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(FE7) Drafting Tourney for FE7


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Well that makes my choice all the easier. I was having a hell of an internal debate about whether or not to actually take Canas, and now I don't have to worry about it.

Dart and Louise

Hmm, I too was thinking hard on Dart/Canas, but I'm glad to be of help.

My last-but-one choice of unit will be... Jaffar.

Onto you, rslfan:









1. Balcerzak - Pent, Matthew, Sain, Heath, Bartre, Dart, Louise

2. Razgriz - Prissy, Oswin, Guy, Ninian, Rebecca, Canas, Jaffar

3. rslfan - Serra, Eliwood, Lyn, Legault, Karel, Farina

4. Tino - Raven, Lowen, Lucius, Dorcas, Florina, Geitz

5. oval - Erk, Harken, Kent, Fiora, Hawkeye, Isadora

Balcerzak, I can safely assume you will be left with Karla, unless someone wants to screw themselves over.

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Why aren't the lords all free choices?

It's HHM for one, where Hector is the only Lord that is used in every chapter. The other Lords aren't needed so much, and by doing so, allows there to be 40 units to spread out between 5 people. I personally don't mind not using Eliwood and Lyn, anyway.

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I already started planning before we started picking. Not necessarily with supports, because this is a speed runthrough after all, but with diversity. So I wanted one absolutely pwnage unit (Raven), at least one unit capable of healing and attacking (Lucius), at least one 'tank' (Lowen), etc. And I have those, as well as a very diverse team. The only mistake I made was picking Geitz >_>

Oh, and I guess this sucks a little bit for oval, but I pick Rath.

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True. We'll be lucky to get up to B supports with this type of run...

Oval's technically picked his two, so it's back to you Tino:





1. Balcerzak - Pent, Matthew, Sain, Heath, Bartre, Dart, Louise

2. Razgriz - Prissy, Oswin, Guy, Ninian, Rebecca, Canas, Jaffar

3. rslfan - Serra, Eliwood, Lyn, Legault, Karel, Farina, Wil

4. Tino - Raven, Lowen, Lucius, Dorcas, Florina, Geitz, Rath

5. oval - Erk, Harken, Kent, Fiora, Hawkeye, Isadora, Nils, Vaida

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I was kind of hoping you would pick Nino, but I wouldn't have minded either way.

That's Renault for me, and Karla for Balcerzak.

1. Balcerzak - Pent, Matthew, Sain, Heath, Bartre, Dart, Louise, Karla.

2. Razgriz - Priscilla, Oswin, Guy, Ninian, Rebecca, Canas, Jaffar, Renault.

3. rslfan - Serra, Eliwood, Lyn, Legault, Karel, Farina, Wil, Nino.

4. Tino - Raven, Lowen, Lucius, Dorcas, Florina, Geitz, Rath, Wallace.

5. oval - Erk, Harken, Kent, Fiora, Hawkeye, Isadora, Nils, Vaida.

Shall we begin? What's the rules as far as submitting our data goes? Is there anything we absolutely must submit to this thread as we progress?

Edit: I only counted 7 units for Tino, which one is missing?

Edit 2: Wallace, duh.

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It looks to me like Tino's got the most promising team. Lowen, Dorcas, Flo, Raven, and Lucius all join fairly early, which which is very important for this kind of blitz run. Add in Marcus and Hector, and he'll have most of his team by Whereabouts Unknown. Not being able to use Geitz sucks, but at least that means rslfan can't either, and Tino's got two mounted units for rushes and rescues. Lucius gets C staves upon promotion (you could always promote him early for healing since his offense is so good and his defense will be bad no matter what), and Raven is around for general w1n.

Balc's not looking too shabby either: having Matthew to fight in Ch. 11 will shave off a few turns, and Bartre and Sain are both good early joiners as well. In addition, in a run like this where your characters may end up being a bit underlevelled, Pent and Louise are awesome out of the box, especially with their auto-A support.

Razgriz gets Oswin from the get-go, an early healer in Prissy, and Guy (who with an early promotion could speed things up tremendously, if the RNG is on your side), but eventually Oswin will start huffing and puffing to keep up, Rebecca sucks without being fed lots of earlygame kills, and Jaffar/Renault aren't available until LATE. I guess we'll have to wait and see how much of an effect Ninian has on his turncounts.

Oval may have a slow start since he has only Marcus and Hector until Erk in 14, but he should be able to make it up later since he gets to enjoy a nice handful of ready-to-go prepromotes and gets Nils to shorten VoD and Light.

Rslfan got the short end of the stick IMO. Having Serra from Ch. 12 is awesome, and Eliwood's pretty great with a few levels under his belt (assuming he doesn't get screwed), but Lyn isn't fantastic once the Mani Katti breaks, the Lords are stuck for a while without promotion, he doesn't get to use Geitz, and everyone else on his team either sucks or joins pretty late, or both.

So my prediction: Tino>Balc>Raz>Oval>Rsl

Than again, I could be completely wrong.

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It's good feedback, so it's appreciated. Don't worry about my Oswin though, I will more than likely feed him the boots. Hector doesn't gain any movement from promotion either, but his promotion will no doubt be the last, so I'm not too worried about it.

I've already made a start, on chapter 14 now, about to get Priscilla. Rebecca is Lv4 with 12 battles and 5 wins. Hector is Lv7 with more speed then defense, which is something I've never seen before. Guy is Guy earlygame, so is so far awesome. I hope that strength builds nicely, though. I don't want to rely on Killing Edges all the time...

I believe that I will be promoting many/all of my units earlier than Lv20, which is something I never normally do, and hate doing. This run will be interesting.

Edit: So I've just entered Ch15, and the boss (Heiden?) is already dead by turn 2 (3HKO'd by Marcus with a Javelin), sweet. Free Dragonshield. Everything's killed on turn 5. I <3 my team.

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Can an undrafted, weaponless meatshield heal itself with a vulnerary?

I'm currently on ch17 and have managed to avoid all of my undrafted units from using any weapons or items, but if that's allowed, it would make chapters easier for us. But maybe that's just because I've got Oswin.

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Tino got Florina...in the fifth round? Ridiculous.

IMO, whoever uses flight best will win.

Sadly unless you've abused her in Lyn Mode (which we can't do), she needs to be fed kills as she's Lv4 when she joins, and very fragile, much like Rebecca. But yeah, she soars once she takes off.

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Sadly unless you've abused her in Lyn Mode (which we can't do), she needs to be fed kills as she's Lv4 when she joins, and very fragile, much like Rebecca. But yeah, she soars once she takes off.

I'm talking about rescue shipping, which probably won't need much training. Take Ch16, where she can just toss Hector over the mountains and save ~3 turns.

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Sadly unless you've abused her in Lyn Mode (which we can't do), she needs to be fed kills as she's Lv4 when she joins, and very fragile, much like Rebecca. But yeah, she soars once she takes off.

Since we're talking about a speed runthrough here, even using her flight in combination with rescue makes her incredibly useful from the go, despite not being able to fight very well yet. Having that very early does give me an advantage, I'd say.

edit: ninja'd

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Warning: Chapter 13 is really tricky. My team is Hector, Marcus, Eliwood, Oswin and Matt and I'm having real problems with it. This is from my Gamefaqs pool, though.

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