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It looks pretty good but there are a few things that jump out at me... but I'll post those tomorrow when my head is not full of math. Something bothers me about the proportions and I'm not really sure what.

Also: requisite "you are mad, sir." Given that I am also quite mad, I'd know.

Edited by Darth Lacuna
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.....Firstly I'd like to call you insane, and I'm not complimenting or criticizing your work at all. You sound like some madman who's been awake for the past 2 weeks and drinking gallons of coffee a day, and I got that impression before you started typing in caps. Get some sleep, eternal sleep if possibleOn to the splice~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I'm no expert on splicing, and what little I do know of comes from GBA mug splicing, and even then I don't sprite sprites, or half/full bodies. But I'll list my problems anywayThe first thing that I shook my head at after your hyper-ness is the lighting, I'm not too fussy when it comes to lighting when splicing myself, but the darkness of your shoulder/chest peice, is a hell of a lot darker then the hip/leg pieces. It looks like the chest pieces has gone through many battles, but the hip/leg pieces were just recently purchased. (They look too new) that's their shiny-ness there, but other then that it looks like there's spot lights or something shining up at her from infront of her feet.Combined with the red star, it made me think "clown" or a circus theme at the very least.Something about the grey pants annoys me, not sure what, but I think it'd have looked better if the bottom and top were the same color (red or grey)It might have something to do with the much lighter borderline on the pants as well.Frankly, you didn't get a "wow" factor from me :P I don't know anything in regards to FE9/10 spriting so that probably means nothing to you, but frankly, I had expected more. :PAnyway now that I've whined about it, let the masses come and praise your works I suppose :PEDIT: And since you seem so desperate...."Good work" *Pats the flaming birds head*That would be all :/

Not desperate ... high ... off coffee :blink:

The red star was a Russian theme joke, comrade.

The chest plate is darker because her hand is covering part of it. I probably should have shifted the lighter area to the front more instead of dimming it. Noted for fixing.

I can actually fix most of the problems you mentioned. I posted the sprite as soon as I was finished. Little fixes here and there are ... likely.

Constructive criticism, though I doubt this is constructive criticism is welcome. The better she becomes, the happier I'll be with it :)

It looks pretty good but there are a few things that jump out at me... but I'll post those tomorrow when my head is not full of math. Something bothers me about the proportions and I'm not really sure what.Also: requisite "you are mad, sir." Given that I am also quite mad, I'd know.

You've seen Jills official art way too many times :P

Jills legs are about 30% longer than her head and torso(which in real life is almost a physical impossibility given human diet and environment), whereas I left Irina's legs only 20% longer(which is also highly unrealistic but physically possible, even though extremely rare). I see a woman with proportions like hers maybe 12 times a year, and it are a damn shame :(

Edited by Phoenix
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Oh wow. Very very nice. I wish I could sprite like that. >.< I am curious as to where you managed to get full-body sprites though. No need to actually explain *since I don't sprite, it's meaningless to me*, just curious as to how you did it. Do you design your sprites beforehand? Or do things as you work?

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Oh wow. Very very nice. I wish I could sprite like that. >.< I am curious as to where you managed to get full-body sprites though. No need to actually explain *since I don't sprite, it's meaningless to me*, just curious as to how you did it. Do you design your sprites beforehand? Or do things as you work?

The legs weren't originally sprites at all. They came from Jill Fizzart's FE10 official art picture. I had to make all kinds of little changes to get the legs to get her stance just right. The arms weren't as difficult believe it or not. Her feet were a serious challenge because I had to construct the left foot from Jill's FE9 fanart picture, and the right foot had to be filled in, because it's partially covered by that green logo. The whole sprite is a hybrid of FE9 sprites(her head and hair), FE10 sprites(her torso and arms), and jpg fanart(her legs, hands, wrists, and killer lance).

Toughest project I've done in recent memory :)

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K, let's start with the obvious bits.

1) Where you reconstructed the top of the fluer-de-lis on her hip pad is in need of serious improvement. Define the outline, improve the color matching, and tweak as necessary.


2) Her left foot (on our right) is at very awkward angle, it almost looks like she has a broken ankle to me. It also, like the fluer is badly in want of some sharpening, and better defining. Also you need some general cleanup on aisle three (the foot on our left).


3) The arm looks vaguely cancerous. There's a huge blob of sudden proliferation of colors with no clear gradients for the eye to easily follow, leaving it just a mess.


4) The light source on the breastplate confuses me. Irina has significantly more shadows (see the deep dark zones on our left of the picture), and looks much more ill defined than the original. Surely all of that difference isn't just because you added an arm, which may have minor shadow effects?


5) Obviously more blending work is needed at the immediate site of the splice zone.


6) No picture this time, but the shading on Irina's face is of an odd color, giving her a sort of unhealthy pallor. More normal skintones than that greenish grey are probably called for, unless that was a deliberate choice, in which case we shall have to agree to disagree.

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Everybody's holding me to a higher standard. That's kinda cool :lol:

About her face. That's not how I had it. You've helped to alert me to a glitch in the program I'm using. Thank you.

I'll see what I can do about your suggestions.

Edited by Phoenix
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Oh, I lied, here's a pic for #6 to display what I'm talking about. Your original Irina on the left, the new body splice on the right. The differences should be obvious.


Also, I dunno about what kind of standard, but you did ask for some constructive criticism, so I thought I'll lay out areas that could use some work.

I should have also probably mentioned that this is a ridiculously ambitious idea, and you've already gone further than most sane people would consider. In other words, good job so far.

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So here's what bothered me:


In terms of proportions, the leg length actually looks good. The issue is that the hip armor seems to fit a bit more closely than you'd think it would (look at the yellow and orange lines I drew on there). The original Jill picture's a bit like that too, but the angle of her leg makes it less obvious.

The other thing is the center: the top half of the sprite has a centerline that works fairly well. But after it hits the belt buckle, it seems the center's just a little bit off. If it was just hips and shoulders being on a different angle that would be one thing, but there seems to be a bit of a disconnect here.

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So here's what bothered me:

In terms of proportions, the leg length actually looks good. The issue is that the hip armor seems to fit a bit more closely than you'd think it would (look at the yellow and orange lines I drew on there). The original Jill picture's a bit like that too, but the angle of her leg makes it less obvious.

The other thing is the center: the top half of the sprite has a centerline that works fairly well. But after it hits the belt buckle, it seems the center's just a little bit off. If it was just hips and shoulders being on a different angle that would be one thing, but there seems to be a bit of a disconnect here.

I seem to have a bit of transparency work to finish on the right foot >_<

About the tesset(hip armor). Um ... thin plates? :unsure:

Also, about the center line. I was thinking the same thing originally(off center looking), but then I took a very close look at Jill herself. Part of the reason her bottom half seems to be off to the right is because of the junction where the two thick vertical pant lines are. On a real pair of pants, the design always seems to be asymmetrical(One in the exact center of the pants, and the other off to the left or right of it). On her pants, it's to the left, so the center could seem to be between the two lines, thus giving the impression of an off alignment, but at the same time, Irina is standing like a Quarian, with her legs pushing backwards similar to how some people stand when they're saving energy.

In short, if I put her bottom half to the left to make that area look centered, it will look off in others. It's actually just the illusion the pants give off that's screwing me here XD

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If you didn't see this coming ...


Then you have sorely underestimated my resolve. The Phoenix must always strike multiple times to inflict maximum impression upon the viewer :D

(By the way, I already know the cape it smudgy in certain areas. The fixes didn't all show up in gif format for some weird reason :/

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Nice one again, Phoenix. Your sprites never cease to amaze me.

Unless I were to look at them all day, but that would be boring.

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Sorry I haven't posted any new stuff in awhile. My story needs some more attention as well.

Anyway ...




Stephanie is not featured in the Six Seals story. She is from The Lord of Azure Flame RP by Snowy_One.

Stephanie is a priestess in service to Ivanko. She is considered to be a very hard woman to like, mostly due to her constant complaining about ... anything that comes to mind. She almost never holds back her feelings and is very difficult to calm down.

She is a radical feminist as well.

At the current point in the story she is Ivan's fiancee, an arrangement that he regrets.

Stephanie is based off that proud whiny girl that you hate but would never tell her to her face, because that would be rude and she probably wouldn't even hear you anyway, because she's so busy complaining about how hot it is outside, and that you should have reminded her to dress for warm weather which she'll quickly note that you always forget to do, and then she'll lead off into how irresponsible or insensitive you are, and that you should be more like her ideal vision of you, and that would make her happy, but she's also upset because- ....



Ixion is not featured in the Six Seals story. He is from The Lord of Azure Flame RP by Snowy_One.

Ixion is a Dark Druid in service to Ivanko. He is in charge of nearly everything but the actual mercenaries. He has a very dark and eerie presence which is only magnified by his emotionless, nonchalant, and slightly threatening personality. He does not believe in morality, and he ignores sentimental things altogether. In short, he is uncaring and self serving, able to turn a blind eye to a situation that would bring anyone else to tears. He is disconnected and completely focused on acquiring knowledge. He has no qualms about killing anyone.

Ixion is based off of Sesshomaru from Inuyasha, Nergal from FE7, and typical dark enigmatic characters.

(Lacuna, if you're reading this, does Ixion remind you of the State Military guys in FMA? That wasn't intentional but I noticed that just making his suit blue makes him look like them :unsure::lol: )



This is Zander Devlin as he appears one month after the battle of Garbriel. His old suit is replaced with a new asymmetrical one lacking a right shoulder plate. Whether or not that gives Zander's lance arm more mobility at the cost of protection is uncertain(Added a right shoulder plate on first try, but it looked stupid so I left it off). What is certain is that Zander is at a huge turning point in his life.

(He's a wyvern lord, but he looks a bit like a sage now :lol: )

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Stephanie looks nice. I like Ixion hair color very much and Zander Devlin is just.... Wow. I read his name was Zanser Devil at first. lolz.

Edited by Sharon Rainsworth
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MORE PROFILES!!! :D (Actually just one)

Isotov7.gifIsotov5.gifIsotov-mug-glow.gif(Third pic is iris glow from Proxima bond)


These are pics of my third generation Isotov. Both both appearances are story related, and he'll appear in that order.

Viveka1.gif (will fix up her borders at a later date, for now, just wanted to get the sprite finished)


Viveka is not featured in the Six Seals story. She is a chracter from The Lord of Azure Flame RP, by Snowy_One.

Viveka is a very talented pegasus knight with a gift for accurate long range javelin tossing. Able to send a spear through a bedroom window from nearly two hundred feet away, she is very precise against still targets. She and her pegasus Susann(Sunny) are a devoted unit. Completely focused on her duty, she rarely makes time for other people, and she takes her job very seriously. She is one of General Conrad Jackson's Lieutenants, a highly successful battlefield scouter and surveyor.

Viveka is based on Vanessa from FE8, Fiora from FE7, Riza Hawkeye from FMA, and Sango from Inuyasha.

Viveka is Swedish for "War" I believe, and Susann is Swedish for "Lily".

Full body portrait for those who would like to experience her FE girl sexiness in its completeness. (Saved twice. This pic is in PNG format to prevent fix degrades. The gif version looks more sprite like, but certain areas are blotchy, so the png version is the one I used.)


(She looks like Sailor Venus ... I know -_- )

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Hm. Her neck seems oddly placed in relation to her shoulders... or maybe one of her shoulders seems bigger than the other, more than perspective would account for. Can't quite tell.

Other than shading-matching the fullbody looks pretty good. Only problem with that I can think of is augh pants riding astride what (of course, the official FE characters aren't great about that either...)

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This is an unfinished portrait of a battle between a garrison and a platoon of wyvern riders. Looks pretty one-sided for some reason :/



Katie is not featured in the Six Seals story. She is a character from The Lord of Azure Flame Rp by Snowy_One. She's actually Snowy's character, but I wanted to sprite her so ... yeah ....

I don't have enough information on Katie to make a profile here. Her hair was already blue so there was little need to change it.

I have no idea who or what Katie is based on. All I know is that she can OHKO just about anyone in the party with her tome.

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Only thing that strikes me as a little weird is the ponytail on the first one. It looks kind of tacked-on, not really following the way hair flows.

Yeah I wastedspent twenty minutes trying to figure out how to fix that. I probably should have used a different ponytail. Maybe Vienna's. In the mean time this one'll do. If I find a better way to distribute her hair in the front, I'll get rid of the ponytail altogether and use a more Vika like coverage for the front.

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