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I can play:

Trumpet- 5 years

Guitar- 2 years

Flute- 3 years


Piano- 9 years.

Like any good asian boy

Edited by Roxas
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I can play the guitar, the bass, and I can pretty much transfer anything I've learned on the guitar to the piano, because it's usually single note solos. I'm not real great with chords, so I'm planning on concentrating on becoming an awesome bassist, though that goes a little against my title, "Seraphim of Treble"

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^ About the transfer guitar into piano, I usually do that too! =o Although it can also be the other way around. (edit: oh yeah I don't own a piano so it'd technically be transfering to keyboard)

Guitar: electric and acoustic. I can play both (I prefer electric though) but I have much trouble writing anything on guitar in my head. I've written at least one song or so on guitar though.

Bass guitar: After learning guitar bass guitar hardly seems that hard to learn. Unlike guitars I can kidna write this well, it's just that if I became anything in a band, I don't really wanna be a bassist. I've written only one song in bass but that is mainly because I don't wanna be a bassist, so if I did, I possibly could've written a lot more by now. It's not particularly what I'm best at though.

Keyboards: I can play a lot of things on the keyboard. Again, I have trouble writing songs. I've written only one or two.

Drums: I can kinda play drums. I'm going to try learn to do so. I can write drums in my head though. It's the easiest thing for me to imagine. This is probably the instrument I'm best at even though I haven't really learned how to play them well yet. In my beliefs, the instrument that you can call "your instrument" is the one you can play and, most especially, write. I have a drum set but it's real sucky so I can't really try learning that well till I can actually get a good one. In order to do that I have to get a job =D I'm attempting to get a job in Burger King... I really doubt they'll let me though... I haven't written any "official" (I guess) songs on drums but I write drum parts in my head almost all the time.

Edited by Freohr Datia
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I am taking an electric piano class, haven't gotten to the piano yet but we are learning the notes and the lines and what they mean and also how to clap them. (which is hilariously awesome when the whole class does a long one. We get off beat, i get lost, people make things up i get back in track only to get lost again. Its hard for me to follow the notes, especially to read ahead i've trying but i can barely look one note ahead:)) So yeah, sadly this class is only for two years.

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I am taking an electric piano class, haven't gotten to the piano yet but we are learning the notes and the lines and what they mean and also how to clap them. (which is hilariously awesome when the whole class does a long one. We get off beat, i get lost, people make things up i get back in track only to get lost again. Its hard for me to follow the notes, especially to read ahead i've trying but i can barely look one note ahead:)) So yeah, sadly this class is only for two years.

Lol. I can't help but laugh at those classes ( I know i'm mean :sweatdrop:), but for something that was fundamentally implanted into my head at such a young age, I can't get over the fact that music is difficult.

Obviously, it was intrinsic as I was growing up. Sorry if I offended you. :P

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Music concepts are not that difficult. Music theory is relatively easy. However, building skills in playing the instruments takes a lot of practice, as does building the skills to do things like sight-read sheet music, and compose or arrange. Arguably, it's harder to get started once you're older (I started when I was 17, so yeah... I had more problems than most.), however, natural talent plays into it a lot as well.

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Alto sax for 7 years and Bari for 2 or 3 seriously. I pretty much suck for how long I've been playing, only just introducing myself to serious improv, though I could suck more at sightreading and general technique. Altissimo range is fun :newyears:

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I can play the clarinet, saxophone, flute, guitar, and piano. However, I've lost much of my talent in the realm of the first three, and have found that aside from simple memorized solos and pieces, I don't recall anything. I practically forgot how to read sheet music in my time away from them.

However, I play my guitar often. I feel like I've hit a wall in terms of growth, but I'd say I'm pretty fucking good at anything that doesn't involve having a seizure on an electric guitar and then calling it a solo.

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Played Trombone for about 7 years and Euphonium for about 3. I have problems with sight reading, but I have a good range (D below the staff to a high Bb, sometimes I can hit the C above that), decent technique, and my tone isn't bad (but needs improvement obviously). Euphonium, I have awkward technique (it's okay, but not that great) and my tone is too much like a Trombone's. Sometimes I legato tongue too much stuff on Euphonium lol.

oboe is the instrument of sex

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I've played the violin for a bit more than 5 years. I'm all right at it, but I'm no Perlman. I'm currently in the first violin section of my school orchestra, playing stuff like Marriage of Figaro, Poet and the Peasant, and Spring from the seasons. They're a bit beyond me, so I'm hoping to switch to the second violin section.

I suck at sight reading, and I can't read notes fast enough to play some of the stuff my school is playing right now. My tone and technique, however, are pretty good.

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I've played the violin for a bit more than 5 years. I'm all right at it, but I'm no Perlman. I'm currently in the first violin section of my school orchestra, playing stuff like Marriage of Figaro, Poet and the Peasant, and Spring from the seasons. They're a bit beyond me, so I'm hoping to switch to the second violin section.

I suck at sight reading, and I can't read notes fast enough to play some of the stuff my school is playing right now. My tone and technique, however, are pretty good.

Our school is playing Sibelius' Finlandia. It's amusing. I might add that if you hadn't noticed already, second violin is often more difficult to play than first violin since it plays a harmony or counter melody rather than the melody itself.

I've played violin for about 10 years now. I play first violin in our orchestra, though up until now I played second violin. My school's music standards are fairly high, which is nice, because we can really play whatever the hell we want to play. I never used to be very good at sight reading but after I played in a band for Jesus Christ Superstar I learned a lot of new things and I can pretty much play most of what is out in front of me.

I also sing tenor for our school choir. I only started this year but I've been able to sing for quite a while.

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Our school is playing Sibelius' Finlandia. It's amusing. I might add that if you hadn't noticed already, second violin is often more difficult to play than first violin since it plays a harmony or counter melody rather than the melody itself.

Yeah, I played 2nd all last year, and some parts were very difficult. I just have little to no experience with 5th position (let alone even higher), so the songs we're playing are just too much. With a little outside practice with 5th position this year, I should be ready next year for 1st.

And our orchestra is considered very good in our area. I'm personally not the greatest, but our first three or so chairs in each section are quite good. (Oh, and I just found out today that our teacher plans to switch me to 2nd chair second violin and move the current 1st chair second violin to my spot in the 1sts)

I listed to the song you're playing, by the way, and it's pretty neat.

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