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So, you sprited the NPC that's likely to be killed, just 'cuz? Niice.




Maybe add Derek & Alex to the queue?

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Three stuffs :D

I actually wanted to hold off on these for a bit(so I could post more images), but I realized that my next two projects are full bodies so it's probably best to separate them. Anyway, here's the latest batch of sprites/mugs/portraits/tachie.



Damian is Ether's main character in the LoAF rp. He's known for his sexually unethical past, but is an all around good guy. As for his actual relevance, he's the wielder of the Crimson lance Gae-Borg, and a Colonel in the Halton military, as well as the son of Bethold(CW forger).



Aiya is Damian's Lieutenant and a wyvern rider. I started the joke about her and her flying T-90(her wyvern is a bull wyvern which is several different kinds of huge). She sticks to swords for the most part, and is a victim of expertise capacity(no I will not go into this until the time comes muhahahahaaah). She's also Damian's lover ... the first in his heart I assume >_>'

For the curious ...

What it took to make Aiya:

Almedha's hair

Anna's head

Sigrun(FE9) mouth and nose

Mist's eyes

Jill's armor (resculpted)

Oscar's gauntlets

Sothe's knife (official artwork knife and sheath)

Full custom shiny badge thing



Verry is Psych's only relevant shadow mage girl in LoAF. The others are rumored to be killed off. If so, I will gladly do the honors. As for Verry, I liked doing "Verry bad idea" jokes about the mages, but if she's the okay one, then I'm fine with not skewering her alive(plus I develop fondness for characters I sprite so just watch how relevant Kamilla becomes once I sprite her), though the likely hood of her becoming a party npc is tragically slim.

=DDDD Awesomeness!!!

But as for Damian, while I'm sure the shirt is supposed to be light, it almost looks a bit too different compared to the rest of him. Maybe add saturation to it? But that also may make it look darker. =/

But they all look really cool! =)

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Upon having the shirt pointed out, I agree with Freohr that it just looks really awkward. You could probably just use a lighter shade of red.

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It looks like Damian's shirt is transparent or something. Wouldn't surprise me, but probably not intentional.

If Aiya and Damian are in the same army, shouldn't their armor be the same color?

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The purple armour is the regular Halton colour.Damian's armour is a different colour to distinguish him quickly from other troops,in times where there are new recruits,etc. and there isn't time to look for the crest.The red armour shows that he is the one in charge of the battalion.

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@ Damian's stomach

Yeeeeeah, that's leather armor actually. There was supposed to be at least an ab outlining so I used Volug's stomach as the base >_>'

@ Damian's ponytail

You won't believe how I made that thing.

I took Daniel's hair(the part in front of his face), and cut down to a specific portion. I replicated that portion about half a dozen times, placed them all together, then started fluffing up the sides once I got rid of all the saturation(grey scaled). Then I added the tip, and attached(it's a little big I know >_>' ). *whew*

@ Aiya's knife (originally taken from FE10 Sothe fanart as a base along with the sheath)

It looks weird because it's proportions had to be changed(unevenly) just so it would fit on her, and to make things worse, I had to actually reconstruct the thing(because parts covered by Sothe's hand were missing), and by then I'd forgotten what I was doing(temporary insanity). Probably should have blurred it a wee bit to help.

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First up is a little something for Kiryn since I found the time to do it. I put Kelas' arm in another position that was less out of character ... at least I thought it was-hell I don't know. In all likelihood it's probably in an even more out of character position this time. I'll probably touch up the shoulder some more in the near future but for now at least something's different about it.



Yes, she's still kinda cute for an apparently andgrogynous girl :D

Next up are Psych's other two PC characters from LoAF ...


RITA(left without headband thing:right with)

Rita is this rp's Mia basically, only more dangerous. She's already gone after two other sword fighters and injured one of them. She also has a crush on Kelas ... and maybe Isotov >_>'



Pary is Psych's priest character. He's a bit of a scrappy but he has his moments. Now that I've sprited him, he looks like a French crime boss. Psych didn't mind though so I guess that's fine, and the fact that he requested an open jacket forced me to learn a new trick.



Head: Ursula(official art)


Upper Torso: Ursula(official art)

Cape: Brunya (official art)

Legs: Florina (official art)

Trinity Tattoo: Full custom

Miranda was a magic tutor of sorts, a thunder sage, a sexy sadist, and also Iso's lover. She was very good at outsmarting Shanice and the demons that used to travel with him. She was killed by Shanice with the help of a magic seal, but that is likely not the last we'll see or hear of this woman :hat:


Long legs ... ... nothing like'em ....

Was gonna post all this stuff later but I know I'll be working on the HM for another week at least so no point in stalling. These folks need to see the light of the forum ... or something >_>'

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:awesome: Snike's back too, so she can fight Derek now.

She'll crush on anyone. *sarcasm*


Oooh! I helped Phoenix! Tell me about the new skill!


Nice. Very nice. But there's some weird lining on her right-handed thumb. And WTF is up with her hair? It washes out her face, and the shading is weird. Maybe outline it against her face.

Those are the only problems. Otherwise nice.

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This coming from the FE4 nutjob. I warned you guys she had FE4 hair. I wanted to change it at first but then I got lazy.

@ Skill

The skill is self explanatory.

Just look at the collar.

@ Kai

Also, Kai, why are you even looking at her hair? What about the*shot by Kiryn*

Edited by Phoenix
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Yeah ... I c what you did thar, Kai >_>'

@ Skill

No, how to open jackets >_>'

*waits for less clownish people to comment*

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......I thought that you just took other sprites for that. Didn't know. Huh.

You mean she gets arou- Ooooh. I see what you mean. Would have worked better with Katie though.

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CharlotteCharlotteCharlotte Yeah! :newyears:

All that's left is Alf, Arrin, Reika, Derek, Tessa, and CAPTAIN TRAVIS, HE"S OUR HERO! And Petros, Helenos, Berry, Marry, Megae, Ruby, and Taneir. But no one cares about them. >_>

Tessa's hair base seems like Sanaki.

Edited by psychout50
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@Kelas: Much better, though the upper arm seems a bit short. (Maybe it's just me, I dunno.) Now it looks like maybe she's in the saddle; right hand's in front on the reins, left is behind on saddle or arrows or whichever. @Androgyny: Meh it's not really that, more of FE doesn't believe in clothing loose enough to make it work. I looked for bases that would work for her tunic, and there really aren't any >_<

@Miranda: Meh seems a little off to me, mainly because the shading's very official-art and doesn't really fit in with the sprite shading that all the others have.

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OK, so, if we see someone like that, run as fast as we can in the opposite direction? Mmkay.

Anyways, HM's next on the queue, right?

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All that's left is Alf, Arrin, Reika, Derek, Tessa, and CAPTAIN TRAVIS, HE"S OUR HERO! And Petros, Helenos, Berry, Marry, Megae, Ruby, and Taneir. But no one cares about them. >_>

Ah hell >_>'

@ Current Queue: (still first come first served bases, though now I'm swamped >_>')

HM (parallels all other sprites)<---meaning that I work on this simultaneously

Arrin (As soon as Kiryn, sends details)


Alex (why is she relevant?)

<Placeholder><---for anyone I forgot that isn't listed though I believe Derek and Alex are the last ones


I'm sure I'm missing something here, just not sure what >_>'

@ Shading

I forgot to sharpen the shadings as usual so they're so smooth that they really don't mesh well with the rest of the actual sprite parts. I may update her sprite at some point.

@ HM

She's going to be tough(since I have to use a degraded image base right off the bat), but I will succeed ... somehow.

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