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The Last Promise

Crimson Red

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Luckily I have a savestate on ch.5, so I'll go ahead and do it again. And Is there anything really important in ch.5x? I don't want to start ch.5 again.

Whatever is there, it'll be gone by the end of Lyn Mode.

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I just now upgraded my old save from Version 3.1 to the newest, but stats didn't transfer correctly, like Tekun having 2 Speed and Kevin being faster than his Defence. I'll attach the save if you need to do anything to it to fix it.Hopefully I don't have to start over- Tamiko was the bulkiest cleric ever...

Tactics Universe.zip

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altamaternatively you could just load a savestate of where you were (make one using the previous version if you have to) and then use that with the new version to get the stats stored correctfully.

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Found a spelling error at the beginning of Chapter 20, the a and t in unfortunately are switched.


You mean the 'a' and the 'n' as in "unfortunately". I love forum spell check.

Edited by deranger
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^Thanks for that, didn't catch that. Unfortunately I lost all my hacking stuff though since my computer broke (see blog) so I won't be fixing that or anything else for a long while... >_>

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Well, read your blog and I am here to say that I feel sorry for everything that has happened. At least you can restart your work from the most recent patch when you get a new computer, that way at least you don't have to do everything over.

Good luck to you on everything, I hope that you are able to recover from this situation and I hope things start to go in your favor.

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At the end of Chapter 1, when Sigfried talks to Gordon, Gordon't talk bubbles come from behind Sigfried.Also, why does it say the six heroes as opposed to the eight heroes in the introduction blurb.

Love the hack, though the lack of archers, and general non sword/lance users in the beginnings makes me sad.

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Don't mean to bug you some more but, I was on ch.21( just started and savestated) and I got off the game and went to bed. The next day (oh, btw, I started on ch.14 then gotten my way through to 21) I went on again and I was sent back to ch.14ohmy.gifFacepalm_emote_gif.gif. I saved after every chapter, and savestated whenever I needed to. I don't know why this only happens to medry.gif.... (Btw, I love that little conversation there with Anakin and Kelik,-

Anakin: "What does the merchant say about his money level?"

Kelik: "Its over NINE THOUSAND!!!!"

Anakin:" What over nine thousand!?" *obtained 9001 gold* XD.gif Oh that was great..... Except my data sending me back to ch.14 when I was on 21.dry.gif The hack is the best I've played( in my opinion, its better than Mage Knight 404's 'A Sacred Dawn.' Another great hack, but yours doesn't involve the real story at all is is amazingly awesome. Keep up the great work Blazer!

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(Btw, I love that little conversation there with Anakin and Kelik,-

Anakin: "What does the merchant say about his money level?"

Kelik: "Its over NINE THOUSAND!!!!"

Anakin:" What over nine thousand!?" *obtained 9001 gold* XD.gif Oh that was great...

Apart from killing what was approaching an almost-serious plotline, utterly destroying all tension and/or development in the story, finally nullifying the fond memories of the sweet spot of the game and being a tired, overused and mostly dead meme?

Well, I suppose it might be considered such.

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Hmm, that's a weird glitch. I don't know what's going on. But I'll keep an open mind about any chapter-transferring things...

And I suggest downloading v1.8.0 of VBA on the VisualBoyAdvance homepage, and deleting whatever old version of VBA you have, unless you aren't using VBA (in which I don't have any suggestions for you).

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I never did a data transfer, I have the most recent patch( the one that goes up to ch.21{I think since because I never completed that map}) And I don't know who to do a data transfer but I'll learn when the final patch is released. Btw, do you have any clue when that is?

Edited by Big FE fan
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That really sucks Blazer. Your mom broke your computer with everything on it(I know that feeling, my mom snap my DS Fat in TWO! She throw it against the side of my computer side and it snapped in two with Mario & Luigi Partners in Time while I battling the final boss with an insanely good team too....). I hope everything comes back.....

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None of it is coming back. I don't have $500+ to spend on getting the data recovered. So there goes hundreds of hours of my life in a minute... compared to a fat DS, losing my computer and everything on it is a LOT worse, IMO...

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That thing was brilliant, and I'm not joking.....

I mean, there were flaws for sure, but

I thought that it was sort of an interesting variation on FE4's plot with FE7 elements.

However, the best thing I've ever seen FE wise, that I can think of, was MK404's playthrough of FE5 where he screamed out for Linoan. Or the fact that no one seems to no who to pair Ike with (my pick? Soren or Lethe, but why not some others?)

Edited by SeverIan
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None of it is coming back. I don't have $500+ to spend on getting the data recovered. So there goes hundreds of hours of my life in a minute... compared to a fat DS, losing my computer and everything on it is a LOT worse, IMO...

I'm really hoping you're not throwing out random numbers and not trying to recover the data yourself... or just quoting some business that wants your money.

Unless your harddrive was rammed through some magnetic fire and brimstone, you should be able to recover whatever completely on your own. The likliness of recovering these random files you like aren't very low you know :newyears:

Edited by Celice
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None of it is coming back. I don't have $500+ to spend on getting the data recovered. So there goes hundreds of hours of my life in a minute... compared to a fat DS, losing my computer and everything on it is a LOT worse, IMO...

I know its nothing compared to a laptop but I just thought I'd bring it up to tell you your not the only one whom his mom destroys there things. Again, I'm sorry that incident occurred.

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I got a new computer.

...That's about it for good news on this front. >_>

@Celice another place said $700. And unfortunately, I know what I'm doing, and it's not something I can do myself. Oh wait I just contradicted myself, in terms of recovering the data myself, I have no idea what I would do lol (aside from the standard take-out-harddrive-and-put-it-elsewhere-then-recover-data trick).

In case that didn't make sense (very likely considering the time), it's not recoverable without a special data backup facility capable of breaking up the harddrive into very small parts and doing who knows what to get data back bit-by-bit. Or something like that. I sent it in twice with the same analysis to two very trustworthy places so... I'm convinced that even if it's not a $500 job, it's definitely not a $50 job, or something I can do...

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Kay, what exactly did happen to the hard drive?

Also, did you ever once use a secondary storage device to work on your project elsewhere, like a public computer at a school or someone else's laptop or computer? Even if you think you deleted it off that secondary storage, the data is still likely to be on there and can be recovered. There's a bunch of free programs that will scan your device for any data that's been marked as unused, but still remains on the storage device. Also, though I'm sure it's crossed your mind, have you recently emailed or otherwise uploaded the project for any testers or to show off to others?

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