom you could be gaining around 1200% stat growth per battle if you fed that unit alot of kills.

Edit: This needed more clarification.

I was assuming 300% as any character's base total growth. With blossom you have 340%. If you equip blossom on most units they can only gain 1 level per chapter. Without blossom they might have gotten two level ups and thus they would have gained 600% total growth on any given chapter.

For astrid disregarding what her growths actually are she would half her exp rate in exchange for 40% more total growth. That gives her 680% total growth in a chapter where as she might have gotten up 4 levels with just paragon on said chapter and gained 1,200 total growth.

Edited by Lancelot
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IIIRC doesn't blossom only give you 5% stat boost to all growths

And where did you get this information?

Perhaps he's using PoR as reference, since it pretty much works like that there (growths roughly multiplied by 1.1).

Edited by TheEnd
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Corrosion isn't a terrible skill. Possibility of leaving foes defenseless is a nice thought in general. Certainly holds more water than lolFortune.

Why use it though when Disarm does it alot better? Seriously.

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Corrosion isn't a terrible skill. Possibility of leaving foes defenseless is a nice thought in general. Certainly holds more water than lolFortune.

Why use it though when Disarm does it alot better? Seriously.

Because you only get one Disarm?

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Blossom actually has very specific uses.

Astrid can combine it with Paragon. Her growths kinda suck otherwise, and this is a big help. If you use her seriously, I'd suggest this. Geoffrey can too, but without adequate time to use it, so do it with him at your own risk.

Since Laguz take more CEXP to level than BEXP (CEXP is twice their level, BEXP is x1.5) it can be effective to get them close to a level, give them Blossom, and have them level up at the start for better gains.

Just wanted to point that out. In a purely efficient stance, it probably is terrible, but meh. So is Mercy.

I actually did the laguz strategy when the game first came out. Doesn't really work out. The exp loss hurts you to much.

The problem with blossom is it doesn't ensure any stats to grow and it negates paragon's major advantage. IIRC doesn't blossom only give you 5% stat boost to all growths. If it doubled your growths then it might be useful enough to override the negative but in it's current form it is actually pretty harmful since you are only gaining 40% total growth in exchange you are losing the ability to gain more than one level up without paragon in a battle. Basically 340% total stat growth<600% total stat growth. With paragon by itself and no blossom you could be gaining around 1200% stat growth per battle if you fed that unit alot of kills.

Edit: This needed more clarification.

I was assuming 300% as any character's base total growth. With blossom you have 340%. If you equip blossom on most units they can only gain 1 level per chapter. Without blossom they might have gotten two level ups and thus they would have gained 600% total growth on any given chapter.

For astrid disregarding what her growths actually are she would half her exp rate in exchange for 40% more total growth. That gives her 680% total growth in a chapter where as she might have gotten up 4 levels with just paragon on said chapter and gained 1,200 total growth.

This is true.

The only problem is growth is finite; so if you are planning do level-up Astrid to max, it would be more efficient to use Blossom (because she gets 40% more total per level, so 340% out of a possible 300). But there are very few reasons why you would do that anyway (and if you were to, you'd probably want to use paragon+resets since it's faster, and if you're on Hard Mode no way you're getting her to max or even using Astrid).

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IIIRC doesn't blossom only give you 5% stat boost to all growths

And where did you get this information?

IIRC= If I recall correctly. I couldn't find blossom's actual formula and I am pretty sure it is something low like +5% to every stat. Not sure if it's like what theend says or not.

Also in response to what kupo said. It's never worth it. Your losing to much experience for not enough gain in both bexp to get a unit to 99 and cexp in terms of attacking and killing enemies. Your much better off just taking advantage of the increases experience just to get astrid as many levelups as possible so if she caps a few stat you can then use bexp.

Edited by Lancelot
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If Blossom is the same as in FE9 with growth boosts, then it's like this.

Take Ike for example.

His HP growth is 65% or 65/100 without Blossom. With Blossom it becomes 65/90. I'm not sure what it is specifically but I think it increases growths by 10%. Not adding 10% but being 10% more than the original.

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The most useless skill has to be Fortune obviously. The only person I could see even thinking about equipping it is Aran on 1-4, but he doesn't have the capacity so meh.

Throw it on Haar, no more Thunder Mage crits for him. Or Soren. It sucks, but I don't think it's useless.

I actually give Haar Nullify so he doesn't get raped by thunder

I figured people would say Bane. IIRC, Sothe fights quite a lot of high HP and/or Def enemies and with Bane he can take then out pretty well especially with Adept. Against generals it can be better than Astra, Imaple, Stun or other ones that just do 3x-5x damage because of how high thier defense is. I'd say the worst skill is either Corrosion or Fortune. Corrosion is pretty much useless because I usually kill the enemies I attack within that turn and Fortune.... don't even me started on that (especially the fact that the units with it as an innate skill don't even need it, because Caineghas is REALLY gonna get criticalled....)

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The most useless skill has to be Fortune obviously. The only person I could see even thinking about equipping it is Aran on 1-4, but he doesn't have the capacity so meh.

Throw it on Haar, no more Thunder Mage crits for him. Or Soren. It sucks, but I don't think it's useless.

I actually give Haar Nullify so he doesn't get raped by thunder

I figured people would say Bane. IIRC, Sothe fights quite a lot of high HP and/or Def enemies and with Bane he can take then out pretty well especially with Adept. Against generals it can be better than Astra, Imaple, Stun or other ones that just do 3x-5x damage because of how high thier defense is. I'd say the worst skill is either Corrosion or Fortune. Corrosion is pretty much useless because I usually kill the enemies I attack within that turn and Fortune.... don't even me started on that (especially the fact that the units with it as an innate skill don't even need it, because Caineghas is REALLY gonna get criticalled....)

And If Caineghas does get critted... Hes not taking any damage anyway. Yea, Corrosion sucks, I equiped it to Ike o.o

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I like Corrosion in Hard Mode when I am intentionally slowing myself down by training crappy units like Fiona. I just equip it on a Bowgun Sniper like Shinon, and use it to pacify Order enemies in Part 4, since that makes it much easier for my units to gum them to death. It's not desirable for me to just weaken the enemy enough for Fiona etc to kill them, because I want the per-hit EXP too.

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I like Corrosion in Hard Mode when I am intentionally slowing myself down by training crappy units like Fiona. I just equip it on a Bowgun Sniper like Shinon, and use it to pacify Order enemies in Part 4, since that makes it much easier for my units to gum them to death. It's not desirable for me to just weaken the enemy enough for Fiona etc to kill them, because I want the per-hit EXP too.

I like Corrosion, but it sucks D:

Fortune is the worst skill. No Enemy ever crits D:

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I'm tied between Bane (because it only seems to activate on the second hit), and Blossom (Why the hell would I want one of my characters to earn half experiance points?).

Oh, and the Corrosion/Disarm/Smite skills are pretty useless, as well.

I occasionally use shove during first turns (for instance 1-5, 3-6) with characters I'm not using in the fight, like Meg. Assuming there are no flying threats, and I can easily keep the weakling out of trouble. It gives an extra space of movement which can allow a certain level of better setup during your first turn. But I've never really experimented w/ using smite in these situations, so I agree it is bad.

Disarm is actually fairly useful. If you disarm an enemy, you can then steal that weapon w/ a thief (assuming it is not a locked weapon, but those are pretty rare). It's far from "necessary" but extra weapons (or gold, if they're no good) is never a bad thing.

For those who have been knocking fortune...I find it useful on Aran once he promotes, because he tends to have low luck. I have actually seen him get critted by normal units (not even snipers or swordmasters) often enough that I can't stand it. I usually use Aran through part 3, so...

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Disarm is actually fairly useful. If you disarm an enemy, you can then steal that weapon w/ a thief (assuming it is not a locked weapon, but those are pretty rare). It's far from "necessary" but extra weapons (or gold, if they're no good) is never a bad thing.

I generally give Ike disarm + flourish for part 3 since he'll easily hit level 20 by 3-11 or before without even trying, so having him leave something alive and have a chance I'll be able to steal whatever weapon the enemy had is a good thing. Usually I give him a steel blade + steel sword + bronze sword + Ettard and make him use whichever will leave the enemy at low enough health for almost anyone to KO, so sometimes that means flourish with steel blade, other times bronze without using flourish, or steel sword. Ettard for generals when I'm willing to KO them if he gets a lucky crit.

Once (I think) he critted with Ettard during flourish and also disarmed the enemy. It was somewhat low on health so I was quite annoyed that it died and was disarmed. If he just critted but didn't disarm I wouldn't have minded.

For those who have been knocking fortune...I find it useful on Aran once he promotes, because he tends to have low luck. I have actually seen him get critted by normal units (not even snipers or swordmasters) often enough that I can't stand it. I usually use Aran through part 3, so...

Well, I never use it until 4-E-2 and making a unit immune to the crit from the swordmasters and snipers to make my life easier, but it could go to good use at times. Another example is Muarim in 4-4, if you want to make use of him safely. Dude faces crit from just about everything.

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I still cant believe people are knocking Bane. I mean at least it HURTS the opponent. Shit like Fortune and Corrosion hard'y do anything at all. I mean think about it. Would you rather have Sothe/Heather have Bane, Fortune or Corrosion?

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Corrosion isn't a terrible skill. Possibility of leaving foes defenseless is a nice thought in general. Certainly holds more water than lolFortune.

The only units who'd care for such a skill are bad ones who usually won't have the activation rates for it to be effective. It only sorta works with vantage. Futhermore, it makes routs longer as now that enemy hs to be attacked on the player phase and not teh enemy phase.

Corossion is actually very bad, and I would actually say it's the worst.

I don't understand why people are hating on Bane. Surely Mercy < Bane as it's 100% chance of non-kill compared to a <100% chance of non-kill.

Fortune can be useful for Part 4 SM's, but that's about it really.

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I don't understand why people are hating on Bane. Surely Mercy < Bane as it's 100% chance of non-kill compared to a <100% chance of non-kill.

I use mercy to train pelleas because he's automaticly in the Hawk Army anyway

I personaly like corosion just because it makes a good training skill iof it doeasn't kill

I do like fortune as it prevents crit from swordmaster/sniper just not on Meg or Caineghas

I would say the worst is blossom, I just don't see the point of halfing your EXP for a few more stat gains and you aren't even likely to get those either

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I don't understand why people are hating on Bane. Surely Mercy < Bane as it's 100% chance of non-kill compared to a <100% chance of non-kill.

I use mercy to train pelleas because he's automaticly in the Hawk Army anyway

I personaly like corosion just because it makes a good training skill iof it doeasn't kill

I do like fortune as it prevents crit from swordmaster/sniper just not on Meg or Caineghas

I would say the worst is blossom, I just don't see the point of halfing your EXP for a few more stat gains and you aren't even likely to get those either

Are your SM's and Snipers getting criticaled? Don't those classes have at least decent luck/luck growths?

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I don't understand why people are hating on Bane. Surely Mercy < Bane as it's 100% chance of non-kill compared to a <100% chance of non-kill.

I use mercy to train pelleas because he's automaticly in the Hawk Army anyway

I personaly like corosion just because it makes a good training skill iof it doeasn't kill

I do like fortune as it prevents crit from swordmaster/sniper just not on Meg or Caineghas

I would say the worst is blossom, I just don't see the point of halfing your EXP for a few more stat gains and you aren't even likely to get those either

What? Pragon + Blossom. End of story. Blossom is far from the worst skill in the game.

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Yeah but that wastes a perfectly good paragon, which if you use right would get you twice as many levels overall giving you better stats and more levels. The only time that would be a good combination is if you were trying to get someone to level 20 Third Tier and you wanted best stats possible but that would still take awhile, too long for me at least.

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