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The Last Promise

Crimson Red

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any tips for the Galagar chapter? this doesn't seem so bad, but i'm expecting a dick move

If you are talking about the phase where he starts warping around, here's a handy hint to know: He is quite predictable in where he will warp and once you get his pattern memorized, he is cake. If you want to get him over to the throne faster, you can attack one of the valkyries through the wall. This will cause him to perceive you as a threat and warp back to the throne. Also, while he is warping, he will only move if you get in his range, and will also not move on the same turn he warps.

As for anything else, getting to Frederick and Rachel is easy enough if you just keep on moving and send one of your lords eastward. Remember, they only appear after turn 10, of which it is possible to have killed every enemy in that area before then.

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any tips for the Galagar chapter? this doesn't seem so bad, but i'm expecting a dick move

Galagar warps around a little, but he really isn't much of a threat. He only warped once in my playthrough, then went back to the throne. I didn't bother taking the left side of the map; Frederick and Rachel appear on the right side, so it's easier to just clear out the right side. If you have a Super Rifle, give it to Gary and let him destroy everything. ^_^

I do think it's pretty wierd how there's a huge diversity of Bows, but you really don't get any good Bow-users aside from Lyam and Gary. :/

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Galagar warps around a little, but he really isn't much of a threat. He only warped once in my playthrough, then went back to the throne. I didn't bother taking the left side of the map; Frederick and Rachel appear on the right side, so it's easier to just clear out the right side. If you have a Super Rifle, give it to Gary and let him destroy everything. ^_^

I do think it's pretty wierd how there's a huge diversity of Bows, but you really don't get any good Bow-users aside from Lyam and Gary. :/

while its a good romhack, i can notice several stuff that might be due to being rushed to be released. The bow thing you mentioned for one, and the uselessness of afew characters like Arthur.

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while its a good romhack, i can notice several stuff that might be due to being rushed to be released. The bow thing you mentioned for one, and the uselessness of afew characters like Arthur.

Arthur's always been useless. It's just part of who he is as a character.

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Hey Arthur is great. He's a reliable Bishop but he does suffer from low luck but he is decently built for me. Currently using him and Liquid and they are being useful for me.

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Train him in Seig mode and when he comes back just feed him a few kills mine was level 11 when he came back.Got him promoted by C24 because shit I am lazy at it.

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... so who's this Jeff guy, and why is he Leopold's wife? (I think you missed a few details editing Pent/Louise, lol)

where exactly in the game did this show up? not going to change it if I don't know where it is

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I've been playing this and I really like it ^^'. What is the name of the song in chapter 6? It's so good o3o. Two more questions from me. How many tomes and staves should I buy for Arthur and Tamiko in chapter 6? Staves run out very fast for me. When do I get the convoy?

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@Maiden you get shops on chapter 9 and 10 IIRC so plan accordingly; how much you use certain units is up to you, not me XP

you don't get the convoy for a long while :|

@Shugey that's weird but I guess I'll check it out later (as in like, probably in a month or two <_>)

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Try using Liquid next.......I'm going to try to use Sai my next run.......actually I plan to use all the "underdogs" from this hack next playthrough.

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Garbage characters are garbage

a little insight into my mind

if I ever make another hack

every character in it is going to be a major, important character. One that is unique, "good", useful, has a personality that at least seems like someone put a little effort into it, etc.

I can spray Febreze over a pile of shit as much as I want but in the end it's still shit which is made out of shit and smells like shit

in other words I could just boost Arthur's and Sai's growths but I don't feel like even giving them that much dignity when their existences feel so meager and pointless (Liquid's actually a kind of cool character for the one chapter he appears in to start with... and then he just freaking disappears and doesn't reappear until chapter 21, where he doesn't even say anything when he joins up >_>).

yeah yeah I'm flawed logic but I just feel hella lazy right now and my moody ass feels like taking this kind of approach atm

ask me tomorrow and my perfectionism will kick in and I'll spend all-night releasing a new patch that fixes everything... just kidding I love my sleep <3

Edited by soiweuqjasdklirewvxzcbnm
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Garbage characters are garbage

a little insight into my mind

if I ever make another hack

every character in it is going to be a major, important character. One that is unique, "good", useful, has a personality that at least seems like someone put a little effort into it, etc.

in other words I could just boost Arthur's and Sai's growths but I don't feel like even giving them that much dignity when their existences feel so meager and pointless (Liquid's actually a kind of cool character for the one chapter he appears in to start with... and then he just freaking disappears and doesn't reappear until chapter 21, where he doesn't even say anything when he joins up >_>).

I prefer the random nobodies that aren't integral to the plot at all! On Liquid, I was honestly surprised when it was decided that he'd stay alive and be recruitable. I didn't see it coming at first.

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in other words I could just boost Arthur's and Sai's growths but I don't feel like even giving them that much dignity when their existences feel so meager and pointless (Liquid's actually a kind of cool character for the one chapter he appears in to start with... and then he just freaking disappears and doesn't reappear until chapter 21, where he doesn't even say anything when he joins up >_>).

And whose fault is that?

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