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Fire Emblem: True or False?


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Just me trying to burn some time. You can consider it a mini-quiz, survey or something else : o

Previous TOF statements

1. The Divine Dragons are directly referenced in FE7.

True --- (9 votes [37.50%])

False -- (15 votes [62.50%])

True: In the final chapter, Nergal claims that Athos conspired with the Divine Dragons to drive him out of Arcadia. In the English version, Nergal only mentions them as "dragons" though.

2. Lyn, Eliwood and Hector mode were originally going to be called Easy, Normal, Hard mode.

True --- (6 votes [25.00%])

False -- (18 votes [75.00%])

Probably True: According to this interview, it was initially planned for there to be three difficulty levels (Easy, Normal, Hard), distinguished by different main characters. However, instead of just calling them Easy, Normal, Hard mode, they figured it would be better to refer to them as Lyn, Eliwood, Hector's story. Also, leaked documents from IS refer to Hector's story as "Hard mode". Similarly, Eliwood's story dialogue can be identified by a "N" suffix.

3. You must transfer FE9 data to obtain the "Soren" Base Conversation in FE10.

True --- (21 votes [87.50%])

False -- (3 votes [12.50%]

Unknown, but the common consensus is True: According to one of the Japanese official guidebooks, one of the criteria to obtain the conversation is to transfer a FE9 A Support between Ike and Soren. However, there has been at least one

that this step is not completely necessary.

4. Vaida used to be one of Bern's Three Wyvern Generals.

True --- (12 votes [52.17%])

False -- (11 votes [47.83%])

False: In her support conversations with Karla, Vaida boasts about being one of Bern's Wyvern Generals. However this is the result of a misleading translation. In the original, Vaida actually states that she is known as the "Wyvern Fang General".

5. Lucius was the owner of the orphanage that Lugh, Ray and Chad grew up in.

True --- (12 votes [52.17%])

False -- (11 votes [47.83%])

Not stated explicitly, but the signs point to True: In Lucius's unpaired character ending, he sets up an orphanage in Araphen, which is also where Lugh, Ray and Chad's orphanage is situated. Also, in Lugh and Chad's Talk conversation in Chapter 3, Lugh says that once he borrowed a Fire tome from the orphanage owner , which may be referring to Lucius's ability to use magic (granted, Bishops don't wield Anima tomes). In addition, the Q and A section on the official site claims that a character closely related to Lugh, Ray and Chad appears in FE7 (could be Nino, but Chad has no connection to her).

6. The "El" in Elfire stands for "Large".

True --- (5 votes [21.74%])

False -- (18 votes [78.26%])

Unknown, but there is evidence that suggests it to be True: The sound data from the GBA FEs refers to Elfire as "LFire" multiple times. However, this could simply be the interpretation of the sound staff and also there is no such reference in other games.

Edited by VincentASM
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I was intending on adding some more true/false statements, but I didn't have as much time as I thought. I might add some more another day ^^;;;


Updated with some new TOF statements.

Edited by VincentASM
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True, True, False

1, I don't know much about this as I do with number three, but I'm voting true here.

2, true, It states in his non-paired ending that he goes to Araphen and founds an orphanage there. Couple that with the possibility that when Louie and Chad both talk about "Father" they might have meant to say "Father Lucius."

3, False, I don't know much about this really. I kinda see it (the "El" as in "Elfire") as FE's version of FF's "ra" spells. (Like Fira, which I see as Elfire's FF counterpart.)

lucius ran away with raven
More like Raven did some jobs as a mercenary to raise some money to help Lucius with his orphanage.
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