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What anime/manga are you following right now?


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I keep meaning to start watching both UBW and Parasyte (loved the manga when I read it back in the '90s), but haven't gotten around to it yet, so I guess the only anime I'm actively following is Sailor Moon Crystal.

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I need to start the new UBW series :(

Currently rewatching DragonBall and lamenting how most of these characters faded in prominence in z again.

I agree. While I love DBZ at the end everyone was Sayian or Piccolo.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i haven't been too interested in Anime anymore for a while now. So, my skills at finding new shows have rusted a bit. Maybe someone here can help.

I just finished watching Angel Beats for the second time and I cried like a little bitch. Now I really want to find something new that will do the same to me. Something emotional, sad, maybe even tragic. I've also enjoyed the likes of Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica, Steins;Gate and Jigoku Shoujo for example. Any recommendations?

(I might start rewatching Clannad if I find nothing)

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I'd say Psycho Pass over Berserk; it's a more satisfying anime to watch because it actually has a definite conclusion.

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started psycho pass s1; it's p cool

been having way too many issues watching it on my phone tho
it's really aggravating
even html5 videos are being troublesome

also /late but

i haven't been too interested in Anime anymore for a while now. So, my skills at finding new shows have rusted a bit. Maybe someone here can help.
I just finished watching Angel Beats for the second time and I cried like a little bitch. Now I really want to find something new that will do the same to me. Something emotional, sad, maybe even tragic. I've also enjoyed the likes of Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica, Steins;Gate and Jigoku Shoujo for example. Any recommendations?
(I might start rewatching Clannad if I find nothing)

if you're still looking: Princess Tutu imo

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Just finished Gundam SEED, that overhyped piece of angsty sorrow and flashback. I don't even speak Japanese, but I could tell the voice acting was bad, as it was in English as well.

At least G-Gundam's plot was hilariously bad as was the voice acting to enjoy it the same way I enjoyed Troll 2, but Gundam SEED was just... ugh

My brother in law says Destiny is a lot more angsty, which should be a ball for me, seeing as it's apparently is a rip off/total destruction of my favourite series, Zeta.


Can we get an acoustic cover of this up in this bitch?!

Edited by Maji
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Well i finished watching Cowboy Bebop, which was a lovely anime to watch, and have now started Samurai Champloo on the basis of suggestions and it being an anime made by the same guys as Cowboy Bebop. I must say, i like the mindless violence that occurs, and particularly like the mindless Mugin

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Donten ni Warau

I didn't think a series I just started watching around 3 hours ago could affect me this much but it did. Like wow, I got attached to the characters really quickly. I'm at episode 11 and holy shit, this series took me for a ride

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Well i finished watching Cowboy Bebop, which was a lovely anime to watch, and have now started Samurai Champloo on the basis of suggestions and it being an anime made by the same guys as Cowboy Bebop. I must say, i like the mindless violence that occurs, and particularly like the mindless Mugin

Now you can move onto Kids On The Slope after SC!

watching Macross Frontier atm, this art style is pretty horrible but aside from that it's pretty good. I can't stand looking at Ranka, it's actually pretty annoying how ridiculous she looks.

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I'd say Psycho Pass over Berserk; it's a more satisfying anime to watch because it actually has a definite conclusion.

I finished watching Berserk a few days back, I really started enjoying it, until near the ending, where they COMPLETELY RUINED IT! to meet up with the starting. It could have been SUCH a great anime, but it wasn't. I also watched Psycho pass a few days ago and even though I hate gore, I really liked the anime

I love gore and splatter or romance :/

if both is employed like in another, school days , corpse party or mirai nikki then the anime is perfect :D

watch Shiki then, it is pretty good

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Okay started Psycho Pass 2

-I hate Shimotsuki. like a lot. I could write a whole essay on why

-love Akane <3

-I actually really like Ginoza now

-Togane looks suspicious as fuck

-Hinakawa is rly cute

-Yayoi is amaze as always and newbie is totally gay for her tbh

-I prefer Makishima to Kamui ngl

-I feel like Kamui is to Akane as Makishima was for Kogami

edit: finished it wow okay. i still hate shimotsuki

[spoiler=season 2 spoilers]i knew togane was going to be bad, thanks opening

i'm kinda sad that the enforcers didn't have much screentime this season

kamui wasn't really that bad as far as villains go, i'm kinda sad he died in the way he did. the things he did were pretty awful but towards the end i thought he was okay. he just wanted to destroy sibyl, kinda like makishima, but i think he was mroe serious about actually achieving his goal while makishima just wanted to watch the system crash and entertain himself

i missed kogami but i felt like the season did fine without him. wished it could've been stretched out into 22 episodes like the last season because it felt rushed imo

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Rage, I just started on the first season of Stardust Crusaders.


So SAO2 ended last night and I just watched it.

I must say that it was arguably worse than SAO1

But I feel like Siune was one of the best written characters in the series despite her complete lack of development until 1/2 through the FINAL episode of the show.

And Shinon, but we all know what SAO does to characters that have a decent background and plot potential.

Also, I got a MAL (http://myanimelist.net/profile/Elieson). Feel free to support / friend it / critique it / whatever. Proto's been giving me suggestions, so the more the merrier. Maybe i'll rememebr it if i keep track of stuff on here since my random .txts in My Documents can only go so far

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