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What would YOU want in a new FE

Mister Cold

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A support bonus system that's reasonable like the Tellius version but without the Heaven and Earth BS.

Here's what I got. You'd get 4 bonuses to raise like in the Telluis versions and each affinity raising 2. Instead of Earth and Heaven you'll have Anima like in the GBA version but here's how it works. Anima won't give fixed bonuses but it will give the same bonuses as the affinity it's supporting. In case of Anima + Anima, it will resemble a Wind + Wind support, just like what you get when you have the Earth + Heaven combination in PoR.

I thought the GBA system was simply excessive while the PoR system's problem was balance, especially with the Earth affinity giving excessive evasion, even worse when it belongs to characters with high evasion in the first place and worse still when an Earth + Earth combination (or two! Oscar...) is possible. It pretty much removes the challenge in the missions when you know you can put your characters in front of an infinite number of enemies and dodge every single attack... Seriously.

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O.K. I hope I can cover everything;

1) Tactician - like FE7 but deploys as a command tent similar to merlinus's supply tent but adjacent unit can be swapped out for stored(unused) units including FE7 promotion method(class Command Tent->Tactical Transport)

2) Support conversation/pairings - convos handled in base/battle prep screen not on map, if played correctly all characters should have paired endings leading to slightly different tactician ending (matchmaker lol) no fell in love but still bad endings i.e. Priscilla x Guy/Heath

3) Ranking system - for Survival possibly Gold/EXP and Recruitment (I want points for getting chars. rather than killing, especially the more difficult ones), NOT time/turns so I'm not penalized for getting supports which nurf this.

4) FE11 weapon switch arrows - ([up equip list] <- [Current Weapon] -> [down equip list])

5) limited reclassing - pirate/brigand virtually identical but I like brigands better (looks cooler), regular or hawkeye berzerker spites

6) branched promotions - cool system might use different classes/three classed/new classes myrmadons can become Nmds/rangers(Nmd sword animation is cooler)

7) Potential new classes - flying magic class, mounted unpromoted damaging magic class, magic and weapon using classes

8) Make magic equally epic - generally in FE7/8 dark magic has the coolest animations(Gespenst/Gleipner/Nagrafal) with light catching up around A rank, Anima needs the most work give it more than one element spells per rank (Fire, Ice, Thunder, Wind) and let S ranks be visually impressive on par with dark and light.

9) Dark magic balance issue - use shadowshot for ranged magic(stats as is), nock Eclypse down to be paired with Luna on split so one has overcome res/0mt and the other has crit tweaked to balance

10) balance light - add spells to a balance with above and make magic more like physical weapons

11) Let Str/Mag track seperately along with all 8 phys and magic weapon types

12) Use non-sword Lords - Hector Axes, Lilina full magelord

13) maybe tranie classes - only if promote to unique classes on 'supertrainee' mode (Necromancer/Archsage/Brammimond/Dark Druid/Pontifex/etc.), not same class only stronger

14) Gaiden chapter come from doing well not poorly(FE11) - possibly getting certain in game convos, not supports but talk commands and boss convos in chapter unlocks gaiden

15) unmount inside - dropped at FE6 due to hardware limitations but makes so much sense

16) Final Boss - No char deals 0 dmg due to boss res/def exceding their classes atk cap/highest char growths. Not die before all chars make one atk, or peg#1 brave lance, peg#2 brave lance, peg#3 brave lance triangle!!

17) multiple lords/story modes - like FE7 only tutorial mode can be toggled off on prologue

18) Saves/difficulty - let easier diffuculties have more leanient save conditions and harder difficulties have stricter save conditions, since leaniency is favoured by the players who generally don't play on higher difficulty and stricter rules are favoured by those looking for greater challenges

19) skipping and story - let story sections be skipped in smaller portions, not huge jumps

20) manaketes/mamkutes - standard stones are fire/divine/sometimes magic/and final boss(Induon/[shadow/Earth Dragon]) but Ice Dragon should be included(Ninian/Nils) and should use the transform for X number of turns version I read mentioned on earlier posts

21) Bows - almost like previous suggestion only shortbow 1-2, regular bows 2-3, longbow 3-5(save 10 for ballista), ballista 4-10, to balance magic would have to be 1-3 (not vital)

22) continuous attacks - first unit attacks, stays there while second unit counter attacks, then faster unit does second attack before both units return to positions, or if brave weapon is used unit moves in and performs two attacks without returning to base position, stays for counter and launches attacks 3 & 4 if fast enough to do so before resuming base stance or if attacking unit that can't counter all attacks begin from the position the last attack finished. From my understanding FE5 and earlier worked like this but GBA couldn't handle it so it was dropped, but DS brought it back only sometimes units still go back to start possition before all attacks are finised.

Remake of FE6 or FE6/7 would be good (especially chosing parents could affect char stats as I have read on other posts) with tactician included, Hector/Eliwood using their FE7 classes, parents mentioned/shown more directly/result of previous data, show all 8 heroes like Durban and Roland in FE7. Otherwise make it something competely different. Should be for handhelds and not use non-manakete/mamkute transformations(one of the reasons I did not follow the console versions, skills don't sound too good either, also I have not played jap console version)

Edit: NOW I have everything that I think would be great in a new FE

Edited by Glixinator
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1. I want 3rd Tier's back, it was cool seeing all the different outfits and stuff

2. Give Archers bows that can attack from 1-2 range(Iron Bows, etc) and 2-3 range(Longbows, etc), also when they get attacked head on they get a +10 evasion boost. Also the further away they attack the less the accuracy.

3. Give Bishops(or promoted healers) an ability that allows them to use staves more effieciently. Such as giving them range on any staff. Imagine being able to heal from affar with only a basic heal staff or even restore(its gonna be magic/2 of course though). And when using physic's and fortify's it wont be magic/2 anymore it will be just their magic stat determining range.

4. Bring back fire/thunder/wind mages from RD (except with better caps IS <_< ) and when they promote to 3rd tier they get a choice between light magic and dark magic. You can only choose one.

5. Bring back skills.

6. Let Valykries use magic again, no more swords and when the promote they get light magic and a choice of one the wind/fire/thunder magics.

7. Bring back lancereavers, swordreavers, etc. and this time let them have 25 uses instead of 15

8. Bring back supports FE9 style, that way you dont have to glue 2 units together for a support

9. KEEP Wind Edges/Storm sword/Tempest Blade!!! Swords finally get 2 range that doesnt depend on magic

Edited by The Divine Swordmaster
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You mean other than it actually being fun? lol, I guess I would like a handheld one with the same, if not flashier, 2-D battle animations from the GBA ones. I really was let down by the DS one. I don't really care for class changing but maybe have it be a longer game with 3rd tier promotions, or if that doesn't come in then more gaiden chapters for those who just want EXP over ranks.

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It's a weird thing, but...

I'd like to see more units carrying shields. Not as equippable items, but just as part of their armor. I liked the GK and Pally shields from FE8, and the Sentinel and Marshall shields from FE10, especially the way they would block with them instead of dodging.

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It's a weird thing, but...

I'd like to see more units carrying shields. Not as equippable items, but just as part of their armor. I liked the GK and Pally shields from FE8, and the Sentinel and Marshall shields from FE10, especially the way they would block with them instead of dodging.


I'd like thieves to wield crossbows. Or even just all bows upon promotion.

And yeah, Rogues.

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For some reason Reevers look like Warriors only with a dress.

I don't think it looks like a dress...

Besides, that's not the only difference. The spikes on the armor are bigger too. I'm sure there's more, but I haven't played RD in sometime, so my memory is a bit fuzzy.

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*has a self updates version of my wants in the next game*

skill system: FE9like, FE10 mastery skills were to H4X, I don't mind if they go a completly different route, aslong as no skill is OP broken (like vantage in FE9 :S)

Support system:either FE9like or a combination between 9 and 10 (everyone supports with everyone but certain char get a convo while others don't)

online play: Defend the throne, seize the throne, fog of wars, etc etc, would be fun to play 10 VS 10

promotion: prefered split promotions,

classes: power up mages compared to FE10, give paladin better caps but weak to fire (3 mounts, Wind = Pegasus, Lightning = Wyvern and Fire =horses), the better caps should make the weakness better

Difficulty: give legendary weapons more baste atk power (or less weight of STR=/=con) when playing a higher difficulty, therefor playing hard has an advantage in online play (dealing more average dmg)

Laguz: IF laguz make an appearance, if your not going to give em formshift, atleast make some skills that lower gauge usage (like -2gauge is used everyturn and -1 every battle),

New game +: when finishing the game all characters you had will be lvl 1, and some other chars can be recruited

like let's say Kurth didn't join before the tower but Ena did, in New Game +, let Ena talk to Kurth when you're defending him and aimee, and he joins the party

Bow stuff: if they are gonna re-use Xbows, make them uncapable of doubling, it makes no sense to let a weapon that thakes longer to reload to double in close range, also it would make some sense if you had like +4-6more AS you would be able to counterattack in close range (but not double) with a bow, making them more useful (in a way)

Saves:saving whenever you want is a tad to much, I heard there was an FE (iircc it was 4 but I'm not sure) where you can only save in the beginning of a turn(when no one made a move yet), this makes sense imo, and should be kept (but not needed)

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Let's see...

1. The return of support conversations.

2. Branching class paths, like in FE8.

3. Weapon forging (this seems like a given, but I'm not totally sure.)

4. New continent and story.

5. Multi-tier promotions, like in FE10.

6. Being on the Wii (or its successor)

7. More cutscenes/voice acting.

8. If skills are included, less broken mastery skills. Radiant Dawn and Path of Radiance were way too easy with them.

9. Trial maps.

10. Free DLC trial maps, and maybe characters for them?

11. As other people have said, a lord that doesn't use swords. I'm not particularly demanding with this one, but it would be nice.

EDIT: Thought of a few more.

EDIT 2: I have since discovered how to properly use reclass (I know pretty much nothing about growths and whatnot, I just play the game), so I decided to remove my comment about that.

Edited by PurpleDoom
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Well i guess i would like a game with some new features as well as some from previous games

  1. First you should be able to choose your lords weapon (sword axe or spear)
  2. Gaiden chapters could depend on the choice of your weapon
  3. More accesible gaiden chapter (so that you wont have to kill of half of your party in order to play them)
  4. The return of support conversations
  5. Multiple endings
  6. No colosseums, they take away all the challenge
  7. Bonus expirience
  8. Choose your paladins second weapon
  9. Better multiplayer with more options
  10. Trial maps
  11. No third tiers
  12. Skills
  13. Maniac mode in all game versions
  14. Forging

Tactician ranking

Return of magic weapons

Multiple promotion choice


No ballistae unit

Edited by Velver
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Hmm...I didn't make a list of stuff like that, did I? I will then. :3

1. A support system like PoR's.

2. Third tiers like in RD.

3. The pairing system from the old games (I hear it lets you pair up people and then use their children later. How good the children are depends on who their parents are).

4. Multiple endings, especially with pairings (they so should have given us a choice between Ike/Elincia and Geoffrey/Elincia...)

5. LAGUZ. They are awesome, especially Ranulf. <3

6. Bonus experience.

7. Merchant convoy and bonus experience.

8. No branched promotions (I hate having to choose, and not knowing at all how my character will end up makes me afraid I'll end up screwing them over).

9. Skills.

10. Laguz promotions (what's wrong with something like Elite Cat or Elite Raven? I think that sounds pretty cool).

11. Trial maps.

12. WiFi play like in Shadow Dragon.

13. A primary unique weapon for the lord that isn't a sword (you know, weapons like Ragnell, Falchion, etc.).

14. New continent and story (hopefully for Ike to arrive to, hee hee).

That's all I can think of for now.

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More moving final bosses. HM Ashnard was the way to go!

I think it would be interesting (though rigged) to enable characters to equip primary and secondary weapons. Either you can choose between defending with the primary and secondary weapons during enemy phase when the character is attacked, or your character automatically defends with the secondary if the primary can't be used. For instance, if I have iron lance as primary and javelin as secondary, a character attacking from melee gets attacked by iron lance and from range gets attacked by javelin.

Maybe you could have this be an ability for a class.

Get rid of knives and give thieves swords. Or maybe give them swords on promotion but keep knives.

first unit attacks, stays there while second unit counter attacks, then faster unit does second attack before both units return to positions, or if brave weapon is used unit moves in and performs two attacks without returning to base position, stays for counter and launches attacks 3 & 4 if fast enough to do so before resuming base stance or if attacking unit that can't counter all attacks begin from the position the last attack finished. From my understanding FE5 and earlier worked like this but GBA couldn't handle it so it was dropped, but DS brought it back only sometimes units still go back to start possition before all attacks are finised.

This exists in PoR and RD.

Keep laguz in some form.

Make wyverns weak to bows again. They were way too much better than pegs in FE10.

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Oh, here's one more thing I'd like to see. When characters reach their final tier, they should get the special skill of that class automatically like in RD (Reavers get Colossus, Gold/Silver Knights get Sol, etc.). Either that, or give us more Occults/Occult Scrolls. xP

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I want the games to be a little more like fe7 almost everything after fe7 is a downgrade. The classcycling and map shopping are the only things that would be nice in fe7 and the parent child fe6/7 sounds kinda cool.

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New game +: when finishing the game all characters you had will be lvl 1, and some other chars can be recruited

like let's say Kurth didn't join before the tower but Ena did, in New Game +, let Ena talk to Kurth when you're defending him and aimee, and he joins the party

That sounds like a really cool feature, actually. It'd also give me more incentive to replay it than the methods most of the other FEs have to replay them.

As for saving, I think you should be limited to the amount of saves you can make at the beginning of a turn but you can stock up on them in the form of an item that you can buy twice at most for a cheap price in each chapter.

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-large cast of unique characters with huge variance in awesomeness, with none being brokenly broken, at least on the harder modes

-class swap, with classes actually balanced

-many difficulty modes, with the harder ones being HARD

-good enemy AI on harder modes

-multiplayer, versus battles and perhaps a multiplayer campaign too

-a few interesting/useful skills, mostly not luck-based, and none OP enough to make the char broken (see #1), and generally not transferable

-fixed mode

-semi-fixed mode (random, but the stat variance is reduced)

-supports, rescuing, shoving, trading. and re-move, probably as a skill

-support capacity that varies from char to char

Edited by Reikken
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  • 2 weeks later...

New features:

- Expanded use of leadership and allied units. i.e., actually make use of individual units with leadership abilities by giving them command of their own squad of allied units. Experience goes to the squad leader. Leadership is a stat that can increase.

- Castle siege?

- Varied story, multiple endings.

Back from the past:

- Enemy units need to be more grouped/organized, come after you rather that individual units waiting for you to come into their attack range. (like FE4)

- Epic, large battle maps. (more or less like FE4, but could be staged like FE9 ch 17)

- Have fatigue and biorhythm meet somewhere in the middle, get rid of the sine wave but have different actions effect characters.

- Random and fixed mode meet in the middle, actions effect growth rates.

- Supports like in Path of Radiance but more options, expanded character development.

- Branching promotions.

- Besides the above, bring back pretty much everything from Radiant Dawn like skills, three tiers, varied chapter goals, etc.

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Whoops, responded to a year-old post.

Well, I'd like to see more characters - nothing in particular, just a bigger cast. Like FE10, only even bigger. I liked being able to field 6 Archsages or 8 Paladins at once.

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