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The Last Promise

Crimson Red

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Well, I think Blazer mentioned working on them on the blog and he put up the Kevin and Rex support, so I'd assume they're underway but not to be seen for months.

But on another note, Something Awful was going to be starting a FE Hacks Thread next week and I already know that the TLP is one of the main ones being shown off . I actually volunteered to do it, but I figured I wouldn't be much good and TLP deserves its dignity. I was wondering if the other person got in contact with you, Blazer so I'm just checking.

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Technically yes they're under way but I haven't had a ton of time and also, I've been working on kind of improving my writing skills in general, to give characters a little more personality and uniqueness XP.

As for Something Awful, I haven't heard anything about this/haven't been contacted about it, though my e-mail is blazer@feshrine.net if it's needed. And tbh, if they're just going to review it or something, I'll let them be, getting involved is probably not a good idea, they can bash it or whatever. XP

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finally found time to go for a playthrough (yeah, spring break!) and while the whole thing is really fun and stuff, there are bits of it that made me a little upset. Like when my 20/20 Cia with max speed got 2hko'd in chapter 24 by some random enemy hero. Also, while I did have enough elysian whips, they came a little late - considering Karina flies in at level 10 and wyverns are so easy to level to begin with, it was like "oh lord what am I supposed to do with this unit, she's so good but getting no exp" etc. All of my magically inclined units were missing some sort of vital stat it seemed - Tamiko died in one hit to literally everything as a 20/13 bishop (nun, something?). Maybe I play a little too recklessly but the difficultly of the game came from the units just not being strong enough to kill other units despite (the attempting of) sharing exp pretty fluidly between the characters.

All in all that was still an amazing experience, no doubt about it.

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The game's a step or two above the average FE game, so most people who try to approach it similarly don't really take well to the difficulty. As for chapter 24, it's the game's infamous difficulty spike that people either beg me to nerf or beg me to keep in lol

Lastly, remember that animate seals can help promote extras and that the game generally doesn't give you enough promotion items to promote one of every unit type by itself because that would be generous to a fault and promotion items would constantly go to waste, meaning if you're going to have a lot of fliers, it's kind of expected you account for it with an animate seal and/or buy another promotion item from a secret shop, if that makes sense.

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Just started playing just a couple chapters in hopefully that's true lol. Most fire emblems are pretty simple. To the point when I get into the grit of making a hack (past the starting general chapters) I almost want to be a jerk when it comes to difficulty. Just to step it up a notch.

Nice to see what can be customized in the game. You've done just about everything it seems even changing the colors of the units map moving arrows lol. Seems legit so far.

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I don't try to be a jerk, but I do expect you to not just expect to be able to rush in and 1-round or even 2-round every enemy in your path. Honestly, you might be still be able to to some extent, and do to the simple AI you can oftentimes just tank, but every chapter has to be played differently, and just because it says "Defeat All" it doesn't mean you'll be roflstomping everything, it just means at some point you're going to have to defeat all the enemies. (Paralogue... 17 I believe, of FE13, the one where you defend Tiki, is a good example: it's a lot easier IMO to play defensively and shield Tiki for several turns, then AFTER the reinforcements are done, finish off the enemies, as opposed to trying to just attack them, though part of that has to do with the fact that enemies will bypass your own guys just to attack Tiki, lol.)

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This is some seriously good stuff. I have to say this even if it was written so much, but it's really a nice game, I'm not even calling it a "hack", this is a game. A lot harder than FE7 but the story is much more interesting (FE7 fails for characters' development and a lot of "character has the power to fulfill his target, but uses stupid alternative ways to do so), the end of the Prologue is bittersweet at the variouses characters' endings instead of cheerful and happy and I loved it. I stopped playing it for two weeks so I'm a little lost, but I'll go back in track.

By now I'm in chap 20 which I find ridicously hard without turtling like mad, I'm particularly angry these days so I just Save Stomped for the entire chapter LOL, but I'm gonna replay it from top to bottom at the end of this PT. Right now I'm boss abusing a little just to rise my lv18-19 characters to 20 and I'm seriously thinking I don't have enough Elysian Whips. I have 2 by now, how much of them will I get in the future? I searched for the usual secret shop in the walkthrough but I couldn't find it, even on google, so I fear I might get screwed...

BTW, by this point, is buying Iron weapons reliable? I'm a little short on money but Irons are starting to become weak as well, and I'm used to regular GBA's FEs where they are good until endgame, so I don't wanna get screwed in that too...

Oh, much praise for the music selection. not only it seems like a wonderful JRPGs-and-others funfic music selection, but it's like MY fanfic music selection. When I heard Kelik's His World I couldn't believe the coincidence of tastes :D

Good work man!!

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Well that's about all you can ask for. (Though I'm probably still going to be a jerk to an extent lol)

How are you money screwed? Blazer was pretty generous with you getting money too.......

along with Master Seals......... Also by that point you may want to move away from Iron...

use all Silver, and and more effective weapons although you could get away with using Iron Axes though

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oh yeah idk if I mentioned but the game isn't setup exactly like other FE's so if you assume it is and play it that way you'll hurt yourself more than anything, while the fundamentals are the same it is set up in slightly different ways so you have to play it accordingly (also I try to be very generous about money/items because I don't like having no money and crap, to me, updating equipment should be easy, games where I have to struggle doing so annoy me >_>')

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Okay I played through this finally...

The biggest problem is YOU MAKE US WAIT FOREVER FOR THE CONVOY. You desperately need it several chapters before you get it. I could say the same thing about BATTLE PREPARATIONS. Please make both come sooner.

The difficulty spike is dumb. Some chapters are super ultra free, some are hard, and then the difficulty spikes out of nowhere. You have to ease players into that with some chapters that have solid promoted units before it instead of swarms of noobs.

You need more in-game hints for the sidequests and and secrets and all that stuff.

As for the characters...

Sigfried needs some monster growths, namely in Str and Skl, if he's going to start at that level and with those caps. Arthur, Liquid, and Storm need to rejoin earlier or get auto-leveled a LOT. Sai is completely unusable with that joining time and those bases. Have him join earlier or level him up a lot more. It's almost impossible to save Rachel. At least make her start on a pillar and give her a slight stat buff. Lirin needs a huge Spd buff. Risk's Spd base is embarrassing and I hope it's just an oversight. Lyam's EXP gains need to be fixed cuz he can't be used as is. Haas is mostly okay but if his Spd base is going to be that bad, he needs a big buff to the growth.

Siegfried's death bothered me a lot because he's my favorite character and I used the best stat booster in the game on him right before he was killed off in the story. Killing off a unit you've been using is a little harsh in a game like FE. Not sure what you can do about this, but I don't think his death should be permanent considering someone might do what I did only to get screwed by it.

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The biggest problem is

The biggest problem is that you come off as too pushy and arrogant, acting like I have to listen to what you say. I know better, but it's still a serious turn-off. If you're going to make a suggestion, you could try not to be all "YOU NEED TO DO THIS BECAUSE I LIKE GAMES TO BE THIS WAY AND YOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO ME", you know? Most people do a pretty good job and we get along pretty well.

That aside, I disagree with almost everything you say: it seems you want as little effort to be put into playing the game as possible--the convoy should come earlier so you don't have to manage your inventory, battle preparations should come earlier so you don't have to protect units you don't want to use/actually trade items actively during chapters, difficulty spikes (that have already been reduced significantly) should be balanced so that the game's difficulty is bland and increases at a predictable and steady rate that presents no sense of thrill or realism (why must enemies always level-up just enough to match your own guys?), secrets should be less secretive and all be obtained on the 1st playthrough because who needs to actually do experimentation or have the thrill of finding out secrets that are only fun BECAUSE they're obscure, and any character that you think is poor needs to be balanced so that everybody's on the "amazing" tier and takes little to no effort to train and make use of. ...Yeah, no...

Your attitude and approach are also rather frustrating, so even if it you had good criticisms, I'd be inclined to take offense and not listen.



the spoiler

...wow, that's an all-time low

complaining about something that happens in the story just because your personal experience got hurt by it... and expecting me to change it just because of that... -__________- I can't facepalm myself hard enough for this

Siegfried's death bothered me a lot because he's my favorite character and I used the best stat booster in the game on him right before he was killed off in the story. Killing off a unit you've been using is a little harsh in a game like FE. Not sure what you can do about this, but I don't think his death should be permanent considering someone might do what I did only to get screwed by it.

That's part of the game. If you didn't like it, you should have said "I don't like this" and put the game down right there instead of bitching to me about it. Or do you actually go complaining to the creators of every game when they do something you don't like? >_>' What kind of death would it be if it didn't actually change anything, if it didn't have a big impact? Also, this isn't FE, this is The Last Promise. Please don't put me to your own standards or the standards of other games. It might use the FE engine, but I was the one who designed the general gameplay, so you shouldn't expect it to play out just like another Fire Emblem game. Heck, that'd be pretty boring in my opinion, since the most fun part of hacking to me is coming up with fun, refreshing gameplay.

I probably shouldn't have even responded to this but it's too hard to spend a thousand some hours working for free for my own enjoyment only to have someone tell me that I need to change the game to fit their own selfish desires

At least be like the other people and actually give critique that benefits other people and is reasonable for me to act on, I might not take all suggestions but I appreciate to some extent even the ones I don't act on, if it shows that they put thought into what they said and they ultimately just want a more enjoyable game experience. This makes me think you're either spoiled or a troll.

If you're just looking for a solution to your problems though and thought that saying have to this and need to that would get you it

well, learn how to hack, I actually wrote a tutorial that you have to read if you need to make the game you want it. Please, be my guest, but leave me alone. link

inb4someonesaysIcan'tproperlytakecritique; fine, but this person can't properly give suggestions, either *shot*


Sorry, I was in such trauma from reading that post I forgot to respond to dondon's post:

There's actually an open beta with more bug fixes, a lot of balancing, supports, and the Constellation (the post-game area--the bonus dungeon is a part of that, a series of 10 maps called the Astral Rift) coming... well, hopefully soon, no guarantee.

However, it was true that I sort of quit hacking for a few months, and in general I've mostly quit hacking. I've just been writing supports like crazy (willpower'd through writer's block--then again, I'm not much of a writer XD) and have to write the full epilogue eventually, there's not a ton of hacking left to do though, and most of it is either small or fun hacking, anyway. :P

Edited by Burning Gravity
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Keep up the great work Blazer... you know damn good and well whats best for YOUR game.

Here are a few notes i have for you

Sai can be useful if you spam the shit out of ala nino, but its not as fun

Take off all of Lyams equipment and you get one suave tank/distraction

I think id go gay for Shuuda

Currently Ace is outstanding in EVERY DAMN PLAYTHROUGH and that has given me no reason to use Rex honestly

Eduardo is the Truth

Sometimes the AI can get lucky on Kelik when he is an NPC earlier on... i have seen him gang raped pretty bad

Noah DOES NOT show up the first time for me at all, but promoted later on is okay... i just wanted to know what his little paragraph thingie said after the shit hits the fan and you take control of Anakin

Congrats on IS ripping off your motivation skill XD

Seriously TLP is up there in my top 5 games of all time (1. Final Fantasy Tactics, 2. Resident Evil 2, 3. Chrono Trigger, 4. The Last Promise, 5. Fallout 3)

With these new additions you can seriously wreak havoc on that list, but im one fan, im sure its not that important to you.

Anywho, i cant wait to try out the open beta bro!

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Rex is good though, just as good as Ace if not better.

Sorry I don't know what Noah's part one ending says at the top of my head.

IS didn't really rip off it though I made a joke about it in a blog post

Also I don't like the idea of making the secrets less secretive... There are definitely hints and it kind of ruins the whole point of them if the hints aren't subtle IMO. To me, the fun of them is the trial and error, the experimentation, and thrill of finding them. But if you can't find them, that's what the guides are for. ^_^

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Ace seems to be average-ish for me. Rex is nice because of his nice base strength and all. And high luck, preventing random crits lategame and adding avoid.

Sai is a pain, but I do it anyways because axemen.

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