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(FE10) Draft playthrough


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Here are a few off mine I'm at 3-8 now but I don't feel like posting everything all at once.

1-P: 6+3

1-1: 6+3

1-2: 7+3 (Chuck)

1-3: 7 I actually took the right path and got away with it. Kurth meatshielding ftw.

1-4: 9

1-5: I hardly believe thats any of your business. (no penalties)

1-6-1: 7

1-6-2: 3 or 4 I might have gotten the crit but I didn't write the time for this level down earlier. I'll confirm it at the credits.

1-7: 8

1-8: 9 (Leonardo is 20/1 now)

1-9: 8

1-E: 11

Thats 96 or 97 total unless I miscounted.

I'll give you a brief summary.

LeonardoxMicaiah is a support. It helped Micaiah's def a little here and there.

Leonardo's stats are a little above average notably speed, but in part 1 it wasn't enough to double.

Sothe 'solo'd' most of the chapters with his forged iron knives, while Leo and Micaiah played with the leftovers.

Taur handled the northeast reinforcements in 1-6-1 while Sothe ran ahead (with resolve), Micaiah and Leo played out their effective damage when required (Thani and bows).

Overall I'm pretty happy with the run. I knew the lack of a solid Dawn Brigade force besides Sothe would screw me from getting the high score in part one but Taur and Tormod saved me for the later chapters to some extent.

I carried The brave sword, killing edge, savior, celerity, and some spare weapons to part 3. I forgot about pass but luckily I was able to recruit Heather without wasting a turn.

Just as long as I don't get too bad of a score compared to everyone else in Part 1 I will still have a good chance of winning, hopefully. *Looks at most of part 3*

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Ch 1-6-2: 6 turns

For some reason I decided to ignore Paperblade's iron knife shortage and only forged two knives for 1-6-1 and 2. As a result, Sothe had to use a bronze knife and that was kind of slow, though Adept + criticals were still good. Volug went up the right and worked on strike. Everyone else hid.

Ch 1-7: 7 turns

2 shiny, new forged knives and Savior for Sothe and then he ripped apart this map. Biorhythm totally screwed over Volug as the enemies had like ~80 displayed hit on him, so he just worked on strike whenever he could. Ilyana got speed for the first time.

Ch 1-8: 5 turns

Sothe + Celerity waded through the swamp to take out the wyvern rider and the boss area. Ilyana got bexp'd and seraph robe'd to promotion and held the bottom. Nailah went left and Volug went north, though I lost a turn since the enemy AI likes running to out of range Rafiel even though Volug is in range. I think this is the first chapter Volug has saved any turns in. He's gotten +2 speed so far though, so doubling Ike shouldn't be a problem.

Ch 1-9: 8 turns

Miccy took a seraph robe so she wouldn't get 1/2 RKO'd by everything and got bexp'd to level ~17, maxing out magic. Her speed is still in single digits which means she's still getting ORKO'd, but at least she can kill enemies before the second hit comes. Her avo isn't too bad either. Missed the olivi grass, but I don't think I'll need it. And the BK did stuff.

Ch 1-E: 9 turns

Ilyana has 17 spd at 20/2, which was pretty cool. She also has 35 hp and 10 def, which means 4 HKOs. Nailah ran through the map and grabbed the speedwing before clearing out the top. Volug hit S strike and helped Miccy not get killed by everything, as did Sothe. My first run through this chapter, I sent Volug up to kill the meteor guy and on enemy phase, he survived with 1 hp, only to die from poison come player phase. Miccy got shoved to the seize square on the last turn and I also grabbed Parity (thank you battle save). She has 10 speed at 20/1.

Ilyana transferred Paragon, Cancel, a Brave Sword, Celerity, a Hammer, an Ashera Icon, her custom forge, Adept (probably should've kept), and a Speedwing.

So far, I'd say Ilyana has contributed more than Volug.

P: 6+3

1: 6+3

2: 7

3: 7

4: 10

5: 6

6-1: 6

6-2: 6

7: 7

8: 5

9: 8

E: 9

Part 1 Total: 89 turns

2-P: 8 turns + 3 (Nealuchi)

Nealuchi's epicness solo'd this map while carrying Leanne.

EDIT: apparently resolve does nothing for Volug in Part 1

Edited by WeaponsofMassConstruction
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Fuck, I forgot I can use Muarim. that probably cost me turns in 1-7. Oh well. Now 1-8 should be easier.

I'm curious about everybody's supports.

Volke x Oliver

Muarim x Nealuchi

Meg x Jill

Sothe x Micaiah

Ike x Neph

Ranulf x Marcia

I think I mentioned I'm not using Laura for combat. (I know you said she's better than Meg offensively, on average. But she certainly won't be better than my Meg, I can assure you).

apparently resolve does nothing for Volug in Part 1

So, he doesn't gain any bonuses?

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apparently resolve does nothing for Volug in Part 1

So, he doesn't gain any bonuses?

His damage was the same before and after and he didn't seem to dodge any better, so I don't think so.

2-1: 9 turns + 3 (Brom)

Well, I managed to solo this with Brom, though the enemy AI's attack patterns are really weird; sometimes the fighter near the ledge attacks Neph and sometimes he doesn't, but eventually, he attacks Brom, but not on the first two turns. Neph hid in a corner at first, then went to go recruit Heather, and the bandit decided Heather was the better target, so Neph never cost me a penalty. Brom eventually broke through and defeated Yeardley.

2-2: 7 turns

BEXP'd Heather before the chapter and got her to 28 spd/17 lck. Heather then went east and dodged everything; she got hit like once and gained two weapon levels, but she only killed like 3 enemies. Lucia took the less crowded upper path and was barely blocked at all thanks to Heather's decoyness. Took 2 turns to go the last 2 spaces.

My TV says Geoffrey's hair is green.

EDIT: Supports

Miccy x Ilyana

Sothe x Volug

Ike x Boyd

Ilyana x Heather

Lucia x Pelleas

Stefan, Ena, Nailah, and Miccy will have to work out something for endgame.

Edited by WeaponsofMassConstruction
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apparently resolve does nothing for Volug in Part 1

So, he doesn't gain any bonuses?

His damage was the same before and after and he didn't seem to dodge any better, so I don't think so.

Str doesn't go up with Resolve for any unit in N.A. Don't know about PAL.

As for dodging, that's not the best way to look whether or not his skl/spd goes up. It has too much variance. Best way is to see if he doubles stuff with 16+ AS when he only has 19 AS. It is possible that I.S. screwed that up, though, because I had that thought once before. If they can manage to screw up their 1-6 turn counter, they can mess up anything.

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apparently resolve does nothing for Volug in Part 1

So, he doesn't gain any bonuses?

His damage was the same before and after and he didn't seem to dodge any better, so I don't think so.

Str doesn't go up with Resolve for any unit in N.A. Don't know about PAL.

As for dodging, that's not the best way to look whether or not his skl/spd goes up. It has too much variance. Best way is to see if he doubles stuff with 16+ AS when he only has 19 AS. It is possible that I.S. screwed that up, though, because I had that thought once before. If they can manage to screw up their 1-6 turn counter, they can mess up anything.

His stats didn't have any bonuses and he doubled everything anyway (+2 spd).

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Here are my supports btw

MicaiahxLeonardo (A)

IkexOscar (A)

really I didn't focus on supports too much Taur and Tormod didn't get any supports going in Part 1 so they will probably support open spots.

HaarxKyza (Lack of anything better)

Tanith is open also odds are at the endgame they will end up as.




Tormod/TauroneoxSothe (Tauroneo might have been ready for C support after 3-13)

KyzaxHaar (again lack of anything better for Part 3 It will more then likely be sacked for a better open spot)

Nasir and Lehran have no supports for obvious reasons.

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Alright, finished it since I don't have much spare time and don't wanna make people wait like 3 more weeks.

I'm sure I could have made some improvements (notably in 3-4, 3-11, 4-2, 4-3, and 4-4), but meh.

3-4: Took a couple turns longer than I’d liked since I screwed up with Ike on the boss. Went up the west path.

Turns: 9

3-5: Gatrie rushed boss as Rolf and Ike chilled at the defend. Gatrie for god tier.

Turns: 4

3-6: Aran north, Sothe east. Mostly had issues with running out of Laguz.

Turns: 10

3-7: Defendlol. Rolf promoted and recruited Ulki.

Turns: 12[/b] 13

3-8: Forged Hand Axes lets Gatrie one round everything at 1-2 range, and Laguz Stone monopoly means that gauge isn’t a concern for Ulki. Gatrie’s ability to walk into Septimus and friends and just kill everyone trivialized this chapter.

Turns: 5

3-9: Calill promo’d at 19, and with capped Mag/Spd she had like an 80% chance to ORKO the boss with Elfire. Which she did.

Turns: 6

3-10: Gatrie ran ahead to the boss and left the NPC Calill to take care of the left over middle, while the other 3 ran bottom and struggled more than him. Note that Gatrie's inventory is nothing but +5 Might +20 Hit Hand Axes.

Turns: 7

3-11: Gave Ike Celerity and had him and Ulki run ahead to be awesome, including the part where the boss got awesomed to death.

Turns: 8

3-12: Javelin man promotes at 20/20/1 and stomps yet another chapter. WTB Forged Javelins.

Turns: 8

3-13: Gave Aran Boots and had him bumrush the boss, killing Ike on Turn 3.

Turns: 3

3-E: Got some Pure Water for Ike’s Res and had him rush forward. Enemies in this chapter suck, so it was quick.

Turns: 6

4-P: BEXP'd Skrimir up to 30 and Sothe to 16. I give Calill Celerity and have her rampage the north side as everyone else went east.

Turns: 5

4-1: Powerlevel'd Fiona to 20, capping every stat but Str (20), Mag (13), and Skl (18) and Crown'd her. Gats went left (Hand Axe pwn), Ike south (Ragnell pwn), and Fiona/Rolf/Rafiel right (Brave pwn).

Turns: 4

4-2: Not enough enemies move. Tibarn bottom and Aran top or vice versa, no difference. Took a penalty for Elincia, which blows.

Turns: 9 + 4 (Elincia)

4-3: Ran Calill down the middle, Skrimir right, and the rest left. Flare healing made her unstoppable.

Turns: 9

4-4: Ike with Pass and Pure Water rampaged, although it’s too bad the Generals don’t move. Gats went to the first treasure room. Fiona, Rolf, and Rafiel went along the right side, and Rolf and Rafael went up the ledges to help out Gats.

Turns: 10


Turns: 4

4-E-1: Skrimir left, Gatrie right, the rest ran up mid. On Turn 2 I had Tibarn drop Calill in the group of sages on the right side and then had her clear out that group of Cover’d guys.

Turns: 4

4-E-2: Calill Blizzard snipes Levail, 2HKOing him with the mighty Adept (she doubled and I had Micaiah with Purge and Rafiel with Vigor if she failed, plus Nihil canceled out his Resolve). Ike two rounds BK with Hammer.

Turns: 1

4-E-3: Have Gatrie and Fiona stall on the right and left respectively as Tibarn, Rolf, Ike, and Calill carve up a path mid to kill Dheg. I had brought along a spare sword user in one of my filler slots to bless a Wyrmslayer.

Turns: 2

4-E-4: Rush up mid to kill Seph.

Turns: 2

4-E-5: 3 bottom auras on Turn 1, 2 on the left and right each on turn 2, last plus Ashera on Turn 3.

Turns: 3

Also, on some chapters I think I miscounted, so here's the turn count from the credit roll.

P: 6 (+3 Edward)

1: 6 (+3 Nolan)

2: 7 (+3 Nolan)

3: 7

4: 7

5: 6

6: 16

7: 7

8: 5 (+8 Tormod and Muarim)

9: 8

E: 11

P: 9 (+6 Nealuchi and Elincia... Although only Nealuchi attacked, so I'm not sure)

1: 8 (+6 Neph and Brom)

2: 8 (+4 Lucia)

3: 6 (+3 Geo)

E: 3 (+5 Elincia)

P: 10

1: 10

2: 4

3: 13

4: 9

5: 4

6: 10

7: 13

8: 5

9: 6

10: 7

11: 8

12: 6

13: 3

E: 6

P: 5

1: 4

2: 9 (+4 Elincia)

3: 9

4: 10

5: 4

1-E: 4

2-E: 1

3-E: 2

4-E: 2

5-E: 3

Total turns: 287

Total penalties: 45

Total Score: 332

Ugh. About 10-15 turns behind my goal. If we're not counting the extra turns in 2-P and 3-7, then I'm down to 330. =/

Edited by Paperblade
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plus Nihil canceled out his Resolve

Do you mean so he doesn't get an avo boost or so she still doubles? The way Resolve works, if he wasn't already <50% when she started attacking him (first hit) then Resolve would not prevent doubling anyway.

So I have no idea if your time is good but I'm sure it probably is (cool numbers in a fair number of chapters). If nothing else, it sets the mark to beat for now. (I think you finished first, anyway).

And as for 3-6, that's what happens on NM since there aren't many laguz that actually move (when no player units are in range), unlike HM. I'm sure you'd have had at least one fewer turn if your guys and the enemy had the stats they did but the laguz were as aggressive as on HM.

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Nice run, Paperblade.

What was your reason for picking Calill?

I couldn't figure it out either. I mean, from the sounds of it she did great, but he'd said earlier that it wasn't for her combat abilities. Maybe he just meant that it wasn't for her regular combat abilities? Nah, unlikely.

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I was originally going to use her for Restore in 4-freaking-4, but Silver Army sucked too much to take care of themselves (LOLSOTHE, LOLMARY, LOLLAGUZ) so I nominated Calill to be their nanny and had her solo half the map in both 4-P and 4-3. =/

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1-8: 9 turns. Bloody Meg with a wind edge can't hit anything. 9 skl at level 17? Lol. I gave her a Micaiah support for this chapter to help.

1-9: 10 turns. Micaiah has 9 spd at level 14, so just plonking her in a corner doesn't really help.

93 turns.

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1-E = 12 turns. ehh, not much to say on this one.

2-P = 8 turns. Had Nealuchi rescue Leanne as it didn't make much different in his combat prowess, thankfully, the boss missed the killing strike against Marcia. Didn't kill him though, like I hoped I would.

2-1 = 9 turns (6 + Brom) Didn't recruit Heather, Neph critkilled the boss :).

2-2 = 13 turns (10 + Brom) Brom died from the reinforcements. But he did his job well.

2-3 = 11 (8 + geoffrey).

146 turns so far. Pretty good compared to what Oval/Paperblade had. Though 2-E is proving problematic. Though Oval, I can't see how you oneturned 2-E as it's impossible (I think) to do so without using Leanne, and because you haven't drafted her, you can't play her.

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Without Leanne it should take three turns at least, as it did Paperblade. Turn one and two getting down there and then the boss ranging her. (at least he did for Haar) Then turn 3 hes captured assuming Elincia has +1 str or activates stun, but I'm sure we were all smart enough to do that. Seeing as it took 3rd tier Haar 2 turns total and that hes closer to the boss than Elincia I'd assume 2 turns is the least amount of time we can get. Fia will either tie with me on 2-E or get three turns assuming that Fia doesn't waste time getting the power drop and other items.

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I think that it's technically possible to do on Turn 2 if Elincia can ORKO Ludveck, since there is a configuration where he fights her at 1-range due to enemy crowding. This obviously requires some luck as well, not for Stun, but for two archers and a sufficent number of other enemies failing to hit her.

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Yeah I was even taking enemy other enemies into account into that post above or in my run of the chapter, not even the thunder mages but in all seriousness unless you want to try your luck (just that one time since theres no battle save abuse right Narga?) to save one turn outta your time of x+5(Elincia) without it becoming to that state of abuse be my guest.

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Crap you're right about 2-E. I had it written down as a two turn, but I must've gotten overexcited(lol) and typed in 1 turn. I fixed it.

Anyway I'm about done with the game. I'm one 4E-5 to see if I can two turn it which is doubtful. Otherwise I'll just take 3 turns and I'm done. I'll put up part 4 then. Until then here's part 3/

Chapter: 3-P

Turns: 8

Penalty: None

Notes: Soren was a pansy and died in 2 hits, so he was fed kills by Ike while Titania rushed for the boss kill. Titania was about 18.3 after the chapter. Soren got a level or two. Ike didn't do much exp wise.

Chapter: 3-1

Turns: 8+4

Penalty: Shinon

Notes: Bexp'd Titania to 20. Sent her to the generals with a killer axe. All she needed IIRC was a crit or a Counter on them to finish them of. Ike, Shinon, and Soren cleared the starting area. After that Ike went through the bushes and went for the boss. Titania promoted on the Halb after the general onslaught, and went North. Soren and Shinon sniped through the gates and then focused on the reinforcements. I also got the robe for Soren.

Chapter: 3-2

Turns: 3

Penalty: None

Notes: Got Illyana and the part 2 goodies and used them. Gave the 1-8 robe to Titania and the 3-1 rope to Soren(it pushed him to 3RKO range on everything halb strength and down). Gave Celerity to Titania for this chapter she also got the wing. Later on I gave Celerity to Soren. Titania rushed the boss and killed him on turn 3 PP.

Chapter: 3-3

Turns: 10

Penalty: None

Notes: Soren was around 17 and had capped speed so he was doubling. Nothing special here except I freed all the horses and got the crown. After crowning Soren I more or less stopped using Ike, so he'd be easy picking in 3-13. It didn't slow me down much because Soren and Titania would both reliably ORKO at 2 range. I did have pick up the occasional kill to keep his speed up, but not high enough to not get quad'd by Zihark.

Chapter: 3-4

Turns: 9

Penalty: None

Notes: The whole team went west. Soren had a max hit forge for the mages on the ledges and it worked. The Ike went up and killed some stuff. Soren then followed and killed whatever was left and went on to eat the boss.

Chapter: 3-5

Turns: 1

Penalty: None

Notes: Meteor'd the boss with Reyson's help.

Chapter: 3-6

Turns: 10

Penalty: None

Notes: Zihark got all of part 1's bexp capped all combat stats and was then crowned. Sothe has enough speed to double cats so he went on a bush and killed them. The NPC's roamed and halted depending on the circumstances. Micaiah Pyshic'd and healed. BK arrived and helped Sothe with the last couple of kills. Zihark didn't need any help with his 25 defense and 90 avoid supportless.

Chapter: 3-7

Turns: 13(that's what the epilogue count says)

Penalty: none

Notes: Janaff worked on his Strike level and Soren worked on staffs. The others just hid.

Chapter: 3-8

Turns: 6

Penalty: None

Notes: Janaff took the South with Ike and Reyson's help. Titania and Soren went east and then to the boss's place. I forget if you can forge handaxes by now but I think you can so that's what Titania used annihilate the boss and his buddies.

Chapter: 3-9

Turns: 6+3

Penalty: Geo

Notes: Astrid was still a weakling so I crowned Geo and he worked his way to the boss while the NPCs played firemen. Astrid took kills again.

Chapter: 3-10

Turns: 6

Penalty: None

Notes: Janaff went towards Elincia and after his third fight got S strike so he was owning with wildheart from here on out. Titania bumrushed the boss and Soren helped, but stayed back to kill the reinforcements. Ike kept shoving Reyson to better reach Janaff and build supports.

Chapter: 3-11

Turns: 9

Penalty: None

Notes: Astrid and Sigurn were bexpd and crowned( Astrid) into third tier. They were decent, but mostly resorted to mage/palidan kills, and potshots. Tibarn rampaged along with everyone else on my team.

Chapter: 3-12

Turns: 5

Penalty: None

Notes: Zihark got pass and the boots and went as far as he could every turn. What he didn't kill Sothe did. Taur stayed equiped so no one would attack him.

Chapter: 3-13

Turns: 2

Penalty: None

Notes: Zihark raped Ike. He had like 90+ proc rate with the brave sword( Adept, Crit, and Astra)

Chapter: 3-E

Turns: 5

Penalty: None

Notes: Janaff went North and Sigurn went west. Everyone else went through the middle. A couple of funny stuff happened in the chapter. On turn 2 Titania had the honor of luring Zihark to get recruited. Zihark attacked crit'd and left her with 1 hp. Titania activated counter and hit back leaving him with 2 hp. What were the odds of that happening? Soren and Reyson got both of them back up to full hp and they continued the rush. Over by Janaff I had him fly over and killed the Sleep bishop. During the EP he was attacked enough to untransform. Luckily for me the only people who had yet to move were the unpromoted noobs who were doubled and killed by Janaff. He leveld up and got almost everything.

Part 3 Turns taken: 95

Part 3 Penalties: 7

Part 3 Total: 101

Part 1: 95

Part 2: 62

Part 3: 102

Total: 259

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You might still be too excited you wrote down your Shinon penalty wrong. (Yeah because if I were to stay quiet then you'd win by exactly one turn)

Not bad on Part 3 though overall. Not even Haar can beat the 3-5 boss in one turn. Only epic events I have in Part 3 are Leonardo deadeying Ike and Haar using a hammer+stun on Septimus (which he didn't even need)

Edit: I just realized I forgot to give Kyza wildheart ><'

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You might still be too excited you wrote down your Shinon penalty wrong. (Yeah because if I were to stay quiet then you'd win by exactly one turn)

Not bad on Part 3 though overall. Not even Haar can beat the 3-5 boss in one turn. Only epic events I have in Part 3 are Leonardo deadeying Ike and Haar using a hammer+stun on Septimus (which he didn't even need)

Edit: I just realized I forgot to give Kyza wildheart ><'

What level is he now? Will he actually even be good with Wildheart? Caps spd at 15 so it would be like 22 AS.

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1-6-2: Volug used, 5 turned + 4= 9

Fucking Fiona and being weaker than her own goddamn Knights. Had to use Volug to run over and save her ass. Otherwise, Sothe and Nolan cleared out most of the enemies, and evenutally lured the boss, then retreated and shoved Micaiah so she could kill the boss with Thani. Originally I was going to use Sothe Knives and Nolan Hand Axe, but I was dumb and forgot to pack extra knives and ran out at the end of 6-1.

1-7: 10 turns

Nolan promotes, and basically him and Micaiah clear one side, Sothe takes the middle, the green units run up the other side, and then we kill the boss and capture. Volug cowers behind everyone.

1-8: 7 turns, Nailah and Tormod Used, 7+10=17

Clarify here, Nailah and Rafial both give a penalty of 6, right? They don't count as one unit, right? Otherwise I am fucking pissed. Rushed the boss area with Sothe and Nolan who kill everything, then potshotted the Dracoknight with Micaiah, and cleared the rest with Tormod and Nailah.

1-9: 12 turns

How the fuck does everyone do this?

1-E: Not complete yet


You know what's easy? Beating this chapter with Bricaiah, lolSothe and Chuck "I am better than Tauroneo right now, no fucking joke" Nolan.

You know what's hard? Not having Volug attacked by enemies in this chapter. Especially if you, say, want some items, or want to finish the chapter in any brief amount of time.

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