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The Last Promise

Crimson Red

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I liked the dialogue, because it felt realistic while covering the points. No offence, but some of the other dialogue seemed cheezy while I was playing the last version (4.6 I believe). The one thing I'd recommend on this one is have portraits fade on screen for longer, or slide on screen. At 2:41, it seemed weird when Kelik suddenly turned into Anakin. Also, at 3:24, I'd slide Seigfried back when Kelik appears, so it doesn't look like he's eating Kelik's hair. Keep up the good work.

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Oh boy, a myriad of useless gimmicky "modes." Just what the game needed?

More modes, the better. ^_^

I'm really not sure who is the bigger dumbass; Zane or Leopold. I think we can safely say that they're both retarded now. And will the new modes be per-playthrough, or will it be possible to play multiple modes at the same time (Like Unknown with Mystery?)

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I can't even begin to explain how terrible that philosophy is. Quality > Quantity. I'd like one mode that's really well-done over several crappy gimmick modes.

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It will probably be multiple patches released per version. Which means if you really wanted to, you could just apply whichever mode you want at whatever time you feel. It's the most likely way of doing it :/

I can't even begin to explain how terrible that philosophy is. Quality > Quantity. I'd like one mode that's really well-done over several crappy gimmick modes.

Isn't that what Elibian Nights is... several gimmicky ways of playing?

Edited by Celice
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Isn't that what Elibian Nights is... several gimmicky ways of playing?

Yes, because individual chapters is clearly the equivalent of adding 2 move to everyone without changing map design at all.


Fixed? That's actually a good idea. Unknown Mode is weirdly named. The rest just seem like useless weight.

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False equivalency much? Having varying chapter styles and a different format for your game = shoveling out Radiance Mode, Infintie Weapons Mode, and all this other shit.

Could you try making sense for a change? That might be nice.

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Isn't that what Elibian Nights is... several gimmicky ways of playing?

Let's see... Rout chapters, kill boss chapters, seize throne chapters, survival chapters, visit villages... ...

Yeah, you're right. It's all a bunch of useless gimmicks never before used in FE. Terrible.

Edited by The Blind Archer
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Isn't that what Elibian Nights is... several gimmicky ways of playing?


that makes sense, yeah having different stories = having different modes

not sure if you played FE7(probably the japanese version), but hector /mode/ and eli /mode/ are the same story. EN is different stories but the same /mode/.

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False equivalency much? Having varying chapter styles and a different format for your game = shoveling out Radiance Mode, Infintie Weapons Mode, and all this other shit.

You're the only one that's said they're the same... and I'm not sure why you are :/ The content in Elibian Nights is delivered in a much different manner than this hack. The only thing that's shared across the two is that they're featuring gimmicks as addendum to the gameplay. In Elibian Nights, it's something about several sub stories. In here... it's apparently different ways of playing the game, with augmented experiences if desired. Two different gimmicks, yet gimmicks all the same.

Yeah, you're right. It's all a bunch of useless gimmicks never before used in FE. Terrible.

Never said they were useless ^_^

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You're the only one that's said they're the same... and I'm not sure why you are :/ The content in Elibian Nights is delivered in a much different manner than this hack. The only thing that's shared across the two is that they're featuring gimmicks as addendum to the gameplay. In Elibian Nights, it's something about several sub stories. In here... it's apparently different ways of playing the game, with augmented experiences if desired. Two different gimmicks, yet gimmicks all the same.

And in first person shooters there's this gimmick where you look through the eyes of the protagonist and shoot in different directions to kill people. /sorry to Blazer and mods for offtopic

Edited by deranger
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I can't even begin to explain how terrible that philosophy is. Quality > Quantity. I'd like one mode that's really well-done over several crappy gimmick modes.

Considering they're completely optional and don't detract from the main game, more is merrier in this case.

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And in first person shooters there's this gimmick where you look through the eyes of the protagonist and shoot in different directions to kill people. /sorry to Blazer and mods for offtopic

The genre itself is so established that it's no longer a gimmick. An FPS gimmick would be the inclusion of Half-Life's Gravity Gun, which grants new applications to be explored through the FPS gameplay. Or changing up the point of the FPS, such as BioShock, which tethers itself more to exploration and story than shooting alone.

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Considering they're completely optional and don't detract from the main game, more is merrier in this case.

I second this. I mean it's not like Blazer has gun to your forehead and is making you use each one against your own will, so I don't really see any problem.

Edit: Except for infinite stat boosters. That would be pretty broken.

Edited by ThatGuyDownTheStreet
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You compared the two things, Celice, thus creating that assumed equivalency between the two things (which you then walked back on). By your definition, nearly everything's a gimmick. Okay, I use a formatting gimmick then. I structure my game differently than the main series, that's my gimmick. My gimmick, however, at least adds to the uniqueness and is integral to the game. These patches are just pointless, gimmmicky, slight variations that, barring fixed stat mode, are based on silly premises.

I'd propose doing just two patches: Tactics Universe and Tactics Universe (Fixed Mode), those are the only two "modes" worth any merit. Put the DS backgrounds into the main patch already, it's one of the most prominent accomplishments of the hack. Canto? Decide: yes or no. Put it in the game or leave it out if it's not meant to be part of the game. Offering all of these silly little tweaks is a pointless endeavor, and one that adds very little/nothing to the overall experience of the game. Sorry for being so negative about the whole thing, but I'm just offering my unfiltered opinion.

Edited by Arch
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@deranger I agree that my dialog tends to be pretty bad. I'm cheesy and I'm bad at portraying different personalities. If you really analyze my dialog you'll notice that characters tend to talk the same way, and when there ARE differences they are internal, revealing inconsistencies in the way a character speaks. I have a LOT to work on, but at least I'm improving a little. The text codes/transitions are a bit of a nitpick but I'll work on them as much as I can since it's nice to have nice-looking dialog scenes.

@Kitty of Time <3 I was going to put "warp staff" but it occurred to me that most of the high-leveled staves have relatively low-uses. I picked Hammerne because No Decay Mode makes it completely useless. And I'm glad someone got my humor. XDD

As for Fixed Growths, IIRC there's a patch that does it. Though if that doesn't work out it'll get the boot since I'm not putting in too much effort into these and I'm not going to pretend I am, except for Unknown Mode, that will likely take me a few weeks to make.

EDIT: Whoops, accidentally posted early. XD

Oh boy, a myriad of useless gimmicky "modes." Just what the game needed?

Heh, I usually add different modes for my bigger hacks. Makes it more fun when I replay it because I get a similar experience, but one that is a bit more more refreshing in that it has differences. I have no idea if other people care for them but I will likely play each mode at least once just for fun. XD

please tell me you realized this and don't plan on having that

Of course not. Promotion items will also not have infinite uses or else people would promote really early. I thought of Legendary weapons not having infinite uses (for the ones that don't already have infinite uses) but in the end it's just for fun so I don't care if it's a little broken.

I'm really not sure who is the bigger dumbass; Zane or Leopold. I think we can safely say that they're both retarded now. And will the new modes be per-playthrough, or will it be possible to play multiple modes at the same time (Like Unknown with Mystery?)

Haha, at least Leopold managed to fly away and escape. But they both seem to have bad luck picking their friends and foes. >_> You can patch multiple modes onto the same file, so you could have combinations of them; however, some modes might interfere with others (I'm mainly thinking Mystery mode might interfere a little with the others but there's possibly some other problems).

I can't even begin to explain how terrible that philosophy is. Quality > Quantity. I'd like one mode that's really well-done over several crappy gimmick modes.

Ultimately whether you think the real game is done well or not I can't control but I'm putting in a shit load of work into it and going all out. If by some chance I run behind schedule and don't have time to make all the extra modes I'm prepared to sacrifice them so that I can focus on the main mode without making any sacrifices to the quality of that. In other words, I'm not sacrificing Quality in getting Quantity, so I don't particularly see the problem in letting myself have a little extra fun. Granted, if you still think the modes are just gimmicks to get the people to play the game again or something which they aren't in case I didn't make it obvious enough, haha, then you're free to, you know, not use them. ._.

Yet again, it's a "Tales of" Series reference. *sigh*

I thought about the name and I thought things like "Mania, Chaos, Crazy, Insane, or Unknown". Crazy and Insane have extremely bad connotations in my book so I booted those out. Mania, Chaos, and Unknown have all happened to be in Tales games. No matter which I chose someone could claim I was referencing the Tales of series so I figured I was at a loss no matter what. I'm open to new names but I can't think of any good ones that haven't been "taken"... D: I mean in the end it's just an adjective of the English language. Don't get me started on how many times names like Ifrit, Thor, and Basilisk have been used in games

Considering they're completely optional and don't detract from the main game, more is merrier in this case.

Seconding this statement. Oh wait, make that "thirding" since...

I second this. I mean it's not like Blazer has gun to your forehead and is making you use each one against your own will, so I don't really see any problem.

Somebody already seconded it. Not forcing anyone to play it. It's not like I'm claiming to be releasing a totally new video game or feature. Just adding in some more fun for people who might want it, and for those who think it's lame or don't want it, that means less work for them--they don't have to patch as many things. It's also mainly for 2nd playthroughs. XD

Except for infinite stat boosters. That would be pretty broken.

I'm silly, not crazy. XD okay, maybe a little crazy

These patches are just pointless, gimmmicky, slight variations that, barring fixed stat mode, are based on silly premises.

pointless and silly are pretty objective terms so... I don't really have any undeniable reason that they are bad and detract from the game as to NOT include them. At least when someone critiques sprites there's a science to it so unless the artist is going for a specific style that breaks the rules of that science, they can't really deny that their sprite has flaws as judged by the science. However your opinion on the modes is well... just that, an opinion, and there's no real science to making hacks--and it shouldn't be put on the same standard as a professional game in which case these modes would probably be inappropriate.

That being said, I appreciate that you've given the time to share your opinion, but I think after a while you should maybe take it easy. I've heard it and I get where you're coming from. If I wanted to be more "professional" I'd probably just release whichever modes are so unique and innovative that someone would be missing out, whereas at least half of the modes are only tweaks to make the games slightly more interesting. Unfortunately I'm just a kid so I'm going to have as much fun with it as I can, which means making as many little tweaks to entertain myself as I can. I don't follow a professional standard because I am not going to get the most out of the hack that way. XD

I'd propose doing just two patches: Tactics Universe and Tactics Universe (Fixed Mode), those are the only two "modes" worth any merit. Put the DS backgrounds into the main patch already, it's one of the most prominent accomplishments of the hack. Canto? Decide: yes or no. Put it in the game or leave it out if it's not meant to be part of the game. Offering all of these silly little tweaks is a pointless endeavor, and one that adds very little/nothing to the overall experience of the game. Sorry for being so negative about the whole thing, but I'm just offering my unfiltered opinion

Hah, funny, I was least excited about the fixed growths mode. XD

I don't want to have the DS Battle template in the main patch because 1) I've made a new template and 2) I feel like it goes together with the DS Battle Backgrounds. I feel like the normal battle backgrounds are the default and so I want the default patch to have that. I wouldn't want the default battle backgrounds with the DS template so I put the DS template with the DS Battle backgrounds in a separate patch. I also don't think it's that great of an accomplishment, most of the hackers here could do it if they had the motivation and time. Not to mention it's not even 100% complete or else I'd have released it to the public already.

I don't want canto or increased movement but some people do and have asked me to add it. To make those people happy without changing my game, I decided I could help by adding it in a separate patch. I also think it'd be fun to play it and would make some chapters easier because they'd go by slightly faster. (On the contrary some chapters would also be harder since enemies could get to you faster).

I also think that the modes should be reserved for a second play-through. They aren't really meant to add to the game. To me it's almost like using cheat codes. We use cheat codes because even if it's the same story and whatnot, the game changes a little, becoming easier, allowing for some new interesting possibilities. Most of the modes do that, barring Unknown mode, which is just going to be my final attempt at making a ridiculously hard hack. I don't plan on trying to make any hard games after TU, if I make any hacks, so that's just going to be my final hack in which I give it my all to make the game as hard as possible while still -BARELY- beatable.

At least your opinion is unfiltered. It's so much easier to understand people when they don't sweet talk things, or sound vague, or throw in their ego, etc., I think I mostly got your point and I think I see the flaw in what I'm doing from your perspective but I don't work my hacks the same way you do simply because it's not as fun for me and I am more about fun than being professional, usually. I like to be professional but not if it sacrifices my fun, you see? If I can be professional WHILE maximizing fun, well, that would be awesome. XD

Edited by Strawhat Luffy
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